Open Poetry #12 |
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A Question To All...If You Would PLEASE Respond ...(And More, read on, another question arises) |
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ATelamon Member
since 2001-02-06
Posts 328Purgatory, Last Staircase, Up |
Would You Being what and whom you truly desire to be If offered singular choice would can you answer what would you do Agreeing all matters are beyond unique will you even respond to this Trying Question Would you Die for Truth Or live each day a knowing lie I only wish to know. No what ifs, nor perhaps, ONLY BLACK AND WHITE YES OR NO Thank you. If you desire read the post on page two and respond to that question which was born of this one. "And the days have grown barbs, until nothing stands unbleeding." [This message has been edited by ATelamon (edited 03-04-2001).] |
© Copyright 2001 ATelamon - All Rights Reserved | |||
SEA![]() ![]()
Member Seraphic
since 2000-01-18
Posts 22676with you |
Give me the truth, no matter what! I won't lie to you, so I expect the truth in return. I refuse to live a lie. Excellent questioning........ ![]() [This message has been edited by SEA (edited 03-03-2001).] |
Krawdad Member Elite
since 2001-01-03
Posts 2597 |
Truth? comes only black or only white? like only day and only night? as dark of cave or bright of light? my life, so sadly? inbetween? in fog in haze it can't be seen? |
Kethry Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-29
Posts 9082Victoria Australia |
black or white the only choice and you expect to add my voice and truth or lie. "What is that?" If I told I'd have a cat no shades of grey to soften all I can't respond to your call black or white, the choice to stark and to both I sometimes hark truth or lie it is too hard I'll spin the dice or play the card not waver when the wheels in play but answer not yor write today. ![]() Kethry Those of us who refuse to risk and grow get swallowed up by life. Patty Hansen. |
John Yaws Senior Member
since 1999-10-09
Posts 860Texas |
Yes. |
Dee Member Elite
since 2000-08-19
Posts 2330Queensland, Australia |
I tell the truth whenever possible, but it would be a lie to say I have never lied. I have lied to protect others but never myself. Dee I wish you every happiness and may you always have the best of the good things in life. a brand |
Aimster Member Elite
since 2000-02-19
Posts 4297Charlotte, NC |
Truth...i've been told im honest to a fault...I'm with Sea on this one... i'd rather be given the most horrible truth than the most pleasant lies! Amy "A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart & can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words." |
Butterflies_dont_cry Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
Posts 3733Michigan |
I've lived in many lies....and felt to die for truth...yes I believe I would~ Fantastic work...poetry that gives reason to pause and favorite! Thank you!! |
Janet Marie Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554 |
"Being what and whom you truly desire to be" UNTIL "we" accomplish the above goal (and is that truly possible?) life IS a shade of gray ... and in our goal to "be who we truly desire" ... do "we" not in a way ..."live a lie"--while trying to live/find "the truth"? I can only most honestly answer ... ~I will die trying to be true to me~ I have lived a lie many times in trying.... sorry to answer a question with a question Life is not always Black and White... wrong or right ... dark and light ... for some ... the choices have been made for them. love to all in poetry land jm Strange ... the desire for certain pleasures is a part of my pain. ~Kahlil Gibran~ [This message has been edited by Janet Marie (edited 03-03-2001).] |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
'tis truth, we should not live with lies but when truth is told, should we compromise? |
Celeste Senior Member
since 2000-11-11
Posts 597 |
Having lost what meant most to me in life in this circumstance, I can only say I learned this lesson too late. Truth is a must. I ponder this. I'd have lost with the truth, for my mistake, but I should have given it instantly, for the other person involved. A selfish action. Oh what we learn from our mistakes. "The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new. Socrates |
ATelamon Member
since 2001-02-06
Posts 328Purgatory, Last Staircase, Up |
My Thanks to all for your responses. It appears that truth is a unanimous winner here. For those who choose to question the veracity of the "black and white" aspect, thank you also for your writing snd input. If you would, keep those opinions rolling in. I am greatly in all your debt. And sometimes, what we fear the most to say is Precisely what we should say. A bog of quicksand can be outmanuevered, even walked around. But build your life upon it, it will ineveitably come crashing down. Again thanks to you all. AT "There is nothing as forgiving and resilent as a heart, when open. And nothing so stony, impenetrable and cold, as a heart once closed." [This message has been edited by ATelamon (edited 03-03-2001).] |
