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Senior Member
since 2000-01-17
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0 posted 2000-11-15 05:17 PM

Jaded Jewels & College Pieces

I’m so sorry, it’s
difficult to write these days. Ahh,
but so passionate was my gazing. I didn’t
ever notice, nor did I stop when I felt the rain
and my ship being tossed away. I may have
been lost forever in passionate gazing
right about the time a great sea
serpent was striking.

Saved, but only
to choose.

kind of
saving was
that........? Saved to
endure aftermaths thesis. I want

to go back to the lonely beach where I wrecked
my mind and swim for the broken pieces of my life but
I knew by now they’d washed far away on tides. Gazing at
the watery seas expectantly, but alas it mirrors only empty
expressions. The sky’s an icy blue bearing long wisps
of thin clouds hanging on the horizon. How can
it be in only minutes my life’s composition
has been forever altered. I thought to
do a wild possessed Indus dance
of an invention completely
alien. Stepping back and
viewing my suspicions, yet
somehow still magnetically drawn
to the unforeseen spectacle. I had never seen

myself behave with such abandon. Such attention fixed
around strange phenomenon. Inhibited and possessed I left
my senses, emotionally toying yet joying. Awareness found
myself edging irresistibly closer. I felt shadows creeping.

Obviously for reasons unknown to rhyme.
Returning, my emotions darkened,
my heart wants to continue
stubbornly, abruptly my
spirit shouted “That’s
enough” How quickly
my thoughts fly. A blank
rush to find a coat and scarf and

head for morning’s horizon. Mesmerized
by emotions narrow vision, an awe-struck face
grimly set, hoping I’m oblivious to curiosities.  I run
the lip of the hill with silhouette. There down below an
electric company puffs white smoke out in to the white
covered valley. The lands lay traps sounds like deep
shells found on sea beaches, and clear tones of an
expression echo, etched in vacant thought yet
I’m so suspicious of all the hearers.

But never the less,
the house in
Cashmere though
somewhat quietly, put my
bag down, and in my Victorian

costume that I received from a communities
offerings, pull out the papers I’ve carefully done and
explore my new markings. I see people everyday uneasy
with secret communications and watchings. I try to think
they’re reasonable citizens, however I’m finding this
just isn’t true. I looked blankly into a mirror but
was unable to read my reflection. Though
not able to see properly, I know my
face was filled with expression
and my whole being was
involved within it’s
telling. Out of
place on a
beach with an
endless sea of thought,
my eyes and face are swollen with

sighing's and crying's. I see my hair is as messed as
my mind. My hopes grow fainter. My hands and arms
are empty and I don’t know how I’ll ever get back.
My strength to hope is being swallowed up by
emotional laments and my mind has
just tripped over another piece
of bewilderment. My
God, I have too
many feelings.

What a wreck. I busy
myself trying to catch a hopeless
dream. Numb thoughts make helpless efforts
to spring into shape. The little left hope finds shelter
inside a make shift cardboard carton I’ve put my weary
heart in. I peer out watching_, nervously_, afraid to even
venture beyond the box. I can’t understand how I came
to be so distraught with thought and at the same time

be shrouded with searing tears. Face
puckered frozen with tragedy,

I appear unable
to undo any
of the illusion
which somehow grew
and became an aggressive reality.

Steered into sheer emotional exhaustion, where
springs an identity just so noxious wreaking of idiocy,
that there’s longing for days of fairy tales and ice cream,
drugs the Nixon years, when we all saw the neon on the
wall and had bad hair cuts or none. Or was it as in this
lame generation, stalking a turf and leaving lame

graffiti tags, reminding everybody
who you were or was, how
white or how black.
What a legacy.
Are you a
“Mountain Dew”
Or a “Dope smoking
leisure obsessed hedonist” plagued
with the ongoing responsibility of being “cool” or
should I say “chillen.” They do seem to be able to change
identities as often as their underwear, that is of course, if they
do in fact have any underwear, and what of their sweet ethical
doctrine, holding that only what is pleasant or has pleasant
consequences is intrinsically good..? What a religion..!
What became of that philosophy..?

