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Billy Bolden
Junior Member
since 2000-03-27
Posts 23

0 posted 2000-03-27 04:52 PM

                LOVE ON THE NET
               A WORK FOR HELGA
She turned on the computer and fired up the net.
He had placed an ad and this is how they met.
Both were over forty, their ways somewhat set,
She had tried the newspaper nothing happened yet.
He was lonely, weary, and down to his last bet.
When hearts are broken this is what you get.
Searching for romance with the speed of a jet.
Both had homes, cars, kids and consumer debt.

Can you find love while searching through an ad?
Is it really so dangerous, so modern, so bad?
Its like a buffet all the stories true and sad,
It seems that men and women have all been had,
Former lovers footprints, it tends to leave you mad.
How can others be so cruel, is it meanness or just a fad?
To hurt your lover, to leave them smartin, leave them sad?

It can turn your heart to powder, it can turn you cold,
It makes you want to give up, lay down the cards and fold.
Every once in a great while comes a lover, we are told,
That gives you hope in romance, gives you courage to be bold,
To take down the sign from your heart, that once read “SOLD.”
There comes a letter from nowhere to warm the heart grown cold,
Renewed interest in matters of love, you take down the sign “SOLD.”

I take down the wall around my heart and try to play it cool.
The last thing that I want is to be is another’s “April Fool”.
Other lovers left me empty, broken, drowning in a pool
Of tears, it felt like sixteen and I was back in school.
So with every ounce of courage, every skill and tool
I write back to her even if I am just another April Fool
It would be better to love and loose than drown in this pool.

With hopes as high clouds across the summer sky
I send her my message, across the wire it will fly.
It tells her of my hopes and fears, I am single and why.
I fear she will read my heart and decide to say “GOOD BYE.”
It seems so many are looking and never finding, “WHY?”
Why? are we so lonely, why do we search and sigh!
There has to be someone out there who needs me.
Why is love so hard to find?

Then it came across the screen, “You’ve Got Mail”
I saw her name my heart sank, my face grew pale.
What did she think?  Did my message fail?
I longed to capture her imagination behind some vale.
I needed her attention, storms of doubt blew like a gale.
I will never know her thoughts unless I click “You’ve Got Mail”
With a trembling finger upon my mouse I click the cell.

My heart began to race, as the message began to appear,
It seems she thought my message was quite clear.
I was a lonely man who had lost the one he once held dear,
Not at all unlike her own path cluttered with doubt and fear.
Her heart it seems was longing for one to love and cheer,
An emptiness within her soul had left her filled with fear
Of never finding someone to hold on rainy days, one so dear.

She wrote of long, endless nights of lying alone upon her bed
No one to stroke her breast, no one with whom to lay her head.
She told me of her dreams and reading over again all I had said,
She too longed for one to plant the seeds, to fill her needs,
She mused that I could restore her passion that once was dead.
As dreams of sweet romance filled her night, filled her head.
With renewed hope and courage I set out to find a way into her heart.


© Copyright 2000 Billy Bolden - All Rights Reserved
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Member Ascendant
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1 posted 2000-03-27 05:37 PM

Hey, anything can happen! Good luck!


 "He have his goodness now. God forbid I take it from him!"
-The Crucible

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
2 posted 2000-03-27 05:53 PM

Billy, Love on the "Net" is no different from "real" time... People are people - The odds of success are no doubt the same... The difference is, you get to know someone from "the inside out"... and that's pretty special... Good Luck - and Welcome to Passions.. Check your email for a special greeting..
Senior Member
since 2000-01-17
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3 posted 2000-03-27 08:47 PM

Well it's nothing I would ever bet on, but I can attest to a single occurance of a mother of five who found a man over the net and it cost them both a buck or two to meet... But they are infact married today and very happy with each other. Oh..! that's lasted now for just over a year. So I can't really say one way or another.


Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
4 posted 2000-03-28 09:42 AM

Anything is possible. But be wary.....  
Lucius Cade
since 2000-03-23
Posts 235
5 posted 2000-03-28 09:52 AM

I sure hope that this works out for you. A lovely poem and story. welcome to passions.

 Lucidity is the answer to all problems

Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
6 posted 2000-03-28 10:02 AM

Oh....this is sweet. I wish you both the best of luck  
Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
Posts 3733
7 posted 2000-03-28 12:37 PM

Welcome to Passions!!

Love on the net......words of advice that I learned much to late and never would have listened to if I had heard them so nevermind....Best of luck and the read was great  

Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

8 posted 2000-03-28 12:57 PM

Great poem! I wish you the best!


Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
9 posted 2000-03-28 01:56 PM

Welcome to Passion's.
Best of luck with the love you've met.
Anything is possible ....

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
Posts 33336
Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
10 posted 2000-03-28 06:18 PM

This is lovely and I wish both of you the best...
but I challenge you to the real test.
If you really want to know which way your
hearts will go
you need to to meet face to face
only this will confirm your fate.

Billy Bolden
Junior Member
since 2000-03-27
Posts 23

11 posted 2000-03-29 06:38 PM

Thank you all very much for taking the time to read this work.  You comments were very special to me.   Thank you Nan for th Post Card.

Panthers Chrysalis
since 2000-03-25
Posts 51

12 posted 2000-03-29 08:05 PM

Nice poem.... I personally have met some really wonderful people this way!  

Member Elite
since 2000-03-07
Posts 2829
Between a laugh and a tear...
13 posted 2000-03-29 11:38 PM

I think Nan has hit the nail on the head, the net is just an extension of the "real world". Nothing ventured, nothing gained!
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