since 2000-07-10
Posts 7423Maidstone Kent England |
AT love, those that know me well, know that I'm honest and I don't lie. Although to be frank I have lied, but only when the truth wasn't accepted for it's own sake. (And if you don't believe me, ask my friends, they will tell you that I am true) Would I die for the truth instead of living a lie? I would never lie to myself, so I wouldn't be living with a lie. I wonder if all those people who have suffered for their beliefs would say the same, and I think that generally they would rather live to proclaim the truth instead of dying before they had finished their work. Interesting thoughts for me to ponder. So do I tell the grieving mother that her daughter has no chance to live? Or do I say that with her prayers miracles happen. Do I tell the father of a teenager brought in with head injuries that he better prepare himself to be living with someone who has no quality of life? What do you suggest I say to the woman who is sobbing by the side of her husband whom she's not been apart from for the 40yrs of marriage? Do I say tough get used to it? No I think that in certain circumstanses then truth can be tempered with compassion and love and if that means I don't tell all the truth, then so be it. Take care love Mushy ![]() Take back the hope you gave,- I claim Only a memory of the same Robert Browning |
walker Member Elite
since 2001-02-11
Posts 2240Florida |
Funny that you've asked that because I hate lies, but I've had to swallowed some big lies for the sake of love.Its like my little cross that I have to carry. Thanks for asking! |
ATelamon Member
since 2001-02-06
Posts 328Purgatory, Last Staircase, Up |
This has worked better than I anticipated. Your questions in response to the same are as interesting and thought inspirning as answers. Again my thanks. This becomes more illumiinating all the time. Please tell me more. And if you desire expound upon your opinion. "For it is not the answers we provide to life, but the questions we ask, which truly define us" [This message has been edited by ATelamon (edited 03-03-2001).] |
Celeste Senior Member
since 2000-11-11
Posts 597 |
You are such a talented writer. What a wonderful discussion you've got going. I find it really sad when people live a lie and destroy other people in the process. But I firmly believe they, in the end, pay their price. [This message has been edited by dreamkeeper (edited 03-03-2001).] |
ATelamon Member
since 2001-02-06
Posts 328Purgatory, Last Staircase, Up |
I know there are an awful lot of gray areas in life. And the responses really show that. And more, we ALL make mistakes, everyone of us. I know of no exceptions. And it is nice to see many opinions voiced. Thank you all again. AT |
Janet Marie Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554 |
then may I ask ... what is your answer to this poetic question?... and what was/is your point or reason for asking? I am just curious. take care jm Strange ... the desire for certain pleasures is a part of my pain. ~Kahlil Gibran~ |
ATelamon Member
since 2001-02-06
Posts 328Purgatory, Last Staircase, Up |
A more than fair question you ask. First in regards to your intital response I agree in the practical, pragmatic world that the first "premise" or "condition" is nigh unto impossible to achieve. I tend to believe that life is a road and we can only go in the direction we wish to be. e.g. some people have said i am a pretty nice guy. Well I TRY to be a nice guy. And to me this requires a daily effort. But the equation is just that, one of words, a pholospher's query you might say. Hence the givens. My purpose is in part that i have just resigned from a very stable job at a state University, that I may fulfill a lifelong dream or two. And living the lie, was certainly what I was doing. If for nothing else than financial security. Modern technology has turned my laptop inot not just an office for writing etc. But also into a veritible recording studio. And since I rarely use anyone besides a drummer, this has freed me from enormous constraints. Thus I have chosen to not live a lie, but to gamble with the fates again. The rest is on a more personal level and will remain unaddressed. But there you have my motivation for this. And since yesterday was my last day, you see which choice I have made. Will I regret it? Time, the words and music I produce, will be the judge of that. I hope that answers you. And Good question by the way. AT "There lives within each dream, the beginnings of corporeal reality." |
since 2000-06-03
Posts 9543The Shores of Alone |
well, here I go, I am going to conflict with everyone here. I would rather have a lie that made me happy, than this hateful miserable truth that I am dealing with. So, in that respect, I would go for the lie, all the way. If we are referring to being true to yourself, I am all for it, I will do that always, I am never one to bow down or kiss up or what have you. Never could, never will, thus my sad under employed status ![]() And as to lying to others, I try not to, and yet would do so if it saved feelings. So again a gray area emerges. No I would not die for the truth, but there are so many different questions of truth and lies. Great contemplative write here. Thanks. Sandra |
