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Member Elite
since 2000-02-16
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0 posted 2000-04-18 11:23 AM

Earth Day Challenge

Does Anyone Ever Really Stop To Think?

What if the sun with it’s mighty light
and warmth that is the catalyst for
everything alive  did not shine,
because it just didn’t want to!

What if the moon with its soft
luminous light that shows us the
way through the darkness of
the night decide just to
turn away?

What if the trees mighty and
majestic that provides us the unseen
air that we breath  and need
to sustain life just simply

What if the animal kingdom so
importune to our growth physically
and our well being just up and
walk away?

What if the water upon the surface
of the earth decided to disappear
and not share its life sustaining
force  just because it was tired
of being polluted and

Well just as we have been given
the rights to decide what paths
we shall walk through in our
lives, so too has nature the
right to re-invoke her
gracious gifts that
sustain our well

By,   Cerenity

This poem may appear quiet simple in nature, but the true reality is that we have chose to turn our heads and look the other way when it comes to this planet of ours. We have missed that in which is right in front of us all every day of our lives and that is our earth also has the freedom of choice to quit and not one soul on its surface will have a ligament argument. Yes one person can make a small difference but in the matter at hand it is going to take all of the inhabitants of this planet to keep it. The sad reality is that most of the time there is always those who simply do not care and these are the ones that will be crying the loudest in the end.


[This message has been edited by Cerenity-1 (edited 04-22-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Ellen Ware - All Rights Reserved
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since 2000-01-06
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1 posted 2000-04-18 12:11 PM

Cerenity, this poem is so true. Nature is already turning her back on us. We have a lot of work to do, to correct things. The unfortunate thing is there is still too much greed, it wlll take alot to change our thinking patterns. These same companies that put out commercials for this or that cause, are polluting us behind our backs. They are poisoning our food with things that they are not even willing to label on their packages.
The simplest cheapest solution is what they go for, who cares if it hurts humans, or animals, or the environment. They wont be around when it all falls down. It our childrens problem. Its our children that will die, or maybe they will learn from our stupidity and correct all our mistakes. For sure we are not makeing it easy for them.

Great poem, for Earth Day.


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
2 posted 2000-04-19 08:04 PM

Such truth in what you say.
The age-old spirits of ~Mother Earth~
and ~Father Sky~ are weary with our
Will it ever be turned back to the
time before all the progress?  
Let us pray it is so.

Wonderful thoughts, friend.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Janet Marie
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3 posted 2000-04-22 08:10 AM


 Well the sun sets gently on your shoulders
And it makes me want to touch you there.
And the light in your eyes makes me feel
Like there's something much better out there
Something kind...
And I know someday I might be looking around
Trying to find some purpose
Well purpose it can't be that hard to find
As long as I've got the wind...
The wind and your love to carry me.
vertical horizon

Senior Member
since 2000-03-28
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4 posted 2000-04-22 08:15 AM

Cerenity, I am sure glad they are putting
the earth poems back to the top. I don't
know how this slipped away.

This is wonderful!  And, it is not
a simple poem, it is very good, and did
not need anything to help carry it along.

Challenge for earth day is Well met.


Member Elite
since 2000-02-16
Posts 2637
5 posted 2000-04-22 10:36 AM

Hi Everyone,

This wonderful group of people on this web site have put together some awsome words in reguards to Earth Day, and I am proud that I could do my small part to join in on this, I intend to keep up on being aware of what I can do to help the problem, and inform those around me in my daily life, and you know if you think about it WARS were started this way someone using there mouth in the wrong way, but in this case I feel this is for the good of all.

Thank you for your kind replys,


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