Open Poetry #10 |
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Bittersweet Goodbye To All At Passions |
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Honeybee Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
Posts 5372Ontario, CANADA ![]() |
If only I could stay with the ones whom I admire so much, my mentors, my friends, who inspire me to new heights, evermore, my heart you shall deeply touch, your poetry made me smile and cry, it made my spirit dance, my soul did sigh as my very essence took flight upon the carpeted wonders that your words wove, but, even the most beautiful of pleasures must someday die, as I, must now say goodbye, for, the person I once was when I arrived here has now vanished into the night, I no longer can write even the simplest of verse, the pen of my life now only exists, but no longer lives, but, always remember that my respect for each of you shall have no end, sadly, I must leave for a time, with a tear, I say a bittersweet goodbye, my dearest family and friends ~To all poets here, you're the reason why...... The beauty of poetry gives my soul wings to fly free within dreams~ *I have been thinking about leaving for a while now, but couldn't bear to leave this amazing group of poets and friends, I am addicted to this site ![]() ![]() Okay I've rambled long enough ![]() Take care, Melissa Honeybee |
© Copyright 2000 Melissa P. Long-Monette - All Rights Reserved | |||
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
You are a wonderful poet, Melissa. I think we all go through periods when we feel that we just don't have it anymore. Perhaps you just need a break, until you feel inspired again. Hurry back! ![]() Denise |
passing shadows Member Empyrean
since 1999-08-26
Posts 45577displaced |
yep, been there, done that...still may do it again, but Melissa, thanks for sharing of yourself here. I do hope you can return refreshed. |
ggrn3 Member
since 2000-08-17
Posts 433Nahunta Georgia U.S. |
Honeybee You peotry has so much feeling Why must you buzz away now You wrote a gem the other day And all I could say was "WOW." You are an amazing poet And all I can say is please don't go I'll give you a nickle for your thoughts Or I'll be up the creek without your flow. So stay with us here at Passions Your talent you haven't lost I especially love to read all you post But if you leave, it will be Passions LOSS. Honeybee It's ultimately your choice, but please stay. We all love you here. Garfield |
brian madden Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
Posts 4374ireland |
Melissa, you are an extremely talented poet and I hope that you will return soon, but I can well relate. I am just hanging on to inspiration with my bare teeth. Will be sad to see you go, I shall have to get my fix in the archives. Take care and do pop in everyone and again. There is plenty room in the back seat where I shall be come mOnday. Anyway, take care. ![]() "an afixiation a fix on anything the line of life the limb of a tree the hands of he and the promise that s/he is blessed among women". Patti Smith |
vlraynes Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
Posts 8229Somewhere... out there... |
melissa- i don't know you very well, but i do know that i truely enjoy your poetry. i'm sure everyone here has felt that lack of inspiration from time to time, and i respect your need for a break. hope you won't be gone long though. ![]() be missed. -vicky "...until you have read the verse on his heart, you have not truely met the poet." -vlraynes |
since 2000-05-31
Posts 3076PA |
Melissa, I as well do not know you that well.. but I do know that I have recently began to read the poems you post..and I like them. You are a wonderful and talented writer.. please don't ever doubt that. I sincerely hope you don't decide to set down the pen and stop creating the writings you do. I wish you luck.. and hope to see you come back to us soon. I know that I for one will miss your writing and you sweet replies. rp25 |
Marge Tindal![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-06
Posts 42384Florida's Foreverly Shores |
Melissa~ I'll miss ya', poet girl ! Go in peace and return when you've found it. You are a poet and that's something you take with you wherever you go. You also are a very, very caring person who has touched many a heart here with your kindness. I shall miss my favorite shade of red ! LOVE YOU ! Take care and take a Hug ! May much love and happiness find you in it's keep. Buzz back when you're ready ... we'll be here. ![]() Love~ ~*Marge*~ ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~ [email protected] |
Corinne Member Ascendant
since 1999-10-28
Posts 5167state of confusion |