Mark Bohannan Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269In the winds of Cherokee song |
Being the fact that life gives us truth in shades of gray always and lies seem to add color then I can see why some people find comfort in the lie, but speaking from what I have learned in life (and yes, I still am learning)the color gray may not be as exciting but you can always count on knowing where the shadows and shades are. It is hard to tell that in the rainbow especially when you consider that it up and disappears just as soon as the tears dry out. Great question ... and great responses from both sides of the fence. Good luck btw in your new venture. Somehow, I feel as if you made the right decision no matter how it turns out. No use in looking back in 20 or so years and wonder what if. |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
AT...doing what you must but not what you want out of necessity, in order to live (as long as not to hurt someone else) is one a lie that way is really not a's just a postponement of your dreams... I think and consider a lie to be one that is meant to hurt..I believe if you have withheld some truths that are better off left alone...then that is a choice that is example of this would be that if my husband was having an affair, I would rather know about it from my friends then find out later everyone knew but me and lied to me...(which happened) but then I wouldn't have needed all the details..they could have held that back...because it would hurt even more.... so there are some gray areas to truth and everyones truth is not is only as they each perceive it to be and many persons especially prisoners,for example, who are guilty, end up telling lies when they say they are innocent and I think it is a human defense mechanism that is needed by them to survive... I am sure I am way off the subject but I wanted to give you a few I myself try to be very honest...but there are times that I tell a "soft" lie... ~Wynter "The worst prison would be a closed heart". ...Pope John Paul II |
JLR Senior Member
since 2001-02-04
Posts 1785 |
Only B/W answers...only Y/N? Well, had you not allowed that first, before answering, I could be 'what and whom' I truly desire to be...I could not have answered within the given specs. But, if I were exactly who I would like to be, I would not only die for truth...I would live for truth. And that, I believe would be the more difficult of the two. |
Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
Vertical Horizon says "We're all covered in lies and that's OK!". I have lived through a lot of lies, though I am a very honest person and I tell the truth all I can. Sometimes a lie can be the best thing if a friend was in need of help or something, but the truth is more important in the most part. Great question, that really had me thinking! May love and light always shine upon you! Love, Noah Eaton |
Seymour Tabin Member Empyrean
since 1999-07-07
Posts 31720Tamarac Fla |
My answer is in a very strong wind the only tree that will not break is the one that bends. |
Voiceless Senior Member
since 2001-02-19
Posts 686Under the stars upon the wind |
The truth must be known.... ~*Peachy Be*~ |
JLR Senior Member
since 2001-02-04
Posts 1785 |
Well, now, see there...I hadn't thought about ST's answer. Bottom line---life is not B/W. If it was, I'd have all the answers. Only in an ideal world of total love could I live up to this standard. And as we know, it's not an ideal world or most of us would only write from happy. (I'm expounding, you said we could----Ha!) |
Dr.Moose1 Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
Posts 3448Bewilderment , USA |
ATelamon , After reading this yesterday , I found myself thinking about it upon awakening .What occurred to me is that perhaps I have already died for truth , as in almost every aspect of life , I am at contradiction with what I would have it be . The illusion that I am free , keeps me enslaved . The illusion of dreams , dissipates in the face of reality. Quite often I am among the walking dead , not having the decency to fall down , living the lie . To answer your question , Yes , in fact it seems I already have . Doc |
Brian Beaudry Member
since 2001-03-03
Posts 57Northern Ontario Canada |
