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Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada ![]() |
![]() This is part of an introduction Ron wrote for "Voices On The Web" found on this link below. It is interesting for our new members to read how this site was conceived by our wonderful benefactor, Ron Carnell. quote:If you would like to read more about how Passions In Poetry got its start, here is the link for you: Voices On The Web Introduction I bet if you had these statistics updated today by Ron, it would just amaze you on just how BIG this site has become not only in members and visitors, but also in respect by its piers. |
© Copyright 2009 Mysteria 1997 - All Rights Reserved | |||
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
I have always wanted to be the "first poster" one day, and I am just so honored it is today. I found that little colored ball thingamajig on the main site that shares the statistics of our site, and brother - look at this! Netpoets Site Meter Happy Anniversary Ron and Passions In Poetry. You have indeed changed many peoples lives for the better, and assuredly forever. That m'friend is not an easy task to do, and one you must be very proud of. You quoted this also in your introduction: quote: This home without a wall, Our haven without ends, A circle we all call Our Family of Friends! Is unique in so many ways! This world would not exist were it not for you! Thank you. |
iliana Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
Posts 13434USA |
Happy Anniversary, Ron! And, Happy New Year, too. Wishing you the very |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Happy Anniversary - it was a small site in the beginning but it had a HUGE heart...growing by leaps and bounds it retained the original concept of a place to call home. But the heart grew and today it is the ONLY poetry forum on the internet with where writers can come for honest, sincere critique and unbiased review. With open arms, I give you a big 10 year hug! Congratulations Ron and Passions in Poetry! |
Greeneyes![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-09-09
Posts 9903In Your Poetic Mind |
Happy Anniversary thank you! ~~**~~ |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
Thank you for providing so many people with an opportunity to share thoughts and dreams, with the Prose and Poetry Forums, and the Alleyway for those whose need to vent regularly. I've made many new friendships since joining in 2001 and continue to enjoy meeting new people here. Thank you, and Happy Anniversary to Passions In Poetry!!! |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
Thank You once again~~ M |
Larry C![]()
since 2001-09-10
Posts 10286United States |
It is amazing to me the power of friendship that resides in Colon, Michigan that has had such an incredible impact on my life, and I've never met him. But I will always be humbled by him. Thank you Ron many times over for your positive infulence. |
Earth Angel Member Empyrean
since 2002-08-27
Posts 40215Realms of Light |
PiP, PiP, hooray! PiP, PiP, hooray! Thank you, Ron, for giving kindred spirits a home where we are all free to express our poetic selves. Yes, Passions In Poetry/pipTalk truly is a Circle of Friends and I am so thankful for the day that I happened upon this passionate site. I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I would never have written as many poems as I have, if it weren't for the encouragement, motivation, and support of my fellow pipsters ~ and our family is growing larger by the day! The words "Thank you" truly are inadequate in expressing the degree to which I appreciate all that you have done and continue to do. Oh, and Sharon! Thank you for this informative tribute to Father Ron and to the home that he built! ![]() May 2009 be a year of continued growth, harmony, and esprit de corps. (n. 1. the spirit of a group that makes the members want the group to succeed). With very warm regards, Linda Earth Angel |
HopeS Member Elite
since 2000-12-22
Posts 4596Perth Western Australia |
Thank you Ron for this wonderful place to share heart to heart and friend to friend Hope |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
Thank you so much, Ron, for making this all possible! Happy Anniversary! I'd also like to thank everyone who participates to make this the place that it is! You are all awesome! |
SEA![]() ![]()
Member Seraphic
since 2000-01-18
Posts 22676with you |
I am grateful to you Ron. ![]() ![]() |
Toerag Member Ascendant
since 1999-07-29
Posts 5622Ala bam a |
Of course I'm not rowdy or do I misbehave like that "poster" above me Sea...but yes, you've done a fine job with these blue pages....thanks... |
Flutterwings Member
since 2001-07-10
Posts 288Maine |
Ron, it's a blessing to have someone like you to allow us wana-be-poets to have a place to express our talents. Congrats.... Maggie aka Flutterwings ![]() |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
