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Member Ascendant
since 1999-10-28
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state of confusion

0 posted 2000-05-19 12:19 PM

Loring Hill

First time the dream came,
our home was being transformed.
Dad had already been banished
from our average family,
Mom was moving walls
and adding redwood decks
in celebration.

She had just taken Billy
to Boy Scout camp
at Pepper Tree Grove,
once a beautiful canyon
now a haunt for drug addicts.
I was momentarily alone,
the construction crew
knocking out familiar walls.

Dreaming, our white wagon
(Pontiac, blue interior)
steered up steep Loring Hill,
sharpest incline I’d seen,
Bro was in the back seat
probably picking his nose,
I was near the rear hatch,
singing some 70’s tune.

Suddenly, the hatch opened,
I flew out, unnoticed by nose picker
and distracted parent.

The car disappeared around a corner,
I was at the bottom, looking up.

So you know, I ain’t crazy (yet),
but this dream disturbs memories,
coming now and again,
reminding me I’m still
that little girl
rolling down Loring Hill.

© 2000 Corinne Bailey

© Copyright 2000 Corinne - All Rights Reserved
Member Seraphic
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1 posted 2000-05-19 01:02 PM

I suppose the dream first appeared due to all the changes going on in your life, perhaps related to those familiar walls disappearing all around you. I love this Corinne. Great expression of an inner fear.


Sudhir Iyer
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2 posted 2000-05-19 01:07 PM

Fear of the inner self, as denise points out...

Brilliant, a poem worth reading many times over...


 Life is like a painting,
That in an art gallery is left hanging,
Though many come just to look at it,
A very few actually come to enjoy it.

Rex Allen McCoy
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Sippin a Timmy's in London
3 posted 2000-05-19 01:48 PM

very nicely done ... it's like you can dream ... but you have to return to reality ... and find your way up that hill on your own ... who knows what's at the top of your hill ...


Danny Holloway
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Tulsa, OK
4 posted 2000-05-19 05:10 PM

Did they ever come back for you???
This was an interesting read....
Whatever happened to nose picker?  
~~nice writing corinne~~

Janet Marie
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5 posted 2000-05-19 05:27 PM

deep poem C,
funny(ironic funny) the things that stay with us...
the things from our childhood that we never outgrow.
great poem...well thought out and conceived.

my reocurring dream is where the car is rolling down hill in a cemetary and me and my sis are in the back seat, mom running along side...
I started having it when my parents divorced too.
(did you ask me all this) LOL point here?  
OH yes, I relate well to this poem.  

(this actually happend to me...fell out a car door and landed on street on my head)
could explain a few things huh? LOL  
I'll shut up now...

Member Ascendant
since 1999-10-28
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state of confusion
6 posted 2000-05-19 06:26 PM

Thank you, Denise.  Yes, I think that's exactly what it is...Darned dream!

Sudhir, thanks much.

Rex, you shed new light on that dream for me, thanks!

Danny, no.  And nose picker is still a-picking I suppose!

janet Marie - what a dream!  You should try writing about it!  Hope your head was ok!


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7 posted 2000-05-19 08:57 PM

Old dreams always interested me..... but maybe we need a new term here...
RDTLhl rolling down the loring hill laughing.
Just think of that if you have the dream, should fix it up for you.
Another great vivid image, by you I must say.


Sigmund Freud's dream definition:

Dis is obviously a case of past pent-up sexual desires. The re-occurring theme of you rolling down DA hill, is a re-enactment of your 50 or 60 past lovers, (sorry it says 5 or 6 here) and deir in-ability to dake notice of your needs. Dis is signified by Da constant references to nose picker and distracted parent. Dey had their own self interest in mind and didn't notice you.
The remembrance of still being a little girl, is just the born again virgin syndrome that is typical of these types of cases.
The reference to dad being banished and mom transforming the home, means your determination at re-create this virginal state and rebelishly lose(banish) it while celebrating on a redwood deck(sometimes a deck is just a deck).  The reference to boy scout camp signifies your determination to find my goodbar(Mr. great lover Mr. Boy Scout) and the drug addicts is an admission to your addiction to sex, This is evident, in the fantasy scenario you play out over and over with the construction crew knocking your inhibitions down so you can have your way with them.
The references to wood, sharp incline, Pontiac blue interior and singing a 70's tune has a strong S&M connotation but not really relevant to your problem, just as an interesting side bar and visual image.
Of course most of my evaluation is determined by the 3rd line of the last verse of this dream poem.
Of course sometimes a dream is just a dream.
just don't eat too late at night.


Member Ascendant
since 1999-10-28
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state of confusion
8 posted 2000-05-20 12:50 PM

Wow! K, Park, um, well, let me think on this and I'll get back to you! lol - very funny!

Corinne the lusty - (according to Parker)

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9 posted 2000-05-20 01:28 AM

Hey, that was Sigmund.... I was just translating for him.... ok poetic writers priviledge, but I know he would have seen it that way, the strange guy that he is...  

I am not an animal... the Elephant Man.

