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Teen Poetry #3
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since 2000-07-08
Posts 103

0 posted 2000-07-24 09:31 PM

~After several accidents, many things go through my head when I'm in a car, this is one of them where it's part fact, part fiction.~

Our eyes glisten with tears
as we laugh at another horrible joke;
trying to calm down
because it's the middle of the night.
Everytime we sit together
laughing is all that's heard;
I am the brother he doesn't have,
though I'm no more than a young lady
who climbed trees with him.
We use our little voices,
tiny but too funny to ignore,
and tell more jokes than everyone can bear
for they continue to yell for silence.
Even this night,
as we drive home from our trip,
and our laughter is roaring through our pillows
that we hold over our mouths to qiuet ourselves down
But as we continue to make animal shadows
on our parents head,
we pretend to communicate
with our attempts for last laugh.
In his eyes
my laughter grows,
and deep down I know
I would be nowhere without my twin brother.
Lights around blur,
the rain becomes blinding
though it is not enough
to calm the roaring flames
that devour my parents instantly.
I can't deny the pain
even as my body goes numb;
when I wake again,
there is only one surviver from our van.
I wish now
that the truck behind had read CAUTION
instead of trying to ignore
the red lights ahead.
Moreso, I wish I hadn'te wasted
my last chance
to tell the people riding in our van,
"I love you" and "good bye"

© Copyright 2000 Kittie - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
since 2000-05-31
Posts 932
1 posted 2000-07-24 11:24 PM

So sorry about the true part of this story! I hope you'll use much more caution when in the car! Keep writing, it helps.
And if you ever wanna talk just e-mail me at [email protected]
Love Always

*~* I wIsH I wAs A
LiTTlE gIrL aGaIn;
SkInNeD kNeEs AnD
bRuIsEd ElBoWs ArE
eAsIeR tO hEaL tHaN a
BrOkEn HeArT!*~*

Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
Posts 14774
Ontario, Canada
2 posted 2000-07-25 06:14 AM

Oh Kittie! Such incredible thoughts and emotions you've penned.  Without know which part is truth or fiction ... I am aching for you my dear.  You brought back some wonderful memories for me of long trips with a brother and sister of my own ... please take care.

Best wishes and hugs,

Senior Member
since 2000-07-01
Posts 511
Baltimore, MD, USA
3 posted 2000-07-25 08:31 AM

I definitly think this needs to be in the book.  I loved it, it had a lot of emotion.  Keep up the good work.


"True friends stab you in the front"
"Always do your best, you will always succeed"

since 2000-07-11
Posts 176

4 posted 2000-07-25 10:17 PM

VERY GOOD! I Really like your poem! I hope to read more of your poems and keep up the great work.

Member Elite
since 2000-06-15
Posts 2527
5 posted 2000-07-26 03:24 AM

kittie im really sorry to hear about this...i can relate to you on the car accidents part...i have been in so many its like the hospital is a second home to me...keep up the good work...and becareful...


since 2000-06-27
Posts 291
Dwight Il, US
6 posted 2000-07-26 10:49 AM

When I was little, my best friend was Jessica Smith.  We used to play in her parents station wagon and pretend that the headlights of coming cars were evil spaceships and had to be destroyed.  The first part of the poem brought on this happy memory instantly.

The second part however did not bring about any happy memories.  I hope that this was not true but if it is my heart goes out to you and I wish nothing but the best.  Just remember those good times because they can stick with you just as long as the sad times.


Just as soon as I belong, then it's time I disapear...

since 1999-09-23
Posts 322
Vereeniging, South-Africa
7 posted 2000-07-26 01:32 PM

Kittie, this is a lovely poem! Your poems have always been sad and full of emotion, I'm thinking about the kitten in the park one at the moment, and now I know why.

I am sorry to hear about your loss, I can't imagine the pain you must feel, but just know that God is holding you in His hands.

Best wishes

Waves...amazing hey? Wind blowing over smoothe ocean water creates shear. The longer the wind blows, and the futher the fetch, the more energy gets transferred from the wind to the water. What started off as a breeze 1 000km away, ends up as a glass-faced barrel at some far off beach.

Artic Wind
Member Rara Avis
since 2007-09-16
Posts 8080
Realm of Supernatural
8 posted 2007-12-03 09:38 PM



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