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Junior Member
since 2000-12-04
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0 posted 2000-12-04 02:13 AM

Let me get this out, right from the start...
I don't believe in lying to or cheating on the one you are with.
I believe if you want another, then you need to end the one you are in.
I have been the one having my heart ripped out, torn to shreads,
So that he can enjoy the pleasure in another's bed.

But now I am in love with a married man.
I've struggled with my beliefs, and lay awake at night.
So odd to me, but it seems that I am now the other woman.
I thought and thought till I began to see the light.

Married couples are not always happy,
I know, I've been in the kind that is down-right nasty.
His marriage was over a long, long time before
He told me of the love that he has for me.

I know what is going to be thought of me
Cause I have thought the same of others, you see.
I will deal with that each and every day
Because I love him and he loves me dearly.
And we will be together soon, you see.

The man, he loves me and I love him so.
They will divorce and with me he will start a new life.
And I am comfortable with that because
I know I am not the cause of him leaving his wife.

Marriage can be a wonderful and beautiful thing.
It can also be the most depressing and unhappy part of your life.
So please don't judge the other one, because maybe, just maybe,
Their marriage was over before she became a part of his life.

© Copyright 2000 Missy - All Rights Reserved
Senior Member
since 2000-03-21
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1 posted 2000-12-04 02:27 AM

Hmmmmmm now this one I had to REALLY think about.  For the fact is cheating is cheating!!  I believe (from being the one sitting home while the other is out cheating) that before you even get close enough to have feelings for the married one, he/she should get out of the marriage first!  Just cause he/she has fallen out of love with his/her spouse still doesnt stop the pain when it finally comes out in the open.  Why create pain for someone when you of all people knows how bad it hurts?


(sorry I have been on the other end of this subject and the pain is overbearing.  But to each their own)

No person is worth your tears, and the only one that is ...... will never make you cry

Junior Member
since 2000-12-04
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2 posted 2000-12-04 02:42 AM

DkW - Thank You for your comments! I appreciate your honesty. I know that this is not a writing that will be well liked. It is about truth and understanding that truth. The costs are high, with this and any relationship - honestly.

Thanks for the reply!

Senior Member
since 2000-08-03
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3 posted 2000-12-04 03:35 AM

I believe that you can't tepmt a person who doesn't wan to be tempted. A man/woman who is happy about his/her marriage would not look for anything else. But if the person feels somehow unsatisfied at home he'll seek for a new companionship. Although it hurts for the other half who is still very much in love, is it really better to keep living together even though one of them is miserable? Love is very unpredictable - you don't know when it will come or when it'll go. People get married in the first place because that moment they were sure love will last forever and they would want to spend every day of they lives together. But things change and you have to go with the flow. Every person deserves to be as happy as he can be with the right partner.
So I don't think that in most cases "the other woman" should bear all the blame. (I too have a history of loving a maried man...)

Take Care!

"Most girls want a man with the mean green
Don't wanna dance if he can't be
Everything that I dream up
A man that understands real love"

Junior Member
since 2000-12-04
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4 posted 2000-12-04 04:10 AM

LM - We are striving to be happy and I am very glad to see your comments! Thank You! He and his wife had problems stemming way back before he knew me. That was part of the point I have tried to get across. He is not happy with her nor her with him, Divorce does take time. We were friends and love grew from that, we adored each other from afar for such a long time. Now at last we discover each others feelings are deeper than each of us thought. Thanks Again!

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704

5 posted 2000-12-04 05:36 AM

Missy...welcome to Passions. This is a brave journey you are sharing with us.

No matter what you do you are going to be judged. Everything we do is under scrutiny of others - whether it stems from a moralistic belief or personal opinion.

I am hesitant to give all my thoughts on this topic in a public arena - it could incite a discussion more suitable for the Alley or Feelings Forums lol.

Suffice to say it sounds like you are feeling a little defensive - with a need to write it in such a way. I can understand that - judgement is never easy to face, or reconcile within yourself.

Basically, Passions is our home - and everyone has the right to express themselves how they need/want to - as long as it stays within the guidelines. Although your topic of writing might not be approved of, you won't be harrassed here in the forums.


Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
6 posted 2000-12-04 07:37 AM

Appreciate your honesty...I kindof see this as getting into a complicated situation...not sure if you are considering the pain you may be inflicting upon the wife...if they didn't want to be married they would get a divorce and then you wouldn't have to date a married man...he would be all yours...yes...James
since 2000-07-22
Posts 339
Mullica Hill, New Jersey
7 posted 2000-12-04 09:09 AM

i like the poem, but there is no reason to cheat.  and knowing that someone is with someone else and still doing it, even if the new someone in your life doesnt love or want their old someone, it is wrong.  and the pain it cause is the worst pain in the world, i've been there and i know

"I'll build a wall if we can keep them on the other side"---NIN
"There is no always forever, just this"-the cure

Senior Member
since 2000-11-12
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Palm Bay, Florida
8 posted 2000-12-04 11:08 AM

There is a strong message in this piece, controversial, too. It allows the reader to think about the "other side" of an affair, maybe the truth behind some affairs, yet there is still that BUT, for those of us who believe that there is no excuse for breaking a vow. Here, you've created a palet to paint the picture of human nature. Afterall, we aren't perfect.
And yes, marriage can often be the hardest time of your life.

With the word, I am mighty, with the pen I am free..

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
Posts 9543
The Shores of Alone
9 posted 2000-12-05 10:43 PM

Welcome to DP Missy. I understand just where you are coming from, and I know that you will get some grief on the subject. If you want to talk, email me, I have been there.

Junior Member
since 2000-12-04
Posts 28
10 posted 2000-12-07 08:01 AM

Thank you all for your comments! I am not trying to make myself feel any better by writing this, I just felt the need to write it. I have been now on both sides of this subject and I guess that gives me a different view on this as well as other things in life. Agian I thank you!
Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
since 2000-08-30
Posts 11132
San Juan, Puerto Rico
11 posted 2000-12-08 03:38 PM

I think this was very well written but i'll have to agree with some of the other people in saying that cheating is cheating...fin.

Anyway good luck with you and keep posting.

I was born myself, raised myself, and will continue to be myself. The world will just have to adjust.

I hate your socks. I'd like to burn them!

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