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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA

0 posted 2000-11-11 03:11 PM

So there they are - they watch - they see the homeless on the streets
Wearing faded khakis looking for a scrap to eat.
They watch farms going belly up as politicians thrive
While there are still so many who need more food to survive.

They watch God get expelled from school - He couldn't make the grade
And only Mets and Yankees get a ticker tape parade.
They watch our flag go up in flames on anybody's lawn
Since any laws that banned that disrespect have long since gone.

They watch our ships blow up with young Americans inside
While military strength's gone down in substance and in pride.
They watch protestors shake their fists and ridicule because
They claim that our great country's not the country that it was.

They watch top politicians quite content to disregard
The Constitution and its laws for personal rewards
And O.J. still plays golf and half the world is still at war...
They watch and try to contemplate what it was really for.

They watch...they stare...they do so as they've done for many years
With eyes long since unable to produce the needed tears.
Their voices cry in unison in sad, melodic tones....
In Arlington - on this day -  it is not the wind that moans...

[This message has been edited by Balladeer (edited 11-11-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Michael Mack - All Rights Reserved
Irish Rose
Member Patricius
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1 posted 2000-11-11 03:19 PM

Amen! Bravo! Thank you!
We sure needed this.  I pray the wind will send a gentle prayer of thank you to rest over the graves of those who gave their lives for their country.  My parents both served in World War II, my stepfather-in-law in Korea, I get chills when I see the tears in his eyes at the state of the country.  I believe God weeps and tends to the graves of those who served, until He takes them home....again.

< !signature-->

"When red-haired girls scamper like roses
over the rain-green grass,
and the sun drips honey.""
Laurie Lee


[This message has been edited by Irish Rose (edited 11-11-2000).]

Member Empyrean
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
2 posted 2000-11-11 03:22 PM

Yes Balladeer and my heart feels the pain...James
Member Elite
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3 posted 2000-11-11 03:24 PM

Yes what you say is true. So many fought to protect this flag, we few still hold dear.
Where has the country gone so wrong? Our heros who protected us are ignored while the ones who run this country won't even protect our flag, much less our veterans.

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
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4 posted 2000-11-11 03:24 PM

I spent Memorial Day one year in Washington DC , most of the time by the Vietnam Memorial wall, and you are right, the moaning was heard throughout the day, veterans still weeping for their lost buddies, hugging each other in grief. It was a very emotional scene.
And so your poem evoked these emotions on this Veterans Day. Very well written and packed with sentiment. You remind us of many things that have been turned askew in our democracy

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
5 posted 2000-11-11 03:25 PM

And I'll add another Bravo. Well done.

since 2000-10-21
Posts 324

6 posted 2000-11-11 03:35 PM

I've never heard this haunting truth so well expressed. I wish I knew how to tell you.


doreen peri
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7 posted 2000-11-11 03:55 PM

This is WONDERFUL!!! i LOVE it... you are so well spoken and have so much to say about so much and this... this is an IMPORTANT piece....... excellent, Michael!!   excellent!
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8 posted 2000-11-11 04:09 PM

a sad day indeed..i watched a program the other night ..prisoners of war in world war two
i couldnt sleep after watching it..the torture that the military went through..was unthinkable..what a terrible cold thing a war heart went out to the poor soldiers that died while in the camps..of starvation and some were was a real eye opener for brave they were.

< !signature-->

A poem is never finished, only abandoned.
- Paul Valery (1871-1945)  

[This message has been edited by Victoria (edited 11-11-2000).]

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-29
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Victoria Australia
9 posted 2000-11-11 04:21 PM

I'll echo the bravo for writing this much needed peace, If we remember the war and the veterans we should never forget why they fought so we could 'cry freedom'. Well done!
Be well

Why do yesterdays remain and todays pass by ...unnoticed?
Rex E. Alford

Janet Marie
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10 posted 2000-11-11 04:34 PM

THIS is exactly what I mean when I say
YOU write with so much wisdom and poetic heart
you are a class act poet sir...
this one proves my point in spades...
thank you for this today...very much

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
11 posted 2000-11-11 05:34 PM

Simply superb.

Senior Member
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Texas, USA
12 posted 2000-11-11 06:33 PM

Well done, indeed!!!  My dad served in World War II; my friends and ex-husband in Vietnam; so many friends who are no longer with us...for them we mourn.  Veterans from that same period who do not receive the respect and honor they deserve.  

"I honor the place in you, that when you are in that place, and I am in that place in me, we are in the same place"
Ram Dass

Member Seraphic
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13 posted 2000-11-11 08:30 PM

Excellent writing, Balladeer. I'm sure they must wonder at times if the sacrifice was worth it. Very well expressed.


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
14 posted 2000-11-11 08:34 PM

You touch me.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
15 posted 2000-11-11 08:40 PM

'Deer, those who cannot speak today, would have thanked you...

as I do...

If I whisper, will you listen?...
I would rather be silent and write, then speak loudly and be bound.

Senior Member
since 1999-12-15
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Wisconsin, USA
16 posted 2000-11-11 08:42 PM

Balladeer-Left me with a tear or two, very splendidly done.  Your words are striking and poignant.
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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17 posted 2000-11-11 08:55 PM

Balladeer--So much truth and wisdom is in this hurts my heart to read it.
Deputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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18 posted 2000-11-11 09:20 PM

I shouldn't have read this, Deer One. *S* For I logged on tonight to post a poem... and that poor scribbling is blown completely away by this masterpiece. (As is anything I write when compared to yours... I'm used to it! LOL) But we still owe our veterans a tremendous debt of gratitude... so I'll offer mine. *S*
This is so  sadly true... Well done!

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
19 posted 2000-11-12 12:20 PM

Thank you all, great friends and poets. Veteran's Day is very special to me and I appreciate your sharing your thoughts on this very important day.
Andrew Scott
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since 1999-06-24
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20 posted 2000-11-12 12:38 PM

Sir Balladeer... You write with the perfection of truth... were it not so in this case.  My respect and admiration to those who have served this best to you and yours on this day of remembrance.  Peace my friend.
Member Elite
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21 posted 2000-11-12 12:41 PM

Balladeer a superb write on a day to reflect the many man/woman who sacrificed and so this day we walk in crowds, adorning our lapels with red poppies whilst attending to ceremonies and parades in honor of remembering...

Thank you for this read today

[This message has been edited by CocoBaci (edited 11-12-2000).]

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
22 posted 2000-11-12 06:49 PM

Perhaps one of your best, my Deer friend... and quite deserving of another go-round..
Member Ascendant
since 1999-10-28
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state of confusion
23 posted 2000-11-13 08:58 AM

Poignant and bang on, Deer.  You nailed this.


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