How did this happen? Well - Long, long ago, in a faraway poetry site in a distant cyber land... Excerpt #1 This story might take me awhile, so settle in folks. It was right around the 98/99 holiday season... I didn't miss much, but I understand that Poet DeVine and Michael Anderson, (both outstanding poets looking for a place to share their poetise), were lurking about this relatively new world called the internet and happened upon this place called "netpoets." Much to Ron's surprise, they both posted poetry on his new domain. (Sharon, Michael - feel free to add your take on this story). I, erstwhile, was posting my poetic morsels over next door at the "Open Scroll," along with several of our eventual PiPsters - hoot_owl_rn, XAngelX, Desperado, Masked Intruder, Doreen Peri, Temptress, Alicat, and - who have I forgotten? Stand up and be counted. Anyway, sometime in January of '99, this guy named "Ron Carnell" began to appear making random comments on The Scroll. Something about his words struck me as being very different from most. He had a special wisdom, and a special sensitivity that I hadn't heard for a long time. It's all in the timing, I guess. I waited for him to post a poem of his own, On January 17th, he posted his "Because," and I was inextricably hooked. I knew he was a brilliant writer, and I wanted to know him as a person. We began a daily poetic "respartee," but Ron cheated shamelessly. I had to write a poem a day - He just drew from his poetic arsenal that he had stashed on his hard drive! Anyway, I immediately joined netpoets and met up with Sharon (DeVine) and Michael... Ron had a very rudimentary poetic forum set up, and we were adding our works to it regularly - but continued to post at the Scroll. Meanwhile though, the Scroll was deteriorating in quality due to lack of adequate moderation.. Guess what happened next! Ron agreed to set up a new and better forum. We called it the "Blue Pages" because the background was royal blue and the font was white. It was great.. far too quiet, though - We began to invite the good poets from the Scroll.. and I'm not sure how it happened, but I found myself at someplace called the "Slam Pit".. I think - and found this guy called "Balladeer"... Take it away Mike.. ![]() |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Well, Mike's not around, and I'm only six months younger than the first of the folks...I did not come across the Scroll, but netpoets itself, titled Passions in Poetry. The Internet was still fairly new to me when it came to interactive sharing, and I did a lot of struggling not only with how to post, but how to share my quiet, shy self. I had always loved words...and I had been sharing some poems on an angelic site but found myself looking for a more varied field. Boy, did I find it! And the people! In their words alone they were colorful, insightful, vigorous, ambitious, endearing, delightful! What a poetry home! And all because one magical man referred to as the Wiz who was making all of this happen before our eyes! I have lost count of how many times I have personally, by audience, and privately thanked Ron Carnell for his diligence in maintaining such a remarkable website. I am so very, very glad Mysteria gave us a post on which to expound our heartfelt thanks not only for a job well done, but a heart well shared. ![]() Thank you, Ron. |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
Well, seeing we are telling our tales, here is mine. Back in the summer of 2001, I was debating about putting "Trooper" to sleep as he was ready, but I wasn't. I went online to find like people loosing a pet, and found the main site of Passions, and a poem by Kit McCallum, which is the top "sad poem" now on the site. As a matter of fact, that little stinker holds the record for having the top number of readers on there! Rightfully so! When Is It Time? I cried, no, actually I wailed! I could identify with every single word, and wished I could write like that. That day, I got a paper and pen out and started to try to write. It helped. I was able to take Trooper to the vet a few days later. I later found out she wrote that poem for her Misty, a beautiful German Shepherd. A couple of days later I read a lot of her stuff, then I found Balladeer, Michael, then Martie, and began to put the little stories I rhymed on slips of paper kept secretly away as a struggling child into poetry. It was not "right" but it was real. Lord knows, Michael (Balladeer,) has tried to reform me, but he gave up long ago, and knows it's impossible. ![]() Playing With My Feet I have since met Michael,Kit, Nan, Ron, Ruth, Liz, Sy, Isabel, and I am sure more will come to pass. However, Kit I claimed as my very bestest friend, and now know meeting her was no accident. She came at a time I lost my dog, and was around to pick up the pieces when I