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since 2000-05-31
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0 posted 2000-07-03 01:48 PM

A young face aged quicky by tears of pain.
A phone persistantly ringing awaiting her answer.
She hides her face within the safety of her now bloody hands.
On the answering machine the shaky voice of her clueless friends.
What would everyone think of her now-if only they knew.
Where it was she sought freedom from her suffering
The physical pain somehow mends the break in her heart.
The blood so easily flowing from her aching body.
Was like rain washing away the dirt from her past.
Her face now soaked in blood-stained tears, she screams out in agony.
Why was it that life was so hard?
Why couldn't she get the courage to just stop it all?

OK so this is a  little different than my usual style. Definately a disheartening subject, This poem for once, isn't about me. It is about a friend of mine who cuts herself to take away the pain within. I try to help but I can't help her if she doesn't want to stop. We've talked about it and she is very depressed and suicidal. I do what I can for her because I know what it's like. But There's nothing I can do unmless she helps herself get better.

~*~Love is the product of our dicontentment with ourselves~*~
~*~SMILE! It makes your butt shine!~*~

© Copyright 2000 Jessica Lynn - All Rights Reserved
Isabel Galaxia
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1 posted 2000-07-03 02:38 PM

Hey-That was a good one, but it's so sad!  It's horrible that she does that to herself, but I guess she'll stop when she's ready to.  Keep up the writing always

Kit McCallum
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Ontario, Canada
2 posted 2000-07-03 03:17 PM

Oh StarPryncess ... I'm so glad this was not about you personally.  You've written this so incredibly from your heart. It's a very powerful and terrifying view of this problem.

I just responded to someone in another forum regarding this subject.  I too, had a friend who did this to themselves many years ago, and sometimes they just "don't know how to stop" ... it becomes almost addictive in a very sad sense.  It was so difficult to watch my friend go through this, but she eventually sought professional help and was able to get to the root of her sorrows and stop the self-abuse.  I hope your friend is able to do the same.  

This was incredibly descriptive writing!

Best wishes, and hugs to your friend,

Jeremy Halstead
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Morris, Ill. U.S.A
3 posted 2000-07-03 03:56 PM

Hey, well....I'm glad it's not about you, but this is definately the best of yours I've ever read.  I'm highly impressed...I knew you had this kind of potential inside of you...congrats and keep them comin. Love ya always..


"Time is the matter, and in a matter of that all wounds will heal and all scars shall fade."

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4 posted 2000-07-03 04:39 PM

I'm so sorry that you and your friend are going through this. It's hard for her, and it's hard for you to have to watch. I know that this is going to be hard, but you have to tell someone that can get her help! If you need any advice, feel free to e-mail me

[email protected]

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Oscar Wilde
"The robbed that smiles steals something from the thief" -Shakespea

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since 2000-06-15
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5 posted 2000-07-03 04:40 PM

well jessica this is a good really glad that this didnt happen to you personally...but it does happen...just be there for your friend...


Jeremiah Johnson
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since 2000-06-08
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Brooksville, Fl, U.S
6 posted 2000-07-04 01:40 AM

well the poem is very good the point you make is sad. my advice is this sometimes it takes more then one friend  to heal sometimes it takes a family so maybe you could get her on here to tell us whats up and we could all help her out its an idea and all you can do is try your best and if i lived never by i would be by your side helping you out. but i'm not i'm here which stinks cause i feel bad. well my heart goes with you and you have my hope.

I'm a dying romantic and when i can no longer write i can no longer live -Jeremiah Johnson-

Artic Wind
Member Rara Avis
since 2007-09-16
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Realm of Supernatural
7 posted 2007-12-01 08:01 PM



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