[This message has been edited by Haleyja (edited 05-20-2000).]

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
10 posted 2000-05-20 12:57 PM

What an interesting 'trip'.
I love the title ...
how melodic the sound of 'Loring Hill'.

LOL @ 'Sigmund' ... now HE's a trip ! ! !

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Elite
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11 posted 2000-05-20 01:08 PM

Oh my goodness!   What an interesting piece, and yes, somehow ironically funny!  (Loved "nose picker")      And I'm still laughing at the fact that Janet fell out of a vehicle onto her head!  LOL  Um...dear Janet, if it makes you feel any better, I DID TOO!  Can you believe that?  No wonder we have so much in common!  hehe  I was 4 years old, and in my dad's old pickup truck.  Didn't get my door shut good, and when he backed out onto the street, my door flew open, and all he saw was my feet going up in the air!  BONK  Down on my head I fell hard!  I'm lucky no one ran over me! At least I know I'm not the ONLY one!  ROFLMAO  Thanks Corinne and Janet, for the "wonderful" memories!     
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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12 posted 2000-05-20 06:17 PM

Very interesting to read...sometimes it's fun to realize the little girl is still in there...waiting for a chance to say something...
Member Elite
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13 posted 2000-05-21 04:08 AM

I just want to say any comments I put here were just meant to be humorous, I meant no disrespect. I love the poem and the meaning is was written. Sometimes my left field humor gets the better of me.... sorry. I get this urge to take apart a poem and create something off the wall. It can be fun, try it. No but don't go doing that with any of my poems now.... you'll all be pegging me as a cross dresser or something.   Oh and I just like to squash the rumor right now  

Parker.... this is just a tactic to bump this interesting piece back up.

Member Ascendant
since 1999-10-28
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state of confusion
14 posted 2000-05-22 09:54 PM

Not to worry, Park, I took your comments in the light in which they were presented - I know you were just kiddin' with me!

And thank you, Marge, PoetFemmeFetale and Martie!

Not to brag or anything (so, OKAY, I'm braggin' - this poem is featured (for the week of May 22nd only) at the following online magazine.


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15 posted 2000-05-24 12:13 PM

Well, as the church lady would say, arn't you special.  .
Well my sweet poet friend, congrats on being front and center this week at that site. They know a good poem when they see one. So here you go again another trip to the top, just so you can roll down that Loring Hill again.  
Don't you think rolling in the hay would be much more fun?  


Member Ascendant
since 1999-10-28
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state of confusion
16 posted 2000-05-24 09:40 AM

Thank you, Parker!  One of my favorites lines from a movie has to do with rolling in the hey, from "Young Frankenstein."

It's also one of my favorite movies!


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17 posted 2000-05-24 10:33 AM

Ok, I'm curious now, I'll have to look for that movie. Nothing like a good roll in the hay, eh!    


since 2000-03-24
Posts 153

18 posted 2000-05-24 03:43 PM

let's make sure this wonderful poem stays near the top so folks can see that it will be on that web site this week, and this week only.   hurry!   operators are standing by.  LOL

Corinne.   Congratulations!!  So good to see that you put these thoughts into poetic form.  Bit of an exorcism, that, eh?.   Did Max von Sydow help?     

Happy 4th!


Member Rara Avis
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Spring, Texas
19 posted 2000-05-24 04:47 PM

Dream or reality...or reality to be...I think it was a great piece, well thought, conceived and writen. A pleasure to read...and ponder on.


Member Ascendant
since 1999-10-28
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state of confusion
20 posted 2000-05-24 10:09 PM

Thanks, Parker! Yes, check it out!

Thank you, RAM!  I forgot he was in that movie, I was kind of young then!  LOL

Thank you, JWesley!


since 2000-03-24
Posts 153

21 posted 2000-05-25 11:18 AM

Well, Core, who's to say I remember the movie from the original release?   Maybe I only saw it, years later, on video.  Oops.  That won't work, will it?  You already know how old I am, and btw, paybacks are......

Member Empyrean
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
22 posted 2000-05-25 06:12 PM

Corrine I read this a few days ago and something about the poem captured my fascination..the style is very interesting...I laughed, I sympathized, a very interesting and funny story, and when I read Parkers comments from Freud it was more than I could bear..I laughed some more.  Thanks, to both of you, I needed some fun in my life then and now.   James
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state of confusion
23 posted 2000-05-25 09:11 PM

Thank you very much, James, glad that you enjoyed!

Yes, Parker is quite entertaining,isn't he?


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
24 posted 2000-05-25 09:40 PM

Congrats on the Super Highway publish !
I also found a weekly winner by Balladeer there in Sept. of last year.
Thank you so much for pointing me that way.

LOL@RAM .... what a guy !


 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Seraphic
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
25 posted 2000-05-26 07:18 AM

I love it.. and if they couldn't come back for ya, you're better off without 'em...
Member Elite
since 2000-01-06
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26 posted 2000-05-27 01:16 PM

How about another roll, down the hill Cor...

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