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Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
Posts 5334
Staffordshire, England

0 posted 2000-09-04 03:39 PM

This poem is a combination of my "Dance of the Gypsy Queen" together with Bill's "Dance For Me Gypsy Queen".  We enjoyed writing the two, and hope they make you want to dance!!

[I will dance for you:]

As she twirls by the light of the fire,
You can see in her eyes the desire…
When the fast music plays,
How she gracefully sways…
But something is missing tonight…
[Dance for me:]

Gypsy Queen twirling round for this King,
Emerald eyes light the darkness, as your aching…
The fiery music swings with a Romani beat,
You swirl round me and entice, into the heat…
Nothing will be missing my Queen, tonight…
[I will dance for you:]

If you look at her face you can see where
Her teardrops will never be free there…
She’s too strong to cry,
But her heart begs to try,
It’s a feeling that she just can’t fight…
[Dance for me:]

Your pretty Gypsy face I do stare,
Teardrops that try to flow, never will dare…
My lady, not because you are so strong,
But your gentle heart to I, it does belong…
And if any will, I would ever wipe away…
[I will dance for you:]

So she dances to make herself weary,
Dancing faster, her fears all get bleary…
There are changes at hand,
That she still can’t understand,
And she knows that they are coming too soon…
[Dance for me:]

Wearily, you sensuously dance in front of this King,
Passions rising, wanting to give me everything…
Changes are there, swirling deeply within you,
But you will finally reach your emotions, and construe…
When this King embraces, with my warmth…
[I will dance for you:]

While she dances, her mind is recalling,
All her past loves, some good, some appalling
But the one meant to be,
Is the same one that she,
Dreams of holding beneath the full moon…
[Dance for me:]

Thoughts are racing, while during your dance,
Knowing love like this, you will always feel romance…
The one meant to be will not disappear,
This time you will always hold me very dear…
I will be close, and touch you in the fires light…
[I will dance:]

And tonight, as the sun’s slowly sinking,
As she dances, alone, she is thinking…
She’s decided to say,
In her own special way,
That she wants him for her Gypsy King…
[Dance for me:]

And when the sun sets, and as the night will flow,
Your King dances with you, together, both aglow…
And I intimately whisper, into your loving ear,
That I want you, my Queen, to always endear…
A Gypsy King, that wants you for my Queen….
[I will dance for you:]

They will dance by the fire forever…
With their hearts beating so, stopping never,
When the King takes his Queen,
To a Gypsy it means,
That the dancing has only begun…
[Dance for me:]

The fire sparkles, and speaks with its flame,
A trance lying in two hearts, there is no game…
The King is close, as I touch my loving Queen,
Gypsies melt together, loving passions between…
As the dance becomes more inciting…
[I will dance for you:]

They will dance to the music that’s playing,
In their hearts, as their bodies are swaying,
Gypsy King with his Queen,
And the magic they bring,
To the Dance, Gypsy, Dance…
Love is Young!
As the music plays, inside you stirs the gamete,
And bodies touch closely, with a succulent heat…
Magic holds the sensual moments, to enhance,
“Dance with me Gypsy Queen, Dance…”
For my bed we will share, during enchanted hours,
Love is young, but we will be, as one!

A Poetic Duet by Sunny Conley and Bill Charles

Today is a gift....
That is why they call it
'the Present'!

© Copyright 2000 Sunnyone - All Rights Reserved
Irish Rose
Member Patricius
since 2000-04-06
Posts 10263

1 posted 2000-09-04 05:37 PM

This is beautiful! You should be on top. It's exquisite, flows across the page.


Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
Posts 5334
Staffordshire, England
2 posted 2000-09-04 05:39 PM

Hello Irish Rose...

     Well, Bill and I thank you very much for coming by to read our poem!! Glad you liked it, and we hope it put the magic in your day!!

Today is a gift....
That is why they call it
'the Present'!

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
Posts 7269
In the winds of Cherokee song
3 posted 2000-09-04 06:06 PM

You two make such wonderful partners in dance.  Now when does the winter start again?  October you say?  

Excellent you two....very nice

[This message has been edited by Mark Bohannan (edited 09-05-2000).]

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
4 posted 2000-09-04 06:51 PM

GypsyQueen~ and GypsyKing~
Very compatible pieces ...
joining in a dance to take us all along.
Enjoyed you two !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

since 2000-07-25
Posts 250
Baltimore, MD, USA
5 posted 2000-09-04 08:31 PM

Sunny & Bill:

Marge has it right!  Gypsy Queen and Gypsy King.  Nice work - any gypsy blood in either your heritages???  The words flow so beautifully with so much meaning.


Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
Posts 5334
Staffordshire, England
6 posted 2000-09-05 12:58 PM

Hi Mark..
          Thank you, kind sir!! Yes, winter does begin in October, and you can keep the radio on the whole 6 months of it, to dance to!!!  

Hi Marge..
          Good to see you...did you kick off your shoes, 'cause gypsies dance barefoot!!

Hi ddgoose..
            Oh, yes....both of us have a great deal of gypsy blood....both of us like to dance!!  Thank you for coming by!!

Today is a gift....
That is why they call it
'the Present'!

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-29
Posts 9082
Victoria Australia
7 posted 2000-09-05 05:26 AM

Kissed by starlight, and lust is this poem. it was erotic, exotic and one of the most vivid experiences I've ever read.
You Excel even yourself.
Well done

"It is the image in the mind that links us to lost treasures;
but it is the loss that shapes the image,
gathers the flowers weaves the garland."-

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