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Senior Member
since 1999-11-08
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0 posted 2000-03-08 12:49 PM

~First Knight~

My phone rang out today,
and it was everyone but you.
My stomach fell each time
as I am feeling blue.

My pager beeped today,
and I wished it had been you.
It was only the low battery,
and beeped upon this cue.

A lady looked at me today,
with a smile upon her face.
If only you would look at me,
and touch me with your grace.

Time passed so slow today,
with each hour like a day.
Alone I sit and wait for you,
crying along the way.

A pain felt in my chest today,
a breaking of my heart.
Nothing can fix the way I feel,
as long as we're apart.

 There are two kinds of pedestrians...the quick and the dead. Drive it like you stole it.

© Copyright 2000 First__Knight - All Rights Reserved
Rosalind Palafox
Posts 88

1 posted 2000-03-08 01:03 AM

Sad nice poem...

 "Love knows hidden paths."-German proverb

Member Empyrean
since 1999-11-16
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Kapolei, Hawaii, USA
2 posted 2000-03-08 01:41 AM

Sorry to read you're still blue first knight.
Just remember she is only following her heart and if her heart wants to take her somewhere else that is her destiny.  Its only good when two hearts that feel the same come together.  Believe me...I've been thru this.   Your poetry whether a happy theme or a sad theme is shining as usual.   Take care.   James

A Romantic Heart
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Forever In Your Heart
3 posted 2000-03-08 02:06 AM

This is sad Knight, cheer up...there are lots of juliets in their castles,love will find you when you least expect it!  
Enjoyed the poem!

 "Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O,no! it is an ever-fixed mark....William Shakespeare

Senior Member
since 1999-11-08
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4 posted 2000-03-08 03:17 AM

Thank you Rosalind

Still trying to shake it off Jim.

Thank you Romantic Heart.  

Member Elite
since 2000-01-18
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5 posted 2000-03-08 03:30 AM

This is a very touching poem first-knight but I'm sorry I have to agree with James. The two hearts have to be beating as one my friend and if they aren't then there's always trouble   LoL and a HUG from me xxx

 Keep all the windows of your mind open
Anne Rooks

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2000-03-08 07:14 AM

David, my friend~

While this may be sad,
I find your heart telling it
like you feel it.

Love often beats in the heart of only one
waiting for the right heart to pick up
the beat.  When it comes again,
and it will, you will know.

'My phone rang out today,
and it was everyone but you.'

I really like this.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
7 posted 2000-03-08 07:30 AM

Sigh... unrequited love. Been there, done that, don't envy you. Well written to wring out emotions and tears.
Member Elite
since 2000-03-06
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8 posted 2000-03-08 07:31 AM

This poem captured the pain of waiting for love to be returned and time does stand still when that is what we are waiting for doesn't it.  This is magnificent.
Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
9 posted 2000-03-08 10:23 AM

David...although this poem was very sad, I found it you will see from my post "Everything But You" It's hard to miss someone you care so much about, but I know the feeling well  
Senior Member
since 1999-11-08
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10 posted 2000-03-08 06:22 PM

I agree Tracie.
Marge you always have the nicest things to say to me  

THank you Chris and butterflies,

Hoot....Believe me I know we are sharing the same feelings after reading  your work done from mine  

since 1999-12-26
Posts 130
11 posted 2000-03-09 02:07 PM

So sad a post, a place where so many of us have been. ((Hugs)) Keep smiling my friend, someday someone special will smile back..

 All of my life I've been searching for the words to say how I feel........ - Phil Collins.

Senior Member
since 1999-11-08
Posts 678

12 posted 2000-03-09 08:11 PM

Thank you Jascanvey

 There are two kinds of pedestrians...the quick and the dead. Drive it like you stole it.

Member Elite
since 1999-09-26
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Ontario, Canada
13 posted 2000-03-09 08:21 PM

Not sure how to respond to this one, knowing what I know. Sometimes love just isn't enough and words are just that until they are stood behind. Well written piece David.  
Senior Member
since 1999-11-08
Posts 678

14 posted 2000-03-10 05:45 PM

Thank you Marilyn
Diana B
since 2000-03-10
Posts 97

15 posted 2000-03-10 06:08 PM

it shouldnt be this way...especially with spring blossoming just around the corner...and perhaps with that a love true for you...
Senior Member
since 1999-11-08
Posts 678

16 posted 2000-03-10 07:39 PM

Thank you Diana.  I know it should not be
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