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Open Poetry #12
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723

0 posted 2001-02-20 04:10 PM

Loneliness is a living thing
A parasite eating my soul
An addition that lessens me
Denies me a way to feel whole.

It smothers smiles before they're born
Takes up too much room in my bed
Gives me silence enough to hear
The cruel voices in my head.

It pulls a shroud over my eyes
When to the future I would gaze
Distorting my depth perception
It distances happier days.

Magnifying all of my faults
It keeps screaming my lack of worth
Until I wonder what mistake
Could have resulted in my birth.

I'd like to lose this companion
That has attached itself to me
But since each breath is missing you
This partnership just has to be.

© Copyright 2001 suthern - All Rights Reserved
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United Kingdom
1 posted 2001-02-20 04:22 PM

So much depth and rawness that I'm not sure what to say.

Hug yourself for me and take care.

Love you

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
2 posted 2001-02-20 04:25 PM

Suthern....very well done....very, very well done....
Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
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New Brunswick Canada
3 posted 2001-02-20 04:26 PM

Now that's lonely! I think this is a great description of loneliness...many ways to explain the condition but these are so very poetic..."gives me silence enough to hear....the cruel voices in my head" and that ending tells it all...oh dear love seems to be the bane of all us writers doesn't it? This is so very good!!

The poet is like a cocoon; in him the caterpillar of the past finds rest, and from him the butterfly of the future emerges.

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
4 posted 2001-02-20 04:51 PM

RG: Your "Love you" said it all, dear lady. *S* Thank you!

Sunshine & ethome: Thank you very much for your kind words! *S*

since 2001-02-06
Posts 328
Purgatory, Last Staircase, Up
5 posted 2001-02-20 04:51 PM

A very strong piece. You words convey pain in a powerfully honest way.

Very well written.


"Time is merely change. It neither enslaves nor determines us. It is instead our opportunity for self-definition"

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
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6 posted 2001-02-20 06:13 PM

Suthern we have to get rid of that companion of yours. He's not very truthful ya know.

Your worth is more than it's weight in GOLD!
Your birth an even greater gift to us all.
HUGS Ruth!!
Love ya!


I know not what the future holds,
but I know Who holds the future.

I don't question YOUR existance - GOD

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Member Laureate
since 1999-11-23
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East Lansing, MI USA
7 posted 2001-02-20 06:22 PM

indeed. . . it's hard when you have to hold on to the companion to keep it. . .

excellent words. . .


To the world, you may only be one person. But to one person, you may be the world.

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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8 posted 2001-02-20 06:44 PM

Loneliness is a living thing

An addition that lessens me

Gives me silence enough to hear
The cruel voices in my head.

Distorting my depth perception

Magnifying all of my faults
It keeps screaming my lack of worth
Until I wonder what mistake
Could have resulted in my birth.

I'd like to lose this companion
That has attached itself to me
But since each breath is missing you
This partnership just has to be.

oh ruth you break my heart with this...
yet I relate so deeply to the feelings..
and you've expressed them with such aching depth...
that it feels almost rude to compliment the poem..ya know? .....
you have some very powerful lines here girl..
but this one sums it up with poetic truth.

"an addition that lessens me"

it does lessen and leave us weak ...

"Gives me silence enough to hear
The cruel voices in my head."

and I want to totally give you a lecture about that 3rd verse...but....YOU KNOW ...

and those last two lines....
*sigh*---oh how well I know.
intense and powerful work here my dear
thanks for a post...we didnt even have to beg

Love is my religion, I believe in nothing else.
To find that inspiration, live that inner vision.
Love is my religion...I believe in you.
~T Kimmel

[This message has been edited by Janet Marie (edited 02-20-2001).]

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
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Mobile, AL
9 posted 2001-02-20 06:47 PM

It seems I know this well. A very good poem.

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
10 posted 2001-02-20 07:13 PM

All the kind words in the world cannot make up for that ONE word that you long to hear. You have shown in this poem, an ache. Described it to a T. And I've been there now too actually. It takes courage to admit it. But now, I think you should smile. Because I believe in fate too. I believe that YOU have something incredible waiting for you. Something that will fill your heart with love! Be open to it.....(and if you don't think this can be true, just ask Prometheus! I read his palm a while back and it all came true!!!)
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since 1999-07-31
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United Kingdom
11 posted 2001-02-20 08:05 PM

Suthern: Good!! Cause you are loved, very much so and I know it's a different kind of love but it's just as solid, maybe even more so because we share a special relationship...not to many daughter's met their mum's on line, hey..

ok, HUSG...Grande Reserve!

Senior Member
since 2001-02-19
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Under the stars upon the wind
12 posted 2001-02-20 08:11 PM

Lonliness is both a cruel face but a reality we have to face at times.
you captured the essence of it in this beautiful poem.

