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Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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0 posted 2000-09-28 07:39 PM

*inspired by a conversation with a friend--
when I shared my news ...
of my poems being published in the Passions book ...
instead of congrats or enthusiasim ...
they only wanted to know how much money did I make..
didnt even ask to read the poems ...
P***ed me off   ...
thus this little poetic tantrum   ...

~Only A Poet Understands~

In the late hours after midnight ... in the early of the dawn ...
all I want to do is write ... it's all that carries me on.
Everywhere I go ... anything I do ... everything I see ...
it's all cause and effect ... more reasons for poetry.

I don't look up at the night sky and simply see a moon,  
I cant capture its essence fast enough, for I know it will be gone too soon.
I watch people passing by and I and don't feel the need for conversation ...
idle chit chat only interrupts and disturbs my moment of inspiration.

Friends and family just shake their heads ... they never seem to understand ...
questioning the reasons ... the why of always having journal and pen in hand.
And lets not forget the million dollar question ... the one they always say ...
"you spend all this time on poetry ... how much money have you made anyway?"

I don't even dignify it with an answer anymore ... they are so blind they cant see,
and I swear just to spite them all ...
if I ever do get paid I'm donating it all to charity.
How can we explain the contentment of the moments when we write ...
it's like trying to explain ...
the stars need to shine and shimmer each and every night.  

It's not about the money ... not about the fortune or the fame,
it's about the way it feels when you finish that last line and then sign your name.
It's about the inner peace penning the perfect poem ...
laced in the perfect rhyme,
It's about the innocence of the moment ... when your soul is poetically defined.

So I don't return their calls anymore ... but I don't feel the need to apologize ...
there's just so little time to waste ... when you see the world thru poetic eyes.
I don't feel the need to explain it either ...
they just need to see me or let me be ...
perhaps only another poet truly understands ...
when you look at me ... see Janet Marie ...then see poetry.

Ok my sweet gators ...Im going back into my "rehab"
Im TRYING to be good.
thanks for being so awesome this week playing in the forum with me ...
I'll still be in here reading ...
cant leave ya all the way..
please understand if I dont reply too much ...
I gotta get caught up in reality ...
so I can come back and play in poetry land.
love ya

< !signature-->

There are places inside our souls -
that have never been touched.
There are places inside our hearts -
that need to be loved this much.

[This message has been edited by Janet Marie (edited 09-28-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Janet Marie - All Rights Reserved
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
1 posted 2000-09-28 07:44 PM

Yes.. I do understand. It's why I've always felt my poetry was pure crap! LOL  No one understands..all anyone cares about is 'how can you make money at this?' Is this a career? They don't understand.........
Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
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In the winds of Cherokee song
2 posted 2000-09-28 07:46 PM

SO very well said my inmate.  Glad I let you out to post this one and yeah I agree with you.  Maybe only a poet could understand the real reason and importance.  Way to go onry-published-gator
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since 2000-03-06
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3 posted 2000-09-28 08:03 PM

I seem to recall you coming out of rehab for me...I can come out of the real world for you...JM...There are PPEEEEEEEEEPPLLLLL out here!!!  
I know you sent me this and that maybe should have been good enough for me to reply to you personally but this one hit me square in the chest...IT IS PERFECT!!!! OH baby you nailed this one....and all the NON-poets in the world...the "angry bird" me thinks  
And just so you don't say's NOT the medication talking!!!!! To close it...sing it with me baby...I KNOW YOU KNOW I KNOW YOU KNOW.....ok so maybe this part is the meds...LOL  

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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4 posted 2000-09-28 08:05 PM

Janet--So you

and I sure do understand!  Hugs!!!

Ethan Halo
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on the roof again
5 posted 2000-09-28 08:16 PM

hey there JM!
oh, how i do so understand! i told my peers and they wanted to know if i get free copies of the book! moochers.  

"and I swear just to spite them all ...
if I ever do get paid I'm donating it all to charity."

my goodness, they would have my head...after laughing theirs off.
thanks for stoppin in!

Butterflies_don't_cry: *gasp* an allusion to me! why thank you! i am honored!
< !signature-->

"And yesterday went by so quick it seems like it was just a day."

[This message has been edited by Ethan_Halo (edited 09-29-2000).]

Rex Allen McCoy
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Sippin a Timmy's in London
6 posted 2000-09-28 08:49 PM

I think I understand
Does that mean I'm one of them there poet things
you spoke of?