Melissa, we'll miss you, but we understand. Life has a way of interrupting the creative flow, but I think you'll find yourself coming back to it. Best to you! Corinne |
JamesMichael Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336Kapolei, Hawaii, USA |
Very poetic and beautiful Melissa...take care hon...James |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Melissa, we all go through times when we feel drained and empty, believe me. It's almost like eating a full meal and knowing you can not eat another bite. Guess what? When you get hungry again, you eat again....and poets always get hungry again. Enjoy your hiatus and hurry back when the hunger pains become unbearable ![]() |
WhtDove Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245Illinois |
Melissa you don't have to go, you can always remain a part by reading and talking to everyone. We all go through times when we wonder if we have it in us anymore. Then one day wham, it hits and you grab that pen. Mine are few and far between. If you truly feel you must leave, I wish you the best! But I hope you'll still hang out with all your friends here!! <*\\\>< I know not what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future. |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
I do so enjoy seeing your name pop up and like a lovely bee, you've gone from poet to poet, encouraging us all with your buzzing and because of you, we have all grown. Our garden will not be the same without you...we need you here, if only to read for the while, so that the honey will flow from our pens... I hope that during your haitus, things work out, and you can come back and enjoy this, your second home... Karilea When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ |
Butterflies_dont_cry Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
Posts 3733Michigan |
Melissa* I shall miss you!! You have the courage to post what many won't and in doing so touch the hearts of many along the way. All of your work comes from your heart as do your shall be missed. Wishing you the best...take care of YOU!! |
Kethry Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-29
Posts 9082Victoria Australia |
Melissa, little honeybee Go away, ...we set you free take the nectar from our song if it helps you move along but remember we wait here if once again you need our cheer cross pollinate with the world return to us with wings unfurled. I will miss you Haikus HugsKethry "It is the image in the mind that links us to lost treasures; but it is the loss that shapes the image, gathers the flowers weaves the garland."- |
EagleOne Member Elite
since 2000-03-07
Posts 2829Between a laugh and a tear... |
You are certainly a poet of talent and you will be missed. We shall eagerly await your return, take care! "The heart and soul have no illusion of boundries when friendship is the quest" ~ My Angel. |
Mark Bohannan Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269In the winds of Cherokee song |
Now HOW am I gonna get along without your sweet replies but more than that YOUR POEMS. Your pen from the heart and share with us SO OPENLY that it is an honor to have rest our eyes upon your works. I do so hope that you will be back soon and we will definitely keep a light on for you. Go find that part in your life that you need to find to spark your muse again and KNOW that we will miss you. You are one of the veins of life support around here so we will definitely be missing you and wait for your return. BE WELL and as my sweetie so often says...."TAKE CARE OF YOU" |
Jenn E Senior Member
since 2000-08-02
Posts 589Kelowna, BC, Canada |
This is very poetically honest.......I have learned also that if YOU don't take care of YOU....YOU are no good to anyone else........So hurry back.........AND BY THE WAY......don't ever say you are not any good......I think anyone who has the courage to pick up a pen (or keyboard) well, don't pick up the keyboard or it would be hard to ya....back to what I was who has the courage to write and share it for all others to read.....IS A POET!! Inner strength...we all have it......I hope you find your way to yours..... Soft Smiles ![]() Jenn E |
JP Senior Member
since 1999-05-25
Posts 1343Loomis, CA |
![]() Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn. JP Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so. B. Russell |
since 2000-07-10
Posts 7423Maidstone Kent England |
Melissa how I'll miss you. I adore your work, I know others have said don't go, and I echo that. Although it's your choice, as it should be, but your work is so unique, so special, that I shall be lost without it. You always seem to have such a fountain of beauty within you, which pours out everytime you write. Please don't be a stranger, lots of hugs to you, and take care of yourself. Marsha |