Senior Member
since 1999-12-15
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Wisconsin, USA
13 posted 2001-02-20 08:17 PM

Missing someone can indeed be the depth of loneliness, you've described it very well. When you see yourself in the mirror give yourself credit for having a strength to get you through this. Hugs to you.
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
14 posted 2001-02-20 09:23 PM

I'm just *hugging* you tight !
A tenderly sensitive portrayal of loneliness
that engulfs each thought ...

'But since each breath is missing you
This partnership just has to be.'

I see and hear your joy when the other half of 'two'
is reflected in your mirror ...
Hold on tightly to the joy when you need it ...
and don't give up on YOUR half !

I love you, my friend.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
15 posted 2001-02-20 09:58 PM

I HATE to be called a liar!! Here I am thinking about how terrific of a person you really are and you are telling me you're worthless. A spanking is in order here!!!
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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16 posted 2001-02-20 10:46 PM

suthern--Not only are you a wonderful poet, who can explain something as isolated and cold as lonliness, with warmth, but you are a loving and caring person...hugs!!!!!
Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
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In the winds of Cherokee song
17 posted 2001-02-21 05:20 AM

Well, you know what I have to say about this and sometimes a little dusting off of the britches and turning to face the sun instead of walking away from it can get you started in the right direction. All takes time but anything worth truely having does and patience and sharing are two ways to find that warmth in life again. Besides, sometimes all it takes is a good laugh now and then and I know a few ways to make you find that laugh of yours. If you don't believe me ask Ms. Ross, or maybe you could ask one of those walking "you know whats". I have never seen one walk and I don't consider ever seeing one walk and now that will be the end of that .......RIGHT???!!! Hey, pads come in handy for other things too so don't toss them. okay. BTW........loved the write and loving seeing you post without begging going on. LOL Well, at least not in public anyway. You capture these feelings well in this piece and the cadence is really cool. Now I don't suppose you are going to hold a "colette" friend at bay for being happy about a sad poem so let's just say........bleed for now if you must but I will bet you soon it won't be bleeding so much. Put on your poker face there my friend.........and put away the mask.
Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
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18 posted 2001-02-21 06:54 AM

Only room for one in that mirror, a beautiful person...YOU

"When red-haired girls scamper like roses over the rain-green grass,
and the sun drips honey."
Laurie Lee

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines
19 posted 2001-02-21 07:29 AM

Loneliness is a living thing
A parasite eating my soul
An addition that lessens me
Denies me a way to feel whole.

It smothers smiles before they're born
Takes up too much room in my bed
Gives me silence enough to hear
The cruel voices in my head.

It pulls a shroud over my eyes
When to the future I would gaze
Distorting my depth perception
It distances happier days.

Magnifying all of my faults
It keeps screaming my lack of worth

without any of the rest this is a perfect sonnet to me and relates to so many... I read you, I heard you, I felt you this morning ~Sighing again {{hugs}}


"The worst prison would be a closed heart".
...Pope John Paul II

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20 posted 2001-02-21 09:23 AM

ok I already told you how great this is, but since the little one was with me most of the day yesterday and juggling little ones, computers, screaming government workers (not to mention the boss) oh and lets not mention multiple personalities either *g*...well suffice it to say I didn't get back to comment on this yesterday.
I know it is a comment on our lives that we write our best when sad and lonely...but...I really think this is the best thing you have captured lonely and put it in a gilded cage for us to see...and this I know, I am an expert on lonely you see.....really really perfect writing ruth, I can't even quote a single line...the whole thing is written in my heart

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
21 posted 2001-02-21 12:07 PM

Oh, my.... Oh MY!!! It's not often this suthern gal is rendered speechless, but your wonderful responses have left me completely flabbergasted! The first line started nagging me about a week ago... and I kept swatting it away, telling it to bring friends if it wanted my attention. *S* And when it did just that Monday night, I was happy enough just to package it up out of pester range... your kind responses are an unexpected but greatly appreciated gift. Thank you all so very much!

ethome: I was hurried in my reply to you and Sunshine. *G* Perhaps love is a bane... but it's also a blessing! *G*

ATelamon: And you're very kind. *S* Thank you for reading!

WhtDove: I've tried! I've tried! LOL. But the dang thing is worse than a leech. *G* You're the gift, lady... thank you!

Sven: Your "excellent" means much to me! Thank you so much!

Janet Marie: I wish you didn't have to relate so... but since you do, I know it succeeded. *S* As far the lecture... have at it. *G* Believe it or not, dear lady, I'm listening. *S* By the way... I hope you appreciate my sacrifice. *G* That was some cute begging crew! LOL

Temptress: That companion does get around, doesn't he? *S* Thank you!

