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Open Poetry #8
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Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA

0 posted 2000-07-11 11:38 AM

So there I sat - my head was hot, sweat streaming down my face.
Ten million eyes were on me as I sat there in my place.
My nerves were taut - my stomach ached from acid indigestion
As I heard Regis read to me the million dollar question.

I'd fought and clawed my way right through the questions, up to now
And knew that, if God gave the chance, I'd answer it somehow.
A sense of panic struck me, though I tried hard not to show it
'Cause when I heard the question I was sure I didn't know it!

Regis knew my quandry - sensed my feeling of despair,
Saw me squirm uneasily upon the cushioned chair
And just when I thought that the silence there would never end
He said, "You have a life-line. Would you like to phone a friend?"

My life-line! I had plumb forgot! How stupid could I be?
I felt a wave of great relief come washing over me.
I had a buddy - Bill - the smartest man I ever knew.
If anyone could help me I knew Bill would get me through.

The call was made-Bill on the line-the question had been read.
I prayed that somehow Bill could find the answer in his head.
Then, just when I had given up all hope, I heard him say
"No problem, Mike. The money's yours. The answer is the "A"."

"Bill, are you sure?, I said. "I mean, I know you're one smart guy
But I can leave with half a million now if I don't try."
"Go for it, Mike", he told me. "You can wipe all doubts away.
You'll have a house on easy street. The answer is the "A"."

Then, suddenly, within my head, there shone a brilliant light
And I knew then, beyond a doubt, that my friend Bill was right!
No shred of doubt was left in me...the dark clouds blew away.
I said without the slightest hesitation "It's the "A"."

"Your final answer, Mike?" said Regis and I nodded yes.
I felt a calm and peace inside without a trace of stress.
The certainty of being right ran through me loud and strong....
Then Regis shook his head and said "I'm sorry, Mike. That's wrong."

I sat there stunned and unbelieving that I hadn't won.
The first thought that came into mind was "NO! What have I done?"
I'd been so sure that Bill was right I'd wagered all and more...

and realized it was a thing I'd never done before.

It dawned on me throughout my life, I'd always been reserved
And gave my all to no one, even when it was deserved
'Cause if you never give your all, the fault's not really yours
If all your plans go down in flames, which normally occurs.

I'd never placed full faith in anyone. It made no sense
To open up completely with no wall of self-defense.
The, when my lovers left me, I could smile complacently
By knowing I had not allowed them to hurt 'all' of me.

Hell, even in religion, I could say that I believe
But disregard the things I am unable to conceive
And, through my bible studies, I am thought to be well-schooled
But, if there's nothing up there, I can say I wasn't fooled.

A dog will view an open hand as kindness or a trap
And be prepared for anything from biscuits to a slap.
That's how I lived my life, with feelings I could always hide...
Accept the pats but never once expose my underside.

Yet, on this silly game show, although it had turned out bad,
I'd put my faith in Bill completely - everything I had
And, though it hadn't turned out well, a smile came to my face.
I felt a calm tranquility at what had taken place.

At last I'd given everything. I'd let my feelings out
And realized that this was what life really is about.
The wall had finally tumbled down. My life could now go on.
I'd given everything I had and, though I lost, I won.

© Copyright 2000 Michael Mack - All Rights Reserved
serenity blaze
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since 2000-02-02
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1 posted 2000-07-11 11:47 AM

You wise wise man you....thank you for do spin a fine tale.  and of course the answer would be "B"--for Balladeer...
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2 posted 2000-07-11 11:58 AM

This is so cool! It starts out as just a poem about being on a game show and ends with one of life's truths. Very well done (as usual!).

LOL-I was watching Who Wants to be a Millionaire once, and some guy was using his phone-a-friend lifeline, and the friend picked up--and asked Regis to hold on because he was at dinner, or something! It was so funny, and I thought of that when I read this poem.  

< !signature-->

I'm grabbing my hat and coat
I'm leaving the cat a note
Quick call me a ferry boat-getting out of town!

[This message has been edited by Elizabeth (edited 07-11-2000).]

Member Elite
since 1999-07-23
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Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion
3 posted 2000-07-11 12:03 PM

You should have listened closer to the camera that was there,
Showing in painful detail your every lock of sweat-soaked hair.
For on the other side of that unforgiving lens,
Was crusty old Long John, your only true trusted friend.

Yes, I was there for you, pounding on my TV screen,
Yelling out the answer, hoping you could hear my screams.
"Don't choose 'A'" I was shouting, because the answer's 'D'!
Why don't you know the answer that is so clear to me?

