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Member Elite
since 2000-07-27
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ocala, fl, usa

0 posted 2002-02-14 08:19 PM

I thought this appropriate on Valentine's day. It is a piece done a long time ago.

My love has no top or bottom or sides
It has no depth or limit of any kind.
It does not think or ask questions.
It offers no logical answers.
It makes no judgements and cannot be judged.
It does not lie and knows not when it has been deceived.
It creates no pain but, suffers often.
It has no ambition nor does it seek advantage.
Yet, it is often victimized and used.
It neither takes up space nor partakes food.
Yet, it nourishes me.
It offers comfort.
Yet, seeks no reward or aknowledgement.
It is never selfish.
Yet, it is often deprived of a fair return.
It cannot be touched or broken,
yet it is delicate and sensitive.
It does not speak.
Yet, it's message is clear.
It cares not for itself nor does it seek shelter.
Yet, it remains healthy and vital.
It seeks no publicity.
Yet, it is known to many, scorned by some, ignored
By others.
It knows neither right or wrong, night or day,
Law or justice.
Yet, it remains pure and simple and innocent.
It has no age.
Yet, it remains young to it's purpose.
It has no beginning, no end.
It has no time, no place.
It is but a speck in the vastness of the universe.
It has no monetary value at all.
Yet, it is valuable beyond measure.
It is everything I am or ever will be.
It is life itself.

the woods are lovely, dark, and deep, but I have promises to keep, and many miles to go before I sleep...Frost

[This message has been edited by pegasus111 (02-14-2002 08:22 PM).]

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Moon Dust
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since 1999-06-11
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Skelmersdale, UK
1 posted 2002-02-14 11:03 PM

Yes and I cant imagine anyone or anything that cant love. Great definition of love, i'm not sure I understand it all but its so true.

Write what you feel, feel what you wrtie.

ellie LeJeune
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since 2000-01-10
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King of Prussia, PA USA
2 posted 2002-02-15 06:35 AM

This is incredible! I read this exquisite poem two or three times to soak in all the wisdom it contains, and you have managed to pack in a huge amount of  wise and wonderful truths of what love truly is!!Ellie

A friend hears the song in my heart, and sings it to me when my memory fails.

Joyce Johnson
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Member Rara Avis
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Washington State
3 posted 2002-02-15 02:38 PM

This truly covers everything.  It is a wonderful tribute to love.  You must have a very tender heart.  Joyce
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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
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Idaho, USA
4 posted 2002-02-15 10:15 PM

I don't think you left anything out!  It's an enormous subject, but you have written well!
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2002-02-20 02:55 AM


'it remains pure and simple and innocent.
It has no age.'

Says it all for me~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

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