Dark Poetry #2 |
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November 21st, 1999 |
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Jesse Jaymz Senior Member
since 2000-01-24
Posts 708Youngstown, ohio ![]() |
hi yall *sigh* this poem is about me and my ex-girlfriend. see tuesday would be mine and hers one year annerversery. and i am not taking it well at all. i am still very in love with her. and i cant get her out of my head or my heart. and i am going to give this to her on tuesday. i wanted to get yall opinon first. tell me what you think. i am so very down right now ![]() November 21st, 1999 I remember it like yesterday i was as happy as could be the night that you asked if you could go out with me i was so happy that night i couldnt sleep a wink cuz everytime i closed my eyes thoughts of you i would think i finialy had what i always wanted and that was a one true love i couldnt beleave that i found you it was like you were sent from above you called me your night angel you said that i touched your heart i said i love you my little chickadee and that we'll never be apart i told you i wanted to hold you and never let you go keep you in my arms forever all my love i did show we got closer and closer it was like we were one all i wanted to do was love you until my life was done then we made plans to live together for me to move down south i was so happy the word yes screamed from my mouth for my birthday you sent me a silver chain with two little silver charms one was an angel holding a heart the other was a cross to protect me from harm you always said that the angel was me and the heart it held was yours thats when i know i was deeply in love like never before then december 27th came and we finaly met face to face when you steped out of your truck it made my little heart race then later in the hotel room we snuggled together all night i wraped my arms around you and held you with all my might on the trip back to virginia i held your lovely hand i didnt let go for 8 hours as we traveled across the land then i finaly seen my new home way out yonder in the middle of the woods underneth the southern stars surrounded by love i stood i couldnt beleave it my dreamz had come true and it was all because i fell in love with you a few days later it was new years eve we watched 2000 come in together and we watched 1999 leave i will never forget that faitful night for it was the night i gave you my ring i asked you to me mine forever i knew this was the real thing you answered me with a kiss that still sends shivers down my spine so hot and so passionate and sweeter then wine but later down the road we started to fight we said alot of hurtfull things on those cold winter nights but i messed it all up i took it all to far i made plans and went back home far away from where you are i wish i would have stayed that way i would still be with you but now i am all alone and i dont know what to do i know that you have married now but i cant hold back my love for i still think that we are fate brought together from the heavens above so now its a year later our one year anniversery i know that we no longer together but in my heart it will always be you and me i wish i was still in virginia i wish i didnt go away but like everything i messed it up it always happens this way i just wanna hold you again and snuggle you close and kiss cuz most of all its that love that i miss so no matter what happens hunny just remember one thing to be true that you will always be my little chickadee and i will always love you... Jesse C. Jaymz Once upon a time there was a light in my life, now theres only love in the dark, There's nothing I can do, a total eclipse of the heart. |
© Copyright 2000 Jesse Jaymz - All Rights Reserved | |||
LM Senior Member
since 2000-08-03
Posts 585 |
It's really sweet and beautifull, I hope she likes it as much as I do. *sigh* Take Care Jess, best of luck to you! |
Jesse Jaymz Senior Member
since 2000-01-24
Posts 708Youngstown, ohio |
lm: *hugs* i hope she likes it too. thank you so much for your sweet reply. i was up most of the night in tears and this made this broken angel smile again. thank you so much =) love ya jesse Once upon a time there was a light in my life, now theres only love in the dark, There's nothing I can do, a total eclipse of the heart. |
ThyWizard Member
since 2000-08-06
Posts 56Chambersburg, PA, USA |
amazed once again. another touching piece, i think she'll like it ![]() i hope all turns out well for you. " If who i am is what i have and what i have is lost, then who am I? " - unknown Tryps |
Jesse Jaymz Senior Member
since 2000-01-24
Posts 708Youngstown, ohio |
thywizard: thank you. amazed?? wow. thank you. i hope she does like it. thats what i am praying for. thanks for the reply and the luck. ![]() peace love and rock and roll jesse Once upon a time there was a light in my life, now theres only love in the dark, There's nothing I can do, a total eclipse of the heart. |
Broken Wings Member
since 2000-03-18
Posts 157Miami, FL. |
I also think that she would like it and i hope that she too still holds onto the love that once brought you two together. best wishes "As you learn and grow, you will realize the greater the pain, the greater the growth." -IYANLA VANZANT |
