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Teen Poetry #3
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Senior Member
since 2000-05-31
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0 posted 2000-09-29 12:07 PM

One day you’ll be gone…

There will be a day when your time here has past
And because I am not your daughter, my grieving will not last
You took me for granted and told me you cared
But inside my heart, you will never know of the pain I bared
My heart was broken by the person I least expected it by
And for you, I have but one tear left to cry
I never would have thought that you would leave me
So I trusted you, and your love had left me blind-I could not see
When I was born upon this world, did you plan to hurt my heart
I’m beginning to think that you had this goal from the very start
Not once, not twice, but lots more, you broke my heart and left it on the floor
I had this crazy dream, that soon you would re-enter the door
The door that you had walked through and left my life for good
As I cried so desperately and asked myself why, I never understood
I didn’t know how you could just leave your baby girl
I begged and prayed for you to come back to my world
Instead, those tears and prayers, left drifted away
As my tears, again fell to the ground on this sad and lonely day
I sit here and think about how one day you won’t be here
I think about how I once loved you oh so dear
How is it that this could be? I’ve fallen so very far from that heart of yours
And that day when you are to walk through those pearly doors
I won’t be in your heart; I won’t be on your list of loved ones
I won’t be anywhere on that list of your daily runs
The list that tells you how you should keep an eye on
The ones who see your face in the early morning dawn
I can’t believe that you won’t live forever
And you won’t be here to keep me strong in all I endeavor
I always looked up to you and all I can say
Is please just think of me a little on that day
Think of me and how much I loved you
And how you left me not knowing what to do
Remember how you broke my heart and left me alone
Tell me how I was the one that you did condone
I wish so much that you could understand
Why your loss is the loss that I can’t stand
I don’t know why it is that I felt I was inferior,  
How you always had a way of making yourself superior
I can’t show up today at the well planned service
Because I can’t forgive you for the heart I had to refurbish
Will you hold it against me? That I can’t show up for this event
When they talk of the all the times you were so benevolent
That would be a lie, and for me to show up would be wrong
Because you always taught me I should stand my ground and be strong
How can you expect me to be strong when you abandoned me in my time of need?
I think that was y our worst trait, was how you had so much greed
I know that I can’t forgive you for all the pain you caused
I did think about it though, and even got to the church door, and then I paused
And all of the emotions and pain came back again
And I remembered how it was she, instead of me that you would defend
So what are you to say when god looks at you and asks if you think you should enter?
Are you going to tell the truth of all the times when you put your feelings in the center?
I hope you plan on explaining how you could be so selfish to hurt your child
I want him to see all the times I spent crying and watching my thoughts compile
I want him to know that you care about you and only you
And I want for him to think about it long and hard if he’ll let you through
Please don’t be mad that I can’t find it in me to be there
You did it to yourself because you could never care
You took my life and turned it inside out
And you made me learn what all the tears were about
I finally learned that if you don’t care
I can’t find it in my heart to be there
On that day you leave, will you remember me and the pain I felt?
Or will you just think it was fate and the cards I had been dealt
I never can forgive you, I hope you know why
That it was you who put the tears in my eye
I thought that I would have time to decide
If you deserved to see the tears that I have cried
But now you’re gone and I can’t possibly show
How much I still do love you so
So understand that I can’t say good-bye
And you won’t see the last tear that for you I will cry

< !signature-->

~*~sMiLe! It MaKeS yOuR bUtT ShInE~*~

[This message has been edited by StarPryncess17 (edited 09-29-2000).]
© Copyright 2000 Jessica Lynn - All Rights Reserved
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-07
Posts 7665
Twilight Zone
1 posted 2000-09-29 12:43 PM

This is my favorite amongst all your poems Jess.  So much emotion is being told in this one.  I just don't know what say about your dad anymore.  Remember what I've always said though..your dad is always gonna be your dad, no matter what.  It's up to you to be stronger than him and there is no other way to show your strength than that of forgiveness.  I love your poems... stay strong

I see no changes, wake up in the morning I ask myself, "Is life worth living or should I blast myself" TUPAC SHAKUR

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since 2000-06-15
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2 posted 2000-09-29 01:03 PM

Jessica~~~I am so sorry that this is still happening with your dad...It makes me feel so sad...I wish that he would just open his eyes and see what he is doing to you...I wish I could reach through the computer and give you a hug...Girl be strong...I know you could be...I too felt the pain that you are going throuh...And I dont know if I could ever forgive my mom for what she did to me...But always remember if you ever need anyone to talk to I am here for you...SO smile cause it makes your butt shine...LOL You like that dont you!!!Thank you very much for sharing this with us...But did you share it with your dad???