Deputy Moderator 10 ToursDeputy Moderator 5 Tours
Member Seraphic
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with you
7 posted 2000-09-28 08:56 PM

Janet~ Ahhh, I think I understand all too well. I loved this.   -SEA

Live,Love,Laugh :) ~SueB

serenity blaze
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8 posted 2000-09-28 09:23 PM

well, really!  The noive!  And still yet another musician story...I told one of me muscian buddies about the book, and he just smiled and asked, "how much did you have to pay them?"  So I asked him, "remember that demo tape ya made, oh about five years much did it cost you to copyright the songs..."  I believe every two cost about $25..."and how much did it cost to go into the studio?"  (mumble, mumble)  "and did it ever go into production?"  (well, no.) serenity feigned surprise..."You mean, you spent your OWN MONEY?  And never once received any royalty check?  Or even any recognition?  sigh...and I bet nobody but me told you how brilliant you are!  sigh..."  And that is when I got the "dirty look".  HEE HEE...The Queen of Smart Ass reigns...

*winks* to all, with my love..

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
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The Shores of Alone
9 posted 2000-09-28 09:45 PM

Yes, you got it so exactly right on! 100% agree. I always love your work, this was a serious topic to all of us  misunderstood writers, and also a great poem. Take care.

Senior Member
since 2000-04-05
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North Carolina
10 posted 2000-09-28 09:52 PM

Janet Marie, you say this so well, I never could understand the non poets of the world I would much rather be able to write and contribute and maybe share a few words of wisdom ,than to never opened my heart, never seen the twinkle of the stars.
Member Empyrean
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
11 posted 2000-09-28 10:01 PM

Janet're TRYING to be good??? Girl, you ARE good! Rober Frost said it best..."Only a fool writes for money"...but you did good, too  
Member Elite
since 2000-02-10
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Pickering, Ontario
12 posted 2000-09-28 10:09 PM

You know it girl!!!  

I have had the same conversation with other poets and non poets.  The non poets all asked the same question, "How much do you get?"  The poets are too excited to care about money.  

I wish everyone in the world could understand that there are FAR more important things in life besides money.  

Like........self-worth, self-confidenace,to know you can contribute something to the whole world by just a pen and paper, to leave a mark on this earth when you go, to know that we each posess a very special gift form God, and most importantly; that WE are just being who WE ARE...........  

Too all other poets and partically JM.......I say, thank you.  You make this world a better place.        


It is a blessing to have wings for words, and passion in pen
Marina Crossley

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13 posted 2000-09-28 10:11 PM

Janet Marie,

    When I told people about one of my poems being published in the Passions book.. I got the same response.. how much are you going to make?  When I said nothing.. they seemed to be disappointed and kinda brushed it aside, which also angered me.  I don't write for money.. (not that I have anything against  I write in hopes of touching some one.. to make them smile .. or let them know that some one shares their feelings. It is something that most people in my life just don't understand.  Anyway.. I loved the poem.. I couldn't have said it better myself if I tried  

[This message has been edited by rosepetals25 (edited 09-28-2000).]

Tennessee Angel
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14 posted 2000-09-28 11:12 PM

I can relate to this so so well!  You penned it perfectly!  It's never about the money for a true's about being true to the passion that God has put in your heart.  Thanks a bunch for writing this piece.  
Member Elite
since 2000-02-19
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Charlotte, NC
15 posted 2000-09-28 11:45 PM

you hit this one on the nail girl!! i related to this extremely well. excellent piece. take care. i'll be in touch via email to you soon.

love ya,
your sunshine gator.  

"The head learns knew things, but the heart forever more practices old experiences"

Wilfred Yeats
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Wilmington, Delaware
16 posted 2000-09-28 11:57 PM

Janet - Yes I do know - yes thats what I hear - yes it is why I write ! - i'm sure you speak for many here - great poem
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
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Mobile, AL
17 posted 2000-09-29 05:46 AM

YES! I have often gotten this attitude from mostly relatives. Friends (close ones) always understood that I adored writing (even though they didn't write), and tried to support me in it by reading it once in a while.  Now I've become very shy and very protective about who I let read my poetry. My husband used to read a lot of mine until one day he called it my "hobby", and sort of acted like it wasn't as important in the scheme of my "real" interests.  And yes..I've had a lot of them quiz me about money. Its pretty annoying.