Jesse Jaymz Senior Member
since 2000-01-24
Posts 708Youngstown, ohio |
broken wings: thank you. i hope she likes it too. i know she still loves me. i just hope that she can take me back someday likke we were. i do love her with all my heart. and that this broken angel can fly agian. thanks for the reply peace and love jesse Once upon a time there was a light in my life, now theres only love in the dark, There's nothing I can do, a total eclipse of the heart. |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
I think it's beautiful and I hope meaningful to her..but just remember you said she is married now...hold onto all the good and wish each other happiness...if she comes back to you, then it was meant to be ![]() ~Wynter "The worst prison would be a closed heart". ...Pope John Paul II |
Jesse Jaymz Senior Member
since 2000-01-24
Posts 708Youngstown, ohio |
nakdthoughts: thank you for the reply. yeah she is married. but i still think that me and her are meant to be. i never had a feeling about someone this strong before. i just hope i am right. ![]() peace and love jesse Once upon a time there was a light in my life, now theres only love in the dark, There's nothing I can do, a total eclipse of the heart. |
Kevin Rose Member
since 2000-11-20
Posts 64Liverpool UK |
Beautiful piece a truly great piece of poetry, and that I cannot dent. but I would advise you seriously to think before sending it. I know many times in the past I have commited to paper and poetry my emotions on subjects like this. and the result has been both powerful and good. there is no doubt what you created is. I just question the motives. She is married, and I think respecting that is the best thing to do. I am not saying dont send the poem. what I would say is this.... I know you would send it with a note attached. make sure you make it clear, and make sure that you know this in your own mind before you send it that you believe this....... this is not an attempt to win her back, but a confirmation of feelings. If you make her regret leaving you, she will find a reason to hate you for it, and that will drive more distance between you. what you want to do is just let her know that if in some future time what she has chosen doesnt work, then there is something to come back to, but it is not necessarily something that threatens what she has chosen right now. As a piece it is very, very good. probably too good for the purpose you are suggesting. its almost like a nuclear weapon in that way. It stirrs every emotion adnd would ignite all but the coldest heart.. just be careful that the eplosion is not negative. Dont get me wrong, I wish you luck, but, I would hate to see someone go on a self destruct course by trying for what they know are unachievale targets. Only you can decide what the right action is. |
Jesse Jaymz Senior Member
since 2000-01-24
Posts 708Youngstown, ohio |
kevin: dont worry about it. this wont do that. she knows my feelings and i know hers. cuz she has the same feelings i do. its very long and complicated story. and to explain it it would take this whole forum. ![]() thanks jesse Once upon a time there was a light in my life, now theres only love in the dark, There's nothing I can do, a total eclipse of the heart. |
Kevin Rose Member
since 2000-11-20
Posts 64Liverpool UK |
that reassured me. I get concerned if I see someone about to monumentally put their foot in it, and I am glad to see you have considered all the angles. I wouldnt feel right if I didnt say something |
Allysa![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-09
Posts 1952In an upside-down garden |
Jesse: *hugz* I think that I would send it to her b/c I thought I shouldn't send a poem to someone I really liked, but I did and we got together for a while, and we should get back together. ANyways, she must be pretty special to get such a wonderful poem! Keep your chin up! ![]() Allysa I can't see at all. Even if I could it would all be gray, put your picture on my wall, it reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad. |
dragonpoe Senior Member
since 2000-11-12
Posts 608Palm Bay, Florida |
Jesse: I am so glad that you are able to word this pain out. You've been wounded seriously here, but... You must heal, and to heal you have to let go of the blade. Your pieces of poetry are very heart-felt. Keep the writing going, and I wish you all the strength I can give to help heal your wounds. I've been here before, and I will never say it's easy. Got a challenge for you, if you are willing to take it. I would love to see you write a piece on the opposite of what you are feeling. Write a piece on the romance in your heart (there is so much of it) and woo us female readers with how tender your heart is, and how full with the rarest kind of love a woman could find. I hope you take my challenge, cause I think you could write some powerful pieces. ![]() With the word, I am mighty, with the pen I am free.. dragonpoe |
Jesse Jaymz Senior Member
since 2000-01-24
Posts 708Youngstown, ohio |