lost my best friend too. We have a bond that will last a lifetime and that is due to Ron building this poetry site. I have learned since coming to this site, nothing is ever by accident, it is all part of some journey we are all set to take. I am just grateful I listened to my heart, went online and found this place the day I did. Ron, when I said you have changed people's lives forever, I was not kidding! Some day I will explain that further to you, maybe even today, but I for one, owe you big time. I don't "write" as much as I used to due to priorities in life, but I do keep up a poetic journal for my grand kids to read one day, and knowing you, meeting you, and having you as a friend, is one of the highlights in that journal,and my life. Thank you SO much for all that you do for everyone here, and around the world. Sometimes we have no idea why we are going where we do, but sooner or later the reason will come to us. I personally think this site had a lot to do with your Mother, just as I was led here by my dog. We just need to listen more to our hearts instead of our heads. One day, yes one day, you and I will ride in that hot air balloon. ![]() |
Alison![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2008-01-27
Posts 9318Lumpy oatmeal makes me crazy! |
Dear Ron, When I first came to PiP two years ago, I knew that I had been directed (thank you, Divine Chaos) to a special place. I had belonged to MSN Groups in the past and, well, they always seemed to end up in dissention and negativity. I had no idea how much this place would grow on me and become a part of my life. One day, I decided that I no longer needed a name to hide behind - I can be myself here. So, away went the old "aziza" and in came the very real Alison. I have never regretted that decision. It's nice to know that when I log into PiP, I am with people I have grown fond of and enjoy reading their thoughts and poetry. Ron, who knew ten years ago what Passions in Poetry would become? I have no idea. I only know that when I see the people who have been here for ten years - when I read their comments and poetic offerings, I often leave knowing that I have gained something special. I know I am a new comer to PiP, but I also extend my appreciation to you for what you have created and how you maintain your vision. Thank you. Happy 10th anniversary to PiP - and my thanks to all who worked and dreamed to make it this very special place that it is today. Alison |
Dark Angel Member Patricius
since 1999-08-04
Posts 10095 |
Happy Anniversary Ron! |
sandgrain Member Elite
since 1999-09-21
Posts 3662Sycamore, IL, USA |
Thank you, Mysteria, for starting this opportunity to tell Ron how very much this place has meant to us. I'd never have known many had it not been for him. My late daughter, Whtdove, pleaded with me to join back in '99, and I've never been sorry. No words can express the releases I've found during tense times, by reading a humerous post, the warmth received from members when each of my youngest children died, the faith sustained by posts in Spiritual Journeys, and the pleasure found in reading so many posts. My cousin, Wayne, in Florida, is in frequent touch via e-mail, still thankful for all the Pipsters who prayed for him before he received his kidney transplant 9 years ago. There's no way you'll ever know the far reaching wonders that have taken place due to your kind generosity, Ron. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God bless, Rae |
Kit McCallum
Member Laureate
since 2000-04-30
Posts 14774Ontario, Canada |
Well, my goodness. TEN YEARS???? Where does the time go? Happy Anniversary Ron ... and Happy Anniversary to ALL Passions Poets! ![]() After reading some of the stories that have begun in this thread, I started off on a little quest to see if I could find my first note to Ron or Nan. I wasn't successful there, but if memory serves me correctly, I found Passions in Poetry (the main site) after the loss of my old Shepherd that Sharon mentioned (love you Sharon), and after contacting Ron by posting a few poems at the main site, I stumbled into the old blue pages, where Ron, Nan, PdV, Balladeer, Michael and others were playing. I remember being a bit of a voyeur, lol ... shy and just watching. I eventually contacted Nan and she coaxed me out of my shell to join the forums. Ron, the main site and the forums were a saving grace for me. I think you may know that. I can't even remotely express the impact this site and the friendships I have made here ... have affected my life. I may not have the same time as I used to, to join in here daily, but I am "always" here in spirit one way or another. To this day ... I owe my sanity, my happiness, and so much more ... to the love and friendships I have found through this site. Ron ... grrrrrrrreat big hugs are coming your direction. Ten years of hugs. Happy Anniversary! ![]() |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