PDV: My palm is against the screen... and my heart is overflowing with your understanding. Thank you!

RG: To say nothing of the fact that not too many mums are so near in age to their daughters! LOL Big hugs, Little Chick... I'm savoring that reserve vintage. *S*

Voiceless: Thank you for reading and finding it beautiful. *S*

Gemini: I try to avoid mirrors and have trouble giving credit... but I'm trying. *S* Thank you!

Marge: Your hugs and love are greatly appreciated... and reciprocated! *S* And how could I give up such a cheering squad? *G* Thank you!

Balladeer: Really????? YEEEEE-HAHHHHHH! LOL

Martie: Thank you, sweet lady... such words from a poet and person I admire so much are treasured.

Mark: Maybe a talk with one of those "you know whats" would explain to you why changing directions isn't an immediate process for some species? LOL. And what sad poem? Where? Someone has me giggling. *G* By the way... I'm not about to bet against you... you've peeked at the cards! LOL Thanks, cowboy.

Kathleen: You sweetie... Bless! *S*

Wynter: A sonnet? Really? Believe me, it was an accidental one! LOL. I'm sorry you felt... no one should have to... {hugs} back to you. *S*

zoe: Oh, let's DO mention multiple personalities... LOL! Now the question is - If I've captured it, can I let it go? *S* If so, hang on, lady... we'll trash it for the both of us! *S* Thank you, dear friend... your praise means the world to me.

Bill Charles
Member Patricius
since 2000-07-11
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highways, & byways, for now
22 posted 2001-02-21 02:03 PM

suthern - I knows how you feel. Loniness can be full of grief, especially when there is another living in the same place.


Member Rara Avis
since 2000-11-16
Posts 7450
23 posted 2001-02-21 02:08 PM

Powerful representation of the partnership with loneliness...but the bottom line is there was absolutely no mistake to your being born...only the miracle that brought you life. Thanks for sharing your life, well a portion of it with Passions...with me.
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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
24 posted 2001-02-22 11:25 AM

Bill Charles & VAS: Thank you so much! I really appreciate your comments. *S* And Bill... grief and loneliness do team up on us all too often... big hugs!
Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
25 posted 2001-02-22 12:34 PM

By my count that would be 24 oh, 'cuse me...............25 to 17...LOL I guess the birth announcement has been decided. Oh, I don't peek at the cards, I don't need to ... I just play the ones delt to me and try to make the most of them.

BTW ... " I Don't Believe " is a good place to start with the certificates don't you think. Wow.................two posts in one week......what ever will the world think of ya now?!!?

Member Elite
since 2000-10-13
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26 posted 2001-02-22 12:37 PM said you need sybil's help....
here??? on this one...right???? I did get it right this time didn't I????? *sincerely helpful look*

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
27 posted 2001-02-22 02:03 PM

Wrong place, Sybil, wrong place!!! ROFL... Take the gang and your sincerely helpful looks over to that cowboy's poem... and hurry!!! LOL

Furthermore, cowboy... I can still say nope... not that you listen. LOL

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
28 posted 2001-02-22 02:09 PM

ROFL.......cowboy has a band of bandits too ya know and most of them don't have last names or even middle names. Now are you going to write the announcements or what? Are you really going to leave it up to cowboy to announce twins knowing full well of the introduction that the world would get or are you going to give them the chance to be properly seen in the light of your wonderful, caring, sensitive, beautiful, protective, inspiring, kind, CO-OPERATIVE!!!,
witty, (how many more superlatives would you like me to come up with?) ways!!!!

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
29 posted 2001-02-22 02:27 PM

Ms suthern,

I have been instructed to warn you that any attempt at pulling the numbers out of whack will be dealt with in the form of a gang assault upon your post with many embarrassing overlavish praises. LOL If of course we ever find words that could OVER
compliment this EXTREMELY BEAUTIFUL EXPRESSION of lonliness. Now please, go check on the twins and make sure they are in proper order and POST!!
Please!!! See... smiles, kisses, praise, and all that stuff........don't ya know they are ready for ya?????????

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723
30 posted 2001-02-22 02:31 PM

Ummmmm... errrrr... Since I thought you'd see my logic in all this and POST already, you have the spellchecked versions! LOL
And these two posts in a row??? *G* YOU ARE CHEATING! LOL

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
31 posted 2001-02-22 02:38 PM

Both on the same thread of course with a simple...

~~~~~~~~~~*~~~~~~~~~~~ between them would be good. Ya know, Baby One and Baby Two!!!!

Junior Member
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32 posted 2001-02-22 02:40 PM

hey I don't really think you need my help, you seem to be doing pretty good all on your own...but sybil seems insistant on helping, I just goofed up jb's is wonderful dear lady....and I ditto mark *bg*
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