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Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
Posts 7423
Maidstone Kent England

0 posted 2000-12-28 11:47 AM

The Choice, Marks' Beauty

How do you rate beauty, can you pick out the brightest star
Is it possible to look at magic and say that is the best so far
In a bunch of perfect roses which one has the sweetest scent
Can you choose an angel and say she from heaven was sent
Within the heart of a diamond would you see fire in just one
Where in the unbroken circle was the line ended or begun
These are all impossible choices, options far too hard for me
Beauteous visions these miracles full of wonder and mystery

Can you split the rainbow, divide up the colours one by one
How do you count the stars or say when the heavens begun
In the depths of a flower can you see where it holds its form
And within the lightening flashes can you fathom the storm
Inside a heart can you see the love or the questions it asks
Behind the person can you see their different faces and masks
The unanswerable mysteries the quests for truths held inside
Mysterious fragmented dreams that reveal less than they hide

Can you hold a snowflake and see the miracle of its design
How many moments are there within the eternity of all time
Do you hear music within your ears or is it within your heart
The movement of the wind is it seperate or is it a vital part
When a heart finds love is it there at the very beginning or grows
And the water of a river does it ever stop in its ebb and flow
The enigmas and conundrums the answers that I'll never seek
For the magic is such a true part it is not for me to take a peek

For these reasons are why I don't wish to make a single choice
For me to define which is beauty would take an angels' voice
I can't count the drops of water that become the mighty ocean
I cannot say where the wave began or halt its perpetual motion
I can't ask the wind to stop or even hold it here within my hand
I can't choose a star and say she shines brighter, you understand
The part that is pure beauty is an intrinsic piece of the whole
And your writings are wondrous they pierce my unworthy soul

I've read tham all in wonder they have caressed my very heart
They were, right from the beginning, Passions essential part
From Balloons Of The Heart, which carried me aloft in the sky
To Please Don't which carried inside it your softly tender sigh
In Eighty-nine Flickers I bathed in scented sensous surrounds
And in Arizona's Beauty I was awed by the deserts unique sounds
To choose amongst such wonder is much too hard a task for me
For when I read the words you've inscribed I can see real beauty

The Storm awakened emotions they called in accents clear
And A Taste Of Love whispered in words that banished my fear
I sat beside you Livingroom Stream and watched the dream
I danced as my spirit heard the Bluebird Messenger calling my team
Just Add A Guitar you said and I marveled at the skill of your art
Then my soul sighed loudly, deeply as she read Contract Of Heart
Understand that each time I read you my heart is on open display
I cannot choose just one no matter what others can do or will say

In a Rose Petal Bath And Orange Blossom Bed I discovered my heat
It affected me so powerfully I could hardly believe its amazing feat
You said Sing To Me In Silence and I lie back to rest my tired head
And in Quiet Comfort I smile as I hold my love here within my bed
We've danced together in loves waltz across your Rainbow Bridge
And had Dreams Of A Holiday which start at loves hallowed ridge
How can I opt for one when in my memory they all live and shine
To choose just one is like saying the artistry of Michelangelo is fine

Every single word is etched here written in gold inside my thirsty heart
To try to seperate beauty is impossible for me to even make a start
Your poems are incandescent they shine with love and truths purity
The choices are far too difficult for a soul as simple as the likes of me
I Wonder at the beauty and I can feel the power flow ever on and on
Of A Poet's Vision of this your enthralling and ever enchanting song
Please don't make me choose because it's just an impossible act for me
I can't bear to be the one to say that  this is it, this one is Marks' Beauty


< !signature-->

Take back the hope you gave,- I claim
Only a memory of the same
Robert Browning

[This message has been edited by Marsha (edited 12-28-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Marsha Grace Melody Todd - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
1 posted 2000-12-28 11:48 AM

He does provide
impossible choices
and all favored
by many...

well done Marsha!

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

2 posted 2000-12-28 12:26 PM

How do you rate beauty, can you pick out the brightest star
Is it possible to look at magic and say that is the best so far
In a bunch of perfect roses which one has the sweetest scent
Can you choose an angel and say she from heaven was sent
Within the heart of a diamond would you see fire in just one
Where in the unbroken circle was the line ended or begun
These are all impossible choices, options far too hard for me
Beauteous visions these miracles full of wonder and mystery

Can you split the rainbow, divide up the colours one by one
How do you count the stars or say when the heavens begun
In the depths of a flower can you see where it holds its form
And within the lightening flashes can you fathom the storm
Inside a heart can you see the love or the questions it asks
Behind the person can you see their different faces and masks
The unanswerable mysteries the quests for truths held inside
Mysterious fragmented dreams that reveal less than they hide

Can you hold a snowflake and see the miracle of its design
How many moments are there within the eternity of all time
Do you hear music within your ears or is it within your heart
The movement of the wind is it seperate or is it a vital part
When a heart finds love is it there at the very beginning or grows
And the water of a river does it ever stop in its ebb and flow
The enigmas and conundrums the answers that I'll never seek
For the magic is such a true part it is not for me to take a peek

For these reasons are why I don't wish to make a single choice
For me to define which is beauty would take an angels' voice
I can't count the drops of water that become the mighty ocean
I cannot say where the wave began or halt its perpetual motion
I can't ask the wind to stop or even hold it here within my hand
I can't choose a star and say she shines brighter, you understand
The part that is pure beauty is an intrinsic piece of the whole
And your writings are wondrous they pierce my unworthy soul
Marsha,  over and above the wonderful and sincere tribute you have penned here for Mark and that in itself is beautiful ...
this poem is awesome...
I just earlier today replied to one of your other poems and said it was one of your best..
I take that back if you dont mind...
this is my choice for that now...
the use of metaphor and imagery in this is absolutely brilliant..
the poetic comparisons are superb
those first 4 verses could stand on their own
as a poem of grace...
wonderful writing...
wonderful tribute to a poet I love dearly and worship like all here.
he is a gift.. to poetry and to passions and to my heart each day in the friendship we have built.
take a bow for this one girlie,
you've earned it

