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0 posted 2003-03-21 01:53 PM

You may be led by a monster
But there is no denying
Your bravery in the face
Of the force you are defying

These US chumps they do not know
The spirit of the Arab man
They only know their own weak ways
Since this war began

You will be defeated in the end
That is very clear
But your strength of spirit
is now also seen
You show you have no fear

It isn't hard to wage a war
All tooled up for the fight
With every modern weapon
To give you greatest might

These cowards blow your children up
While they sit safe and warm
In the end you will be beaten
But your pride they'll never harm

Surveilling your every move
They can swat you all like flies
And then they'll say they were courageous
What snivelling sleazy lies

You have a leader who is truly foul
I'm sure you hate him too
But you will fight for your country
And for that we respect you

When this overwhelming force defeats you
When all this is over and done
The ugly faces in the White House
They'll talk of pride but deserve none

But the Iraqi people will never bow
To the terrorist invader
They have a will that's true and strong
To shame this sham crusader

© Copyright 2003 Allan Tierney - All Rights Reserved
passing shadows
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1 posted 2003-03-21 02:03 PM

are you speaking here of Iraqi military leaders/forces or civilians?

if you speak of civilians, yes, they are brave, the strong faith in America to overcome their president and its military and to free them from that kind of life does bring courage and bravery to them

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2 posted 2003-03-21 02:13 PM

I am talking of the regular troops of the Iraqi military.
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3 posted 2003-03-21 02:17 PM


you do realize that over 200 Iraqi troops have surrendured today???

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4 posted 2003-03-21 02:21 PM

Do you realise how few that is?

Do you realise what overwhelming terrifying might the US has there? And you think 200 is a lot of soldiers?

This is statistically nothing compared to what Rumsfeld and his propaganda expected.

[This message has been edited by allan (03-21-2003 02:21 PM).]

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5 posted 2003-03-21 02:28 PM

I agree that's not much compared to what they have....

but it's more than what any country of courage should have....

I'm not into arguing....I just wondered if you were aware....


Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
6 posted 2003-03-21 03:40 PM

Allan, you have just about over-stayed your welcome here.

I was fine with your  poem as a reminder that people willing to fight for their country -- regardless of which country it is -- are still human beings and not the monsters their enemies invariably make them out to be. I was fine with it until ...

These cowards blow your children up

... which is nothing more than inflammatory rhetoric and hateful propaganda.

You are entitled to your opinions and I have no intention (or desire) to change them. You are NOT, however, entitled to use my home as a pulpit for hate. You can accept that and return to writing poetry or you can do what I expect you to do and make your next post your last post. It's your choice.

passing shadows
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7 posted 2003-03-21 03:59 PM

allan, it seems that what you write does not sympathize with the agony and fear that America is going through...the American lives that have been and will be lost...the economic toll...the desire to do what's right being left with no other choice. We as America, presented a choice to Saddam. The choice was made by Saddam.

We were all praying for the best but expecting the worst. We sat by our radios and televisions at the deadline...praying to hear good news....praying that peace would come, praying that Saddam would surrender, that we would not be under the threat of mass destruction, chemical and biological warfare.

That did not happen. We prayed, God listened. I cry. And no one sees it. My tears can't change anything. There is no sense in name-calling and hatefulness now. Anger only leads to anger.

We have been put in a bad position. I can sympathize with all involved. I could not have born the weight of that decision. I could not be out there with someone at the end of a gun that I hold in my hands...that is me. I speak for myself.

Most of us wish for world peace. Most of us have dreams. In hindsight, we may have made other decisions. Everyone makes mistakes. Nothing in life is fair. We are not perfect. No one is.  

Marge Tindal
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8 posted 2003-03-21 04:52 PM

Ron Carnell~
Thank you~
You are a man of courage, conviction and marvelously moral principals~

Bless you as you keep the 'poetic-home-circle' respectful~

God bless the world, as we move toward peace~


~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]                        

Wesley the Blue
since 1999-09-02
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Forest Lake, MN, USA
9 posted 2003-03-21 09:06 PM

I find it amazing that while there are people in far away countries calling the U.S. and Coalition forces "criminals" and "evil" that those same forces are cheered by the Iraqi people as they free them from the opressive rule of Saddam Hussein.  It something to think about for sure.  Perhaps the real judges of the actions of the Coalition should be the people of the country that they are trying to help?
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California Desert
10 posted 2003-03-21 10:31 PM

Allan, you have so much hatred in you, I feel so sorry for you that you constantly feel the need to be so verbally aggressive and basically pretty disgusting in your tirades. How can you be a peacemaker when you are constantly waging war verbally and with your pen - I believe I would have to call you a saber rattler - you push buttons knowing full well the conflicts you will start and delighting in it I am sure, or at least that is the way it would appear.
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Saluting with misty eyes
11 posted 2003-03-22 02:29 AM

I have another idea (check your "War Is Here" post for my first idea)...
Since you enjoy the "bravery" of the Iraqi army (which, from experience I can tell you is just plain ludicrous), and you feel the Iraqi people are such wonderful human beings (which they are)...
Since you list your occupation as "dreamer" and clearly have no visible means of support,I will gladly donate the cost of your airfare, and a few dollars in spending cash to get you started over there.
Have a nice trip.

[This message has been edited by Ringo (03-22-2003 02:33 AM).]

since 2002-06-08
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United States
12 posted 2003-03-22 02:09 PM

allan, thank you for this.  I was looking for someone to say what had to be said, and you did it perfectly.  I couldn't agree with you more.


