Corner Pub #2 |
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A quest presented to thy Noble White Knight |
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Knight Blackthorne Junior Member
since 2000-06-28
Posts 14 |
A man dressed in torn and shredded clothes that seem to have belonged to a holy man approached myne brother White Knight during this Solstice. I listened as this worn elder spoke to him: Noble White Knight, I ask a quest of thee, To return to myne family, a most sacred piece. I was sent hence from thy council of knights, To humbly request thy services this solstice night. This chalice of healing taken from us, Would bring power to demons if it's lost. Myne family has held it secret so long, When in the wrong hands it could cause great harm. The minions that stole this most sacred prize, Head now to the vale of holy eyes, To enter the vale only two must go, Being worthy to gods their virtues be shown The noble sword of a knight’s heart pure, The elegance of a lady, whose sight may cure, Upon entering the vale of holy eyes, They say if approved a gift given by the ancient and wise. White Knight if thy journey this quest, Listen to thy senses for thy bring thee success, Lady Esmeralda is prophesied as the elegant lass, I pray thee health, strength and a rapid journey back. |
© Copyright 2001 Knight Blackthorne - All Rights Reserved | |||
Trillium![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-09
Posts 12098Idaho, USA |
I want to know what happened! Please continue. Betty Lou Hebert |
Joyce Johnson![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-10
Posts 9912Washington State |
I echo Betty. This is fascinating, we need to know the ending. Joyce |
Lady In White![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-02-12
Posts 2799USA |
Poets....sparring.... Excellent! |
White Knight Member
since 2000-03-14
Posts 92 |
Thou having the Councils Blessings, Evident by this, their seal, I, the White Knight thus aquiesce, And thus give fair heed to thy appeal. A Knight is sworn to protect the Kingdom, From every vile and evil foe, To respect the order of the Holy, For this charge, if deemed worthy, I go. I will learn hence every last detail, M'Lady Esmeralda must willfully share your goal, She's a beauty, thus her brilliant mind is oft overlooked. If she's thus willing, as thy prophets have told. If I prepare for the said dangerous journey, I must need to know of myne adversary, For if the Lady Esmeralda is to join me, Her safety must needs be a primary. Holy man, tomorrow on the high arc of day, Meet me at West River Castle Court, That we might commune on a strategy, That this quest be planned forth. I therefore must entreat Thee my Elder, Speak not of this matter to another soul, For Evil hast informants as weeds afield, Hold thy tongue, lest the deceptor dare know. |
White Knight Member
since 2000-03-14
Posts 92 |
To Lady Esmeralda M'Lady Esmeralda, most true, What say Ye regarding the Holy Mans plea? Art Thou inclined by favor, Wilt Thou thus ride with me? Consider thine own personal danger, Answer not this plea in haste, Also condider the Good this Quest will bring, Bringing Evils plan to waste. Discern yet what the Elder will say, When we meet again, the sun be on high, Let not the prophets vision of Thee, Make thy choice, let thy heart reply. To Knight Blackthorne Brother, Thou hast heard the Elder, Speak plainly thy gut reaction, Thy council, I pray thee devulge, 'Fore I set forth into action. |
Trillium![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-09
Posts 12098Idaho, USA |
I can see a long journey ahead of us here. No quick answers, is that the case? Betty Lou Hebert |
White Knight Member
since 2000-03-14
Posts 92 |
At the chosen hour of noon, The holy man met me to explain, How the Chalice of healing had been taken, A subtle deception by a "Monk from Spain". The elders family, all for good reason, Spoke not publikly of the Chalice's charm, But in their healing ministry to the faint, A quiet reputation wast made, thus to its' harm. "This Monk entreated us to bless his ill friend, And in our kindness we took them both in, Believing him to be a holy man, our guard was down, And in strict confidence the Chalice was talked of then." "I should have noticed the sparkle in his eye, When he first beheld our coveted prize, Being late, we bade them both lodging, They dissapeared with the Chalice before sunrise." "What a fool I'd been, believing his lies, His convient appearance, I did not question, Sure he was odd, but of foriegn extraction, I let myne guard down for this evil deception." "In myne enquiries of this supposed Monk, Myne informants told of this mysterious hack, Known as a prince of the evil realm, Goes by the name of Zolak. "I wast warned warned of his great evil power, Now, even the more enhanced to do malice, A prophet foretold of a Brave Knight of Truth, And of a Virteous Lady to rescue the Chalice." "I beseech Thee, True Knight, Myne hope rest in Thee, Engage in this Rescue, Return this Holy Prize to myne family." I told the troubled elder, Myne answer would be in three days, For needed counsel, and preprations, Need due consideration to get underway. As I thought of what the elder had said, The name Zolak troubled me sore, Having heard this name mentioned only once before, By Myne mentor Silverblade, I must learn more! [This message has been edited by White Knight (edited 07-07-2001).] |