Only a few
years back this life
was swarming with “hippies”
and a mellow “free love” vigilance
prevailed for a time. Hovering like a
Patchouli induced smog while
munching pistachios.
These would-be’s
could have

back then along
with their doctrine holding
that behavior is motivated by the
desire and devotion especially to
pleasure of the senses and of
course the avoidance
of pain. Then,

too our
was to just
have a ball, never
considering or knowing
consequences. At the time I even

felt it my duty to point out the prevalence of
such statement. We could care less that the “bell
bottomed” pants didn’t fit. And the shoes we were
wearing that came from Salvation Army counters
generally cramped our feet, but did we care..?
Hell no! We had a statement to tell. You
listened to our cries for years and
now your ears are tired
and deafened
to the call.
Your in the
zenith of your
lives at the highest
point attainable above the
observer’s horizon........ You sit there
orchestrating spiders in a web who are profiting


When I was young my thinking had been constantly corrupted
by people and their demonstrative displays of affection in public
parks and such, drinking and smoking. Scrutinizing carefully,
my own parents moves didn’t always line up at all with
the way they were teaching. (referring to “home
front” teaching) and all the time they
were seemingly oblivious to our
curiosities, while at the same
time trying to shelter us from
their worst nightmares... and look
at us now that they’re gone. Where do
we run to but right back to the rhymes. So I write
a series of poorly written and pretentious pleas to halt
people’s attention as to where they are going or coming and
will they ever hear? I don’t think so, they’re all so busy doing.
So I read my horoscope today December 19th. says, “You are
doomed. Consider suicide. The pain before you is more
than Job could’ve handled. Do an overdose of
drugs, show everyone how you’ve
become spontaneous
take your life.”

Very Nice

I was at the campus
church and the rector told us “the
postman always rings twice” but the spiritual
express guy just rings once. If you need him, wait at
the door. What could that mean? I walked out the door,
& met a passer-by and he said today is a good day for
love. Try 13th and Cherry, it’s only twenty bucks.
I got down to the synagogue and some one
told me that what I was experiencing

was reality. I went down to
“Head to Toe” mental
health and they
wanted to give
me some Thorazine
and take my clothes. Said

it was time to change all those personal
habits that others find so repulsive and get some one
to do your laundry while your gone, and for God’s sake, stop
putting deodorant on the outside of your shirt & set the little boy
free while your chained to a gurney, if he comes back then it was
meant to be, but don’t squander this opportunity to leave town
as soon as possible. If you got it see a doctor... go, and
get rid of or have it fixed in a hurry.

I thought I’d better
do something with my
body before somebody dumped
me on the west side. You’re really psyched,
tomorrow’s the Alpha Alpha Alpha barnyard party
and this pretty little dish that’s picking ya up & that
I’m going with, scored a bottle of “Rohibynol” &
is drinking “White Lighting” wearing nothing
but a silk cape..! My friend tells me not to
worry, that this guarantees that all eyes
will be on “her” and maybe you

for a little while. My
friend says next
week is the
Island Party
and he’s got nothing
to wear. Everything he’s got
is stained. “That means used.” I tell him.
“...Try the nude Casual Debutante look and your
sure to be a hit.” Get a ticket and a bag of popcorn,
& make sure you look the part when you get there
with that hot little “slushy” ensemble you set
me up with last week, be sure and
let ‘em know what your
made of.