To continue Nan's story.... Sy Tabin had been a golfing buddy of mine for years although we knew little about each other off the golf course...that's the way golfers are. He also became a customer of my pest control company. One day I was over at his house and saw a lot of poetry pages scattered around. Sy told me that he wrote poetry and posted it on a site called the Slam Pit. He asked if I had ever tried writing poetry and I told him I had a poem or two lying around but didn't post anywhere, at which point he suggested I try the Slam Pit. He said there was one lady there named NanciNess who was pretty good. So I posted my first poem on the internet - at the Slam Pit. It was the Small Pain in My Chest poem. The comments were less than generous. Nobody liked it at all and it got a lot of criticism. Ok, no big deal. The I posted The Robot. The reaction was worse. As one responder put it, "What's this place turning into - a *^&^^%%@#$% rhyming pit???" I then decided I was wasting my time there and didn't plan to post any more, not anywhere on the net. I had always written poetry only for myself, anyway, and a few friends. I didn't need criticism from people who regarded English as a dead language. Then something happened. I got a message from that NanciNess person Sy had mentioned and it said simply, "If you're ready to play with the big boys, come over here", followed by a link. So I checked it out, which was the blue pages of PIP. I read the poetry and it was good. I posted mine and the responses were good....and, more than that, the PEOPLE were good. There were no axes to grind, no critics who got their kicks by tearing down what they could not duplicate. Even when Wendy commented that my poetry was too Reader's Digesty for her taste, that was fine. I just sat down and wrote "Reader's Digest Poet" for her ![]() The rest, of course, is history. The blue pages became too small and the current PIP site came into being. We have had thousands of people come, go and stay. We have seen marriages and funerals. We have shared prayers for those in need. We have also had our squabbles, as any family has and yet we have endured. My three marriages combined (and possibly a couple of Ron's) do not add up to as long as Passions has survived. That say something for Ron, who has never lowered his integrity or standards, and all of the members here. Is it all such a big deal? A poetry site lasting ten years with no end in sight? Yes, it is. My poetry is currently taught in Chinese high schools because of PIP. Many of our poets have received recognition for their talents, thanks to having PIP showcase their efforts. Our words have been read by tens of thousands of people we will never even meet, thanks to PIP. At Sy's funeral I told the congregation that Sy's words would be read by someone somewhere in the world for years to come...and it's true. Lives have actually been changed. Not bad for a poetry site, no? As for myself, I can guarantee you that I would not have written 1/10th of the poetry I have, had it not been for Passions in Poetry and the encouragement of so many friends here. Ten years? It's been a lifetime. I often wonder how life could have existed before cellphones and microwaves. I feel the same about PIP. We never fully realize how an act of ours might affect so many people we may never even see but, Ron, I hope you have some small idea of how your action of creating and maintaining PIP has made such a positive difference in so many lives and so many people you will not even meet. I would call that one hell of a legacy. "Thank you" sounds so inadequate but that's all we can offer and you have never even asked for that. May the legacy continue on.... |
X Angel Senior Member
since 1999-11-07
Posts 1521Oregon |
I just followed Nan and Ron over here from the Open Scroll ;o) I had my fair share of battles with Balladeer and LngJnAg (sp?). I was (am) in awe of Nan's amazing poetry skills. I can't believe it's been over 10 years knowing some of the people here. It's been a short, long 10 years for me! I don't post here much, but I do stop by from time to time. I am always here in spirit though. Much love and hugs and kisses to my friends. Heather |
Alicat Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094Coastal Texas |
Happy anniversary, Ron and PiP. It has been a wonderful ride, though not without some bumps along the way. Still, what a legacy, eh? Miss Ness, thanky kindly for the reminder. Oh, and XAngelX, you'd never guess what I found the other day: the rough transcript for a project of mine some 15 years ago. Of Lightness and Dark: A Progression, 157 early works. Oh, and the initial drafts for two one-acts. Those things I thought in a box in Oregon, but it seems I left a copy with my folks. *chuckle* |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Just an idea but it would be grand if we had ..just for this year..a 10th anniversary forum..where we post some of our favorite work from the last 10 years. To sort of highlight the past..or if not that..then some designation on a poem that it is a 10th Anniversary Repost...? Just a thought. ![]() |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