P.S.~~~I think I caught a typo in this...In this part right here: I ant him to see all the times I spent crying and watching my thoughts compile

Was it supposed to be "cant" as the second word???

It TaKeS a MiNuTe To LiKe SoMeOnE, aN hOuR tO hAvE a CrUsH oN sOmEoNe & A dAy To FaLl In LoVe, BuT iT tAkEs A lIfEtImE tO fOrGeT sOmEoNe.

Member Elite
since 2000-08-05
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On the streets w/ people
3 posted 2000-09-29 02:39 PM

This is such a great poem you've written.  I think it's very powerful, at least to me.  It seemed like you really put a lot of thought and emotion into this.  Wonderful writing, and I'm sorry that this is how is had to be with your dad.  Thanks for sharing this!

"You took my life and turned it inside out
And you made me learn what all the tears were about"

since 2000-08-29
Posts 387
Central Maine
4 posted 2000-09-29 02:43 PM

this is a VERY strong and emotional poem. its is SOOOO good it is one of your best! i love your work.  this made me cry  ( i am so sorry abotu what you have gone through and i hope you are doing good now   looking forward to seeing more of your work!  

Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
since 2000-08-30
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San Juan, Puerto Rico
5 posted 2000-09-29 04:32 PM

A lot of emotion within this piece. Great job and keep posting.

I was born myself, raised myself, and will continue to be myself. The world will just have to adjust.

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since 2000-01-13
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North Carolina
6 posted 2000-09-29 05:26 PM

I don't know exactly where this is coming from, but I'm so very sorry for the pain you've been put through. You write beautifully! I commend you.


I'll just keep on laughing,
Hiding the tears in my eyes...

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since 2000-05-31
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7 posted 2000-09-29 06:52 PM

A big thanks to all of you for taing the time to read and reply to my piece!!

Acire~I don't have a problem with emotion, seems to be one of my biggest traits-I have a lot of emotions! LoL well as for forgiveness...I could go on for forever and a day as to why it just isn't an option, this isn't the place nor the time though. Like I saud, thank  you for reading and replying  

Erin~thanks hun for caring, you're such a sweetheart. I'm glad that someone understands why it is so hard for me to forgive him. Thank you for reading this long piece that I found time to write during my study hall.   And girl, you know my butt's shiny as hell cuz I smile all the time-even if I am sad. You keep your head up too ok JiGgLeR?!?!   Thanks for pointing out my typo! It was *want* and as you can see I have fixed it.

Lakewalker~You are too kind!   Thanks for the words of praise, I felt very good about my work. This was one of the most time consuming poems I've ever written, most of them seem to jump to paper in a matter less than 30-45 minutes. This one took almost 90. Anyways, thanks so much for the kind words.

Pixie-Babe03~Thank you very much for the sweet words! I'm glad that you liked it and I am impressed that you liked it so to call it one of my best. This one flew from my head while in the disturbingly quiet library for 90 minutes. Didn't mean to make you cry, but I'm glad my poem sparked emotion, that's what poetry is supposed to do-so I guess I have done my job.   Thank you...

Dopey~Thanks for the kind words, and I'll continue posting...don't I always??  

Meredith~This came from my heart. It's a long story about the events in which have happened in the last year or so. Please don't apologize for my pain, it is not your fault. I only wish there was some way to reverse this. Unfortunately, I can not because I am not in charge of that type of stuff...and the one who is, ignores my pleas. Anyways, thanks for the reply!  

  Once again, thank you all so much for taking the time to read my work. I do enjoy reading what you have to say.  
< !signature-->

~*~sMiLe! It MaKeS yOuR bUtT ShInE~*~

[This message has been edited by StarPryncess17 (edited 09-29-2000).]
since 2000-06-15
Posts 284
San Francisco,CA,US
8 posted 2000-09-29 11:14 PM

somewhere along the lines of reading this i developed a loss of words..this is absolutely amazing and filled with emotion..

I am buried up to my neck in
Contradictionary flies
I take pride as the kind of illiterature
I'm very ape and very nice
-Kurt Cobain

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9 posted 2000-09-30 12:06 PM

WOW! loss of words eh? I feel all proud now...hehehe Thanks so much for the reply Anomaly I do appreciate it!
Love Always

~*~sMiLe! It MaKeS yOuR bUtT ShInE~*~

Deputy Moderator 5 ToursDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
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Bay City, MI
10 posted 2000-09-30 12:24 PM

Wow holy crap lol you write extremely long but it also is very good. Keep writing i enjoy reading your work

"what doesnt kill you only makes you stronger"

since 2000-09-12
Posts 276
11 posted 2000-09-30 01:32 PM

WOW was that a looooooong poem. But it was very good, i can't believe this is happening, but everything will be ok. hang in there.

