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Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269

0 posted 2000-01-15 02:21 AM

Star Gazer

The night sky always beckons me
To stand and gaze at stars above
The wonders of the galaxy
Are there displaying endless love

The Milky Way in splendor shows
A spiral turning evermore
An aggregate of gas and dust
A hundred billion stars or more

And I a tiny living soul
Marvel at the magnitude
How can a mere and simple love
Continue to my heart elude

If God created all this splendor
Why not a simple task perform
Why not the one I love to come
And fill my arms with tender warm

We're like the rhythms of the stars
Celestial bodies floating free
In gravitational attraction
Yet you're light years away from me

The spiral rotates evermore
As months and years just pass me by
Why should it be so difficult
A simple lover's lullaby

Elizabeth Santos

© Copyright 2000 Elizabeth Santos - All Rights Reserved
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296
Purgatorial Incarceration
1 posted 2000-01-15 03:54 AM

With a title such as this, I can hardly belive that this hasn't recieved a reply yet! And the poem more than meets the expectations!
"And I a tiny living soul"
... I think not!

Deputy Moderator 5 Tours
Member Rara Avis
since 2000-01-03
Posts 7855

2 posted 2000-01-15 04:02 AM

Here's where my mind is at this late hour: when I saw the title, I immediately thought ''That was a pretty cool Apple //e game!'' What I REALLY meant was StarBlaster. But I'm rambling. A delicate, beautiful poem with the same sense of timeless spin I read in a poem a few days ago. My favorite line is the last one, because the poem is both opened up and closed at the same time. Skillful work.


Senior Member
since 2000-01-06
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3 posted 2000-01-15 09:09 AM

Well I'm sorry but I just got up "Christopher" lol, just kidding.
The poem is wonderfull and so so (words don't fail me now) lovely, there it is.
I guess it's a bit early for me lol.
Thanks for such a lovely wake up Elizabeth

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4 posted 2000-01-15 09:59 AM

This is WOnderful Liz, another masterpiece , Your so talented and a lovely person  
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
5 posted 2000-01-15 11:00 AM

This poem is really great, Elizabeth... I can totally relate to it... the enigma of it all is quite astounding....
...and I'm gonna smack you, Christopher... I was sleeping at 3:00 am.....LOL..

Member Elite
since 1999-12-15
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6 posted 2000-01-15 01:33 PM

Just beautiful as all of your poems are.
Member Elite
since 1999-12-27
Posts 3263

7 posted 2000-01-15 01:43 PM

Splendid writing, Elizabeth, and as always, a gentle theme. Nicely done  

Dear LadyClaire

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
8 posted 2000-01-15 03:18 PM

Oh, Elizabeth, my friend-

You 'star gazer' at 2:21 a.m. !
My muse had long before closed my eyes.
Well, the same stars gazed at me before
I counted sheep.
You amaze me, lady.
Such thoughts to befit a starry night.
I shall anxiously await the coming of
the night-filled with light.

 ~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
[email protected]

Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
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9 posted 2000-01-15 03:32 PM

The sea does not feel my toes dangleing
and the turning world hold me to her
for reasons of her own.

Such a question you pose to the stars Liz, one that I have asked myself.  Is it so much to ask for, one little love in all this vasteness?

 In the dew of little things,
the heart finds its morning
and is refreshed.
(ee cummings)

Artur Hawkwing
since 1999-06-30
Posts 444
10 posted 2000-01-15 03:39 PM

Elizabeth, my friend-

Such a lovely poem this is. I think not the distance between humans should be as the distance is between stars. I hope humans can be closer in distance than this. But the loveliness still rings a child-like wonder that I have noticed lost in my memories. I used to look at the stars every night when I was young and marvel at what God had done up there. Twas a blessed lullaby. Thank you Elizabeth.

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
11 posted 2000-01-15 05:51 PM

This is in your singular style
And brought to me a grin, a smile.
We travel the paradox you and I
And will until we say goodbye.
Gods plan stretches from now till then,
Without the knowledge of where or when?
But one thought is what I can send.
Make happiness, your quest till the end.
Love Sy

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269
12 posted 2000-01-15 07:52 PM

Christopher, if it meets your expectations, I'm ecstatic!. Thank you

Bsquirrel, would you rather I write a poem called "Star Blaster"? I'm glad you liked this one. Thank you

Helmut, thank you, I just discovered your wonderful web site. Great work and very enjoyable!

whiskey, I think you've got stars in your eyes, thank you for your sweet comments

Nan, I'll try to post earlier just for you. Thanks!

septsong, Thanks, but I need you to write the titles for me. hehe

meadowmuse, The word "splendid" from your pen makes my heart go "tick, tick, tick ..."
Thank you

Marge, It's too cold up here to be star gazing. Thank you, dear, very sweet comments

Martie, We think alike,beautiful response

Thank you for your lovely remarks.Nobody's that far apart these days, not with e-mails!
I enjoyed your response

Sy, Thank you for your little verse, very true up to the last line. I already am happy. But this poem is not really about me, it's just a bunch of words that flowed from the pen. Thanks
Love ya,

Rus Bowden
since 2000-01-13
Posts 139

13 posted 2000-01-15 09:02 PM

Hi Liz,

Such a plea for love!  To open the universe and say:

If God created all this splendor
Why not a simple task perform
Why not the one I love to come
And fill my arms with tender warm



Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648

14 posted 2000-01-15 09:07 PM

Thanks, Elizabeth, for always filling my mind with such beautiful pictures!!


And slight is the sting of his trouble
Whose winnings are less than his worth;
For he who is honest is noble,
Whatever his fortunes or birth.~~~Alice Cary, ~Nobility~

Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269
15 posted 2000-01-15 09:23 PM

Thank you Rus for your nice comment
Glad you enjoyed the poem

Denise, You always have beautiful thoughts in your head

since 1999-11-09
Posts 378
California! Yeah! Okay, I'm done now
16 posted 2000-01-15 09:28 PM

Stars are a lovely thing to look at, they make you feel so small sometimes.  But they are even more special when you realize just what a gift they are.  Lovely poem.


 "Sometimes stars can only be seen in darkness."

"Sorrow's crown of sorrow is remembering happier things."

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