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since 1999-07-23
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Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion

0 posted 2000-08-08 04:55 PM

You pretty little kitty,
Playing with the ball of string,
Don't you know about the city,
Where speeding car tires sing?

You only know about the playing,
Out there on the avenue,
What's that the kids are saying?
A car's got it in for you?

Pretty kitty on the boulevard,
I'll risk my life for yours to save,
You're safe, but I was hit too hard,
I may die for you, but that's OK.

Please tell Doreen I wrote this - she can be a real sweetie!  *sweet, innocent, Vice-Presidential eyes*

[This message has been edited by LngJhnAg (edited 08-09-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Michael Waterman - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2000-08-08 05:09 PM

Hmm you think the battle lines might be crossed with this one Sailor?? Poor little kitty. Wouldn't have been our Persnikitty....would it??  

When you are old and grey and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shodows deep;

How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face...

William Butler Yeats

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2 posted 2000-08-08 05:14 PM

Long John, I will send flowers for ya...
Whats that fluff on your tires, oh its just string.  


X Angel
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3 posted 2000-08-08 05:18 PM

YOU MEAN OLD SAILOR!! (you don't look like a Krazed Kitty Kruncher in person)
I'm so glad I had my poor little baby kitty Darjeeling safely at my Mom's house while you were here. Who knows what would have happened to him out on our road....

"Krazed Kitty Kruncher Kicks Kitty in Klamath Kar Lot, it went Kersplat!"

Ya big bully, I'm gonna sic a mermaid on you.

since 1999-07-26
Posts 184

4 posted 2000-08-08 06:45 PM

now you've gone and done it,
mister longjohn AG,
this sweet kitty's on your tail!!
let's play a little TAG!
i will get my feline friends
and they will join me soon....
pretty soon you're kitty hatred
sends you to the moon!!  

if you think we won't be tough,
well, sailor, think again!!!
you'll be scooping kitty litter
off your hair, and then...
you'll be tripped by 10 smart cats
who wrap around your legs --
soon your face will fall into
a coffee cup with dregs!!!     

i don't know this doreen person,
who the heck is she?
could i get her to join in
and play some TAG with me?
does she hate your kitty rhymes
as much as i do, too?
is she some sweet little cat
who'll help me with my mew?????  

i have got my claws out now!
10 cat-friends storm your resident!!!
there is NO WAY you will survive
to become the next Vice President!      

[This message has been edited by pandora (edited 08-08-2000).]

Paula Finn
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5 posted 2000-08-08 06:49 PM

Long John seems to forget one VITAL kitties have 9 lives and they are ALL out after him MMMEEOOWWWW
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6 posted 2000-08-08 06:56 PM

Doreeeeeeeeen come and get IT!!!
since 1999-07-26
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7 posted 2000-08-08 06:56 PM

thank you for coming out, paula, my sis!
i'm pleased that you answered my cat call and hissssss....
this sorry sailor will not sleep tonight!
what he has coming is one big cat fight!!!!!

i hope we catch him with his longjohns on..
can't wait to see 'em all scratched up and gone!

(meeeeeeooooowwwta here... gathering the gang)

[This message has been edited by pandora (edited 08-08-2000).]

Member Elite
since 1999-07-23
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Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion
8 posted 2000-08-08 07:50 PM

I'm all aquiver with the thought
That the kittens don't know my heart.
Oh, Lord, show them what I wrought,
To show my sweetest part.

I hope I've done it    

If you really want to know my heart,
And how I feel about God's creatures.
You need look no farther for a softer part
Than where a little kitten reaches.

I cannot hurt even a flea,
Without feeling pain and despair.
I just write about what isn't me,
Cuz this is the only place I dare.

For me you women will always remain
Where I've placed you in my heart.
Above me in a higher plane,
Where you've been right from the start.

So go ahead and tangle my legs,
Bring me crashing to my knees.
Your pulchritude makes me beg,
To do everything you please.

[This message has been edited by LngJhnAg (edited 08-10-2000).]

Janet Marie
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9 posted 2000-08-08 07:59 PM

Me thinks you just cost Balladeer the election  
tsk tsk...
you just cant teach an old pirate
feline manners
talk about politically incorrect

MEOW baby MEOW  

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
10 posted 2000-08-08 08:00 PM

Well you sure managed to get out of that one.
I think you did it on purpose. Cute poem

since 1999-07-26
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11 posted 2000-08-08 08:13 PM

"pulchitrude"? pray tell, what's THAT?
does that word hard slam a cat?
"pulchitrude"? is that the spelling?
looked it up, so i'm not telling!

longjohn, this is such baloney!
you come off as quite a phoney!  
first you cause a cat car crash...
then you come in talking trash
about how you just love the kitties--
rhymes conflict within your ditties!!     

then you speak of "pulchitrude"!
longjohn, are you being rude???
do NOT mess with this cat's paw -
my sharp claws i won't withdraw!

meeeow! i'll give you definition...
for an LYING politician!     

