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Steve B
since 2000-08-07
Posts 140
Southern PA

0 posted 2000-08-28 03:44 AM

A Conversation With Depression

You! Evil blackness! don't call me,
_I'll not be yours, this day,
nor any other day come soon!
_I know your evil ways.
So just be gone, old, black, abyss,
_listen to what I say!

I take offense at your regard,
_did I not treat you fair?

Fair! Hell would be fairer than you,
_a haven by compare!
Never again, shall you have me,
_on my death, I swear!

Your words do me most unjustly,
_I force none unto me.
I but offer a cool retreat,
_a quiet place to be.
Come, look, you were confused back then,
_come, tell me what you see?

Keep back with your lies, dark demon,
_do you think me the fool?
Your cool retreat be a black pit,
_where emptiness does rule.
There you plant and nurture madness,
_villainy, is your tool.

You feed on the maimed, the weak,
_gorging on fear and pain.
Taking away all hope and will,
_until despair does rain.
You are vile! Without heart nor soul,
_you drive good men insane.

Not true! Hear what I have to say!
_I'll hear no more from you!
But...No buts! Lies are all you speak,
_my rath, you'll learn to rue!
Truth of you, I'll spread far and wide,
_and pray for your undue.

You dare threaten me, little man?
_Why should'nt I dare?
You are nothing but a dark hole,
_no longer can you scare.
You are a joke, a butt, a clown,
_crawl back in your hole there!

Leave me and all men to their own,
_keep in your dark of night.
For if you do not, I shall come,
_and fill your dark with light!
Why do you tremble so, old one?
_afraid of your own sight?

No answer? No threats? Do you bow?
_Is that you I hear whine?
I do not whine! Leave while you can!
_HA! Fake! You have no spine!
You are scared! You are a coward!
_NOooo!  Yesss! You are benign!

Steve B

© Copyright 2000 Steve Burkett - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
1 posted 2000-08-28 04:14 AM

Interesting and excellent writing...James
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
2 posted 2000-08-28 07:07 AM

Quite an interesting piece.

Those who suffer depression don't often
have the strength to summon the courage needed
to drive the demons away.

I would wish them this strength.
Well done.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Steve B
since 2000-08-07
Posts 140
Southern PA
3 posted 2000-08-28 02:14 PM

James ~ thank you for the read.. it is
        different,    Steve B

Marge ~ yes, depression is a killer, I know
        it's depth well...and that is why I
        wrote this,, for any who are in or
        near it's grip... thanks  for reading
        thanks  for your always kind thoughts
                       Steve B

Member Ascendant
since 2000-07-06
Posts 5334
Staffordshire, England
4 posted 2000-08-28 04:16 PM

  This is a very Powerful piece that puts a lot of light on a very common problem. So many people suffer from depression, and don't really know what is happening to them.
            thank you for this....

Today is a gift....
That is why they call it
'the Present'!

Paula Finn
Member Ascendant
since 2000-06-17
Posts 5546
5 posted 2000-08-28 04:22 PM

WOW...just WOW...such strong emotions here and yes the fight never give up the fight...GREAT write this
Steve B
since 2000-08-07
Posts 140
Southern PA
6 posted 2000-08-28 08:02 PM

Sunny & Paula ~ Thank you both for your thoughts and for reading... I wrote this in hopes that it may help others, having barely survived a severe battle with it many years ago, it is amazing what the mind can create within itself, but it is real...I stated my case to the best of my memory, I believe,,,
thanks again  and please pass this on to any that you think may benefit from it,..

                     Steve B  

Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
7 posted 2000-08-28 08:09 PM

Right on with this one, Steve. It's a hard fought battle but a battle that must be fought....I applaud your victory.

Have you ever imagined a world with no hypothetical situations?

Jenn E
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since 2000-08-02
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Kelowna, BC, Canada
8 posted 2000-08-28 08:11 PM

This is a powerful peice here. You give ones hope who are going through this.....Thank you for giving me "hope" on this dark day.
Jenn E

Member Elite
since 1999-12-27
Posts 3263

9 posted 2000-08-28 09:46 PM

Steve, I admire your expressiveness as much as your message here. A creatively composed piece of writing, to be sure.

~ Claire

Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?......Henry David Thoreau

since 2000-03-22
Posts 407

10 posted 2000-08-28 10:32 PM

  Wow! This was terrific! You grabbed me and held my attention throughout. What a interesting poetic device. Thanks.

since 2000-08-07
Posts 377
Bronx, NY
11 posted 2000-08-29 03:18 AM

WOW....WOW a conversation with deperession? what a concpet first of all for you have truly played this all so well, then the format and the fluidness of this piece...REMARKABLE, the images, WONDERFUL!!!  i truly do not know what to do other than give you a standing ovation


"my love is my motivation
my love is my inspiration
perception of this poem
is your interpretation"
-- rlt

Steve B
since 2000-08-07
Posts 140
Southern PA
12 posted 2000-08-29 11:27 PM

Balladeer ~
Jenn E ~
Claire ~
David2 ~
J ~

Thank you all for your wonderful responses to
this piece, it is special to me, as it was a long, hard fought battle, that I nearly lost. Anger was my only way out at the time, so I wrote this as a reminder to myself and for any one that faces this horrible affliction.
As to form and the twist of being in conversation, well I even pleased myself there, and that is not easy to do  
Please feel free to post or share this anywhere, or with anyone you think it may help... thanks again..   Steve B

Senior Member
since 2000-04-09
Posts 620
On the road
13 posted 2000-08-30 12:25 PM

I really enjoyed reading this Steve. I'm going through what is perhaps my longest and deepest bout of depression ever at the moment so it is apposite to say the least!

I thought your use of words was very good and the force of what you say comes across brilliantly.

As you know depression can really suck you under because it feels like it is undoing you right from source somewhere deep in the brain - so it feels like you CAN'T do anything about it - it's overpowering and overwhelming. But your poem gives hope, it really does...


Senior Member
since 2000-04-05
Posts 1813
North Carolina
14 posted 2000-08-30 12:40 PM

excellent poem. I to can relate to this very well. It's something that is a battle one day at a time, just as any other disease. It can take you in so very easily, But the battle is worth fighting thank you so much for sharing this.
since 2000-03-03
Posts 139
15 posted 2000-08-30 04:01 PM

Well pinned Steve...You have, I think, given anyone in depression some fuel to use to fight off this evil force....nona
Steve B
since 2000-08-07
Posts 140
Southern PA
16 posted 2000-08-30 04:44 PM

Allan ~
Rosebud ~
nona ~ Thank you all for your read and  appreciated words and comments... this is a piece I hold very close and also wish spread far and wide, and feel free to do so with it.And Allan, I will tell you I was as deep in depression as I think any can go.  To the point of suicide attempts, but I could not do that, and that made it even worse, so I just went through the the motions of living, just enough to get by..until one day and several years later, I woke up and was angry, the first emotion I had  for  a long time,  and I got madder and madder, thinking  why am I being punished, I had done nothing wrong, and that is when I had that talk with the dark evil that we all have deep inside us, and well you know what I told it...and  I was out of that hole and paln to stay out though it has called  to me a couple times..I just read the poem  and laugh at it.... I wish you all the best, but your answer lies definitely within you.  thank you all again Steve B    

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