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Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
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Maidstone Kent England

0 posted 2001-01-25 04:28 PM

Webs Ensnare

You weave your web and then you set your trap
And unaware was I when it shuts with a snap
I saw only your glitter, as I tasted your wine
Unfortunate one was I for ignoring your sign
I heard the warnings ring, the bell was loud
But I fell in love with you that’s not allowed
Now my sweet hearts' song has turned so sad
When love turns off that’s when hearts go mad

You whispered the incantation to cast your spell
Waved your hands and then struck a magic bell
All that smoke and the mirrors were just a trick
Wouldn’t it be easier if my heart hadn’t got sick?
For the cure for heartache is not to love at all
For hearts that stay safe can’t be hurt by the fall
Free me to watch you play the game over again
And one day soon I won’t be suffering this pain

For it’s not the trap that causes the worst agony
The pain comes from your soul that’s killing me
Knowing that I’m held trapped here in your clasp
This is the torture that has me sobbing as I gasp
You don’t really want to continue to hold to me
But still you chain me not letting me go, fly free
Why don’t you release me from your hearts chain?
Set me free before my soul dies in this captive pain

I used to enjoy all your tricks seeing you deceive
Saying if I ever saw them their danger I’d perceive
But it seems that I was unwary as the others were
And their collective unhappy fate I now will share
What is the point in holding me here in your thrall?
I don’t want to be your little puppet or your pet fool
If you let me go now I’ll be able, just, to stand alone
But stay longer I’ll become as insubstantial as foam


Take back the hope you gave,- I claim
Only a memory of the same
Robert Browning

© Copyright 2001 Marsha Grace Melody Todd - All Rights Reserved
doreen peri
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1 posted 2001-01-25 04:32 PM

"For the cure for heartache is not to love at all
For hearts that stay safe can’t be hurt by the fall"

*sigh*... truer words were never spoken... and i totally identified with this one, marsha... as always, you say so much...  

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2 posted 2001-01-25 04:34 PM

this sounds so real, I think it should begin with "Dear....whoever!!!!!
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
3 posted 2001-01-25 06:52 PM

If this is real life talking, I'm glad YOU or whomever finally saw the light. If it's not, you've portrayed many real feelings here. Excellent! I love this.    
Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
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In the winds of Cherokee song
4 posted 2001-01-25 07:57 PM

Reminds me of a song in Pinnochio...."There Are No Strings On Me".   Wonderful write with loads of emotion.

If you find yourself stranded in a storm
...then reach for my hand and we will play in the puddles together

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-29
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Victoria Australia
5 posted 2001-01-25 08:14 PM

I loved this! BUT the day you become as insubstantial as foam is the day I become a dead eyed poetry jukie... oh I already am!
write on, pain's song

Those of us who refuse to risk and grow get swallowed up by life. Patty Hansen.

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6 posted 2001-01-25 10:07 PM

'I used to enjoy all your tricks seeing you deceive
Saying if I ever saw them their danger I’d perceive
But it seems that I was unwary as the others were
And their collective unhappy fate I now will share'

Great write, Marsha!  All too true sometimes!


Never leave me, never go...
I need you here, I need to know...
You will always be
Close to me

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Member Laureate
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East Lansing, MI USA
7 posted 2001-01-25 10:19 PM

Excellent love. . . always good to know that there are those that can see right through those webs. . .

Superb my friend. . .  


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

Janet Marie
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8 posted 2001-01-26 08:22 AM

I used to enjoy all your tricks seeing you deceive
Saying if I ever saw them their danger I’d perceive

sometimes we get caught in our own webs ..
sometimes we get caught in anothers ...

I guess thats why someone wise so long ago
wrote the old "tangled web we weave" verse.

another well done poem Marsha, you do your teachers and mentors proud ...
cute graphic
take care

"she calls me baby ...
she calls everybody baaaaby".
~jc mellencamp~ ;)

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
Posts 7423
Maidstone Kent England
9 posted 2001-01-26 09:19 PM

Doreen love, thank you, I think this is what they call residual feelings. But as always writing seems to cleanse me from it. And thank the Lord for that because nothing is so bad for the soul as negativity and pain. It's like it strangles what we are, wraps us in nights fears and stops us seeing the light that is there.
Thank you as always and I do mean it
Take care

IWTP, thank you love it was real, and it's the spring clean of my heart. Thank you so much for reading and replying it and I hope you enjoy yourself here at Passions
Take care

Sharon love, it was real life, what I call my sort of clear out of all those feelings that hold you back when you need to move on. Thank you love as always you are far too generous in praise, and I thank you so very muchly,
Take care love
Mark my friend, Thank you, mmmmm I've got no strings yes I quite like that. I do know that this actually came from the feelings of being trapped and held down against my better judgement. But I've walked that road before, and I will never go there again. Don't they say that all experience is grist to the mill, so this is just a reminder or those experiences.
Take care
Kethry love, you lie my sweet friend sweetly and wonderfully but you still lie love. As insubstantial as sea foam, as light and as bright as a bubble and frivilous to boot. But it matters not because, I have the most talented friends and i can steal their poems and rearange them and no one but they will know.   Hand over you best phrases love, I need some new ones.
Thank you dear heart and you know I mean it. (About her handing over all her phrases peeps not thanking her, she doesn't deserve it she's perfidious and treacherous! Aren't you love   ) Quick I better tell them I don't mean it, or I'll be beaten to a pulp by the KPCS (I'll leave you to work it out love   )
Take care love as always