I am finally getting out to the darn Mall - snowed in up here, but Sharon, that is a great idea! Maybe Nan can even make a page? Something to keep so to speak? Over to Nan - don't you just love delegating? ![]() |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
ROTFL - I'd be happy to make a commemorative page - but I REALLY like the 10th Anniversary forum idea, so that we can give and receive feedback too.. ![]() |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
Ok, so after re-reading all the responses my memories are rising... I came to be online from a birthday offering of my brother when our Father had passed away and I had begun to email myself my feelings.( because I didn't know anything about the internet ![]() Then I realized there were poetry sites and after reading a wonderful poem about a nursing home and all those involved with their families there, I began turning those emails of feelings into poems. I met Marge and Hope on line from that site and then didn't know the protocol of internet responding and had my poems stolen onto another site. Hope told me about them and I got into an argument over it. Was saved by one of the other poets, and then joined that site. I came to pip along with several other members from another 2 sites when tensions strained the fun of writing. Someone from pip( sorry, its been so long I can't remember who it was ) invited me to check it out and when I came, I let others know, who also joined and are still here. I have been to two poet meets and have met many including Balladeer and Frannie, Sy and Isabel, Marge, Lyra and Dave, Marsha and her daughter Krissy, Kethry and Nan from Texas, and Titia at the Fla meet. I just ran across some photos that Titia placed on a webpage from that visit. I later met Bluesserenade when she came east and Victoria and her husband when I went west to Las Vegas during a rough time in my life. Gentle Spirit and Chanson didn't live too far from me, so we visited several times and Bill Charles was able to meet before moving North and then west. Naniness was coming to Baltimore for a convention and myself and another poet were able to share a meal and some stories. What a treat. I am very lucky to be able to have had the time and chance to meet so many wonderful people. I will treasure the memories forever. My love and thanks to all~~ M |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
Excerpt #2 ...And throughout 1999, along came the likes of LngJohn Ag and Lorelei (aka Mike and Susan).. Lost Dreamer (Ria).. Gnosis (Doreen's son).. and lots more. I could never figure out the difference between "Elizabeth" and "Elizabeth Santos." I've managed to comprehend which was which since then. We were all getting pretty close by then, and we figured we needed to have our first gathering of poetic minds in "real time." Washington DC was our destination, and we rented a large house for a long weekend. LngJohn and Lorelei lived nearby, that was easy. Doreen did the organizing, as it was close to her as well. Ria lived near.. I drove down from Cape Cod, and Doreen and I met desperado (James) at the airport - in Groucho disguises. Masked Intruder (Philip) was still a kid, so his parents drove him from Kansas to check us all out. I'd have done the same if it were my kids! The longest trek on record - Michael Anderson was under doctor's orders NOT to fly, so he actually took a bus from California to Washington DC to be a part of it all... WE HAD A BLAST!! Wanna see? These pages have been there since then, and were constructed by a novice.. but enjoy them anyway. More to come... SUMMER 1999 Netpoets Unmasquerade ![]() [This message has been edited by Nan (01-04-2009 09:27 PM).] |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Darn that Titia! She assured me all of those pics had been destroyed! ![]() (there are more in the Florida #4 album) |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Happy Anniversary. You all have been wonderful to me. Thank you for all the tears you've wiped, the unfunny jokes you laughed at anyway, and for finding room in your forum (and hopefully your hearts) for a stray mutt of a poet. I love you all. ![]() |
Roniece Dawson-Bruce Member Ascendant
since 2000-01-29
Posts 5689Sydney, Australia |
Happy Anniversary!!! I am very proud to be a member of this great forum!! Thanks Ron, Nan, and everyone for your neverending support and love.... ![]() Be kind at heart....for everyone you meet has their own battle to fight......... |
hoot_owl_rn Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
Posts 10750Glen Hope, PA USA |
