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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart

0 posted 2000-12-16 11:01 AM

In the Shy of the Light

there is a moment of peace
that with vibration softly hums
when first the earliest light
of shy green sunrise comes

nanosecond split of light
breaking 'way from the night
in this moment, shy of day
as emerald eyes come to play

not many see this emerald revealed
in sunrise's prism first unveiled
except those who arise with thee
come stand in early, watch with me

then through the passage of the day
the Sun attends its charted way

there is a moment of peace around
that with vibration softly sounds
when first the sunset shimmers last
and purple first comes to cast

soft twilight filters over all
and takes with it into the night
the set of day in all its bright
soft now into this purple twilight

and in this peace come to me
cherish always how it should be
that as day has passed to the night
emerald eyes now in the shy of light

If I whisper, will you listen?...
I would rather be silent and write, than speak loudly and be bound.

© Copyright 2000 Karilea Rilling Jungel - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 2000-05-13
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High Springs, Florida
1 posted 2000-12-16 11:08 AM

VERY..VERY..NICE... i'm not usually caught up in nature poetry..but this..this is awesome stuff sunshine..very wonderful!

thanks for sharing this with us!

hugs, g

"people who need people are the luckiest people..." barbra s.

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Member Seraphic
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with you
2 posted 2000-12-16 11:44 AM

"not many see this emerald revealed
in sunrise's prism first unveiled
except those who arise with thee
come stand in early, watch with me"

(I'm up at 5 am M-F.......I get to see the sun rise every day of the week.......on the weekends.......I better not be up before 7   )

This is gorgeous.......the picture of the marina makes me miss the ocean so bad......beautiful pictures!   Beautiful poem   -SEA

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
3 posted 2000-12-16 02:59 PM

dg, perhaps some of us "nature lovers" can convert you...LOL...glad you enjoyed...thank you...

SEA...I awake at 5 every day...regardless of clocks or alarms...glad you liked the graphics...thank you for your comments...

If I whisper, will you listen?...
I would rather be silent and write, than speak loudly and be bound.

brian madden
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since 2000-05-06
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4 posted 2000-12-16 03:02 PM

a very serene and beautiful poem. I could gaze at such a scene for hours, give me a call next time you witness such splendour.  

"an afixiation a fix on anything the line of life the limb of a tree
the hands of he and the promise that s/he is blessed among women".
Patti Smith

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2000-12-16 03:13 PM

Lovely, lovely, lovely.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
6 posted 2000-12-16 05:03 PM

Sunshine, I know that moment well and you have described it is a moment of such peace and quiet and beauty...the soft beginning of day creating reds, yellows, purples, and a myriad of colors that are not seen the rest of the day....and the quiet is so crystal is a sight that no one can look at and not believe that God exists....thank you for the view from your pen....
John R
since 2000-12-14
Posts 141
Toledo OH
7 posted 2000-12-16 05:26 PM

Beautiful and well versed poem.  There was a movie that made mention of the flash of green, but I can't remember which one. It was aboard ship at sunrise.

If a dream touches us,
it exists to us as anything
else that touches us.

Member Ascendant
since 2000-10-03
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8 posted 2000-12-16 05:45 PM

*sigh* I felt that peace as I read through this magnificent poem. Thank you so much for sharing the vision. Much love to you from me.
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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-10
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Maidstone Kent England
9 posted 2000-12-16 06:03 PM

Kari, this is indeed one of your utter best. It is so beautiful it's really terrific, you are so good when you write about this love. Really great and wonderful writing, as always. Do I love it? Don't I always? I only tell the truth love.         
It's the best  
Take care
                  Majestic Marsha

Take back the hope you gave,- I claim
Only a memory of the same
Robert Browning

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lost in blue pages
10 posted 2000-12-16 06:26 PM

oh my......what a beautiful description of this part of the day.......great imagery, and the graphics fits it well.....
superb Kari


Gentle Spirit
Member Patricius
since 2000-10-09
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11 posted 2000-12-16 06:39 PM

Sunshine, this is truly lovely imagery.
You have captured the essence of the moment
oh so well.  Well done my friend.  *s*

On the wings of words our spirits fly, and our souls are free. ~me~

Lone Wolf
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Lansing, MI USA
12 posted 2000-12-16 08:01 PM


Wonderful imagery and graphics.  They go so well together.  Beautiful poem.  