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13 posted 2003-03-23 07:16 AM

thank you LilTai - some people are unable to see words as words. some others mistake disgust for hatred for their own purposes. others actively use hatred against another country and condone that BECAUSE it is against another country in support of their own - this is hypocrisy. it is a simple truth that American bombs will kill children and this IS a cowardly act. I am totally and utterly disgusted with the American administration as are the vast majority of the world's population. if people here see the truth as hatred it says much more about them that it does me. perhaps they need to look at the truth behind successive american administration attitudes - that of 'If it's weak attack it and say we are doing it for humanitarian reasons'. in fact America ALWAYS acts for its own self interest - ALWAYS. this is not hate - this is fact. almost everything Rumsfeld or the American media says is pure propaganda. Ron seems to think that what I am saying here is propaganda - i think he needs to look at the definition of this word. It has been estimated by an American statistician that almost 40,000 Iraqi women and children were killed by coalition (predominantly American) munitions in the last Iraqi war - there WILL be many many deaths of women and children this time too - and the traumatisation of children will be enormous. this is not convenient for the propagandists in America. There are many aspects which are NOT convenient for the propagandists in America. Ron can shut up this one person who wishes to put a different view on this and say that America's actions are shameful. He wont stop the world saying it and he wont silence our voices - he will also not hold down the utter disgust the vast majority of the world feels against the corrupt actions of Bush & his cohorts over the past year or so. The manipulation of these men of the sincere grief and fear of the decent American people is obnoxious. This may be my last post here at passions and I leave it to others to keep saying what the others want to close their ears to. If America does not finally take some notice of the rest of the world and their disgust at the policies of their leaders they will remain forever in ignorance and be riddled with hate. All the best. the world deserves much better than this ugliness from your leaders. in the end we will have better. there is no way that the world will suffer this barbarism long.

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14 posted 2003-03-23 07:39 AM

I suppose every war that has ever been fought has found some on the side of war and some against the war...
I think the important thing here is to discuss the reasons respectively.
Do not assume that those that believe a war against evil leaders is necessary want to see children suffer.  
If possible show some respect.  
Yes I'm talking to you Allen...James

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15 posted 2003-03-23 08:29 AM

"But you will fight for your    country" ?

~WILL~?  ~WHEN~?  Let's see, they could have (past tense) formed an anti-Saddam protest, and by the millions, mowed down him and his government after the atrocities he performed against their neighbors, friends, husbands, children, wives, etc.

Nope, that wouldn't work, that was tried in China and look what happened.

Or, they could have nurtured suicide bombers and infiltrated his (their) government and assassinated him and his. I can't remember any headlines about such incidents. That must not work, for surely they'd have protected their own, wouldn't they?

NOW, they are ~suddenly~ going to fight for their country.  

Perhaps they need some help.

Unless you and they don't think Saddam is their problem.

Oh, I almost forgot, the United States of America is their problem, and if we went away they would live happily ever after.

Show me any leader in this world and I'll show you a dirty one. And, what if we say show me any country and I'll show you a dirty one.

So, the whole world is filthy!

Guess the question is what does 'dirty' and 'filthy' mean?
Just re-read your poem and noticed the last word. In Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary( C.1974) I checked my spelling for ASS ASS IN and here is one definition:

1.) One of a secret order of Muslims that at the time of the Crusades terrorized Christians and other enemies.......

What is going on in the world today has been going on for centuries.
This is a battle of the gods, not the people. We are all puppets and let us hope we have the ~right~ god pulling our strings.

Have you said your prayers lately, Allen?


..without surrender, be on good terms with all persons..

[This message has been edited by regards2you (03-23-2003 09:12 AM).]

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California Desert
16 posted 2003-03-23 10:43 AM

(These cowards blow your children up)

Such a sick statement to make. No matter how often I go back into this piece and read it I can find no redeeming quality in it whatso-ever. For me, my opinion only, the coward is the one making all the noise, hiding behind words, whilst allowing his fellow men to fight for his freedom so that he might sit there making his ugly noises without fear of retribution. If I had a bagful of white feathers I would give them to you and your fellow 'verbal war-mongers' and request that you prove to the world that you didn't deserve them. Are you English? if you are I am ashamed to call you a fellow countryman. We are free today because of war - like it or not that was payment for our freedom and always has been. My opinion to which I am entitled to.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
17 posted 2003-03-23 11:20 AM


~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]                        

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
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Michigan, US
18 posted 2003-03-23 11:34 AM

... some others mistake disgust for hatred for their own purposes

Disgust is what one feels for people who pick their nose in public. If you believe what you write and don't hate it, you need to grow a spine. More likely, you just need to grow up.

On second thought, I think I should just let Marge have the last words. They are certainly the most appropriate for this occasion.

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19 posted 2003-03-24 07:44 PM

Ah, well. That was short lived. I signed up for this forum just now and have been dutifully reading and responding to other folks’ work. After reading the drivel on this topic I must say my good byes and excuse myself from this oppressive atmosphere. Ta!
passing shadows
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20 posted 2003-03-25 03:18 AM

Jason Lyle
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21 posted 2003-03-26 08:23 AM

Give me a break, to all the new members bowing out now, This is not free speech, but hatred in prose. I have found on these forums much tolerance for differance, but we have no tolerance for hate.

Wesley the Blue
since 1999-09-02
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Forest Lake, MN, USA
22 posted 2003-03-26 04:53 PM

as one of the older, though hardly very active members I would have to say that pretty much anything goes here, but this type of work will not be accepted very well.  New members should stick around, it took us a long time and a lot of offensive and disrespectful posts for allan to be kicked.  Please stay and share you're poetry or prose with us.
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