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Lady Ollyne
since 2001-01-08
Posts 337
East Coast

0 posted 2001-01-08 05:59 PM

My Love,

Embracing memories, only of thy face
and very little recall of thy voice,
I lay in shadows of many a moon
that has been swallowed in the night skies,
only to once again, be phasing whole.

Such beauty I behold,
knowing thou hast viewed the same
yet with such silence, I am filled.
Lest mine dreams be only dreams forever,
per chance, shall mine eyes catch sight of word
in such a timely manner?

Having lost all want of attending
by suitors other than thou,
I remain in empty chambers,
night after night, awaiting word.
Tears spring from mine eyes,
as darkness falls, and as each morn awakens me
and still time hast past by
without sound of thy voice,
nor word from thy pen.

Worry begets me, pervades my thoughts.
My heart is filled with love for you,
my darling, and wishes you Godspeed.

Your Lady, in Faith

< !signature-->

"O, learn to read what silent love hath writ:
To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit"...Shakespeare

[This message has been edited by Lady Ollyne (edited 01-08-2001).]

© Copyright 2001 Lady Ollyne - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 2000-09-18
Posts 2205
1 posted 2001-01-08 06:09 PM

May your dreams be answered. Hopefully time will fly by and he will come back to you.
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
2 posted 2001-01-08 06:34 PM

Oh Lady...I feel as though I've stumbled upon a very old desk and hidden in a secret compartment in the very back, this letter from the heart.  Enchanting!  Welcome to Passions!
Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263

3 posted 2001-01-08 06:57 PM

Oh welcome, welcome, welcome, this poetry is fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!

"Every man dies.
Not every man truly lives."


Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
Posts 3448
Bewilderment , USA
4 posted 2001-01-08 07:01 PM

I regret that that I know not of whom you speak , for surely his is a most noble quest
which inspires you to speak of him with such flowered phrases .May his journey and return
be both swift and complete .

since 2000-05-08
Posts 307
San Alejandro, HI, USA
5 posted 2001-01-08 07:05 PM

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-04-30
Posts 7563
Spring, Texas
6 posted 2001-01-08 07:18 PM

Loved this!  Not up to your level, but couldn't resist trying a poor reply.

'Tis not that mine heart hast forgotten thine name,
'tis but these chains binding me to dungeon stone
that keeps mine love from showering rainbows
o'er thine soul, dear Ollyne;
hold tight to our dreams, lose not the love we share,
cry not in despair, fill your heart with the memory
of our last embrace; soon, when the moon is but a sliver
in nightime sky, I'll come to you again.

Lady Ollyne
since 2001-01-08
Posts 337
East Coast
7 posted 2001-01-08 07:48 PM

   seconds fly as if hours in wait for  
   mine dreams to be answered...

My Dearest Martie
   hidden within mine heart are the sweetest
   memories that keepest me from stumbling
   in the darkness of each passions eve...

Sweet Rose Of Ire'
    a welcome by thee brings mine cheeks
    to flush

Bowing gracefully to you,
     Lady Ollyne

"O, learn to read what silent love hath writ:
To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit"...Shakespeare

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Ascendant
since 2000-08-12
Posts 5869

8 posted 2001-01-08 08:01 PM

warm wonderful poetry..hope to read more memoirs..


A poem is never finished, only abandoned.
- Paul Valery (1871-1945)

Lady Ollyne
since 2001-01-08
Posts 337
East Coast
9 posted 2001-01-08 08:07 PM

  Regret not the whom of which I speak, as
  his quest, indeed, takes him from me for
  a fortnight or more. I journey with him
  in mind, press to his thoughts desires,
  gathering for him all good wishes
  to be sent on the evenings breeze, to
  caress him in his slumber, filling his  
  dreams with kisses, of a safe return.

  I thank  thee,
  Lady Ollyne

< !signature-->

"O, learn to read what silent love hath writ:
To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit"...Shakespeare

[This message has been edited by Lady Ollyne (edited 01-08-2001).]

Lady Ollyne
since 2001-01-08
Posts 337
East Coast
10 posted 2001-01-08 08:28 PM

     I thank Thee for welcoming this Lady.

     Mine level is of equalness to all upon
     passions ride...
   Oh, mine heart fills with the wonder of
   thee, yet bound by a love, this one
   searches for the morning skies to dust me
   in colours, bright.  And come the
   twilight, I shall be glittered by the
   stars that fall unto me, gifted from
   the Gods above, laying calm to restless
   thoughts of thee. Until then...

   Pleased by your words *s
   Lady Ollyne


"O, learn to read what silent love hath writ:
To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit"...Shakespeare

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
11 posted 2001-01-08 08:54 PM

This is my kind of poetry, and I have to agree with the others...soft and pretty and antique in a lacy sort of way, and smelling deeply of jasmine...

oh yes, WELCOME to Passions...and check your e-mail for a special message!

If I whisper, will you listen?...
I would rather be silent and write, than speak loudly and be bound.

Lady Ollyne
since 2001-01-08
Posts 337
East Coast
12 posted 2001-01-08 09:13 PM

Lady ~Victoria~
     I have many treasured memoirs, enough to
     warm even the coldest of winters.

     This Lady thanks Thee *s

"O, learn to read what silent love hath writ:
To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit"...Shakespeare

Senior Member
since 2000-02-26
Posts 1862
Regina SK; Canada
13 posted 2001-01-08 09:17 PM

Beautiful piece.  Welcome to Passions!!


Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
Posts 9543
The Shores of Alone
14 posted 2001-01-08 10:56 PM

Very beautiful, and your style is my favorite. You and Sven should do a ppoem together..

Lady Ollyne
since 2001-01-08
Posts 337
East Coast
15 posted 2001-01-09 12:27 PM

Lady K,
  A wonderful gift awaited my opening,
  words of mine own in card, thank you for a
  welcomed response.

  Lady Ollyne

< !signature-->

"O, learn to read what silent love hath writ:
To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit"...Shakespeare

[This message has been edited by Lady Ollyne (edited 01-09-2001).]

Lady Ollyne
since 2001-01-08
Posts 337
East Coast
16 posted 2001-01-09 12:33 PM

   Passions can evoke beauty *s

   'Tis wonderful to know another enjoys the
   the style in which this lady writes.
   Sven, whom I must admit is an exceptional
   poet, need only post his own words to
   have others delight in them,. *s Yet I
   thank you most kindly for the thought.

    Lady Ollyne

"O, learn to read what silent love hath writ:
To hear with eyes belongs to love's fine wit"...Shakespeare

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