Open Poetry #8 |
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~Even In Your Eyes~ The most difficult poem for me to write |
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Honeybee Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
Posts 5372Ontario, CANADA ![]() |
~EVEN IN YOUR EYES~ I came to you, knowing of your boundless compassion with my heart, lifeless on the floor, and handed you my broken soul so that you would repair the shattered dreams and glue my broken heart back together again, I weeped endless tears and revealed to you that which I have never shown anyone before, hoping, begging that you would not judge, but understand, comfort me, guide me, ease my troubled mind and heal my aching spirit, but instead all you gave me was silence, adding to the agony, and now I am left hopeless, with nothing to live for, I suppose that I am worthless in Heaven, as I am on earth, even in your eyes, God *By Melissa Honeybee* |
© Copyright 2000 Melissa P. Long-Monette - All Rights Reserved | |||
Elizabeth![]() ![]()
Member Ascendant
since 1999-06-07
Posts 6871Minnesota |
Melissa, I can see why this was so difficult for you to write. You have shown your pain very well and I think most everyone has felt this same way at some time or another. You aren't worthless, especially not in the eyes of God, or the eyes of anyone here! Good luck now. Elizabeth I'm grabbing my hat and coat I'm leaving the cat a note Quick call me a ferry boat-getting out of town! |
Aimster Member Elite
since 2000-02-19
Posts 4297Charlotte, NC |
~Melissa oh sweetie, this was heartbreaking! you are NOT worthless. look how many people's lives you touch with poetry. mine for sure! i know i can't ease the terrible ache and pain you have in your heart, but i can try to be a friend. if you want to talk please email me. i don't have the answers but i can listen. that is something a VERY wise friend of mine from Passions told me when I was having a difficult time. God never gives up on us, even when we've given up on ourself. please keep talking to him, he does hear you. he just does things in his time in his way. i am by no means a very religious person...but i have turned to him for strength on more than one occasion. please believe me he does hear you hon. take care. amy ![]() "Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is before you can meet again. And meeting again after a moment or a lifetime is certain for those who are friends." "Fate exists but it can only take you so far, Because once you're there It's up to you to make it happen." |
Skyfyre Senior Member
since 1999-08-15
Posts 1906Sitting in Michael's Lap |
Child, Be at peace, I pray, For I know your anguish, I have searched your spirit, And found it a vessel, empty ... Oh, fill not this space With tears, Child; Suffer not thy cup to runneth over With such bitter drink, but only Ask that I reach forth My hand, And quench it with My Love ... Melissa, I can see why this was so difficult for you to write -- faith is a fragile thing, being as it is grounded in that which cannot be perceived by the senses -- but in that apparent weakness lies its power, as well. True peace can never be found without, it must be sought within; and I believe that if you truly search your soul for answers, the One who placed it there will always answer your call. Hugs, and God bless. --Kess YOUR LIFE IS A TEST It is only a test ... If this were your Actual Life, you would have been given better instructions! |
Butterflies_dont_cry Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
Posts 3733Michigan |
Melissa~ Big **Angel Wing Hugs** for this one, it hurt to read and I'm sure I'm only feeling a small piece of the pain that it took for you to write this. My hope is that you found some peace while writing and that healing will be found as well. |
JulieAnn Senior Member
since 2000-06-12
Posts 754Earth 3rd Rock from the sun!! |
I feel the pain...i suggest you read the one I just posted on might just make you feel al little better....cheer up..we all our the same in the eyes of God..this we must remember.....nothing is so bad that God won't forgive you..take care. ![]() |
Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA |
Melissa, in our eyes, and in His, you are loved. . .and you always will be. . . Powerful poem. . . the words speak much. . . -------------------------------------------------------------- That which gives light must endure burning --Victor Frankl |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Perhaps we expect too much from God. Give us a sign! Make me feel that you forgive me! On the other hand, when you felt God made you feel worthless, you wrote this. And from this, you discovered that people do care about are worthy,as a person and a poet. Nothing you have done, or could do, will make a difference to us here. So maybe, just maybe, God kept silent because He knew you would write this poem and touch our lives...bring us closer. And maybe, He's smiling down at you now...saying "I knew you could do it!" ![]() |
Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
Posts 14774Ontario, Canada |
Poet deVine said the above with such inspiration Melissa ... and I too echo her thoughts. My most powerful thoughts and emotions take to paper when I am seeking, questioning, begging for answers to so many "whys" in this life. Somewhere in the writing, it helps so much to release these thoughts to paper, and as Poet deVine noted ... makes you realize that you are "not" alone, and are indeed worthy. Keep writing Melissa ... this is such a heartfelt and beautifully expressed poem. Best wishes and take care, /Kit |
EagleOne Member Elite
since 2000-03-07
Posts 2829Between a laugh and a tear... |
Melissa, I will echo the thoughts already spoken here and say that you are most definately NOT worthless. Many of us here have felt this way and are available to talk if you need. You have many friends here! Take Care! God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know it's me. ~Unknown |
kat Member
since 2000-05-20
Posts 387 |