Some people find subtlety in strangers
if you find anything~let me in
Your eyes~you see everything
my eyes~I see it all together now~and I know

Deputy Moderator 10 ToursDeputy Moderator 5 Tours
Member Seraphic
since 2000-01-18
Posts 22676
with you
3 posted 2000-12-28 01:38 PM

Marsha~ your talent grows......your star shines bright..........your beautiful heart beats for us all to enjoy.......hugs to you sweet friend.......this is GORGEOUS!!!!   Mark will love this I'm quite sure    -SEA
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
4 posted 2000-12-28 01:43 PM

Y'know, on a second read, I think I'm going to step aside...

this is lovely Marsha, and it showcases your growth...

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
5 posted 2000-12-28 04:40 PM

Marsha, you have more than grown my friend.  You are reaching the stars in this one for sure and I am so honored and humbled that I could hug ya to death.  For you to tribute this one to me being the fact that it is so lovely is a great honor which I don't take lightly at all.  I agree with JM on this one that you have penned a masterpiece in the first four stanzas alone and I think you should take those four verses and post them on their own with a tribute to YOUR growth.  This is truely remarkable in every line and I thank you from the bottom of my heart.  Now go write for YOU my friend.  I guarantee you that if you keep penning like this your club of fans will be voting in a president of their own for you.

A life with love will have some thorns, but a life without love will have no roses.
author unknown

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
Posts 7423
Maidstone Kent England
6 posted 2000-12-28 07:40 PM

Kari love, do I thank you twice? Well even if it was a hundred times that, squared and then multiplied by its squared root. It still wouldn't do. Thank you muchly, what do you mean you'll stand aside, you will not, don't cede your place in the sun light love. Now we'll have no more of that Kari, you will not hide in the shadows, you will take your proper place center stage. (I did tell you I worked in a theatre once didn't I treasure? .... they call me treasure because I've got a sunken chest. Boom boom!) No I haven't been at the entonox.   It wasn't the hospital theatre kid, it was a playhouse.
Anyway thank you love, very muchly.
Take care kid
               Majestic Marsha
Janet Marie, Oh goodness love, I'm overwhelmed I really am. I really don't know what to say except thank you. But it is something I don't feel that I deserve. I did I admit put some work in this, and it was more effort than I usually put in, but then Mark is certainly worth some effort on my part. My team are all campaigning for the big vote tomorrow. Well it'll soon be today, actually. And there's no way that when it comes down to it I can use my vote, I cannot do it. And as I tried to tell them all again that I can't do it, this began forming, and so I wrote it down. Then spent what would have been my break finding just the right phrase and voila. But I'm sure that the MBOOPAS will be all sadly disappointed with me for my lack of decisiveness.
Anyway I thank you very muchly.
Take care
Circe love, I thank you truly, although I keep thinking well never mind, if I hadn't had the interuptions that I've had today, then it may have been better. But then it may not, I'm just hoping, one day my expectations may be satisfied but not yet I think.
Take care kid
Mark my dear sweet friend, what can I say, except that which I have already. I thank you and just wish that it shows just how much I admire and respect your work, and adore your kind heart. And if you think I deserve a tribute then I'd ask you to write it. Because the only words I can think of, which always come out in the annual appraisals are, could do better. And I know that, but you know I really don't like to work too hard, well not at what I get paid for anyway. And as for taking it and posting it as a seperate poem, it is a tribute to you and for you, so I think not love.

Thank you muchly
take care kid

Take back the hope you gave,- I claim
Only a memory of the same
Robert Browning

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-29
Posts 9082
Victoria Australia
7 posted 2000-12-29 02:48 PM

I missed this one before, I don't know how. But let me tell you one thing, it's your Slushy, Mushy absolute best...until the next one.
And the poets are right...My how you've grown!
write on, belong

Religion is for people frightened about going to hell - Spirituality is for people who have been there. Anon.

Lady Lightning
since 2000-12-04
Posts 422
8 posted 2000-12-29 02:56 PM

Marsha...How well you put all his peices together..Not any easy task...But you did it and with all the beauty we know you have ..I don't have to say I loved this, you knew I would... Hugs..~LL~

The way to love anything is to realize it might be lost. author unknown

Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
Posts 3733
9 posted 2000-12-29 03:06 PM

Marsha* Your added effort to this one most definately shines through...beautiful write~
since 2000-12-26
Posts 68

10 posted 2000-12-29 04:56 PM

everyone loves this guy, no seriously, this place is just boiling over with love-starved poets but they are quite nice....
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
Posts 7423
Maidstone Kent England
11 posted 2000-12-30 11:54 AM

Kethry love, Oh how much I thank you for that, it is so sweet of you. If it is good then it's a flash in the pan. I doubt if I have any more in me love. (Okay affirmation time I think) I am what I am. Now I'll say it until I believe it. And you too girl.  
Take care
LL, thank you sweetie, you know I really do appreciate you don't you.
Take care
BDC, thank you, I really do thank you. Take care, and I hope you are feeling better
Take care
Lana, We all do, he is an essential part of Passions
Thank you
                Take care

Take back the hope you gave,- I claim
Only a memory of the same
Robert Browning

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