Corner Pub #2 |
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Spring Snow On five parts. |
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Sparticus Member
since 2003-11-15
Posts 245 |
1. Cedars perfume the long trail gilded in silver and fools gold, tracing the faltered steps of whimsical smiles as you proclaim me your knight. Bending through seasons Winter to spring, Love's shy child drips in her adulation. This old Samurai bends for a light kiss, a faery bloom rides on my lips as dawn exposes the white lies bleeding the life of the one I blend into naturally. 2. Sanguine dreams riddle a disquieting ruse painted on black sky, blown by a moon nodding in discomfort for what she witnesses in the starless heaven where heavy sighs groan out the light. Bade by fuchia clad sprite. He whips the thick air blindly with his sword, a rattled death cry screaming from his muted heart, on leaden legs he crashes through summer rain puddles, aching for the winter lips of his beloved willing him fruitlessly home beyond the magic of the lake where the last vision remains scarred in his lungs ever calling her painted face. 3. Strain of torn notes blat on as a sour flute demon runs through Samurai's wild fevered mind. His Geisha looms large as mt.Fuji in Hokoro's feral colored paintings in his tea garden's house, her face portends his dream's end as she lays her tears like a bouquet on his chest. Fat raindrops danced like small hippos on the ticklish lake as Geisha leans on her bamboo staff, a chord of high anguish through wading reeds, her eyes wandering in bare truths, Her Samurai's voice still finds its echo in the way she touches her breast and begins singing through a stifled sob... Oh ancient warrior defender of my honor, would you know I carry you, an urn inside my broken heart, my broken heart? A voice, silk soothing answers...He ventures lost but tidings come in his sleep, tidings come in his sleep...dream with him! Earth bowed to his presence, Gentle Sumo lifts Geisha with one hand and holds her. Spirits water dance as he thunders his laughter, rain bends away. Quietly he melts into the trees taking his magic from the lake. Geisha stirs the star dust as night falls on darkest of shrouds her tears now salted love. ~ Light pries open his crimson eyes, fever muddled dreams bonging on like the great temple bells clanging in off rhythm anarchy, he lifts his sword and moves along the yellow river with the trees sneaking up on his back. 4. Luna wears a starry black veil woven in ethereal vapors, she calls out in the stark winds drinking her odors of worry spreading a drunken aura, where Samurai staggers ragged raging rattled throat hoarsely bellowing his lonely battlecry, blindness lending his frustration in a howling loose breeze where the rustling of green summer leaves whirl in spritely laughter, crashing into his mind, leaking all reason. Thunder shears his way with a clash! he whirls wildly in his last strength then falls to his knees, blade of his long saber pointed to his belly. Straining streams of memory flood his streaked face as his body shook. Deeper into his field of dead grasses until he relaxed, driving the Saber deep into his heart. Two mammoth hands quickly wisp away Luna's cloak, wrapping Samurai's body as Luna sobs in slivered silence. 5. Epilog...a Haibun Even in Kyoto- hearing the cuckoo's cry- I long for Kyoto. -Basho The ancient garden still wears it's groomed demeanour, a tall gold statue of a Geisha standing guard over the pathway's neatly raked in S waves of amber stones. The girls walked the long winding path beckoned by what the elder girl, Grace, hears as a booming, echoing laughter. Grace walked into the courtyard of the garden's gold and red ornate tea house where she saw the giant bending toward a window, Maddie, the younger running behind, her hands cupped as she calls to Grace..." look, I have captured a pink faerie!" Grace smiled, knowing the spirits cling to the many flowers in this garden. Sumo, the giant, heard Grace reply, "isn't this beautiful, sis?" and picked her up as she held up her hand to him. Grace swayed over the Orchids and the Irises in large arcs; Maddie stood drifting in her over stimulated imagination, millions of sparkling lake spirits surrounded her. Luna, dressed in her day cloak of deep sky blue, stood in the doorway of the tea house, calling the girls to come in and admonishing Sumo to " get quiet and let that girl down gently!" Sumo grinned as Grace kissed him on his cheek and let her down. He spun around and blended into the sky. Luna stepped back and let the girls enter the foyer, where boat shaped planters hung in their moorings from the ceiling, irises drizzling on their bows. Inside, the girls could see the beautiful Geisha that was memoralized in the gold Statue on her knees, silk formal dress and painted white face, ladling green hued tea to a sitting Samurai, his helmet placed beside him, his long sabre in its sheath lay across his back. Harp music played to the tune of the fire heating the tea in the black kettle. Luna disrobed, soaring into a darkened sky, chasing a chortling Sumo into the Lake. Grace turned toward Maddie..." I think we should get home, sis." Geisha looked up, a deep radient aura surrounding her and spoke, " you already are home." Samurai sheaths sabre while laughing Luna tickles Sumo from the sky. Even with insects- |
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Marge Tindal![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-06
Posts 42384Florida's Foreverly Shores |
Jesse~ This is just solid gold~ Tenderly you tell the story in beautiful poetic format~ 'her face portends his dream's end as she lays her tears like a bouquet on his chest' Don't know why ... but this reached out and squeezed my heart~ This is a BIG LOVE~ Beautifully written~ Surely you are published ? *Huglets* ~*Marge*~ ~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost, |
Mistletoe Angel![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-12-17
Posts 32816Portland, Oregon |
![]() (smiles) Yay! Oh Jesse, this is sooooooooo beautiful, sweet friend, all your wonderful form poems are a delight to behold as his haiku-choka string comes together like pearls on a necklace, yay! (big hugggsssssss) God Bless You, sweet friend, e-mail me anytime as I'd love to get to know more of your wonderful work, yay, we all love you so much! You have such a beautiful heart, sweet Jesse, thank you for sharing! ![]() May love and light always shine upon you! Love, Noah Eaton I don't need no proof when it comes to God and truth I can see the sun set and I perceive ***Live*** [This message has been edited by Mistletoe Angel (11-19-2003 11:33 PM).] |
cusick Senior Member
since 2003-07-27
Posts 668 |
Jesse, this is pure poetry written in a beautiful Style. Loved it. Maggie |
Sparticus Member
since 2003-11-15
Posts 245 |
Thank you kindly, Marge...I have never really gone after being published. Just what is on my web site and a couple of poems from high school, many, many, many years ago...the memories themselves are dusty! Thank you Noah...Your comments touch me, I am happy to be part of such a wonderful group. Thank you kindly, Maggie, this was written over a ten day period. The forms used, so all know...for most of the poem sedonka..7-7-5 syllables in two stanzas;Somonka...basically two tankas 5-7-5-7-7, the first asks a question, the second answers it. The story with the Haiku is called a Haibun. I used the quote by Basho to begin the is one of my favorites by Basho. Sparticus. Even with insects- |
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