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Wilfred Yeats
Member Elite
since 2000-08-04
Posts 2704
Wilmington, Delaware

0 posted 2000-09-09 11:29 PM

Since many of you may not be acquainted with my favorite poet - I'm taking the liberty to post one of his poems. Walter Benton (died in 1976) this is from "This is my Beloved" first published in 1943 it went into its 57th printing in 1996

        Were I Pygmalion or God
I would make you exactly as you are . . . in all dimensions.
From your warm hair to your intimate toes would you be

wholly in your own image. I would change nothing, add or take away.
The same full red flower would model for your mouth -
and from the same seashore
would I bring the small translucent earshapes of your ears

O the lovely throat that I could duplicate!
The tender arms!
I would shape your breasts the shape of the hungry little faces
they are now. . . and tip them with the same quick mouths.

I could not make your eyes deeper than they are -
nor softer to look into . . . nor could I turn your hips, your thighs,
your belly in a sweeter curve: nor indent the hollows
of your loins more tenderly - or store more honey there or fire.

How would I name you . . . need you ask? You know, By the scarlet
and the blue you wear when love is upon you, by the yellow
tongues - by the warm white fragrance . . . by the slender leaves. © Walter Benton

[This message has been edited by Wilfred Yeats (edited 09-10-2000).]

© Copyright 2000 Wilfred Yeats - All Rights Reserved
doreen peri
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since 1999-05-25
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1 posted 2000-09-10 09:11 AM

wow! ahhhhhhhhh...... *sigh*

this is wonderfully delightful and thank you very much for the introduction... what a way to start the morning... it's YUM... !

i am not familiar with Benton but will look him up and peruse more of his work... romantic poetry has never been the poetry genre i choose to read... most of it doesn't usually appeal to me, expect a few extraordinary authors (shakespeare's sonnets, for instance)  but from reading this... perhaps Benton will enlighten me.    

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2 posted 2000-09-10 11:55 AM

Bill--I do love the way he writes love...thank  you for sharing this.
Elizabeth Santos
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3 posted 2000-09-10 12:00 PM

Thank you for posting an unfamiliar but wonderful poem - a delight to read.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
4 posted 2000-09-10 01:02 PM

This is but one of the lovely offerings
of Walter Benton's works that you have
so graciously shared with us.

His work was published in the form of the
journal of his love thoughts for the woman
of his life.

There is a wonderful link at
for anyone wanting to read the sensually beautiful
thoughts of this author.
(it has an aggravating banner that disappears
for each page if you just minimize it)

There is much inspiration in his words.
Thanks for sharing this with us.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Wilfred Yeats
Member Elite
since 2000-08-04
Posts 2704
Wilmington, Delaware
5 posted 2000-09-10 03:22 PM

Doreen -

I believe you'll be enamoured of his writing too


He's really good - I'm glad you like  


His whole book (small) almost entirely delightful


A poem from 10/98:

Yesterday's Laughter-Yesterday's Tears

     In my E-Mail
     Where PC tips, and spam
     Grow and gather dust
     I saw a name from the past.
     Wonderful to read
     But more important
     Who it came from.

     I went through 12 grades
     With his older brother
     But five years later
     After some college
     And a stint in the army
     Don hundreds of miles
     Away at school
     It was Jerry became my buddy

     Jer and I - went cruisin'
     Jer and I - bar hopping
     Jer and I - at beach haunts.

     Some pictures
     Still stuck away somewhere.
     Us on the beach
     Me sculpting sand
     Jer in captain's cap
     Marianne (wasn't that her name?)
     Looking drop dead gorgeous

     In a bar
     In the lowest part of town
     Why did we go there?
     We met him
     He could have been a longshoreman
     We learned of his black belt
     He could have killed us
     He loved poetry
     Introduced us to Walter Benton

     Jer followed Don to school
     Miles and miles
     We cruised together
     Talking, laughing
     Buffalo to Detroit
     Detroit to Buffalo
     Down to the mountains

     We suffered each other's
     Romantic failures
     We cried alone at the successes

     SNADS - what is that?
     Church mouse in
     Basement apartment.
     Gourmet skillet dish
     Mashed potatoes,
     Canned peas, hamburger.
     Named for the
     Student Nurse's Association Dance.

     I slept on his couch
     Woke once to his lovemaking
     In the next room
     He still doesn't know

     Ahhh Yesterday's . . .

I didn't know you knew and liked him as well - as you can see - my love goes back quite a ways - thanks for sharing the URL  

serenity blaze
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6 posted 2000-09-10 03:33 PM

Thank you Wilfred for this, and for the intro...I am in awe now and may never write again...(YEAH, right, but I'm hard-headed too)  but thank you.
doreen peri
Member Elite
since 1999-05-25
Posts 3812
7 posted 2000-09-10 03:56 PM

thank you, marge, for the link... i just spent some time there reading... Oh, to be loved like that!! was that woman ever lucky... brough tears to my eyes... i long for that type of love

his writing is exquisite, wilfred.... i have bookmarked the site marge referenced and will go buy a book or 2 for my library... thanks again..  

Junior Member
since 2000-08-28
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8 posted 2000-09-10 11:24 PM

I so enjoyed this...   hun.

Tis the first I have read of his.. that I know of.   I will remember his name.. and look for others.. and yes.. that web site is a nice bonus.  

Thank you for sharing....

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
9 posted 2000-09-10 11:37 PM

Enjoyed the banter on Walter Benton.
Knew you'd find the site awesome.

Is he not the ultimate romantic ?????
I see so much in his work.
*SIGHS* of the deepest kind.

Glad everyone enjoyed the site.
I also played it ... where it's read
to you ..... *sighing* again !

Thanks again for sharing, Wilfred.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Wilfred Yeats
Member Elite
since 2000-08-04
Posts 2704
Wilmington, Delaware
10 posted 2000-09-11 12:39 PM


never write again? yeah sure - like I'm going to stop breathing LOL

Doreen -

you're not alone in your longing - trust me - I've felt that way since i first discovered WB back in 50's

Whisper -

Thank Marge for finding the site  - I'm  glad you liked the poem.

Marge - I've two top favorites from Walter- the site lists 1st - my most fav - which I'd memorized ages ago - and it is first thing youread at 'my' site  the second is not on the site you displayed  but follows below:

Entry August 22

        As the world gathers momentum toward nihilation
on all fronts---We walk apart,
Each to his own lonely end . . . not hand in hand as lovers walk.

Yet I would enter time's infinite pages more happily with you
Than in the company of Christs an Dantes, . . . comets and constellations!

Darling.  . . before the distance widens beyond reach and sight--
Look this way; give me your hand - that the stars may say of us:

The last we saw of them was when they kissed,
Then beautifully naked walked as if into a sea of bright blue water --
Leaving their bodies like old clothes upon the shore.

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