My name isn't Baby, and I don't want to cyber.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
18 posted 2000-09-29 06:05 AM

Janet I think we all write for our own reasons and many of the reasons are the same.
The desire to write is overwhelming sometimes..I have been late to work due to writing and responding...I think I have that one under control now...ha..ha..but then I've also been late to work because I was with my girlfriend, or got back home late from diving or hiking or hanging out at the beach.
Anyway I hope to God I never lose any friends over the time I spend here...
I believe balance is the key to happiness...James

Kit McCallum
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Ontario, Canada
19 posted 2000-09-29 07:13 AM

Boy oh boy, Janet Marie ... you sure know how to hit the nail on the head. A great write, and judging by the responses above ... something we ALL relate to, me included, yup! The part about idle chatter is my pet peeve ... do I really want to talk about the weather when I'm dying to get these thoughts out before they disappear ??? aaaahhhh!

Wonderful poem JM ... loved it!!!  

Best wishes me gator-gal,

Senior Member
since 2000-01-11
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Nova Scotia
20 posted 2000-09-29 08:56 AM

Janet-This was great.I guess some people do not understand what we write or why we write.  We write because we Love too express our emotion with pen. I ask those people who ask"how much did you make on your poem" "when was the last time they got paid for their love or passion". I believe when you give a gift from the heart it should be free. Their response is ususally a mumble and red face..
Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

21 posted 2000-09-29 09:03 AM

thanks guys......
YEA.. I JUST KNEW ... we would all KNOW..
and have lots to tell ...
my fave thing is when Im in the grocery store and a poem will come ...
people look at ya sorta funny when your writing on your hand and arm or grocery list in the cat food isle ... LOL
almost wrecked my van trying to write while driving...
went and bought a tape recorder ...
went to DMV ...tried to get new plates that said Poetry HO ...
they werent amused   ...
but then they never are at the DMV ...
must not be poets  
later me poetic-gators
thanks for venting with me ...

Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
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Staffordshire, England
22 posted 2000-09-29 09:36 AM

Hi jm....
         You know, I am so very glad that you wrote this one......I get this thrown in my face all the time, night and day!! It really hurts to try to share with the ones you are closest to, the ones who you'd think would be the first to support your efforts because they care.....only to have them say, "you're stupid for wasting your time, and not getting paid. If you don't get paid, then it isn't worth anything." Money is man-made, while art comes from the soul.
      Thank you jm for this helped me tremendously, and now I don't feel so alone in my frustration!

Today is a gift....
That is why they call it
'the Present'!

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
23 posted 2000-09-29 11:53 AM

Oh my sweet little Janet Marie
[have you an extra copy of the jailor's key?]
I have written such of this
to write for money causes me to drift
alone on words and words because
before money, that's all there was...

I definitely know where you're coming from, and promise to read all the replies...soon...

When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ

doreen peri
Member Elite
since 1999-05-25
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24 posted 2000-09-29 12:30 PM

Oh dear, oh dear, Ms. Janet Marie,
do you really live inside my head?
Was that you I saw in the mirror right here,
before I had gone off to bed?
Oh my, Ms. JM, just how long exactly
have you been inside of my mind?
You've written my words right here out of your pen!
It's those who aren't poets, who're blind!

Oh geez, Ms.JM, this is beautifully stated,
but how long have you been in there???
GET OUT! I say, PLEASE! I do need some space,
do you think that this really is fair?
Now, what if I needed to go to the john
or go out with my Freddy or Frank?
And you're right in here, inside of me here...
and just what if your breath surely stank!
So, Janet Marie, please get out of me,
and please, dear, quit penning my heart...
I like you and all, but I really do think
that it's time we were farther apart.

*wink*hehe... thanks, JM... great poem.. you INSPIRED ME!!!    

~ all you can really ever expect out of life is a sincere apology and some decent poetry ~

since 2000-06-10
Posts 365
Ottawa, Canada
25 posted 2000-09-29 12:41 PM

What a great poem!  You have written the truth, but perhaps, as you say, only a truth that a poet could understand.
If you are thirsty and need water, if you are sad and need a laugh, if you are angry and need a hug, if you are broke and need a dollar... if I have these things, I would gladly share them with you.  Much as my poetry, I would not expect you to pay me for a sip of water.  I share my poetry...if it is read, appreciated, or needed, that is payment enough.


Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

26 posted 2000-09-29 01:48 PM

Dear Doreen ..Why yes that was me ...
hanging in your head ... reading your poetry
sorry if I scared ya ... didn't mean to get under your skin
I stay up all night writing and wear ones patience thin
sorry about the halitosis ... but I ate a huge "POE-Salad"
I'll make it up to you and Frank ... I'll sing ya a ballad
'Tis true... in your mirror there was both you and me...
seeing each others reflection is the gift of poetry
So many times we find our selves in another's verse
we learn we all have been hexed by fates poetic curse
I write my heart and share a secret or too ...
and you swear I been peeking in windows ... watching you
Well it wasn't me THAT time i swear...
I never saw you dancing in your "Vicky's secrets" underwear
But I think I know the peepers names ... I saw them run
I'll give ya hint ... your gonna need a pirate and bug man gun
What the heck...why don't you and me chase those two
we'll catch em and tickle em till they turn blue
then we'll call my cowboy warden to come rescue us in his truck
A ride in his Chevy should change my poetic luck
So I'd like to thank you for also inspiring me ...
any excuse to rhyme ... even if its silly Poe-salad-poetry  

hehehe ...dont ya just love playing with poetry
*winkie winkie*
I NEED to get paid to be on this puter LOL
later-gators ...
TAG ...your it ....
whos next...wheres that
scally-wag of a pirate

Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
Posts 5372
Ontario, CANADA
27 posted 2000-09-29 02:04 PM

My fellow gator poet...standing ovation! A well needed poem for us all to vent. this should be included in the next voices on the web book.  I get the same reaction from friends and some family regarding the love of poetry...only a fellow poet understands.  I love this poem, well expressed. You go gator girl!

Take care,
Melissa Honeybee

The beauty of poetry gives my soul wings to fly free within dreams

since 2000-09-27
Posts 86

28 posted 2000-09-29 02:49 PM

very well said...great job on this  
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-29
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Victoria Australia
29 posted 2000-09-29 05:28 PM

JM you read my thoughts as well
and what's this poets life pray tell
it's one of hope and mystery
that I can share with two or thee
and for those who'll never know
the bliss of purest passions flow
don't feel bad just feel pity
they live in a world made much more gritty
by their lack of common sense
'bout inspiration and nonsense.

Loved the poem Janet-gator.
Come back soon.

"It is the image in the mind that links us to lost treasures;
but it is the loss that shapes the image,
gathers the flowers weaves the garland."-

brian madden
Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
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30 posted 2000-09-29 06:36 PM

You can make money writing poetry???? excuse the cynical laugh. Anyway collecting myself back to the poem, another gem Jan, a beautiful piece. Yes it is never about poetry making a finical profit it about how poetry touches people's hearts and that is priceless. Wonderfully written as always, good to see your muse in full song again.  

"an afixiation a fix on anything the line of life the limb of a tree
the hands of he and the promise that s/he is blessed among women".
Patti Smith

since 2000-08-17
Posts 433
Nahunta Georgia U.S.
31 posted 2000-09-29 08:15 PM

  I understand totally.  I write for the enjoyment, just to see something that I have created come to life.  My spouse and others think I'm wasting time when I write.  They tell me that I'll never be paid for the stuff I write and try to put doubt in my head.  They also say that most poets do not become famous and make money until they are dead.
I'm not waiting until then.  I'm gonna get my bit of fame right here in Passions from the wonderful comments and responses of fellow poets.  If I happen to get published, that will just be icing on the cake.


linda munday
since 2000-06-17
Posts 315
Adelaide, Australia
32 posted 2000-09-29 10:10 PM


My story goes like this........

Me: "I'm getting some poems published in a book soon".
Them: "Are you, that's really good"
Me: "Yes, I'm quite excited about the prospect, and I will be purchasing a few copies of the book".
Them: "That's nice, what are you going to do with the copies?"
Me (Thinking): (I'm going to give you a copy if you seem remotely interested).
Me (Saying): "I thought I might donate one to the library and make money off the others".
Them: "Oh, that's good, how much can you make?"
Me: Enough, but I really just like the idea that I am being published".

Great Poem, you got it nailed!
Linda Munday

doreen peri
Member Elite
since 1999-05-25
Posts 3812
33 posted 2000-09-30 11:36 AM

Janet Marie, it's me again,
i just came back to say...
i woke up this morning and you were GONE!
WOOHOO!! hip hip Hurray!!

The only one here now inside my head
is myself, i'm quite happy to say.
So thank you for leaving and please don't come back!
i like it much better this way!


Member Elite
since 1999-06-16
Posts 3850
In the space between moments
34 posted 2000-09-30 09:44 PM

Yep, I too understand.....especially the part about the idle chit chat only disturbing your inspiration....people just don't get it when you're on the verge of creating a poetic masterpiece and don't feel like talking about something their dog did or how much they enjoy anime cartoons or whatever....*grumbles* LOL, anyway, great work JM!  Definitely pop in when you can, I miss seeing you!  

