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0 posted 2000-08-17 03:09 PM

He Strolls and Limps


Michael Auguste

As darkness comes and birds find rest
You'll often see his silhouette
He strolls and limps along the street
I've seen him, but we've never met

Each night he's out there, back and forth
But not for long, his legs grow weak
I feel a little guilty then
When out my curtains do I peek

And sometimes he's in a wheelchair
A friend told me, asked not to tell,
"He's losing the use of his legs"
So why is he giving them hell?

I've seen him almost fall sometimes
When tired, his limp begins to show
I didn't know just what to do
Just why does he push himself so?

I've even seen him in the rain
He slowly trudges up the street
It's obvious that he's in pain
So why doesn't he take a seat?

Four months ago he drove a car
Planted a garden with his son
I guess it was just after that
That the symptoms must have begun

A friend told me that his wife said
"He walks so not to lose the rest
So his legs will not atrophy
The chair to build his arms and chest"

Of late, he's drenched in sweat at night
When up the hill he struggles on
I think he should give up the fight
If near, I'm sure I'd hear him groan

I'll admit he's muscled, that is true
But it's stupid to fight so hard
If smart, he'd just stay in that chair
Keep off the street, stay in his yard

He's out of work and doesn't drive
I've heard that tests he has to take
His grass grows tall, neighbors complain
With son, he's fishing at the lake

I know he treasures that dear child
Like friends they are, he loves him so
So many times I've seen them play
But of his lawn, he needs to mow

This is a true story. It's about me and what I've been
going through since I began losing the use of my legs
four months ago.  There's no need for sympathy.  I'm filled with hope and think of it as just another challenge that must be overcome.

© Copyright 2000 Michael Auguste - All Rights Reserved
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
1 posted 2000-08-17 03:40 PM

I've been to your web page ...
I've read your poetry ...
I admire the strength you shoulder.

Pity ?  No !

Sympathy ? ... you cannot deny me that which
I give willingly that leads me to daily
prayers for your continued strength.

The time you spend with your son ... priceless !

The friendships you tend ... treasures.

The love so apparent ... joy shared.

Your poetry .... inspiring !
Thank you for sharing.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

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Staffordshire, England
2 posted 2000-08-17 03:59 PM

Hello Michael....
   No, you don't need sympathy!! What I read in this is determination and courage. What you will get from me though, is plenty of admiration for your work and your art, (I love your webpage also!).....and you'll also get a friend, amongst the many good friends you already have here!
        I'm glad you put this here....

Today is a gift....
That is why they call it
'the Present'!

since 2000-07-27
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3 posted 2000-08-17 04:01 PM

You mentioned that this is not your usual  poetry, since I've not read any of your work previously, this is my first impression of your work.  Impression... Impressed... yes, it's a very good word - I have the impression that as well as being an extremely talented writer you are a man of great strength and character for which I am impressed.  I will be looking for more of (and forward to) your work.


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By the sea
4 posted 2000-08-17 04:18 PM


This poem was very difficult for me to post.  For awhile now I've been wanting to share the hope I feel when going through these trying times.  I don't feel beaten down because the rest of my life will be in a wheelchair.  I'm much too blessed to feel that way.  We're never certain the course our lives will take, but we can, we must, be up to the challenges that lie ahead.  Thank you, my friend.


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By the sea
5 posted 2000-08-17 05:20 PM

Hello Sunny,
You're right...I don't need sympathy.  In any situation, the right attitude will see us through.  Mine is that of hope and determination.  My goal in life is to show those around me that hope is pure, that is sustains, that it will always overcome what life has in store for us, if we'll just choose to believe.  And Sunny, I'd be honored to have you as a friend.  Thank you.


Member Patricius
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New Brunswick Canada
6 posted 2000-08-17 05:25 PM

God bless the love for your son and the love he returns....get out there Michael and love him even more it is the breath of life that cures!!
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7 posted 2000-08-17 06:22 PM


Your comments left me a bit speechless. I do so appreciate you kind words, but I'm no one to be impressed with.  I'm just someone, like all of us, trying to make the best of a bad situation.  I thank you for reading my poem and hope your day is the best.


since 2000-08-07
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Bronx, NY
8 posted 2000-08-17 06:34 PM

I am moved...and my emotions are at a tug-of-war for I am happy of the courage you displayed, or continue to do, for not giving up....yet it hurts to see that it must happen at all...and the pain you must endure...this poem is very powerful and has moved me need for sympathy?! can I not after having read this work....but with that sympathy is my support and admiration for the strength of your heart  

"my love is my motivation
my love is my inspiration
perception of this poem
is your interpretation"
-- me

since 2000-08-17
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Nahunta Georgia U.S.
9 posted 2000-08-17 06:39 PM

I understand your struggle.  I recently tore or stretched all the ligaments in my knee. I was an atheletic person who enjoyed playing with his son out in the yard.  I had surgery but I won't be able to play with my son in the same manner ever again.  Although I can't compare with your struggle, I admire your strength and it's given me inspiration.