[This message has been edited by pandora (edited 08-08-2000).]

Member Elite
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Coastal Texas
12 posted 2000-08-08 08:34 PM

Blimy mates!
What's this I hear?
Soothly spaked the
First Mate of 'Deer?
Oh, what a tatter
Me seen those tires
Get fatter
While the dawg on the hood
Growled for blood
T'was a Mack attack
Though 'Deer weren't near
But I do hear it told
For a camera photo
His running mate
Hit the gas, 'stead of brake
And squished my dear uncle
Or was it my aunt?
Hmm...time to stray
For to digest this news
But Lngjhnag shouldn't be miffed
If he finds in his shoes
A persnikitty feline gift

since 1999-07-26
Posts 184

13 posted 2000-08-08 08:49 PM

janet marie, i forgot to tell you,
i'm glad that you came out!
we kitties have to stick together
while longjohn is about!
meow, indeed, you told him, missy!
longjohn's attitude is pis*y!

angelx, don't worry, friend,
we won't let longjohn be the end
of darjeeling or any tea
you have on hand,
leave it to me!

thanks for coming, alicat!
i'm glad you found out where it's at...!!
as always, tom cats rule the street...
this longjohn's had it!

ain't that swwwwweeeeet???? hehe

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14 posted 2000-08-08 09:18 PM

Long John, you ole scalawag...
First you attack, and then you brag!
You have to know that we have guessed
The "soft part" where those claws did rest!
That knowledge does serve to explain
Why Lorelei's not yanked your chain
All alone now, you might bellow
But Kitty's made you sing soprano! LOL

since 1999-07-26
Posts 184

15 posted 2000-08-08 09:31 PM


glad to see you, suthern kitty
joining in this bogus ditty
from a longjohn nearly lacking
vice pres'dential cat attacking!

psssssst... longjohn, my back's up sailor!
watch your back and your e-mailer,
these cats might just get the notion
to send 'lectronic verse in motion!    

no, this isn't any threat.
not 'til when and not 'til yet...
you continue with your Vice
of slamming kitties....
that's NOT NICE!!!  

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Listening to every heart
16 posted 2000-08-08 09:44 PM

{doreen, oh doreen...I'll stand on this side, you stand on that side, you take your kitty, I'll take my kitty...]

oh LJA, want to come play with us?

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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
17 posted 2000-08-08 10:16 PM

Well, thanks a lot, sailor. You just blew the election for us!!! Who's gonna vote for a kitty abuser??? ALL IS LOST!!!!! (uh, you got Toes' number?)
doreen peri
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18 posted 2000-08-08 10:52 PM

What the heck is going on here?

Well, I just thought I'd ask considering the fact that my name was in the title of the poem... LOL... good grief! Well, all I can say is this-- Mr. Long John... your anti-cat poem brought a bit of negative response from these forums and I hope, next time you consider posting anything like this, you think about it first. Not to be catty or anything, but, this really wasn't in keeping with a Vice Presidential candidate's platform. But I'll still stick to the ticket...for a litter while anyway... unless some candidate comes up with something  better.... no... not possible... you have my vote, Mr. future VP... but please in the future, keep my name out of it, ok?... *wink*

X Angel
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19 posted 2000-08-09 12:10 PM

I'd like to offer my services as Vice President to Balladeer! I'd never krunch kitties like that mean old Long John!  
Hey Ladies whatcha think about getting a woman in on this campaign?????

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
20 posted 2000-08-09 02:51 AM

Well, so Long Matey !
No place on the ticket for you !
Just had to mess with those kitties ...
and that will never do !

Back to the search, Balladeer
Oh, my - Oh, my - Oh, my !
I think of all the work you've done ...
I sigh - I sigh - I sigh !

Look !  On the horizon ...
XAngel on her steed.
Coming to the rescue ...
helping the party in need !

I know you favor TOE
and though he fits the bill ...
XAngel is available
and wishes to serve at will !

If asked, she would serve
XAngel would soften the ticket
And if she saw a kitty ...
she'd certainly never kick it !

Durn it !
Let's get this ticket together !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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since 1999-07-23
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Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion
21 posted 2000-08-09 09:33 AM

I will never understand women, even if I live to be the successor to Balladeer and lead this country into a society that loves all kittens and cats.  Here I write this sweet poem about giving my life to save a kitty from the tires of a speeding car (yep, go read it for yourself if you don't believe me), and all the "kitty lovers" come out and try to scratch me from the ticket!  I don't care!  I still love kittens, and I always will!

