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Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

0 posted 2003-01-18 05:56 PM

This was Soaring Eagles first, and from what I can determine, his only originating post at Passions. This was from December 2nd of 2001. The title in the Subject line was "Mystical"


Candy Land

I found myself in Candy Land
Laying beneath the stars.
Then approached the Candy Man
Offering candy bars.

He told me they were magical
And they could give me awesome powers.
I took a bar and ate it all.
I was as tall as the tallest tower.

I ran around in my boat sized shoes
Smashing all the candy cars.
The Candy Man then let me choose
Between two new candy bars.

I took the one with the colorful wrapper,
And ate it in one bite.
Soon my heart began to beat faster.
My body was taking flight.

I flew up to the cotton candy clouds.
I grabbed as much as I could.
I ate and ate sinking back to the ground,
Landing on a Pirate's plank of wood.

The Pirate charged at me with a chocolate sword,
But it melted in the sun.
I threw the Pirate overboard,
And ate all his candy one by one.

I jumped off his ship and landed on my feet.
I began to run on top of the water.
I ran all the way to the Island of Treats,
Where I met a boy named Harry Potter.

He took out his wand and made a special bar,
One designed to enhance your sight.
I couldn't see anything, near or far.
It was all much too bright.

I closed my eyes and counted to ten.
What I saw would blow your mind.
There were bright, brilliant colors with spheres at the end,
That not once tired with time.

I rode a sphere back to Candy Land,
And layed, again, beneath the stars.
I was woken, then, by the Candy Man,
Offering more candy bars.

Rest in peace, Soaring Eagle.

[This message has been edited by Denise (01-18-2003 11:36 PM).]

© Copyright 2003 Denise - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
since 2002-12-25
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Ontario, Canada
1 posted 2003-01-18 09:32 PM

Denise, who is Soaring Eagle? Sorry, I just registered last Dec/02 and haven't got to meet (read) most of you.
This poem is such a magical fairy tale, so right to read for a grandson at bedtime.

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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2 posted 2003-01-18 09:37 PM

Denise--He was a gentle man with a powerful spirit...I will miss him.  Thank you for posting this.  
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

3 posted 2003-01-18 11:40 PM

jjote, he joined here in December of 2001. Marge called him "My Warrior". Here is the link to the poem that she wrote for him on the occassion of his passing.


You're welcome, Martie. I wish I had known him. From what others say he was indeed a special person.

[This message has been edited by Denise (01-18-2003 11:42 PM).]

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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
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Idaho, USA
4 posted 2003-01-19 10:41 PM

Denise:  Thanks for posting this poem by Soaring Eagle (Don to me)  He was indeed a wonderful person and friend.  Maybe Marge will have some of his other poetry and would share it with us!

Betty Lou Hebert

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2003-01-20 09:07 AM

Thank you.

~My Warrior~ was the kindest, most gentle person.  We have walked this plane before and will do so again.

He leaves behind a lovely wife, Nan, and eight children.  His earthly services will be held today, where his beautiful poem, 'Going Home' will be read by one of his lovely granddaughters.

I have written and asked Ron for permission to post 'Going Home' and as yet have not heard from him concerning the request.
Don's family has given permission, which I forwarded to Ron, for me to post his words.
If and when I hear from Ron, I will do so with pleasure.

Through the years Don sent me many 'thoughts' that he asked me to 'polish' ... they were all gems that showed what a beautiful soul resided within him.

No greater friend ... no greater loss~

What was ... is ... and will be so again


~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
           [email protected]                       

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