Poet deVine
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Hurricane Alley
10 posted 2000-08-17 07:48 PM

I was impressed with this man as I read your poem. He perservered! He put his family ahead of his 'chores' because he knew he wouldn't always be so able to go some of these places with them. And I admired his sense of hope. Nothing changed when I read it was about are in every poem you write. I also was at your website and read many of your poems. Your strength and courage are admirable. Your writing reflects that. And we don't know what is in store for us in the future except for one thing - we will always enjoy reading your poetry. May you find rest and strength and love and patience. And never lose your sense of humor. I admire you.
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By the sea
11 posted 2000-08-17 08:30 PM


I agree with you...the breath of live is love...very well put, very well!  Thank you.


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By the sea
12 posted 2000-08-17 11:23 PM


Thank you so much for your kind remarks.  I don't think of myself as particularly corageous, just doing what I feel I must.


Member Seraphic
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
13 posted 2000-08-18 09:21 AM

Well,Michael - Each and every one of us has our own personal burdens - some are more apparent than others - some internal and some external - some more physically debilitating than others - Lack of mobility is certainly not an easy one to deal with - I applaud your determination and perseverance - I can see you're a survivor...

On a positive note - Your physical limitations will be paving the way for your cognitive capacities and your writing will thrive - I'm thankful that you've discovered Passions, and we'll all gratefully reap the benefits of your talent...

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14 posted 2000-08-18 09:26 AM

Michael, I'm glad you posted this important piece. You know how I feel...

~ Claire

Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other's eyes for an instant?......Henry David Thoreau

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15 posted 2000-08-18 09:37 AM

Michael, this is  a very courageous and wonderful piece you have posted here.  I admire your perseverance.  
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North Carolina
16 posted 2000-08-18 10:09 AM

Michael, what a brave man you are. No pity here just admiration. And oh my goodness, reading of the love you have for your son just blew me away. What a specail gift the two of you share in your relationship.
All the best to you both,

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By the sea
17 posted 2000-08-18 12:12 PM


Yes, each one of us has our own personal burdens, I agree.  My own is nothing compared to what some must shoulder each day.  I have many examples I could use... most are friends, but I'll not do that here.  I've a good mind and hands...that's all I need to see me through the rest of my life.  I thank you for your uplifting comments.


Paula Finn
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18 posted 2000-08-18 12:35 PM


    The hell with the grass...get a sheep... you are spending time where it counts. I admire you tremendously...for the love you show your son, for the beauty of your poetry,
for your sweet and gentle replies to my poems. You have a friend and an admirer here Michael.

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By the sea
19 posted 2000-08-18 02:52 PM

You've been here since the beginning and know what I've been going through and how I've dealt with it...I appreciate you standing by me.

Your comments warmed me.  I don't consider myself courageous, however.  I just know of no other way to handle what I'm experiencing right now.  I do want to thank you for your words of encouragement.

Yes, above and before anything, is my love of my son.  He drives me to push myself harder to be strong for him.

Your comment about the grass and sheep made me laugh.  Thanks!  Yes, my son is my treasure, always.  I'm glad to know you want to be my friend.  I think I'd like that.  As for my replies to your wonderful poems, I just say what I feel.  Your poetry is so very nice.

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Listening to every heart
20 posted 2000-08-18 03:40 PM

Michael, your piece, before I knew of whom you were writing, put me in mind of a friend whose husband is suffering from Parkinson's.

Let it be known that I stand among your admirers.

Welcome to Passions.

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By the sea
21 posted 2000-08-18 04:08 PM

I'm sorry to hear about the ligaments in your knee and how it will keep you from being able to play with your son like you used to.  I understand that so well.  I wish you my best and  hope your day is a good one.

Poet deVine,
I'm glad my sense of hope showed through in my poem.  That, above anyting else, is what I wanted to convey.  I'm not down or depressed because of my legs.  I'm extremely hopeful and know that it's just something that I'll have to deal with.  And yes, you caught me...I am in almost every poem I write.  I appreciate you visiting my web site.  And don't worry, my friend, my humor remains intact.  Take care, and thank you.

I'm sorry to hear that a friend of yours has a husband with Parkinsons.  That is so very tragic.  We never really know what life will have to offer...we just have to hope and pray that when adversity comes, we'll be able to find the hope and strength to deal with it.  I wish you my best and to your friends husband, be brave...hope will follow.

Nikolette Sadness
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port richey fl.
22 posted 2000-08-18 11:17 PM

this is an amazing poem...and what is more is the story...and the strength you have...i commend you...


i was once in love and happy...but you can call me Sadness.

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By the sea
23 posted 2000-08-18 11:41 PM

Thanks, Nikolette, for the nice things you had to say.  I look forward to seeing your poetry here at Passions.


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Queensland, Australia
24 posted 2000-08-19 06:12 AM

Dearest Michael,
Thanks for inviting me here, if you didn't I would not have read this poem. You've done it again, you know. This really touched me, but so does all your poems. I love your work.


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Nevada USA
25 posted 2000-08-19 07:00 AM

Thank you for sharing this poem of your life with us.  It is a very moving and courageous piece.....

" Where life is more terrible than death, it is then the truest valor to dare to live".
                              Thomas Browne

English Rose
since 2000-08-20
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Berkshire, England
26 posted 2000-08-20 09:23 AM

Oh Michael!!!   do I EVER relate to this poem

I think that you are living the male equivalent of my life (except for the fishing that is)
A very moving tale indeed.

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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
27 posted 2000-08-20 09:34 AM

Beautiful poetry and I admire the strength in the message you have presented...James
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