"What was the final question?" our fellow poets ask,
"What could have stumped old Balladeer, when he was called to task?"
"What target does ol' Long John's wooden leg so often love?"
'A) Kitties        B) Puppies    C)  'Deer   D) All the Above'

Great poem, 'Deer - you always have a way of bringing an important lesson for living into your poems.  I really admire that.

[This message has been edited by LngJhnAg (edited 07-11-2000).]

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
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In the winds of Cherokee song
4 posted 2000-07-11 12:05 PM

I so enjoyed reading this.  It is captivating from the title on down.  Brilliant piece of wisdom. Thanks for sharing it.
Sudhir Iyer
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since 2000-04-26
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Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
5 posted 2000-07-11 12:07 PM

The master story teller is at it again...

Enjoyed greatly...

regards, sudhir

doreen peri
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6 posted 2000-07-11 12:59 PM

This is.....exquisite.... yep. It is. I would enjoy hearing this recited..... it holds so much truth and honesty. The way you can take a simple story and weave it into a tapestry of wisdom is...... awesome. Really awesome.

oh, yeah, btw.... did i mention that i LOVE  it?  

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
7 posted 2000-07-11 02:58 PM

Oh, you had me guessing, which "friend" it would be
Toe or LJA, would they be a friend in deed?
But here you go and call old Bill, a trusted friend to you
and instead a lesson learned, a day you'll never rue!

Loved it!  Honestly thought you'd call on one or the other...but then, well, we can see where that might have ended up, had the answer been right, Toe coming in with his brood, LJA taking his share and heading for the high seas...

