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Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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0 posted 2000-08-01 01:08 AM

The Heart can Hurt

It started out so sweet
with the soft breath of dawn
creeping creeping
through the a tiny pin prick
of a hole in the shade.

I could hear that Monday morning
trash truck gear up pull back
and the sound didn’t hurt my waking
it had comfortable familiarity
in its crusted noble task

then the curtain parted
fear opened and poured on me
and I thought of all the dear touches
and the words like songs
a heart can really hurt
tapping its fingers
it can hurt in the waiting for news
that ticks can you hear it tick the minutes
how many beats per minute can it tick
before the heart bursts
and the clock explodes into pieces
of memory floating down around the white bed
and the white coat and the tubes and machines
and the cadence of beeping instruments

so I waited for an end of something
that was still in progress
still a work of art in outline
drenched and pale with not yet
and the day did tick on
and there was no explosion
and the sun set in a big orange ball
behind a palm tree
and I took a breath and another
and another

© Copyright 2000 Martie Odell Ingebretsen - All Rights Reserved
Nikolette Sadness
Deputy Moderator 1 Tour
since 2000-07-29
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port richey fl.
1 posted 2000-08-01 01:15 AM

i liekd this one...very homey...i dunno why though....just relaxing i guess


i was once in love and happy...but you can call me Sadness.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
2 posted 2000-08-01 01:28 AM

A sad little piece of your heart
on this day of consternation and caring.

'then the curtain parted
fear opened and poured on me
and I thought of all the dear touches
and the words like songs
a heart can really hurt
tapping its fingers
it can hurt in the waiting for news'

You express it well, my dear.
Love you and thinking of you.

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Sudhir Iyer
Member Ascendant
since 2000-04-26
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Mumbai, India : now in Belgium
3 posted 2000-08-01 04:18 AM

Excellently expressed... with nice imagery...

regards to you Martie,

Mark Bohannan
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-21
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In the winds of Cherokee song
4 posted 2000-08-01 08:30 AM

so I waited for an end of something
that was still in progress
still a work of art in outline
drenched and pale with not yet
and the day did tick on
and there was no explosion
and the sun set in a big orange ball
behind a palm tree
and I took a breath and another
and another

Oh Martie---The ending of this is soooo perfect.  Your imagery throughout is so vivid but the ending kills me....wonderful piece here......

Dark Angel
Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
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5 posted 2000-08-01 08:59 AM

Oh Martie.....

then the curtain parted
fear opened and poured on me
and I thought of all the dear touches
and the words like songs
a heart can really hurt
tapping its fingers
it can hurt in the waiting for news
that ticks can you hear it tick the minutes
how many beats per minute can it tick
before the heart bursts
and the clock explodes into pieces

EXCELLENT!! as always  
Enjoyed this immensely  

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049
6 posted 2000-08-01 10:44 AM

Nik--thanks so much for taking the time to read and respond to this poem.

Marge--thanks for understanding and being there, my sis.

Sudhir--thanks for your sweet reply.

Mark--if I killed you with my ending I hope it's not terminal...thanks dear one.

Dark Angel--thanks for the excellent, I'm glad you enjoyed.

Deputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
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7 posted 2000-08-01 10:53 AM

Wonderful work, Martie. Our prayers are with you and Taylor.


Why ME???

Michael G
Senior Member
since 2000-06-25
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8 posted 2000-08-01 10:59 AM

I loved the imagery in this Martie, I loved the way you expressed the anticipation so very well........
since 2000-03-22
Posts 288
9 posted 2000-08-01 11:24 AM

You do tell a good story in your poetry Martie!

THanks for the read  

"Life is like music; it must be composed by ear, feeling, and instinct, not by
rule."~ Samuel Butler ~

Janet Marie
Member Laureate
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10 posted 2000-08-01 06:22 PM

i got you e-mail..i am having computer problems, just wanted to tell you
my thoughts and prayers are with you and
Taylor...keep me updated...
this poem is of your usual grace...
I know it helps to write about our fears.
take care, both of you
love ya sweet poet

There are places inside our souls -
that have never been touched.
There are places inside our hearts -
that need to be loved this much.

Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
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Ontario, Canada
11 posted 2000-08-01 06:32 PM

The anticipation felt through this, leaves me counting my heart beat as well ... I've known this feeling also Martie. Beautifully written  ... take care.

Best wishes,

brian madden
Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
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12 posted 2000-08-01 06:56 PM

WOW Martie excellent piece.

"I am melancholy, flower cutting through stone"
manic street preachers

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

13 posted 2000-08-02 09:01 PM

Those waiting moments can be maddening. I'm glad the outcome was good. Wonderful poem, Martie.


serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738

14 posted 2000-10-16 09:56 AM

Adding to the library again, missed this one, somehow!
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