Happy Anniversary dear man ![]() Ruth |
1slick_lady Member Ascendant
since 2000-12-22
Posts 6088standing on a shadow's lace |
![]() ![]() thank you so much from the bottom of my heart for having a place i can post my work, and read the work of such fine poets. thank you sure doesn't seem enough to say. but thankyouthankyouthankyou we don't say it enough but we DO love you love, ![]() ![]() |
Masked Intruder![]() ![]()
Senior Member
since 1999-05-23
Posts 1231Near golden sunsets |
Heya, Teach - Checking in. :-) Congrats on the great accomplishment, Ron. It's always an amusement in one way or another when I drop back in here to see what's going on. This event almost takes the cake though! Here's to another ten years of riding the poetic wave. -*-*- |
nakdthoughts Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
Posts 19200Between the Lines |
Darn! I never knew or probably wasn't around for the D.C. meet...and that was just around the corner ![]() waiting for Excerpt #3 Nan. M |
suthern![]() ![]()
since 1999-07-29
Posts 20723Louisiana |
And Long John brought along some of the "riffraff" (at least, I think that's what Bal called us LOL) from a site cratering from controversy... He invited Toe (and I followed... cause following Toe is one of the things I do best *G*)... and those two and Bal were soon like long lost brothers. *G* (And "funny" has more than one definition. LOL) Nan's eraser hasn't been the same since. *S* I've had the privilege of meeting several of PIP's best face to face... they're not just poets I admire, they're my friends. Thank you, Ron, for making it all possible! |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
We haven't even gotten to the Hoot'n'Nanny yet! That was a great time shared by Nan, Elizabeth Santos, Mysteria, Ruth, Sy, Isabel...and my poetic twin and soulmate, Kit McCallum. ![]() Many poems were written of that event. For those of you unfamiliar with it, I wrote the epilogue here.. /main/forumdisplay.cgi?action=displayarchive&number=69&topic=000849 Mysteria, I know you had albums of the event but the link doesn't seem to work. Maybe you can share? ![]() Nan here, interrupting Mike's post with the "Hoot'n'Nani" threads. We DO have a tendency to document our insanity. Here's One: Hoot'n'Nani #1 Here's Two Hoot'n'Nani #2 We had the BESTEST time!!! ![]() [This message has been edited by Nan (01-05-2009 03:51 PM).] |
Dr.Moose1 Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
Posts 3448Bewilderment , USA |
First, let me preface this by saying that I can't thank Ron Carnell and all the good people here at Passions enough. My relationship with PIP and its many wonderful poets began in September of 1999 about the same time I acquired my first computer. Prior to that a couple of local radio personalities had encouraged me to write by reading some of my pieces on the air. I mention this only because it was precisely that encouragement I recieved when I first arrived at PIP, without which I probably would have stopped writing. As they say with most relationships, the more you put into it, the more you are likely to recieve. This is true about the Passions family too, where I have come to think of myself as a "shirt-tail" relative. Perhaps a "wierd old uncle", rarely seen and seldom heard. All that aside, in the ten years since its founding, it has been my distinct and complete pleasure to have enjoyed the company of what I consider to be some of the most talented and compassionate contemporary poets you will find anywhere. My friends, there are too many of you to list, and rather than risk leaving anyone out, let me personally thank you all here and now, and, once again thank Ron on this tenth anniversary of PIP. Ron , what you have accomplished here is nothing short of phenominal, and I am truly both proud, and humbled to be a part of it. Doc |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
I will re-load them Michael and make some slide shows, coming right up! ![]() ![]() Before that first meeting of us in Cape Cod, I went to Cape Cod to meet Nan, then Nan came here to Vancouver, then Kit, then Nan and I went from Cape Cod to Pennsylvania to visit with Elizabeth Santos. But this was the humdinger of them all ... the Niagara Falls trip. RON showed up as the "tacky tourist" when Nan, Kit and I went to see a play and sat right between Kit, Nan and I. NOT being shy, I asked him to move and trade seats with me, he refused! I tried again, and no luck. I was so mad! I didn't know it was Ron, and the harder I tried to get this jerk to move, the more adamant he became about sitting right where he was, thus separating me from Nan and Kit. At intermission, over walked Ron, with bottles of water in his hand for everyone and I can think of no other way to explain this - I about filled my drawers when I figured out it was Ron! That sneaky guy had driven up from Michigan to surprise Kit and me. Kit knew it was Ron, but not moi, and you can be sure Nan had a hand in organizing that one. That cowboy hat picture just does not do our Ron justice, he is absolutely adorably handsome! ![]() Anyway there are tons of fun pictures, and I promise to avail them to everyone to see and keep shortly. Did I ever tell you that you guys are more family to me than my real family (excluding my son and his family) I talk to you more than I ever have time for any single one of them! |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-05