Silver Blade New Member
since 2000-10-19
Posts 2 |
White Knight, student of myne, The name of Zolak comes from a distant tyme. A tyme when demons had come to rule, Hero’s were legends and very few. Centuries ago a warrior of great skill, Had given up honor for the taste of each kill, He followed forces evil and dark, Was granted a curse for his aging to stop. With powers growing every day, The new demon Zolak had started to stray, From the masters of his dark gifts, His thirst of control never to relent. He was banished from the realm in which we live, Sent to a plane of his own existence. He was banished by the first knight of the council, With your gods noble and graceful assistance. The battle was fierce and very grave, It turned up trees and scorched acres of green plains. The first knight died in that fiery fight, His god created this chalice that very night. If the chalice is destroyed, Zolak will be freed, May the gods be merciful, And help stop this deed. Take care, virtuous noble knight, And heed thy heart on this hazardous plight, Combine thy brother’s sword in thy worship tonight, The ancient power of thyne blades will be brought to life. This is all I have for thee, I’ll anxiously await success of thy deed. Do not underestimate Zolak’s power, You’ll feel his evil presence as you near the dark obelisk tower. [This message has been edited by Silver Blade (edited 07-09-2001).] |
White Knight Member
since 2000-03-14
Posts 92 |
Thy counsel, thyne insight in this matter, Hast thus bolsterd myne hope, I pray that I might honor thee in sucess, Lest Zolak for greater power grope. Myne sword with its' markings of honor, Is ready to be unsheathed for battle, I will defend that which is holy and pure, Return the Chalice to the holy mans mantle. Valiant teacher, Exaulted Grand Knight, I must leave on the morrow, Myne Lady Esmeralda doth yet prepare, May the gods bring joy, not sorrow. At dawn with myne virteous Lady, Myne Quest shall henceforth begin, Heading forth to the Vale of Holy Eyes, As we dare thus to enter in.
Esmeralda Ponsonby Member
since 2000-04-02
Posts 138 |
Prepared for journey as thy quest we shall commence, Myne saddle a bit stiff, yet thine horse perfectly fit. Lead on, we shall trawl thy wilderness cautiously, There’ll be many obstacles, as forbidden land is mystical. Thy wondrous floral notations amongst our chosen path, Are none but trickery deemed upon us as trivial mockery. I shall ride beside thee where thy path dost permit, Take heed, a bit of knowledge renders for us to pay homage. Thy mountain ahead bares a map within its hidden cavern, Trial paths are forged aside, not for us they’re much too wide. View thine rocks as protection, hence thy journey be safe, For within just a few steps thine entrance awaits our concepts. Darkness shall be a set back as this night prevails upon us, Suppose we rest here, than in thine morning, light shall appear. I’ve not a clue how safe this passage can be if we both slept, I shall mind Your trinkets of wisdom, as I drape Ye in blanket. [This message has been edited by Esmeralda Ponsonby (edited 07-11-2001).] |
White Knight Member
since 2000-03-14
Posts 92 |
M'Lady, fair Esmeralda, With apprehension proceed we must, Lest we underplay the enemys stronghold, And be dishonored and crushed. What soon awaits us? Only time will thus tell, What tempest will billow From the Gates of Hell? The dark enchantments Which will try to destroy, Are defenseless against truth, Purity of heart and Loves joy. Unified by Holy purpose, Together we shall stand, And rid our beloved kingdom, Of evils strong hand. Thus together we press on, To save our King and his Palace, Thwart Evils injustice, And rescue the Holy Chalice. |
White Knight Member
since 2000-03-14
Posts 92 |