SP love, thank you so very muchly love, as I've said my soul spring clean, and i do appreciate you reading and responding really I do.
Take care
Sven dear heart, thank you, I can try to see through the web love, and sometimes I can even totally avoid it. This particular time I didn't, and ended up rather like a fly caught and unable to work out how to cut myself free. But I did so this is me clearing away those last feelings.
Thanks love, for lots of things and you know you are appreciated
Take care love
Janet Marie love thank you so very much, although my mentors and tutors will tell you that given half a chance I will cruise it at the least opportunity. And it's true I'm afraid, they do have to crack the whip to get the least amount of work out of me. Half the trouble is that I can do it without too much effort, so I leave it for as long as possible, crank out one of my poems and say there I've done it, and it took ages. And they laugh and I give them a smile and honour is satisfied. But unfortunately for me, they all know me far too well now so they give time limits, and now I do have to work. Oh woe is me. I know it's good for my soul. And my poetry is improving I think, but it will never be in the same class as Passions Masters and Passions Mistresses, who all have graced my post with their presence.
Anyway thank you muchly
Take care love

Take back the hope you gave,- I claim
Only a memory of the same
Robert Browning

Member Empyrean
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
10 posted 2001-01-26 09:31 PM

You paint quite a picture here, mushy. I hope it's not the world wide web you're talking about!  

your descriptions are excellent!

Paula Finn
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11 posted 2001-01-27 01:09 AM

Marsha...mmm  mmmm  mmm girl...sweep those webs away...when you see them for what they are its easier to take a broom to the pesky little things...swat swat more ay

We all have wings...some of us don't know why

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
Posts 7423
Maidstone Kent England
12 posted 2001-01-27 09:20 AM

'Deer love, noooo not that web dear 'Deer, that isn't anywhere near as dangerous to me as the other webs. Thank you love I do appreciate it. Always good news to have the good guy on my side,   even if your hat is slightly smudged  . After all my halo isn't in place either. (Ask Kethry love, she'll tell you   ) But don't listen to anything else she says because..........
Anyway thank you muchly love
Take care love
Paula dear heart, we can spray them with truth and beauty love, and then they'll show up in the light. And once we've swept them all away, my doesn't the view improve love.
Thank you love as always
Take care kid
                   love ya to dear heart
                      be good but not too...

Take back the hope you gave,- I claim
Only a memory of the same
Robert Browning

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
13 posted 2001-01-27 09:53 AM

Excellent, my friend....

in what weave would you be woven
if not in my web of kind, pure loving
for I shall weave, but not leave
for this my web, it is my haven

there dear, some more lines for you to have fun with...I gift them to you with smiles.... and now, I get meself back off to work that I brought home with me....mutter mutter....

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
Posts 7423
Maidstone Kent England
14 posted 2001-01-27 01:44 PM

Kari love, thank you as always love, and I'll accept your gift with love, lord knows if it will be used as well as you would use it love, but we shall see.
Take care love
                  Majestic Marsha

Take back the hope you gave,- I claim
Only a memory of the same
Robert Browning

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
15 posted 2001-01-27 03:31 PM


Intricate webs of weaving ~
Sometimes catch others in deceiving ~
But oh, the joy I've beheld
At rapturous capture in the spell
of words so softly spun
that hold my heart in stuck delight
in gentle webbings of the night ~

I'm just a romantic little spider ~  
caught up in the web of desire !
Or on second thought ~
maybe I'm hoping to get caught ~
by the teasing weave of the fire !

Love your weave, lovie.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

since 2000-10-11
Posts 222
16 posted 2001-01-27 04:25 PM

Marsha, I love the closing lines: -

"I don’t want to be your little puppet or your pet fool
If you let me go now I’ll be able, just, to stand alone
But stay longer I’ll become as insubstantial as foam"

Even though we often know what is best we so often continue on a course that renders us "insubstantial as foam". It's not so much being "let go", but taking those brave steps, saying, "I'm gone; I'm worth so much more than this!".


Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
Posts 7423
Maidstone Kent England
17 posted 2001-01-27 07:41 PM

Margie girl, thank you sweetie, me too I'd rather have the romantic web any day. Thanks for everything if it wasn't for you, this wouldn't look half so good.
Thanks love
Take care love

Jon love, as I said this is a final clearing out of those feelings that do you absolutely no good whatsoever. Onward and upward as the saying goes. Thank you so very much to
Take care love

Take back the hope you gave,- I claim
Only a memory of the same
Robert Browning

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