Kevin: thanks again, no problom ![]() Allysa: thank you so much for your reply. i did just send it to her. i will talk to her soon and i hope she likes it as much as you did. *hugs* thanks again. Dragonpoe: *hugs* you are to sweet. and i liked that comment about the blade. at times i wish i could let go. but i just cant seem to let go. ![]() ![]() ![]() love to all jesse Once upon a time there was a light in my life, now theres only love in the dark, There's nothing I can do, a total eclipse of the heart. |
Broken_Winged_Angel Senior Member
since 2000-04-06
Posts 994Small Town, Somewhere |
Good luck...This was a heart warming piece..to know that people still believe in soul mates...I hope she comes around and you two live a life with a fairy tale ending together...Best wishes. ![]() |
Jesse Jaymz Senior Member
since 2000-01-24
Posts 708Youngstown, ohio |
broken winged angel: from one broken angel to another, thank you. i do beleave in soulmates. and i do beleave she is it. i just wish that i would have never left her arms and was still in virginia. thank you angel. peace and love jesse Once upon a time there was a light in my life, now theres only love in the dark, There's nothing I can do, a total eclipse of the heart. |
JamesMichael Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336Kapolei, Hawaii, USA |
Jesse you are allowed to grieve as long as you wish and my heart goes out to you because I hate to see you grieving over this and I was having the same exact thoughts as dragonpoe...so if you can find the way I will be watching for a poem about the good things going on in your life...no rush...when your heart is ready...take care..James |
Isis Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296Sunny Queensland |
Jesse, I'm with James on this one, I worry about it you. Even though it seems impossible it is time to move on, I know you pain, I understand it perfectly (you know that), but now it is only go be unhealthy to continue this way. C'mon my brother take my hand again. Why did you drop it? We'll face the future together, things can only get better. Big hugs and much love, Isis *I believe every time you put your words to paper, you change. Each feeling is set free, and you may follow.....* ~Isis~~Sovereign of the Spirit. |
Jesse Jaymz Senior Member
since 2000-01-24
Posts 708Youngstown, ohio |
james: thanks for the reply. but she is all i can seem to write about latly. that and i am scared to write happy again. everytime i do i end up hurt. =( except for once. and that was written for isis. thanks for the reply sis: thank you. i will be alright. just the nights that get me. *hugs* i am glad you liked it. i never droped your hand hun. just fell alittle behind. *hugs* thank you hun love ya jesse Once upon a time there was a light in my life, now theres only love in the dark, There's nothing I can do, a total eclipse of the heart. |
Tiersdin Member Elite
since 2000-11-17
Posts 2364east coast |
Sincere poems from the heart is always the best to give to a loved one. I think you have all you need in yours... -Tier |
Jesse Jaymz Senior Member
since 2000-01-24
Posts 708Youngstown, ohio |
tier: thank you. and your right this one is from deep in my heart. to a very special woman that i love deeply. *sigh* just wish i was still with her. thank you for the reply. ![]() peace and love jesse Once upon a time there was a light in my life, now theres only love in the dark, There's nothing I can do, a total eclipse of the heart. |
wayoutwalt Member Elite
since 1999-06-22
Posts 4870TEXAS (it's all big) |
i don't know if it will work... i don't know how far away her heart is but unless its a cold heart your poem will only do it good ![]() |
Jesse Jaymz Senior Member
since 2000-01-24
Posts 708Youngstown, ohio |
walt: thanks for the reply. mabey i should clear somethings up for everyone. i am not trying to win her back with this poem. would i like it to do that?? yes of course i would but that is not my intention. my intention is just to show her how much i love her and care about her. and i know she feels the same way about me. i would love to have her back, but that is not what i am trying to do with my writings. i write what i am feeling in my heart. and that is her. i dont write to acomplish things. i just write down my feelings cuz its all i know. i hope this clears up some things with everyone ![]() peace, love and rock and roll jesse jaymz Once upon a time there was a light in my life, now theres only love in the dark, There's nothing I can do, a total eclipse of the heart. |
Allysa![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-09
Posts 1952In an upside-down garden |
Jesse: I didn't think you were trying to win her back. I wrote Justin a pome because I want him to know how I feel because he won't listen to me and sometimes I just want to tell him to go to hell. Allysa I can't see at all. Even if I could it would all be gray, put your picture on my wall, it reminds me that it's not so bad, it's not so bad. |
qtpieelmo Senior Member
since 2000-07-04
Posts 989Sesame Street :) hee hee ,NY |
You have a great heart hun--never ever forget that--someday you will put it to good use again--Great poem--sweet words ![]() |
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