Can We Be Honest If you were to ask a question of me That I thought would do you harm How would I answer, now let me see The truth or should I color it with charm If I was in haste and you asked me to stay For you really are in need of my time If I told you the truth and went on my way Would you consider me to be slime If you are possessed of a certain belief That I thought was way out of line And told you my thoughts quick and brief Would you accept me and say that it's fine When asked by the boss, how to improve The relations between management and us Should I tell the truth, or stay with the groove And say "There's no problems, why fuss"? If we met on the street after you did me wrong Would I confront you right there on the spot Or would I play coy, talk sweet and long While in my mind my emotions run hot If a person was hurt and going to die Would I talk of his upcoming death Or "You will be ok" would I softly lie As I listen to his last dying breath If you are the one and I'm deeply in love And to you I am just a good friend Would I tell the truth and risk that I shove And you run, bringing our friendship to end Being honest really isn't as easy as that We have to judge before we respond Will it be accepted or will it provoke combat In the end with our conscience we must bond Brian Beaudry Very interesting question,very difficult answer! |
VAS Member Rara Avis
since 2000-11-16
Posts 7450Oregon |
Often truth is merely a perception of the receiver, believer. There have been so many scientific truths that have been proven false. The thing about fact is, when all is said and done, no matter what has been said as truth, fact will be won. Yet, truth is a most important goal, and understanding it utmost. |
ATelamon Member
since 2001-02-06
Posts 328Purgatory, Last Staircase, Up |
So many answers expoundind different POV'S , what ifs, and scenarios. I had no idea the response would be thus, but it has been fascinating. Again my thanks, your answers have been intruiging. AT |
Bill Charles Member Patricius
since 2000-07-11
Posts 10619highways, & byways, for now |
Atelmon - Yes, as I have already died once, for truth. BC |
ATelamon Member
since 2001-02-06
Posts 328Purgatory, Last Staircase, Up |
I must say I see a very interesting thread within a thread so to speak. When the world is "gray" and more too complex as to be defined (quite admittiedly over-simplified response initiator), it would seem, we judge the reactions our truth or not would lead to. Now if this be the case, are we really avoiding the truth for fear of another's pain, or our own discomfort? Am I not telling someone the truth so that he or she does not hurt or so that I do not hold myself responsible for that emotion? Please respond if you would. Another view to ponder upon. Thanks again for all the wonderful input. |
inot2B Member Elite
since 2000-09-18
Posts 2205Arkansas |
It makes no difference if I tell you the truth or not. You will only believe my answer if that's what you want to believe. |
Paula Finn Member Ascendant
since 2000-06-17
Posts 5546missouri | in the eye of the beholder...what is true and truthful for me may not be for I lie? You bet...when I tell a kid that works for me he is doing a great job when all I want to do is shove him aside and do it myself...would he learn anything if I did that? Next week he will be doing a good job...Is it a lie telling my children things wont always be this hard? Sure it is...but they will never know the nights mom has spent in tears and terror wondering about the future...but I dont lie to myself...and prefer honesty even in shades of grey... |
Kerri S Member
since 1999-06-08
Posts 61Rhode Island |
I would pick truth nothing good can ever come from a lie. Not to mention lie's always catch up to you in one way or another and seem to cause more damage then the truth would have in the first place Kerri [This message has been edited by Kerri S (edited 03-05-2001).] |
JLR Senior Member
since 2001-02-04
Posts 1785 |
To the second I can answer in the here and now...i find my own pain easier to deal with than others, especially if I am the reason for that pain. And so, yes, I will lie to avoid pain...anyone's, including my own. Not a good long term way of conducting one's life to be sure and yes, often the lies do come back to haunt...but the best I can do at the moment. |
ethome Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
Posts 11858New Brunswick Canada |
If I had to lie to an enemy to save my daughter's life ....I'D LIE! The poet is like a cocoon; in him the caterpillar of the past finds rest, and from him the butterfly of the future emerges. |
CD Member
since 2001-01-27
Posts 101 |
In simple terms of morals and the general view of the world, I would tell the truth and die - than to live in the fear of a lie. However, what is the truth truly? Is it really a matter of morals that we for some reason have? What defines truth from the lie? For someone who believes the lie, it stays a truth until the "real truth" comes forward. Our reasoning of truth and lie is all based on our knowledge of the subject; all based on the subjectivity of our morals. An evil man may consider lying as moral/right. If someone told you that I stole a candy from the store - it would remain a truth to you, until I convince you that I didn't. Then that other person, you would reason, told a lie. So how do we distinguish between the truth or the lie? To tell you the "truth", I really don't know. CD |
Mother_Earth Senior Member
since 2000-11-20
Posts 13701/2 year Texas & 1/2 year Michigan |
AT, I think I am to the point where I am not sure if what I hear or want to hear is the truth or a lie. I try hard not to lie, but....... Trying harder, ME |
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