"i've kissed the moon a million times, danced with the angels in the sky"
enrique iglesias

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since 2000-05-31
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12 posted 2000-09-30 08:44 PM

Thank you Branden, for your reply, my poems are usually never this long, it just kept going though, my thoughts seem to do that sometimes. Thank you again, for the kind words.

Thanks CurlyGurly, your words of praise are much appreciated! And no, everything won't be ok, but thank you.

May all your hopes and dreams come true and may you never feel the pain of your parent abandoning you...< !signature-->

~*~sMiLe! It MaKeS yOuR bUtT ShInE~*~

[This message has been edited by StarPryncess17 (edited 09-30-2000).]

Junior Member
since 2000-09-16
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Fitchburg, Ma, Usa
13 posted 2000-09-30 10:28 PM

Jess pretty poem and wheres the email.. I sent you and my new email "[email protected]" email me back. I gotta go.. ~*~Fairy Princess~*~  

When YOU leave someone in love, friendship, death ect.. You leave footsteeps in their hearts

New Member
since 2000-07-24
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Queensland, Australia
14 posted 2000-09-30 11:39 PM

WoW! I really dont know what to say, it is such a head turning poem. You have put so much emotion into this poem, it is excellent work.
Im sorry about your dad, I hope things start coming your way
love JaYnEe

If YoU wErE a TeAr In My EyE, i WoUlD nOt CrY fOr FeAr Of LoSiNg YoU

since 2000-07-27
Posts 375
15 posted 2000-10-01 12:40 PM

I'm so sorry, that has to be one of the worst feelings in the world. Well I liked ur poem, keep writing!!


~*~y0u CaN tRy 2 ErAsE s0mEoNe Fr0m YoUr LiFe, BuT iF tHeY rEaLLy MeAnT s0mEtHiNg 2 y0u, YoU WiLl NeVeR 4gEt ThEm.~*~

since 2000-03-01
Posts 446
not heaven nor hell so...
16 posted 2000-10-01 12:52 PM

wow - very long but I think that the message you were sending needed every word.

I don't think there is anything I can say to make you feel any better, just know that we are all here for you and we wish you all the best.

You're writing expresses so much of YOU, you're not trying to write for anyone're trying to write for you and that is the best person you can ever write for.


**I didn't loose my mind it was mine to give away**
~Robbie Williams~

since 2000-02-06
Posts 110
Clarksville, TN, USA
17 posted 2000-10-01 01:43 AM

Loved the poem, I think it's the best one I of yours that I have read.  Lots of emotion in it. I know how you feel.  It took my parents getting divorced for my father to realise he had lost me.  He tries so hard to regain my trust now.  I am giving him the chance, but it's hard knowing that after he gains it again, the same thing may happen again.  I wish you the best.


Isabel Galaxia
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18 posted 2000-10-01 03:40 PM

Hey girl, this is an amazing poem.  I think it's one of my favorites from you.  You know I hate to see anyone in this much pain, especially someone who I talk to.   But I know you'll get through this fine.  E-mail me when you get a chance, it's been a long time since I've talked to you, but I know you've been busy.  So, like always, keep it up

Beautiful is empty
Beautiful is free
Beautiful loves no one
Beautiful stripped me
-"Beautiful" CREED

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since 2000-05-31
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19 posted 2000-10-01 07:27 PM

Thank you all for your replies!! You're all so wonderful!!

Minna~thanks for the reply hun, I wrote you back finally! OSrry it took so long~   I'll try to be better about that.Take care...

Jaynee~I did put a lot of thought into it, it is about the most painful thins I've ever had to deal with. But do not be sorry, I'm not.   Thanks again!

SweetStuff~Yes it is, but I'm doing ok. Thanks for the reply  

Shell~yes long is right,   it just happened. Thank you for the words of encouragement, it means a lot!

Stephanie~Thanks so much for the kind words!!I just want you to know that I truly know how hard it can be. Just think about what you really want. I wish i could have my dad back every day, but it's just not an option. Look deep within your heart for the answer, and may whatever you choose make you happy.  

Bel~Don't worry, I'll be ok!   I'll try to e-mail you tomorrow, I've a few extra minutes during 2nd hour.

Once again, thank you all so much for the replies, they mean so much to me!!  

< !signature-->

~*~sMiLe! It MaKeS yOuR bUtT ShInE~*~

[This message has been edited by StarPryncess17 (edited 10-01-2000).]

