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Senior Member
since 2000-04-05
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North Carolina

0 posted 2000-09-17 10:57 PM

My eyes are red,
from tears I cry,
I cry for the things
I let go of
I cry for change that
must come my way
I have to let go
to achieve my freedom
that belongs to me
I cry a river
and yet this river
leads to better circumstance
Yet I cry at having to say goodbye
to what I have,
I must move on and
change because sometimes
change is what we must do.
It's not easy to climb this mountain
but it must be done
sometimes your heart cries out
and without a doubt you know
that change is on the way
to a newer and brighter day
Somehow you just know that you know
Tears will come this I'm sure
but joy comes after all the tears
For me I guess it's time to
make a way, change only begins
when I'm willing to start
and so with this I'll start a spark
and achieve more than I ever wanted to be
but sometimes it's just to easy in this comfort zone
Alas I go on this journey onward
but still with tears in my eyes

© Copyright 2000 Rose - All Rights Reserved
Member Elite
since 2000-09-16
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1 posted 2000-09-17 11:02 PM

I find it very bizarre that everyone is reading my mind tonight, but, that is the most appropriate thing I could have read right now!
That was written beautifully!  Thank you so much!  


Senior Member
since 2000-04-05
Posts 1813
North Carolina
2 posted 2000-09-17 11:15 PM

thank you snowpants, believe me I understand! It's so hard so I wish you luck, just keep me in your thoughts as well because even though I know I must it's still very sad, to make a change.
Lone Wolf
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since 2000-03-16
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Lansing, MI USA
3 posted 2000-09-17 11:16 PM


May your tears be dried by the warmth of the rising sun.  This was beautiful.  I enjoyed it.  Best wishes to you.  


[This message has been edited by Lone Wolf (edited 09-17-2000).]

Senior Member
since 2000-04-05
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North Carolina
4 posted 2000-09-17 11:22 PM

thank you Lonewolf, I hope that one day soon I will feel the gentleness of the stars, and the happiness flowing from the heavens, I thank you so much for the poem it truly touched my heart, I can just picture the ocean, walking there under the stars with the fullness of the moon, such tranquility..
Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
5 posted 2000-09-18 07:08 AM

'change only begins
when I'm willing to start'

Start this day -
Change brings new mountains in the horizon,
waiting for breathtaking climbs.
Change brings new rivers to be navigated with joyous adventures.
Change brings a new sunrise on another glorious day.

Challenge the change eagerly, hon ...
you've new adventures to be met.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
6 posted 2000-09-18 09:00 AM

Yes I went thru this recently and freedom has its own rewards....James
since 2000-07-07
Posts 64
7 posted 2000-09-18 09:04 AM

Great poem Rosebud! sometimes it's difficult to face change and leave what is familiar and comforting...your poem is beautiful and put into words what i also feel alot of the time that i could never desribe as eloquently as you did...God bless and good luck!
since 2000-08-17
Posts 433
Nahunta Georgia U.S.
8 posted 2000-09-18 01:31 PM

  Girl, go ahead an initiate that spark for change.  Change is usually for the best.  With those tears in your eyes, I'm sure they will fall in the appropriate place to water your roots, and you'll bloom as big and beautiful as ever.


Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
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Staffordshire, England
9 posted 2000-09-18 03:03 PM

Oh, I just love this one!!!  I've often thought how strange it is that I've tried to hold onto something comfortable, even though I know the new change will be so much better.
And, yes.....the tears are there, too!
           Wonderful job of writing here!

Today is a gift....
That is why they call it
'the Present'!

Senior Member
since 2000-04-05
Posts 1813
North Carolina
10 posted 2000-09-19 01:03 AM

thank you so much all your words are very reassuring to me, still very scarey, but I know I must make a change in my life. Day by day, little by little, but there will be a change, as for what I'm talking job I have now I have had for a long time, now I've decided to move on. For lots of reasons I must leave.
Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
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In the winds of Cherokee song
11 posted 2000-09-19 05:24 AM

Change brings on new hopes new dreams new loves but most of all change MEANS leaving what has brought so many tears of sadness and walking toward the tears of joy as with each step the heart becomes healthier.
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