Oh Melissa, what a heartbreaking poem you have written here. It hurts me to read it and to know what I'm feeling by reading it is nothing compared to your pain. No one is ever worthless. Not on this earth or to the eyes of God. You're an incredible poet and I agree with the others. You have touched many lives with your poems as I'm sure you have touched many others in your life in a special way as well. I'm not the church going type but I do believe in God and what I've seen in my own life is that we may not see what He has planned for us right away and alot of times it takes years before we see why He chose the course He did for us, but in the end it all comes together. This may be a horrible and difficult time for you but no matter what never ever feel that you are worthless. You have so much to offer. I think Poet deVine said it best. I echo her sentiments also. Don't ever let yourself be defined based on what others think of you or what others may have done to you. Hold on to the inner strength that God has given you and take any weakness that you may feel and turn it around. Make it a positive. I wish that all the beautiful things in life approach the path your are walking on, so you may stumble upon them. Take-care ![]() Kat |
Member Elite
since 2000-01-08
Posts 4697 |
I have to echo the previous replies in saying that you are NOT worthless, not in God's eyes or anyone else's. Maybe He has a reason for making you wait a little longer for help. Also, He won't do everything for you. You have to help put some of your broken dreams back together. Sometimes you can't see Him or feel Him, but He is always there with you, helping you in ways you don't even realize. I hope you can see that. Good luck and God bless! PS- If you need to talk, feel free to e-mail me! "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Oscar Wilde |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Melissa, my little Honeybee... I did not read everyone's comments to this yet because I didn't want to say "me too" or even "me three" because I wanted you to know first how you've struck my heart with this impassioned plea... and what you don't know is that this was your first step...admitting that He is there, and that you think He is not listening when what he did was cause you to put this very piece that all of those around you who surround you with love will say "I've been there" and "I've thought that" and then... then come the words, albeit through silence, that will fill your heart with so much love it will gladly hurt so much more than the imagined lonliness you ever thought you experienced... and we will be here when you share that experience, for we cannot wait for you to tell us, in your words, how good it feels... and e-mail me anytime you want to talk... Sunshine ~~~Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see the shadow. Helen Keller ~~~ |
Rosebud1229 Senior Member
since 2000-04-05
Posts 1813North Carolina |
Melissa, I just want to say feel better in your heart and in your mind. It's not easy expressing yourself. I to felt your dispair that seems to echo way beyond the mountains. I believe in my heart though that there is a rainbow somewhere in the sky even though you may not see it now just waiting for you with a promise of joy to your heart. May you have a piece of sunshine glimmer on you day by day. Then after awhile you'll begin to notice a smile surface to your lips. |
Trew Member
since 2000-06-10
Posts 365Ottawa, Canada |
Melissa, During our most trying times answers, or solutions, are not always what we are truly searching for. Even the best of friends sometimes have nothing more to offer than their time; to listen and to hold you. All answers are within. You have created something, in this poem, that has touched the lives of many people. Many more, I am sure, than you will ever know. Keep using your gift. Trew. |
JamesMichael Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336Kapolei, Hawaii, USA |
Excellent writing...I also feel like I am only receiving silence from God...but still I know that I must be patient and wait for his Love and understanding to reach out to me...and I know he will. After all if I felt like I could or I would like to work out all my problems by myself I could go ahead and do that and not ask for Gods help...but I choose to ask for his help and I trust that he does care for me and he will bless me. James |
Marge Tindal![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-06
Posts 42384Florida's Foreverly Shores |
Melissa~ And in His 'silence' ... He said so much. He gave you the voice to reach out and touch many ... and you have done that. He asks that we have faith .... and your faith will sustain you until He is ready to give you answers to the questions you ask. Your 'worth' is measured more than you may know ... here on earth, in your mother's life, in the lives of friends ... God counts you as worthy ... would you disagree with His decision ? I think not, little angel. I love you, young lady. God loves you. Be aware. ~*Marge*~ ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~ [email protected] |
brian madden Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
Posts 4374ireland |
Melissa, a very powerful and personal poem. I was left stunned after reading this so I am fumbling for words here. I have to say something though because I know the pain does not go on forever and in the end it is yourself can set you free of its grip. IT is not always an easy thing to do, but I will say this you are a beautiful talented person. You have to find yourself worth, I know that are people out there who can see it. I wish you the best of luck Melissa. While I am not religious I have whispered a prayer that you may have a safe journey. Have faith in your self. ------------------------ "Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints. Kill nothing but time". Baltimore Grotto "To be nobody-but-yourself-in a world which is doing its best night and day, to make you everybody else - means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting." E.E Cummings. manic street preachers "Culture Alienation Borebom and Despair" "I know I believe in nothing but it is my nothing" -faster MSP "And you see, I kind of shiver to conformity Did you see, the way I cower to authority, you see And my life, it's a series of compromises anyway It's a sham, and I'm conditioned to accept it all, you see" six by Paul Draper. ----- [This message has been edited by brian madden (edited 06-13-2000).] |
Alle'cram Senior Member
since 2000-02-28
Posts 1816Texas |
