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Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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0 posted 2000-09-27 09:08 PM

Over the Belt Buckle

There are so many things
that need to be said,
that need to be noticed,
but skin pretends
and words wait
and days tick by.

how do you tune into feeling
the smell of cotton
hanging on the line

how capture?

Tap your foot,
ghosts scatter about,
they scurry like dust bunnies.

So much energy hidden there
under the bed.

Truth trips on pretense
and when it falls
and is splayed out on the cement
it cries
great salty fathoming,
and suddenly

if you look down
over the belt buckle of normalcy
you will see
how warm it feels
on the ground

and if you look at the cement
you can capture time
turning the sun
slowly slowly
into destiny.

In the dew of little things,
the heart finds its morning
and is refreshed.
(ee cummings)

© Copyright 2000 Martie Odell Ingebretsen - All Rights Reserved
Kit McCallum
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Ontario, Canada
1 posted 2000-09-27 09:14 PM

Oh Martie ... you have treasures of wisdom tucked throughout this wonderfully descriptive piece!

"So much energy hidden there
under the bed."

*Loved that line!

Best wishes,

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
2 posted 2000-09-27 09:23 PM

My god, Martie~
Where ... where ... where do you find these thoughts ?
Awesome ... I swear you are awesome !

My next vacation, I've booked one week in your mind !

What a poet !
I read you again and again and again.
I print your stuff out and take it to friends-
Whew !
I could go on and on ... and I've darn near done it ...  
But, my friend ... I mean every word of it.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Janet Marie
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3 posted 2000-09-27 09:46 PM

There are so many things
that need to be said,
that need to be noticed,
but skin pretends
and words wait
and days tick by.

how do you tune into feeling
the smell of cotton
hanging on the line


Im with Margie-gator
walking barefoot thru your mind would be divine ...
like the library of congress of ONLY POETRY  
all marble floors and walls...
rotunda of etched stained glass ..
gold wrought iron spiral staircases
we can just sit there and read till we are satiated
this one line alone blows my mind

>but skin pretends

way are

Member Elite
since 2000-08-09
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4 posted 2000-09-27 09:49 PM

Wow! You certainly have a way with words.


Member Elite
since 2000-04-19
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5 posted 2000-09-27 09:54 PM

~Martie,, your words, your voice and tone,...incredibly appealing and satisfying, and this is one FINE example of what I'm talking about. Do take care. *Peace.
doreen peri
Member Elite
since 1999-05-25
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6 posted 2000-09-27 10:05 PM

"but skin pretends
and words wait
and days tick by"

"Truth trips on pretense
and when it falls
and is splayed out on the cement
it cries
great salty fathoming"

"if you look at the cement
you can capture time
turning the sun
slowly slowly
into destiny."

i love the VERY FINE poet that you say what i wanted to say but a voice that is oh so YOU... your writing is.... superb...get published... or publish yourself.. you writing needs to be shared with more people than those who grace these forums.      < !signature-->

~ all you can really ever expect out of life is a sincere apology and some decent poetry ~

[This message has been edited by doreen peri (edited 09-27-2000).]

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
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In the winds of Cherokee song
7 posted 2000-09-27 10:25 PM

Letting lose of what is hidden within and dealing with all the things that haunt us in our souls and hearts is the only way to take those steps for a more sure tomorrow.  They may be small steps but they are steps forward and will not be taken if we bury the hurt within us.  Wonderful write my friend.  Love the way your mind works. Now does it matter the size of the buckle?  Secondly, did I get it all or did I miss something in this one.  A need to know as my brain is clouded these days.LOL
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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8 posted 2000-09-28 12:06 PM

Kit--thank you for saying such a nice thing.

Marge--I swear this reply is awesome...and you my friend are also...thank to you, my friend.

Janet--barefoot through my a might step on some broken the thought though...come on in.

deb--thank you for coming by to read and for such a sweet reply.

Spit Fire--and I find all those things appealing about your writing about that!

doreen--I respect your opinion as a writer, because I admire the way you write also...thank you...I have been published, but not for awhile and not where I want to be.

Mark--I put the belt buckle in there for you.. and no, it doesn't matter what size...what matters is that you notice the feel of leather, and remember the smell of the leather store where you bought it.

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
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In the winds of Cherokee song
9 posted 2000-09-28 12:32 PM

So tell me....did I get it all my friend or did I not.  You wouldn't be sparing my feelings now would you? ....Thanks my friend, I think you intentionally don't answer my questions the first time so I will have to come back and ask again.LOL...sneaky
petal pusher!!!!!!!!!!!!

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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10 posted 2000-09-28 12:41 PM

Mark...I love it when you come back...Now, what is this about sneaky?  I wasn't trying not to were right in part, but what I was really meaning was that part about the smell of the know...time goes by so fast...and we forget to appreciate the little things..and sometimes it takes a fall, to make us realize how important each little minute is.

[This message has been edited by Martie (edited 09-28-2000).]

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
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In the winds of Cherokee song
11 posted 2000-09-28 12:47 PM

Thank you and don't you just hate a pesky cowboy.LOL  I knew I was missing something...I could feel it.  I have reread it now and caught it.  Sorry I missed it.  You know that I don't normally miss your meaning and I promise that my brain will be back soon.  As I said, I am in a fog of late.  Hugs to you my friend.
Senior Member
since 2000-09-24
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12 posted 2000-09-28 01:21 AM

I've read this at least a dozen times, and still cant find the words to tell you how much I've drawn out of it. Imagine that...I've finally lost my words. This is really special.
Wilfred Yeats
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since 2000-08-04
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Wilmington, Delaware
13 posted 2000-09-28 02:11 AM

Dust Bunnies of Time

A lady writes    
I see a funnel cloud forming
gathering momentum
reaching down to normal ground
I scurry to find shelter
time is of the essense
time is the essense
I reach out to the no's
that should have been yes's
taking solace in the alternatives
chosen by default
clapping in wonder
at what she's wrought


(on a scale of 1 to 5 this rates a 10 - at least - go for 1st prize at Alsop's)

[This message has been edited by Wilfred Yeats (edited 09-28-2000).]

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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14 posted 2000-09-28 10:32 AM

seraphin--I'm so pleased that you read it so many times...thanks so much for letting me know..makes me smile.

Bill--Wow, what a great verse you have penned...I love it...thanks for that, and for being such a good friend!

Member Elite
since 2000-02-04
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New York, USA
15 posted 2000-09-28 10:52 AM

My, My, My Martie....Simply incredible, and I can honestly assure you that I will never smell a sheet hung outdoors, or see those "scurrying" dust bunnies without thinking of this truly amazing poem.  For lack of anything better....just WOW.  Bonnie
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16 posted 2000-09-28 01:33 PM

Bonnie--If this is so, then the other half of the reason for writing has been completed...thank you for your lovely reply.
Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
17 posted 2000-09-28 01:39 PM

now I know what Martie thinks when Martie drives...

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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18 posted 2000-09-28 05:45 PM

Each verse made me want to see what was coming next. I like this.
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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19 posted 2000-09-28 07:50 PM

Karilea--You're right...I do think when I drive, that and listen to music...the other day I drove right by where I knew I was supposed to turn...scary huh?

reject--thanks for the read and nice reply...glad you liked the poem.

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

20 posted 2000-09-28 09:20 PM

Well, I got my suitcase out from under the bed, dusted off all the little dust bunnies, packed it and am ready to go!!! Marge and I will see you shortly!! Got enough room in there for the both of us?!  


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