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Junior Member
since 2001-02-26
Posts 18

0 posted 2001-02-27 09:50 PM

Three thousand would-be Anthropologists
Beset my earthly place.
They moan and cry that only they
Can save the culture of my race.
There's one young man not only wants to be
A real live Indian, no siree.
He wants to be an Elder sought by all.
Expounding on the wisdom of our ancient law.
Next time he asks me how to reach
This lofty state,
And how to "quote, unquote" save
Indians from their fate,
By golly I won't have to put it
Into rhyme.
I'll coldly say, "Why man, you live --
A long, long time."

The truth is, Indian culture
Is very much alive.
We live our customs daily.
Old customs still survive.
We thank Creator every evening
For his care through coming night.
We lift our eyes each dawning
To receive the sun's first light.
We work hard at each given chore;
Reach out to touch a brother;
Instruct our children--and what's more
We cherish one another.
We treat our old folks with respect
And care for all their needs.
We bless the earth we stand on
And hate all lies and greed.

It's true that things have changed a lot
For the warrior's dropped his bow
To sit before a console
Watching missiles come and go.
And--whisper it between us
For the secret's just begun.
Don't tell the Anthropologist--
It would ruin all his fun.

The wedding was traditional
The service old and sweet
The little drums sang all night long
To lead the dancing feet.
We scarfed up all the corn soup
And the venison and bread
And all agreed these fine old foods
Left a fellow feeling fed.
But after all was said and done
And all the old songs had been sung
The Indian people wended home
Each to his humble palace--
And--whisper it beneath the rose--
They all were watching "Dallas."

© Copyright 2001 Sonagolese - All Rights Reserved
Member Ascendant
since 2000-12-22
Posts 6088
standing on a shadow's lace
1 posted 2001-02-27 10:11 PM

another great work,,,,,helen
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
2 posted 2001-02-27 10:19 PM

....some years ago, I wrote a brief on "Indian Law", and admittedly biased toward Indians, read the article among students who were mainly concerned about drugs, alcohol, driving, and some civil law. They were assuming briefs on the condition of the day. I chose to write a brief on the conditions of how we came to be.

Little did I know, the instructor had an Indian heritage.

But earlier than parents showed me a picture [it's location today I know not where] of my great-great-great-grandmother in Indian dress...she was beautiful! Unfortunately, my father died much too early, and my mother is gone now, as well, so I do not know anything more than that this woman was the maternal lineage of my father.

Many people claim to have Indian blood. I don't know that I have any, for certain....but, I can say...

what you have written, I feel. I know that is not enough, but I tell you the truth. And I do not think I could write what I do not feel, and observe, and know deep within my heart.

So please acknowledge, when I say, I understand. Thank you.

[This message has been edited by Sunshine (edited 02-27-2001).]

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