*Krista Knutson*

"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." -Confucious

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
35 posted 2000-09-30 10:26 PM

While I do understand -
(for that would be frustrating !)
it isn't because it's happening to me.

My friends and co-workers just have to be
the most supportive people on this planet.
At work they held an announcement party -
(and I thought it was another boring meeting)
I couldn't ask for more love and warm wishes.

Gosh, each day a friend or co-worker asks me
what I wrote last night and if they can have a copy of it.
(autographed - I giggle, but accommodate gladly)
I'm even asked by management to write poems for co-workers
and they hang all over the building.

As for my precious family - they're special~
they KNOW how excited I am and that my bubble can't be popped !

I just know that my life has been blessed with the greatest loving friends a gal could ask for.

Great write, gal.
I hope those thoughtless people will have to stand in a
looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooog line to buy the book !
Or better yet ... have to wait for the second printing !

Love ya'

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
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36 posted 2000-09-30 10:46 PM

You are amazing, Janet Marie.  Of course money has nothing to do with it.
A friend said after I mentioned Voices on the web "how much are you getting."
they don't understand.
You said everything I feel and more.

You take care of yourself, we are here,
and we miss you but we want you to be happy,
keep writing, girl~
< !signature-->


[This message has been edited by Irish Rose (edited 09-30-2000).]

Member Elite
since 2000-03-07
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Between a laugh and a tear...
37 posted 2000-10-01 03:23 AM

"I don't feel the need to explain it either ...
they just need to see me or let me be ..."

What more can I add! Well done!  

"The heart and soul have no illusion of boundries when friendship is the quest"
~ My Angel.

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
Posts 18554

38 posted 2000-10-01 09:15 AM

THANKS to ALL who shared their storys and wisdom...
looks like we all have had this happend at least once ...
and Margie-gator..
IM SOOOO happy you have had so much support
and postive reinforcment ..
as I'm sure all here has at times too ...
We needed on happy ending on this post LOL
love ya

Paula Finn
Member Ascendant
since 2000-06-17
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39 posted 2000-10-01 09:54 AM

Money? You mean people actually make money doing this? Gee and here I thought it was just something we HAD to do...if I waited to get paid for this...hehehe...well lets just say I'd be a skeleton sitting here typing with bony geez..who'd of thought
Senior Member
since 2000-09-12
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right next door
40 posted 2000-10-01 10:09 AM

I have been throught it too. I wish I had a dime for every time I have heard a question about money. There is just somethings better than money. The satisfaction you recieve
when a smile you get. Great work of words.
I am glad to know I am not alone

Member Elite
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41 posted 2000-10-02 04:47 PM

Five hundred years from now, somebody will find this old dusty poetry book and read your poem. It will touch their heart and add to their life, just because you cared to share it with the world. A smile a tear or an enlightened soul is beyond the value of a dollar. Your name and heart will live on and those people that failed to contribute something to life because they didn't get paid. They will be the dust of forgotten memories.
The words I live therefor I am.... are just not good enough..
I have written therefor I live...forever.
I am happy to share forever with you Janet and my fellow poets here at passions.

There is one statement all of us at passions can say.....without doubt.

"I am a poet"

nobody can take it away, and no amount of money can make it mean anymore then it already does.


Deputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
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42 posted 2000-10-05 01:52 PM

jm, i read this a while ago and was overwhelemed by the refreshingly honest sentiments started me on thinking on what poetry meant to me and finally i penned down this piece "the death of a(n almost) poet"..i posted it in open#10 and do hope you give your comments

my effort has nothing in relation to your gem but your coming to terms with your passion has made me reflect more on poetry..and that i thank you  


[This message has been edited by kaile (edited 10-06-2000).]

Senior Member
since 2000-03-23
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Louisville, Mississippi, USA
43 posted 2000-10-05 02:35 PM

     My dear friend, yes, I do understand.  I have had the same question asked of me with the same tone many times.  It's like people who don't understand the beauty of poetry don't think it is worth anything unless you get the all mighty dollar for your words.  But poetry is not for sale, at any price.  Like the Bards of ancient Ireland, poems are meant to soothe, to tempt, to mystify, and to inspire.  And to be able to use your words to do that is a wonderful gift, and you have mastered it well, my friend.

Love Ya~

~you reached inside, you touched my heart,
and I am all the better for it~
Terry A. Woodson, Jr.

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