Traveling ever the deeper, Into this rock sheltered trek, Amoungst the Great ancient boulders, We must appear as but two specks. I recall now the legend, As we draw ever the nearer, To the Vale of Holy Eyes, Wish't myne memory be clearer. One thousand prophets of old, Once inhabited this very Vale, A scourge to the vile demons, Their mischief did earnestly assail. The Vale once considered Holy, By the tribes of the North Henge, Had been defiled by the Dark Realm, Hell bent on cursed Revenge. One prophet of noted question, Gained a taste for Dark Power, Made a pact with the dark legion, Betrayed his brothers that self same hour. The nine hundred ninety nine Holy men suffered that very day, The accursed as a sign over these seers, Had their eyes first pluck't away. This Vale thus hast been since cursed, Since the deaths of these prophets of old, And they're watching yet today, To redeem this Vale it's told. Though Evil hast claimed this Once hallowed safe ground, One day this Vale of Holy Eyes, Will have it's holiness refound. For a pure Knight and One Virtueous Lady, Shall one day enter this Vale, Drive out the vile Darkness, Then new Light shall prevail. But before these truths come to pass, Three trials on these two travelers be laid, To gain the blessings of the ancients, Their honor and virtue must be displayed. Alas that's all I remember, I pray we'll be up to the test, May the Gods show us great mercy, May we successfully accomplish our Quest. [This message has been edited by White Knight (edited 07-13-2001).] |
White Knight Member
since 2000-03-14
Posts 92 |
As we proceded thus farther, The feeling of being watched ever so keen, But to the eye this place was deserted, Not a soul wast there to be seen. Then without any warning, A bright light flashed above in the skies, And suddenly standing there before us, Wast an old man with deep imploring eyes. "Why enter ye into this forsaken vale?" He demanded with certian authority, "Only evil travelers this vale hast seen, No light, only lurid depravity." "But I discern thee unlike the rest, For thou bring into this vale much light, But to pass with the Ancients blessings, Three test thou must set aright." I glanced at Esmeralda, Her face looked a might pale, But her smile yet shone brightly, Gracing this oft fabled vale. "Sir", I spoke with slight hesitation, "To these test submit we this hour, For we must traverse through this vale, On way to the Dark Obelisk Tower." "This being the only known passage, We seek now the Ancients blessings, Being a matter of great urgency, We humbly submit to Thy testings." With this said the vale went black, Nothing in this darkness saw we, The blackest of nights could not compare, To this onset of dense Ebony! |
Voiceless Senior Member
since 2001-02-19
Posts 686Under the stars upon the wind |
(well all i can say is that it better not end here! I have read this whole thing and loved it! so don't stop now! I got to hear how it ends!) ~*Freedom Is Not Free*~ (Korean War Memorial) |
White Knight Member
since 2000-03-14
Posts 92 |
(Test # 1 of the Ancients) When myne sight wast restored, I beheld a vast cavern as best I could, A level floor by a great moat divided, Across't the gulf myne Esmeralda stood. "M'Lady", I called while seeking a route, She seemed not to hear myne beckon, When out of the moat a great Dragon appeared, Toward Esmeralda it's gaze did threaten. It's tail swept aptly around, As if to swat me as a common bug, I leapt back into farther recesses, To avoid this demonic thug. Puffs of smoke sputtered from it's nose, It's great throat started to rumble, Turned it's head and shot a blast of flame, And I escaped with a sudden left tumble. It's interest fell away from me now, Toward Esmeralda it did turn, I knew if I didn't act quick, My Esmeralda would suffer great burn. Got to my feet, ran for all I was worth, Leapt on his scaly back, just above the wing, Grabbed hold expecting a terrible ride, Not expecting to hear Esmeralda sing! The Dragon distracted by this valiant ploy, Hesitated, and I untethered myne blade, Found an indentation between two ribs, Drove the steel to the hilt, hoping my target be made. There was a fierce cry of disbelief, As the Dragon repulsed in pain, Expecting to be thrown as it did writhe, Pulled back myne sword and plunged it again. The dragon collapsed, toward the Lady he fell, Carrying me along as he die, I leapt off, withdrawing myne sword, As the Dragon expelled his last sigh. Esmeralda came running into myne arms, Her sweet singing had saved us this day, I looked deeply into her emerald eyes, And this cavern suddenly melted away. The elder stood before us once again. With a look of approval for what was just done, "You both have displayed great courage, The Ancients have conceded test number one." "The second test will now begin, Remember, things are not always as they seem, Be careful, haste not thyne judgment, Thy perception this Vale may redeem." The Vale went black almost at once, Squid ink to this could not compare, I squeezed Esmeraldas hand in the darkness, Thanking God, by myne side she was there. [This message has been edited by White Knight (edited 07-20-2001).] |
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