Melissa, Such a touching piece. Sometimes we all, at one time or another, feel somewhat like your thoughts conveyed. It appears such a outpouring of love to you from your friends here, God has heard your plea and answered. Do not dispare, for you have treasures of love here on earth as in heaven. You are precious in His sight and in the thoughts of all here. You are indeed gifted. Marcy |
Corazon Senior Member
since 2000-02-02
Posts 1209 |
you have touched many issues here, very delicately and deeply and is so touching, silence, even from God when our innermost feelings are revealed is hard to take....what comforts me, is that he already knows...he is probably compassionately smiling to at last know that *I* know too....big hugs girl |
Nate Dogg Senior Member
since 1999-11-15
Posts 1658Georgia, Fulton |
This piece is very poweful and emotional. This is very excellent and I can somewhat relate to this. This piece is one of the best poems I've read that didn't rhyme. I'll even go out on the limb to say that it's one of the best ever unrhymed poems because this is truly a classic piece. Nathan |
jfreak Member
since 1999-06-17
Posts 306Yuma, AZ, USA |
Honeybee, Hey girl, well it is hard to comment on this. If you know who I am then you know that I am pretty hard core Christian. But I don't want to patronize you with a bunch of "Church Talk". One thing I will say about the content, is that sometimes we expect God to meet our terms, and meet them immediately. God is God and he moves in his own time. The bible also states to be still and know that he is God. Sometimes, me included, we don't just sit and listen. We ask God then when it doesn't come when and where we want it to come we get all angry and say, "God doesn't care, isn't there." (me included) But I have found that when I finally get quiet and just listen. Get still and just listen. He comes then b/c he speaks in a whisper mostly and you have to concentrate to hear him. Okay enough about that. I just hope that encourages you. Now about the poem itself. You have written a wonderfully expressive piece. Your pain is completely heartfelt and just seeps out from the words. It is an outstanding work of art. Oh yeah, you definately aren't worthless, even though we may feel that way sometimes. WE shouldn't listen to our feelings. B/c they only get us into trouble. You have been beautifully and wonderfully made. Good day, Jfreak |
epoet Member
since 2000-05-11
Posts 291grand rapid,MI, usa |
Melissa, I feel your pain and I understand. As a child, I grew up Catholic and started to doubt the faith when I entered into the military. Know I now why God put me here is to help me see that his love is everywhere. He has shown me his love by letting me meet people like you and myself who just need someone to lean on. A friend of mine once told me that "God never lets us walk alone, He carries us in our times of need and despair. He holds our hands in times of sorrow and laughs with us in times of joy." Hope you see how much this poem already has touched so many people and how it has helped to make you feel loved by so many. P. J. Kotrch carpe diem A soul once touched is a soul once blessed by love |
Irish Rose Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263 |
I too have opened my heart and soul to another and shared and been reduced to silence. It is devastating. But it's brave and courageous to write of it. It's healing, for to even think of it causes pain, and when we think we're moving on, the wounds bleed again. You are very brave, and very strong, and in that strength and through poetry you will find a peace. The hardest poems to write are ahe very life from us and they take on our pain and heal us. God bless Kathleen "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being and ideal Grace." Elizabeth Barrett Browning |
Honeybee Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
Posts 5372Ontario, CANADA |
I am very overwhelmed by the many replies that my poem has received. Thank you so much everyone, it means a lot to me and has in a way helped me, given me strength and comfort. I'm not a religious perosn, I consider myself more spiritual, of course I believe in God and love God, and try my best to be a good person, but there are times when even I wonder why He has given me more than my soul can bear. This was a poem that I just had to write. Thank you once again to everyone for taking the time out to read my poem, understand and write such suportive replies. Thanks for being a friend to me. Take care, Melissa Honeybee |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Melissa, my views on religion can be a bit unorthodox at times but I believe that God is not there to help us but to grade us and our place in Heaven depends on the grade we get. There is an old story that goes.... There were two men, living side-by-side. One was devoutly religious and one was not. The religious man prayed for a wonderful woman to love. The neighbor married a drop-dead gorgeous woman completely devoted to him. The religious man prayed for a decent car. The neighbor bought a new car. The religious man prayed for good health but was sickly. The neighbor enjoyed perfect health, never sick. Finally, one night while the religious man was saying his evening prayers, he said, "God, I don't understand. I am very religious. I go to church every day. I live my life by your Word. I pray every night. I am a devout Christian in every sense of the word. I happen to know that my neighbor is not religious at all, seldom goes to church or reads the Bible and yet he seems to get the best of everything while I, your devoted servant, do not. Why is that?" Just then a voice booms down from above and says " BECAUSE HE DOESN'T BUG ME ALL THE TIME!!!" ok, David Letterman has nothing to worry about, I know. I guess what I'm trying to say through this rambling is live your life through your own strengths instead of relying on divine assistance and God will be there watching and protecting wishes [This message has been edited by Balladeer (edited 06-13-2000).] |
Honeybee Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
Posts 5372Ontario, CANADA |
Balladeer, you had me LMAO at that story, good one! I understand what you are saying, thanks for the advice ![]() Take care, Melissa Honeybee |
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