Elizabeth Santos Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269Pennsylvania |
Melissa, Soothe your soul and rest your mind But please don't leave us all behind When the time is right to write again Please pick up your poet pen And come back home to us again Lots of hugs Liz |
Honeybee Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
Posts 5372Ontario, CANADA |
I am going to cry at all the sweet replies that I have received. I didn't think that I would get so many replies. THANK YOU ALL! ![]() Take care, my friends, Melissa The beauty of poetry gives my soul wings to fly free within dreams |
Sunnyone Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
Posts 5334Staffordshire, England |
Melissa.... My reply only echoes those that went before me. I just really wanted to say that yes, you truly are a great poet, and only those who doubt their art keep striving to perfect it......that's what makes greatness in any creative field. There are times when we need to step away and reflect and see new points of view. We all understand where you are at, and will welcome you back with wide-open arms!! Isn't that what family is for?? Take care on your journey...... Today is a gift.... That is why they call it 'the Present'! |
Jon Mewett Senior Member
since 2000-03-04
Posts 1304 |
Well Melissa I only just came upon this today.....I too say take care and hurry back. This poem of mine you so astutely unlocked is here for you again. When I was a wide-eyed child Of maybe six or seven While idling in the garden once I caught a glimpse of heaven It was down the winding leafy path So far away it seemed Just beside the Lilly pond That’s where I’d sit and dream My back against the old oak tree My time I’d sit and bide Inside the big old rambling bush Sometimes I’d run and hide I’d lay and dream of childish things Like fishing and huge haystacks Finding birds nests on a walk And playing lone black jacks This was an early summer morn The dew still on the ground With an old log for my pillow I heard a wondrous sound Squatting on my new grazed knee Through the bushes…underneath I saw a ………flower fairy Dancing on a leaf My eyes were stabbed with wonder At the small and elf like shape Her wings were like a dragonfly’s And petals formed her cape She pirouetted round and round And hummed a lilting tune And as she sang played with the breeze Her face was like the moon The beauty of her song and dance The day at her command When she got weary she’d sit and sip A dewdrop from her hand Everywhere she lightly touched Became a lightning glow With stardust falling from her hair It amazed and thrilled me so The radiated happiness Filled all the den around But when her name I tried to guess She was gone without a sound I can recall it vividly The imprint on my mind I call her Columbine to myself She was so sweet and kind Many lifetimes past since then The childish vision dimmed But I remember Columbine When song and laughter brimmed So now when turmoil takes its toll I lay as in a trance I close my eyes and cast a dream And watch the fairy dance Jon Mewett Take care Jon [This message has been edited by Jon Mewett (edited 09-24-2000).] |
Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
Posts 14774Ontario, Canada |
You will be missed Melissa! Had it not been for reading so many of your beautiful Haikus, I may never have given them a try myself! You have a wonderful talent ... give yourself some rest, however long you need, and you'll find as we all do, that the inspriation comes flooding back. Take care, and stay well ... Best wishes, /Kit |
Janet Marie Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554 |
Melis... Poets are born...its a gift given...just like painting or singing. NEVER doubt your talent... WE all have been witness to it here... if you dont believe me..go back and read all your many glowing replies ... the gift lives inside of you... it will always be there... our muses become distracted and tired with all our lives throw at them... as you know Ive struggled with this often.. take all the time you need... heal and make new discoveries ... find new inspiration in the sunshine ... then come back and kick our poetic butts ![]() take care of you for us later-sweet=bee-gator jm |
Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA |
Melissa my friend. . . While it will be sad to see you go. . . I know that it's what you must do. . . you have grown so much in your time here, and we have grown because of you. . . I hope to see you back here very soon. . . and remember, if you ever need a friend or someone to talk to. . . we're here. . . ![]() Strength and hugs to you my friend. . . fly now on your wings so free. . . --------------------------------------------------------- That which gives light must endure burning --Victor Frankl |
