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0 posted 2000-12-03 04:14 PM

The World is Watching

The world is watching, while we are crying
the world is watching, while we are dying
while people from outside named the Laskar Jihad
are killing my people drive them apart
and when they murder, they do it extra ordinary
pieces of body's you will find everywhere.
these useless war separate family's, even man and wife
intrude with madness, destroying many lives
the Laskar Jihad don't care if you are an innocent kid
nor either if you are old and helpless or sick.

The Indonesian army have taken part in this strive
don't protect the native people when they run for their live
they are the one who start the many attacks
while the Laskar Jihad follow them, that's an awful impact
with automatic weapons, rackets and grenades
against my people who defend themselves with weapons the've made
by themselfe as guns, arrows and bows
isn't this destruction of people, isn't this mean and very low
and yet the world is watching us, while we are crying
yes the world is watching us, while we are dying.


please pray for the Moluccan people, the plan is to destroy all the Christians before Christmas. Don't let this happen.


© Copyright 2000 Theresia A. Makatita-Poortman - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2000-12-03 04:22 PM

They will be in my prayers. Scary thing that this is going on.

Congrats on 1000!

[This message has been edited by Elizabeth (edited 12-03-2000).]

Poet deVine
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2 posted 2000-12-03 04:23 PM

A wrenching poem! I will pray for them, don't worry....
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 2000-12-03 04:26 PM

Oh, dearest Charisma~
How sad ... how sad.
Would that peace could be upon this world
and that the only arms brother would take up against each other would be the arms of love.

How I cry for the plight of your people.
I pray God ... to stop this treacherous slaughter.
*Hugs* for this write, my friend.

Continue to reach out and tell the world ...
for too often we do not truly see the tragedy of others.

*For your 1000th post ... I am thankful
that you are safe to write it.
God bless.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
4 posted 2000-12-03 04:31 PM

Charisma thanks for sharing from your soft heart...I will pray...James
Member Patricius
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New Brunswick Canada
5 posted 2000-12-03 04:39 PM

Charisma I feel so bad that your people are being abused so terribly and I'm so glad that you make the points that you do. The world sadly does sit around and watch as these terrible acts of inhumanity continue and I don't know what to say other than my prayers are with them and hope they will find relief soon...I'm very happy for you to make it to your 1000th post I have enjoyed reading your work...I just wish it could be on a happier note..take care...ethome
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Listening to every heart
6 posted 2000-12-03 04:48 PM

You and yours, in prayers...

If I whisper, will you listen?...
I would rather be silent and write, than speak loudly and be bound.

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7 posted 2000-12-03 05:11 PM

Elizabeth: yes it is scary and that's why we need attention and a lot of prayers, thank you for your kindness.

PoetdeVine: thank you for your willing to pray for my people.

Marge: thank you for your warmth thougths, and kindness, I am safe indeed, but there are still family, and my people...and we are quite helpless here.

james: thank you too for your prayers, they are more than welcome.

ethome: your prayers will help to safe my people, I am quite sure about that, praying is also a mighty weapon.

Sunshine: thank you my friend.

Member Rara Avis
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Victoria Australia
8 posted 2000-12-03 05:23 PM

Stunning is too mild a word to describe this fabulous write, but stunning is what it is.

Prayers that your voice will rage against the night
Prayers that the world will stop this sorrow's plight
prayer's for the faith to unify and hold
and hugs to you my dearling for poetry pure gold.

Congratulations on the 1000th post.
Write on

Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant - Thoreau

Tony Abbot
since 2000-11-18
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North Wales,UK
9 posted 2000-12-03 05:28 PM

A moving piece about an all too real situation.I can only hope it is resolved soon.

'Humankind cannot bear too much reality' T.S.Eliot

Lone Wolf
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10 posted 2000-12-03 09:19 PM


Congratulations on your 1000th post here at Passions!!  May your people be safe and peace blanket your land my friend.  You are in my prayers.


Poetry should surprise by fine should strike the reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts and appear almost a remembrance. -J.Keats

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East Lansing, MI USA
11 posted 2000-12-03 10:23 PM

Allow me to add my congratulations and hope that you and your people will be at peace one day. . .


That which gives light must endure burning
--Victor Frankl

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12 posted 2000-12-04 07:23 AM

Kethry: thank you for your wonderful reply your prayer and your beautiful poem, thank you for the hug, just when I need one.
it's always a pleasure to read your comments.

Tony: yes it is to real, wish that it wasn't so...thank you for reading and your reply.

Lone Wolf: thank you my friend, your prayers are highly appreciated.

sven: thank you, and I hope that with you too. 2 years of violence is much to long.

serenity blaze
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13 posted 2000-12-04 07:55 AM

My heartfelt prayers included, Charisma.
since 2000-11-29
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New Jersey, USA
14 posted 2000-12-04 08:36 AM

** I loathe oppression of any kind..and I too will pray for these people..**



"I can live by myself, but not within myself."