Alternative Words

I used to think I
knew something about english
lit. Now I think I’m a “slob.” The old gang has
grown quite tired of reading the same old crap around
here. They like the sleazy way I tell it. I told a friend

I wondered why people were taking their
vacation here, when everyone else
was home for Xmas. They
asked me for the title
of my thesis, the
only thing that came
to mind was “Alternative
Words.” They told me to leave out
that chapter. I felt it was as bad as my unruly
hair that I hadn’t brushed in daze. I was asked what I
would be wearing to the Squeegee party, I said “nothing”
Ha..! (I could hardly believe this collegiate kid stuff, and
even worse, I used to do it, “what am I saying..!”
Here I am doing it again) But, as it was...“I
had a black layered ensemble that
was going to look thrown

together” but
actually took
hours for me to
find and select out
of a dusty basement, it was
an old tux suit coat with tails, red vest

and white tee shirt topped off with a faded monotone
color, “mis-buttoned” pair of 501 bell bottomed Levis. Sure to
catch some little girls I. I found most of it in the dressing room
just under street level behind the Drama Building on the
C.C. campus. I though it was a real score. No
matter what though I couldn’t

be a GenXer of today.
Geners in my day
thought that acid was
cool, talked about the times
to come a lot, and continually wrestled
with the disparity between reality and idealism. I had to
leave those stooges on hippy hill in the University District along
with their scrappy ideas. I dropped some of those freaks off at the waffle
house in the Fremont district during the sixties and seventies free speech
movement, when they were marching on the freeways for who knows
what reason. You remember those yuppie middle class friends..?
Well, we are a little in the past. Do a little soul research.
You might even be able to find some of those
head bands and beads that were still
in your tender radar range.
Enticing..? The world
today is a budding
techno mecca, and
just as ever as much
mesmerizing. These new
“Geners” are a captive audience,
caught in a crossfire. I wonder what will

happen when they’re ready for their retire..? Shall I
treat them as people treat me? They have sure redefined
“Techno” since I was a kid, recollecting the mysterious. It’s
kind of quiet now, most of the kids have retreated to
December’s home front freezes, crying huddled
masses in front of Xmas trees. But there
are those few who are still hangin’
around and can be found this
evening in puddles of their

own vomit on the
CC campus

You do
know those
bathrooms have killer
acoustics? I Spent some time
there playing a Silvertone guitar mom
gave me years back, I was one of those who
tried for years to find that ultimate sound.


I can even remember when my dainty
doggy committed her suicide. My poor little heart
was broken for hours. I can almost feel my heart vibrate
furiously, then liquefy. If that happened today, I would think
it to be some kind of divine resonance from above. But I still
find myself from time to time, crying, and drooling in my
wine. I see how that my past has formed a rock solid
base for this broken heart to live in. It seems all

I can see and hear is the thunderous,
grinding, pelvis-driven women
in next to no clothes, even
at ten below zero.
Sloths, trying
to ski in the
snows of the
greats, yea even the
Limey greats such as myself

who are helping them still to find direction,
and believe me it looks like they captured the miserable,
aimless, existential nature of my soulless generation too, these
disillusioned nuts & doxy's spewed forth from the capitalist
Shan-gri-la of the sixties into this cultural techno
wasteland of two thousand.

< !signature-->

Writing isn't just something I do, it's something I am.
To write of feelings that touch all hearts in some manner is my delight.
-Marge Tindal

[This message has been edited by lucky (edited 11-16-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Dale W. Gwaltney - All Rights Reserved
Member Patricius
since 2000-05-14
Posts 11858
New Brunswick Canada
1 posted 2000-11-15 06:08 PM

Exceptional reflections... a mini thesis of your life and its affected passages and how can I benefit the world or did I? I love the reference to the late 60's and early 70's. It seemed like the idea at the time buck the capitalistic system and Uncle Sam's ravages in the far least you told the truth..did we care?   hell no!........ far out, groovy, turned on, balling the local street harem, consensually.....I even remember the Silvertone guitar (went to Simpson Sears and played them off the shelf)
Finally you reach today and I agree with your synopsis of our progress....a superficial technological inhuman giant luring us with meism advertising and electronic dollars... but the truth is we are on hard times more than we know and many use the excuse that population has grown that's why we hear such horrors every day...I'm not buying it! If Uncle Sam doesn't get the right medicine he's going to rot out from the inside.......
One morning in April 1999, the calm was shattered in the town of Littleton, near Denver Colorado, USA. Two youths in black trench coats entered the local high school and began shooting students and teachers. They also detonated bombs,. Twelve students and a teacher were killed, and more than twenty were wounded. The perpetrators ended the massacre by taking their own lives. They were only 17 & 18 yrs. old and had a deep hatred for certain groups......and baby I ain't being negative, I'm being a realist.. not like I was a dreamer in those years you brought back to me......ethome

