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Open Poetry #10
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since 2000-07-05
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0 posted 2000-10-01 11:34 PM

Some things you never know until its time is done
Like how beautiful the day was...till the setting of the sun
I never felt your love, coursing through my soul
Until without you here...I wasn’t completely whole

Walking away to use the gifts that you so freely gave
Looking back would be like revisiting my own cold grave
The view today is so much darker than before
Longing for sunshine smiles to rain on me once more

I reach to hold you close and feel your tender strength
But you’re not here....because I held you at a sheltered length
I start to speak and share a moment of my trying day
A tear rolls down my face...wondering if you are feeling the same way

I claimed never to have felt love the way you did explain
How is it that I could remain dry...while standing in the rain
Now as I start on the journey to hope that I must take
I know now I love you...because I just felt my empty heart break

© Copyright 2000 Tears_of_Grace - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2000-10-01 11:40 PM

Great writing!  Wonderful elaboration of 'you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone!'  I loved it!


Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: 'it might have been.' -John Greenleaf Whittier

Paula Finn
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2 posted 2000-10-01 11:47 PM

Oh how i wish I could break a promise made and send this to someome might help in a decision being made...thank you
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3 posted 2000-10-01 11:57 PM


     It is sad that we don't apreciate what we have until it vanishes.  This was well written and I'm glad I stopped for a read  

~~Tara aka rp25 :o)

Mark Bohannan
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In the winds of Cherokee song
4 posted 2000-10-02 12:32 PM

I claimed never to have felt love the way you did explain
How is it that I could remain dry...while standing in the rain
Now as I start on the journey to hope that I must take
I know now I love you...because I just felt my empty heart break

To me these lines say it all.  I don't know the situation but if he loves you and you love him then I wouldn't waste too much time in hurting.  Staying dry in the rain?????  Come were soaked....let him know how you feel and take that plunge....sorry if I got carried away but as you will see from me ..... sometimes I do.LOL...just some advice from a little ol cowboy...hope to see much more of your work.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2000-10-02 12:44 PM


'How is it that I could remain dry...while standing in the rain'

That's a lonely spot to be in ...
sometimes you've just gotta let it all
hang our and go for the gusto !
Hope you can just take a chance and let
that someone know.

A breaking heart is a lonely thing to hold alone.

Very nicely done.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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lost in blue pages
6 posted 2000-10-02 12:50 PM

Some things you never know until its time is done
Like how beautiful the day was...till the setting of the sun
I never felt your love, coursing through my soul
Until without you here...I wasn’t completely whole

thank you for this words, it could be me made me think, thank you for sharing your words with us

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Florence, SC, USA
7 posted 2000-10-02 02:28 AM


     Beautiful! But don't let "you don't know what you've got till it's gone" be your cliched epitaph; I agree with Mark, if you love him, go to him, give him that love. If he still loves you, he'll take you back into his heart. Very well done; powerful writing.
                             - Jeff

since 2000-07-05
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8 posted 2000-10-02 11:14 AM

Thank you all very much for reading and giving your wonderful advice. I could give you the same advice if the rolls were reversed, why is it we can give but find it hard to follow     Thanks!
Janet Marie
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9 posted 2000-10-02 11:52 AM

Some things you never know until its time is done
Like how beautiful the day was...till the setting of the sun
I never felt your love, coursing through my soul
Until without you here...I wasn’t completely whole
A tear rolls down my face...wondering if you are feeling the same way

I claimed never to have felt love the way you did explain
How is it that I could remain dry...while standing in the rain
Now as I start on the journey to hope that I must take
I know now I love you...because I just felt my empty heart break
Hello again Tears~ ...
you couldnt know this but you write my heart
in this emotinally touching and heart felt poem.
I like your stlye...will be keeping an eye out for your work.
take care

since 2000-07-05
Posts 50

10 posted 2000-10-02 06:53 PM

What a compliment, coming from a writer of your talent, yes I've been reading, it's an honor, Thank you JM.
Moon Dust
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Skelmersdale, UK
11 posted 2000-10-02 07:12 PM

So very true, I definately like this and relate so much. I hope you find happiness.

There are enough colours in the world,
To paint your own dreams,
You won't get them,
Till you try.

serenity blaze
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12 posted 2000-10-03 12:47 PM

Glad I went digging, as I keep finding gold...there is such a sad and fragile quality to this...absolutely lovely writing, Grace...
since 2000-07-05
Posts 50

13 posted 2000-10-03 11:19 AM

Thank you both for your replies I appreciate them and you.
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