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15 posted 2000-12-04 08:36 AM

My prayers are with your people Charisma..such a terrible thing to be happening...HUGS


A poem is never finished, only abandoned.
- Paul Valery (1871-1945)

Janet Marie
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16 posted 2000-12-04 08:48 AM

Charisma....what a wonderful gesture to use your 1000th post to offer a plea and a cry for help for your fellow country men and women
powerful poetry and Images ...
very well done...
thoughts & prayers go out to you all ...
congrats on your landmark post...
thank you for so many wonderful and kind replies to my work that make up some of that 1000th.
take care

I looked into the sky for my anthem
The words and music came through
But words and music can never touch the beauty that I've seen
Looking into you

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17 posted 2000-12-04 09:14 AM

thank you Serenity for stopping by and include your prayers too.

Mutington: your prayers are highly appreciated, thank you.

Victorie: my greatful thank for your prayers too.

Janet Marie: I wrote this poem with a lot of tears, and this poem shows only a lil bit of the tears in my heart.

It was always a pleasure to replying on your poetry, cause you write fabulous poetry, and are a real precious poet here in Passions.

I am the one who is honoured by all of you wonderful poets of passions, who takes the time to read and reply my poems.

Thank you all for giving me so many credits.



Daniel J D
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18 posted 2000-12-05 06:04 PM

The tragedy of it all is that most people on earth do not really care about what is happening there. I get so upset and frustrated that in an age where we have the weapons of peace "Dialogues" that governments like the Indonesians keep getting away with such atrocities. It is baffling to also find such great NGOs who profess that they work in the name of peace, keep achieving nothing to stop the hurting and the pain the innocents endure. Good on you for your wonderful message.

Respond to my call and let the waves of my heart fill your life with the wonders of love
(Daniel J D)

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Member Rara Avis
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Deep in the heart
19 posted 2000-12-05 06:15 PM

Now in my daily prayers.  Thank you for educating me.

Live for love. Without love, you don't live.

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20 posted 2000-12-06 03:48 AM

Charisma my dear, I wipe away my tears as I see in this post of 1000th you wrote the pains in your heart...

In my prayers sweet lady

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21 posted 2000-12-06 03:58 AM

This is so sad, my prayers and thoughts are with you and all your people. What is the world coming to when we are killing each other and it's like it is normal this really saddens me and makes me angry that people do this to each other.
Floating my winged ~HUGS~ you way sweetie
Take care

Love is the life of the soul...
It is the harmony of the universe

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22 posted 2000-12-06 07:45 AM

Daniel: I know what you mean, and I know that you have a good heart too, reading your poetry, and now you know why your poem "view from above everest" touched me deeply, cause children are wearing weapons too in this useless violence. thank you for stopping by.

Interloper: thank you for your reply and prayers.

Cocobaci: thank you for sharing your tears with mine.....and for sharing your prayers too, we need them so  badly.

tracie: thank you for your hugs....and you are so right, but it still happen, it still going further......and I am greatful that we are in your prayers and thoughts too.
((hugs)) back.

Member Rara Avis
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Somewhere... out there...
23 posted 2000-12-06 08:32 PM

   wow...what a sad and powerful write
   to mark your 1000th post...
   my thoughts and prayers are with
   you and your people...may the
   violence end and be replaced by peace..


"...until you have read the verse on his
heart, you have not truely met the poet."

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24 posted 2000-12-06 08:56 PM

Charisma--It takes one voice, your voice, to say what needs to be said...and you have said it with the heart of many in your words...I wish you peace and send my prayers.
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25 posted 2000-12-06 09:00 PM

Your poem brought me to much is
taken for granted here in the USA and poetry
like this needs to be read from the roof
tops...God Bless you Charisma my prayers
will hold the request of your poem and
congratulations on your 1000th post, your
heart and love shined in it as brightly as
the stars that blanket the sky tonight~

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26 posted 2000-12-07 09:23 AM

Vicky: I hope that with you, all we need is peace and get our lifes back. your prayers are so welcome.

Martie: thank you for your kind words...they ment a lot for me.

Butterfly: oh we are calling from the roof tops.....but we people don't like to listen to sad news....thank you for your kind words and prayers.

I want to thank you all, your prayers are so needed, every day we hear some sad news, than k you all, I am very greatful for having this family here.

love ya all.


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Member Rara Avis
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The Shores of Alone
27 posted 2000-12-07 09:27 PM

Oh , this makes my problems seem so small. I will pray for you and all of the people involved. You certainly brought this home to us in a powerful way.
(PS Congrats on #1000)

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28 posted 2000-12-08 08:39 AM

Sandra: thank you for your kind words, and your prayers are so welcome.
thank you for stopping in.

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