Daniel J D
Senior Member
since 2000-10-01
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Hillcrest, Queensland, Australia
2 posted 2000-11-15 06:10 PM

Wonderful write, took a while I guess. Well done.

Senior Member
since 2000-01-17
Posts 1601
3 posted 2000-11-15 06:29 PM

Thank you very much... This writing came from my journels... the story is pretty much true and I was there when those people were killed too. Lucky for me and the friend I mentioned above... we were busy writing prose in the library at CC when it all came down. What times to remember huh..?

thank you for taking the time.

thank you my friend for the editing. I went over it many times... guess I didn't catch everything. Thanks my friend.


Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
4 posted 2000-11-15 06:57 PM

Lucky...don't look now, your jaded jewel is showing...wheeew...this was something to read...I have one, written in the 60's when I was a student at Berkeley...

You know I love reading your, "The little left hope finds shelter
inside a make shift cardboard carton I’ve put my weary
heart in."....Hugs!

Rosemary J. Gwaltney
Senior Member
since 1999-08-26
Posts 997
northern mountains, Idaho
5 posted 2000-11-15 08:00 PM

lucky - I was just trying to figure out how to respond to such a kaleidoscope of life all jangled together, with discordant memories loud enough to split the eardrums of my mind, when I read Martie's comment, and burst out laughing!  Hey, Martie, yep - his jaded jewel is showing - but, then, he IS my jaded jewel, and sweet as a 5th Avenue candy bar!  (His favorite.)

But seriously, my dear husband, what a trip this life has been, indeed!  I think that covers it!!!!!   (And the beat goes on.... though, thankfully, not THOSE beats!!....)

The spiritual wind that holds survivors aloft, plants the seeds from which bloom new hope ... R.J.G.

Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2000-11-15 08:20 PM

Whew !
I feasted on every word - mesmerized.

'I run the lip of the hill with silhouette.'

'What a wreck. I busy
myself trying to catch a hopeless
dream. Numb thoughts make helpless efforts
to spring into shape. The little left hope finds shelter
inside a make shift cardboard carton I’ve put my weary
heart in. I peer out watching_, nervously_, afraid to even
venture beyond the box. I can’t understand how I came
to be so distraught with thought and at the same time

be shrouded with searing tears.'

What a trip, man !
What a trip.

' My strength to hope is being swallowed up by
emotional laments and my mind has
just tripped over another piece
of bewilderment. My
God, I have too
many feelings.

You are one deep well !
And this is a full bucket you lifted.
I greatly enjoyed this, Lucky.
Brilliant writing, my friend.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Rosemary J. Gwaltney
Senior Member
since 1999-08-26
Posts 997
northern mountains, Idaho
7 posted 2000-11-15 08:41 PM

Marge - that comment is one of the most brilliant I have ever read - you said it better than the best!  He IS "one DEEP well, and this IS one full bucket he lifted"!

Your responses are so often poetry in themselves.

lucky - I know you think so too.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
8 posted 2000-11-15 09:00 PM

lucky, on you would say it's difficult to write these days and then create an epic! LOL! It's an excellent piece of writing, Dale, and the presentation is striking.

I am never shy about claiming to edit. Unfortunately, in this case I can't take credit for whatever you are referring to..maybe next time  

Wilfred Yeats
Member Elite
since 2000-08-04
Posts 2704
Wilmington, Delaware
9 posted 2000-11-15 11:29 PM

A tour de force of no small proportions - Ezra Pound at his most lucid could not touch this - I am seriously impressed!
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