kaile![]() ![]()
since 2000-02-06
Posts 5146singapore |
but Melissa, this itself was such a beautifully penned poem ![]() take a rest if you must but dont give up okie ![]() |
Irish Rose Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263 |
![]() Melissa, I too know the bittersweet and the struggle one has sometimes with "am I really a poet?" and "are my words up to par?" or my all time favorite "who wants to hear this thread?" I'm hear to attest to the fact that a poet is given a gift at any given point in his or her life and once accepted, it never leaves. Yes, sometimes we have to let it sleep for a time, and that refreshes us. Sometimes when no one replies, or few do, we think "well, I guess I don't have what it takes, I'm not expressing it well enough" but you don't know who read and simply didn't respond. Maybe they were in tears and couldn't see the keyboard or maybe they just didn't know what to say. We write to be famous? No, I don't believe a true poet does. For money? Nah! How priceless is the gift of poetry? It is beyond anything I could place value on. It's part of the human soul and poets will never, ever run out of rhyme. So, if and when you return know this. You are every bit of a poet because you were given an unreturnable gift. Now, you wouldn't want to return that would you? You know, the lines are so long, why don't you just keep it and open it again real soon! Kathleen [This message has been edited by Irish Rose (edited 10-05-2000).] |
angelswing Senior Member
since 2000-02-10
Posts 705United Kingdom |
A poem I wrote about someone else, to be honest, but it applies now more than ever ... Midnight sunshine . I'll remember you at midnight, When the moon is full, I'll remember you at midnight, When the sandman rules, I'll remember you at midnight, Underneath the stars, I'll remember you at midnight, Whether near or far, Whatever time of day it is, I'll remember you, You'll always be there by my side, My one and only you . Written by Tom Baker .© You do realise were all gonna become emotional recks if you leave, lets just hope you get anogth inspiration and time to come back soon, before we all go mad . What you've given is much, and what you take with you is just as great - you will always have many friends here . Pop back as often as possible . You'll always be my 'honey'. L.of.L. Tom . Don't try, do or do not, there is no try . - Master Yoda - |
OLIAS Senior Member
since 2000-06-20
Posts 1090Pearl city Iowa |
Whats this I'm away for two minutes and your giving up, where is my rock, my muse, don't do it Melissa. Your Friend Olias |
Moon Dust![]() ![]()
since 1999-06-11
Posts 2177Skelmersdale, UK |
Ah you'll get it back someday. Me I went last year without writing and i'm back. ![]() ![]() Sometimes you have to let go and move on, But never let go of the memories. |
juliet_2u Senior Member
since 2000-07-23
Posts 1125North Carolina |
Melissa, I'm so sorry to see you go. You've been so kind to me and you will be sorely missed. I do understand the need to do this though. Take care sweet one and hope to see you back one day. Hugs, Juls |
SEA![]() ![]()
Member Seraphic
since 2000-01-18
Posts 22676with you |
Melissa~ I think you are an amazing and VERY talented poet, you know I love what you write. Please come back. I will miss you. ![]() |
lucky Senior Member
since 2000-01-17
Posts 1601Idaho |
I hate good-byes... So I will say "till we meet again... Love and caring, Dale |
Honeybee Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
Posts 5372Ontario, CANADA |
Thank you to all who have replied within that last 2 days. But I decided about a week ago that I was in fact staying! ![]() Take care, Melissa Honeybee The beauty of poetry gives my soul wings to fly free within dreams |
tracie66 Member Elite
since 2000-01-18
Posts 4713Australia |
Melissa~ I'm so glad that you are now staying but I will still say this to you sweetie Firstly you are a wonderful poet but hey even if we are not that great it doesn't matter because we are all loved here at passions and everyone gets encouragement. This is the place to be and the place to share thoughts and emotions through words and isn't that what poetry is??? who cares if our work may not flow properly at times or rhyme perfectly it's what is being said that matters (well just my thoughts) Glad you're staying hon, hope to see more of your poetry soon and if your muse has vacated the building just pop in and read some and maybe the inspiration might drive her back...well I've rambled on way too long Love ya Tracie~ Love is the life of the soul... It is the harmony of the universe |
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