Poetry should surprise by fine should strike the reader as a wording of his own highest thoughts and appear almost a remembrance. -J.Keats

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
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In the winds of Cherokee song
13 posted 2000-12-16 09:13 PM

Third attempt at posting to this beautiful piece.  Well for sure you captured me with the imagery and the beauty within your words and this one most definitely goes in my library under "Peaceful Moments From Heaven".  Now who is getting the imagery lessons?  I do believe it would be me.

A life with love will have some thorns, but a life without love will have no roses.
author unknown

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Member Laureate
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East Lansing, MI USA
14 posted 2000-12-16 10:30 PM

in the sun's light
are dreams known
and lessons learned
for the light is a teacher
and we, the students. . .

wonderful Sunshine. . .  


That which gives light must endure burning
--Victor Frankl

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines
15 posted 2000-12-16 10:34 PM

breathtakingly  beautiful, sunshine...I love the title too and as  Mark  is doing I am  saving this one to lift me up on those other days..thank you


"The worst prison would be a closed heart".
...Pope John Paul II

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
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The Shores of Alone
16 posted 2000-12-16 10:42 PM

Very lovely. Anything close to the water is perfect for me, though I remember sunsets in California the most of all.  (I am not an early morning girl )
Enjoy 5AM tomorrow.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
17 posted 2000-12-16 11:25 PM

Brian, I'll give you a call...but I don't meet many who get up as early as I do...LOL...thanks for coming in for the read...

Marge, thanks thanks thanks....

'Deer, the view is from my eyes and just stemmed to my pen...thank you for your lovely commentary...isn't it nice to share all of this with each other through His grace?...

John R...I had read of such in an article, but if you ever come across the title of the movie, let us know?...thank you...

Startime, you are quite welcome, thank you for reading...

Marsha, we all know you don't answer unless you love it...utter thanks right back at you...

Thank you Charisma...Gentle Spirit...and Charisma...

um Mark? What happened to the first two attempts? LOL...thank you, I have been learning from the masters, believe me!...

Sven, what a unique comment, thank you...

Wynter, titles do pull one in, don't they...thank you!...

I promise I won't call, Sandra...unless you letl me know first...thanks for reading...

If I whisper, will you listen?...
I would rather be silent and write, than speak loudly and be bound.

Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
Posts 11858
New Brunswick Canada
18 posted 2000-12-17 03:05 AM

Calm, cosy, creative, comforting, caring poem about mother eyes sagged with the peace of it all.....See ya Sunshine at sunrise!!
Junior Member
since 2000-12-16
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Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
19 posted 2000-12-17 03:15 AM

Just getting home from a very stressful night at work... reading this has soothed me a great deal. Beauty describe at its best you've not only shown beauty but you've written it! Excellent!


Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
20 posted 2000-12-17 07:20 AM

Ethome, you up yet? Still dark out 'round's going to be a good day! Wuld have answered sooner but had to let the dog out...Thank you...

Cassandra, you have the lovely name of a dear friend of mine from years back that I've lost touch with...Welcome to Passions. Glad to hear that you are enjoying the poets around's a wonderful home. Merry Christmas to you! Thank you for reading...

If I whisper, will you listen?...
I would rather be silent and write, than speak loudly and be bound.

Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
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21 posted 2000-12-17 09:05 AM


"If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day,
so I never have to live without you."

Winnie the Pooh

Senior Member
since 2000-12-10
Posts 622

22 posted 2000-12-17 10:04 AM

   "Emerald eyes now in the shy of light".  You've opend up a door to a utopia! Beautiful.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354
Listening to every heart
23 posted 2000-12-18 11:22 PM

Irish, my goodness, you're happy...thank you!...

Athena, that's my favorite line too...thank you for noticing...

If I whisper, will you listen?...
I would rather be silent and write, than speak loudly and be bound.

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