Ah well...


~~~Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow.
Helen Keller ~~~

When you want to be loved, look within...KRJ

ma miller
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since 2000-07-11
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8 posted 2000-07-11 03:06 PM

A great turn of events ... Enjoyed reading it and will read it again ... Had to get the "Final Answer" in there somehow ... Great work ...
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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9 posted 2000-07-11 04:30 PM

Great one, deer, enjoyed every word!
Member Elite
since 1999-07-31
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United Kingdom
10 posted 2000-07-11 04:54 PM

I love this sweetheart...


brian madden
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since 2000-05-06
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11 posted 2000-07-11 05:35 PM

Ah I have seen the english version of this program. I hate the way he asks them are you sure you want to take the money?
A wonderful tale Balladeer, some times we have to risk to truely live. excellently written as always my friend.

"I've been too honest with myself I should have lied like everybody else" faster-Manic street preachers.

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since 2000-06-26
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Blue Heaven
12 posted 2000-07-11 05:45 PM

Well the audience says "E", For Excellent.
It won't get you a million dollars, in fact it won't get you any, but in the what it's worth department, the audience thinks you said plenty.


Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito. - Virgil.
"Yield thou not to adversity, but press on the more bravely".

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Member Seraphic
since 1999-07-29
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13 posted 2000-07-11 07:43 PM

I love the tale you've woven here, I really must admit
But you'd have had the money too, that is the shame of it.
By now you should have realized, for all you want to know
Forget ole Bill, he ain't too smart. You should have called on Toe! *G*

Irish Rose
Member Patricius
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14 posted 2000-07-11 07:57 PM

I need a T-shirt printed with the last line of this wonderful ballad, front and back because it just says it all!!!

fits me to a T.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
15 posted 2000-07-11 08:03 PM

This one is a

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
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Bewilderment , USA
16 posted 2000-07-11 08:10 PM

You most certainly have a way with words that eludes most of us . All taunting aside , I really do enjoy your works, and in time hope to grasp the insight and flair with which you tell your tales .

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

17 posted 2000-07-11 09:21 PM

What can I say that hasn't been said already? Oh yeah, you're the GREATEST!  


Janet Marie
Member Laureate
since 2000-01-22
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18 posted 2000-07-11 09:37 PM

and realized it was a thing I'd never done before.

It dawned on me throughout my life, I'd always been reserved
And gave my all to no one, even when it was deserved
'Cause if you never give your all, the fault's not really yours
If all your plans go down in flames, which normally occurs.

I'd never placed full faith in anyone. It made no sense
To open up completely with no wall of self-defense.
The, when my lovers left me, I could smile complacently
By knowing I had not allowed them to hurt 'all' of me.

Hell, even in religion, I could say that I believe
But disregard the things I am unable to conceive
And, through my bible studies, I am thought to be well-schooled
But, if there's nothing up there, I can say I wasn't fooled.

A dog will view an open hand as kindness or a trap
And be prepared for anything from biscuits to a slap.
That's how I lived my life, with feelings I could always hide...
Accept the pats but never once expose my underside.

Yet, on this silly game show, although it had turned out bad,
I'd put my faith in Bill completely - everything I had
And, though it hadn't turned out well, a smile came to my face.
I felt a calm tranquility at what had taken place.

At last I'd given everything. I'd let my feelings out
And realized that this was what life really is about.
The wall had finally tumbled down. My life could now go on.
I'd given everything I had and, though I lost, I won.

*sitting here shaking me head in respect and awe*
the wisdom and grace of this poem
touch me in a place few poems ever do
the heartfelt honesty is so damn perfect
and so real...
and could only be written by someone--
who has lived it and learned it the hard way
I say to hell with Regis...
why I bet he cant even write poetry  

since 2000-05-12
Posts 367

19 posted 2000-07-11 09:52 PM

This is simply wonderful  
so is lngjhn's response to it.

Keep doing what you do so well!

~My Skipper Jim
I love you!
Your Lady June~

Member Ascendant
since 1999-10-28
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state of confusion
20 posted 2000-07-11 10:24 PM

A good message here, Balladeer, but next time, call Hillary, not Bill, she's the one with the brains!!!


Senior Member
since 2000-04-05
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North Carolina
21 posted 2000-07-11 10:54 PM

excellent and quite true, how often we are reserved with ourselves if in fact we would give all at least we know we tried to our utmost.
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
22 posted 2000-07-12 01:21 AM

Serenity...Thank you. I can't imagine what the question would be!

Elizabeth...That is funny! thanks for reading!

LongJohn...if that had been the question, I certainly would have known the answer. Besides, it was call a friend, not fiend.  

Great response, ya old salt  

Mark...and I thank you for your kind words.

Sudhir....always a pleasure to please you. Thank you, sir...

Doreen...I'm just an old sew and sew. Yes, you did mention it. Please don't stop either one of them? You kidding? The object is to call somebody SMART!!! hehe. (good idea, though)

MA Miller...yep, wouldn't be complete without it. Thank you for enjoying...

Martie....and every word enjoyed being read by you  

Rainbow....It's so special when I see you around. Thanks from then cheeky one  

Brian...Yep, it's the old risk and reward syndrome. I hate that same part   Thank you..

Prometheus...what it's worth is more to me than the millions, believe me. Thank you kindly  

Suthern...I love to see you on Toe? What number should I use? That bum keeps hiding! Besides if he doesn't snap you up, he can't be that smart....

Irish Rose...Yes, that is the most important line...and I can imagine you being that kind of girl. Thank you, Rose  

Marge...Graphics Gertie strikes again!! Well, you should know about winners 'cause you sure are one in my book!  

Doc...Those are very generous words and greatly appreciated. I thank you....

Denise...One of the greatest rewards of writing is having YOU as a fan. I appreciate you....

Janet are something else! I love you, girl! Yes, experience did play a little role in this one....the Hard Knocks degree hangs on my wall. Thank you, pal of mine  

Magnolia...Thank you....I will (ain't smart enough to do anything else!) Yep, that LongJohn is something, ain;t he? (not saying what)

Corrine...Don't even think about getting me started on that subject! Let's just say they deserve each other  

Rosebud....yes it is sad but true. Thank you very much for reading and responding ...

Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
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Coastal Texas
23 posted 2000-07-12 08:46 AM

Mike, this is....well, it's kinda...huh...WHOA!!!!
I don't know how you do it, 'Deer.  Wonderful, witty, deep, poignant, slice-of-life, relative, profound...all in one.  In fact, there is only one tiny thing I found wrong, in the verse:

"I'd never placed full faith in anyone. It made no sense
To open up completely with no wall of self-defense.
The, when my lovers left me, I could smile complacently
By knowing I had not allowed them to hurt 'all' of me.".

Should line three be 'The' or 'Then'?  Just wondering.

Your Persnickety Poet-Pal,

Alicat, the Persnikitty

since 2000-05-20
Posts 387

24 posted 2000-07-12 11:55 AM

This was great! Very profound. I usually go through life with a few walls up but mine come down pretty quick. I don't believe you can experience life to it's fullest by keeping them up so I don't. Yes, it makes you more vulnerable and yes I've gotten hurt because of it but I would have never experienced what I have with them up. I really enjoyed this and all the wisdom in it! Great writing!  


Senior Member
since 1999-12-15
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Wisconsin, USA
25 posted 2000-07-12 01:03 PM

As always, I'm in awe, this one was worth a million just for the read.  Take care my friend.
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