BTW - pulchritude, for those of you who haven't looked it up, is a noun meaning beauty, and is usually reserved for feminine beauty, of which there is an amazing bounty of in the forums.  *exiting with Vice-Presidential decorum*

[This message has been edited by LngJhnAg (edited 08-10-2000).]

since 1999-07-26
Posts 184

22 posted 2000-08-09 10:00 AM


this is the second time you've done this to are a scoundrel! AND you spelled the word wrong, btw... the correct spelling is "pulchritude"...

so, since you're so handy with the edit button, why don't you go back and correct the spelling, too, that way, you can continue to make me look stupid   *boohoo*

you'll probably renege on campaign promises, too.

X Angel
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23 posted 2000-08-09 10:52 AM

Now girls that is a "TRUE Politician, he changed the poem to fit the outpouring of popular opinion...and then didn't have the guts to fess up to it. At least a woman when she changes her mind, does it openly and above board.

We need a woman in the White (soon to be painted another color) House!!!!

Janet Marie
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24 posted 2000-08-09 12:33 PM

ahhhh LongJohn...
we would expect NO less from a Pirate OR Politician LOL
NOW I"LL vote for ya...
not cause you edited the poem but cause NOW
we see you can do the job LOL

LOL at Pan and Angel ...
we can have our first Passions election  

hell we been practicing over in the booksubmit forum...
vote vote vote  

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United Kingdom
25 posted 2000-08-09 12:56 PM

I see you've got yourself in trouble again Sir...*g*


doreen peri
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26 posted 2000-08-09 07:03 PM

A true politicion, indeed, Ms. Angel! Do you think Ron intended this type of thing to happen when he set up the software to include an edit button? I'm bumping this up top so it can be read again.... this man needs to be exposed!!! One of the cats in here mentioned ripping off his longjohns and frankly, after reading the original poem which put a nice sweet kitty cat in front of spinning tires with glee...and then his edited catnip.... I didn't want this to slip too far from the public eye... after all, political candidates  usually claim they don't get enough exposure... so maybe Lorelei isn't the only one who should be pulling his pants down!!!

geesh... Pinnochio in the White House.... LOL... well, could be worse, I guess... at least LongJohn didn't beat around the bush with this one and gore us with doublespeak... he got right to the point and quickly stood on his own platform.... sorta like wearing boots  

Member Ascendant
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state of confusion
27 posted 2000-08-09 09:56 PM

Again with the Cat Tales!  Ahem!  Me thinks LgnJohn deserves to come back as one, perhaps an alley cat in a country that considers them delicacies!!!  Ha, ha, ha, hahahahaha!


Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
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In the winds of Cherokee song
28 posted 2000-08-10 12:48 PM

Running for office and for your life too.  Man you are one busy "CAT"

[This message has been edited by Mark Bohannan (edited 08-10-2000).]

Member Elite
since 1999-07-23
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Boot+Kitty=Poetry in motion
29 posted 2000-08-10 07:35 AM

My dear sweet Pandora - I changed the spelling as you requested - See?  I always do what a woman tells me to do - its a small flaw in my personality (my desire to be used by women).

Heather - A woman has been in the White House, and if she is worth her salt, her views are probably part of public policy.  Naturally, the smart women know it is better to be First Lady - after all, why take the blame for lousy decisions when a man can do it for you?

Janet Marie - Yanno, I would have fessed up to changing the poem if it hadn't been for all the flaws in my character *innocent eyes*.  Naturally, the newer version of the poem is the one that really reflects my character (I think, but I'm not really sure *eg*).

Queen - Alas, I fear you are right.  Without Queenly guidance and the loving guidance of my Lorelei, I am just adrift on the Sea of Rebukativity.  How are you doing?  Send me an email describing everything.  OK?

Doreen - Gulp, a public pantsing?  I just KNEW I shoulda changed my whitey-tighties two days ago!  Maybe if I throw myself at your feet and beg for mercy, you'll forgive me?  *wimpy handwringing*

Corinne?  et tu?  And that laugh.... evility - I think I oughta be just a leetle more worried.  Quick, somebody!  Take away her Veterinarian license before she gets me sedated and stretched out of fixin'!!!

Mark - LMAO@Cheetahs.  Great graphic.  I especially liked the implied peg leg on the poor prey.

[This message has been edited by LngJhnAg (edited 08-10-2000).]

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United Kingdom
30 posted 2000-08-10 10:40 AM

"Rebukativity"...LOL, that brings back some memories...*g*, all we need now is that Toe to pop up..

Now just be kind to all those kitties or Snoops will use your inner leg as a scratching post...ROFL


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