Junior Member
since 2000-08-02
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erie, colo
20 posted 2000-10-01 07:57 PM

hey girly!! im sorry we havent alked much but yeah.. and that our plans for elitches fell through but maybe next weekend we can all go somewhere.. ok.. love you lots .... and im realllllly sorry about your daddy.... just remember i love my stiffy!!
love netto

Everything happens for a reason.. sometimes it's bad, but sometime it's good!! just remeber there's people out here who care!

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21 posted 2000-10-01 09:27 PM

Netto~what's up? well since we haven't talked you don't know anything that has happened and you don't know why I am so depressed and the stuff going on in my life and where this poem came from. GUess you've missed a lot. But it's cool cuz I know you're busy. Just sad that you're too busy for a desperdate friend. Anyways, thanks for readin and taking time out of your busy little life to reply.

~*~sMiLe! It MaKeS yOuR bUtT ShInE~*~

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since 2000-05-31
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22 posted 2000-10-04 11:53 AM

An innocent little *bump* for the purpose of my very good friends who failed to see it...

~*~sMiLe! It MaKeS yOuR bUtT ShInE~*~

Senior Member
since 2000-05-31
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23 posted 2000-10-05 11:47 AM

Forgive me for the sin I am yet about to commit...I am bumping this for the few who still need to read it. *ahem* you know who you are!!  

~*~sMiLe! It MaKeS yOuR bUtT ShInE~*~

Jeremy Halstead
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Morris, Ill. U.S.A
24 posted 2000-10-05 02:33 PM

Jess....I am sooooooooo very sorry for not reading this yet...I honestly haven't even seen it on there till today....BUT HERE I AM!!!!! must have gotten lost in time when you were writin' this....the flow of thoughts just seems unbound and it's quite wonderful...I'll probably call ya this weekend and we can talk about it ya.


Curse not upon love, for it is the greatest of great things. Be it not love that curses you....but thy lack thereof. -J.D.H.

Jeremy Halstead
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since 2000-06-01
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Morris, Ill. U.S.A
25 posted 2000-10-05 02:33 PM

Jess....I am sooooooooo very sorry for not reading this yet...I honestly haven't even seen it on there till today....BUT HERE I AM!!!!! must have gotten lost in time when you were writin' this....the flow of thoughts just seems unbound and it's quite wonderful...I'll probably call ya this weekend and we can talk about it ya.


Curse not upon love, for it is the greatest of great things. Be it not love that curses you....but thy lack thereof. -J.D.H.

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26 posted 2000-10-05 06:38 PM

You're such a doll! I was just giving you a hard time. I just wanted you to read it because I did spend a lot of time on it and it was one of my most heart felt pieces. At any rate, I can't thank you enough for being there for me!! YOu have been so very wonderful from day one. And as for the letter and pic, I am going to get it out this weekend, I'm just a lazy ass when it comes to that...I always seem to forget when I go any where to buy stamps...forgive me!     Talk to you soon I hope.
Love Always
~*~Jess Girl~*~
< !signature-->

~*~Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say.~*~

[This message has been edited by StarPryncess17 (edited 10-05-2000).]

Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-07
Posts 7665
Twilight Zone
27 posted 2000-10-06 06:13 PM


I see no changes, wake up in the morning I ask myself, "Is life worth living or should I blast myself" TUPAC SHAKUR

Senior Member
since 2000-05-31
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28 posted 2000-10-06 09:01 PM

You're too kind Acire!!  
Thanks for the *bump*
oops would you look at that??
I did it again!!  

~*~Everyone hears what you say. Friends listen to what you say. Best friends listen to what you don't say.~*~

since 2000-10-03
Posts 57
Calgary, AB Canada
29 posted 2000-10-06 10:58 PM

Hey Starpryncess:
    I don't think you'll remember but I once was Night_mist on here and if I remember correctly, you helped me through my depression with miah parents and well, of course, it's still going and I still hate and love and cry and think...But your poem was so beautiful! It made me cry thinking about my own parents...I'm really sorry you're going through this but if you eva wanna talk, please drop me a line or two at [email protected] or give me an "uh-oh" at 64399384 on ICQ, okies? And, we'll help each other through everything! Keep writing and hope hoping and praying as I am!

                           Lotsa Love,

Senior Member
since 2000-05-31
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30 posted 2000-10-07 03:16 PM

Thanks for the reply Angel! I do remember you! I'm sorry to hear that your situation is still on-going. If there's anything I can do I'd be glad to help. Sorry I made you cry hun! Didn't mean to.I will be getting in touch with you to see how you're doing...if not on ICQ, I'll definately e-mail you. Keep your head up ok??   Best of luck!
Love Always

~*~Being an angel doesn't mean having a shiny halo, it means doing the right thing and wanting to make a difference...~*~J.L.H

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