Posts 25505Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA |
Wonderful, Mysteria!!!! That means I'm in your will somewhere???? ![]() |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
OK - OK - We can take it out of sequence.. This is just TOO Mysterically Hysterical not to get out there ASAP anyway.. ![]() Canadian Mice Adventure Eh - Part One Canadian Mice Adventure Eh - Part Two - The Lake Canadian Mice Adventure Eh - Part Three - Meeting the Boss Canadian Mice Adventure Eh - Part Four - The Niagara Falls Finale ![]() |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
Seems like we're having a reunion within a reunion! I got to meet Misc'e in person and her sister Iliana [Jo] by phone...and I've met Martie and her husband Taylor in person - they were good enough to put me up for a couple of nights while I visited family and other friends back in 2004 in California. I know I could go most anywhere a PiP poet lived and be welcome...and it's far better than the KOA!! ![]() I think what is especially neat about Passions in Poetry is that it is really the epitomy of the "world-wide-web". From Africa to Australia and New Zealand to Vancouver and Italy...I feel as if I have friends around the world who would share laughter, love and poetry over a cup of coffee or tea. And Doc is get back what you give out...and you've all given me the spunk to follow a life-long dream. And I keep trying to take this passionate spirit into the virtual world to make it a better place, as I know all of you do, too! ![]() |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
I had forgotten that Kacey, (Midnitesun,) and her daughter came to visit me too, and am hunting for those pictures, but in the meantime,I tried to load a smilebox on Piptalk, at Facebook (that is the Facebook Nan has created for all the poets to join here,) but couldn't figure out how. I have loaded 164 slides on my own Facebook so everyone can at least see them if they would like to. Push the forward button or you will be there all darn day! ![]() If anyone else has pictures of meetings - please link it on here, and share it with everyone during our Anniversary here okay? Okay, here is my contribution for now anyway: Mysteria's Facebook |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
If that doesn't work I also put the photos on Webshots, PiptalkPhotos Hope it works! ![]() |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
Mysteria's pictures are very much worth the view - Lots of fun times have been recorded there.. Thanks, Sharon.. ![]() ![]() |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
OH. We're supposed to tell how we got here? Somebody sent me a card. and grins...the story gets better, but that's kind of a private smile between me and the slicklady. ![]() but yep--a guy confessed to me he had a dirty little secret--POETRY. And he sent me a sampling via a card. I said "wow--I write poetry too" (Back then, it wasn't very cool to admit that.) so I joined, and ya'll have been sufferin' ever since. ![]() And btw? I've discovered that poetry and poets are a lot more socially acceptable now. I like to think Pip had a lot to do with that. ![]() |
Dr.Moose1 Member Elite
since 1999-09-05
Posts 3448Bewilderment , USA |
Serenity, M'dear you is eggsactly correct. The podunk town I lives in views poets as an abberation, somewhat akin to special needs consumers ( I believe this to be the politically correct term as of this writing and if not please feel free to correct me ). If not for Ron and his vision, we may never have had the opportunity to have shared a few thoughts, a few laughs, and the knowledge that it is "okay" to come out of the "poets' closet". To me, that would be a tragedy. Love us, hate us, ignore us, makes no difference, we are writers/poets, and will be heard. Our views are as myriad as the mind will allow, and each has a meaning distinct to its author yet is shared in the gestalt that has become PIP. O.K. I'll shut up now. Doc |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-09-21
Posts 28049California |
Happy Anniversary, Ron and everyone! I joined Pip the day before my birthday in 1999....Some of my best friendships were born here, not to mention my best poems. Thank you, Ron! ![]() |
since 2001-05-18
Posts 28647Gaia |
These replies are all priceless! Thanks, Sharon, for starting the Anniversary thread, and thanks Ron, for creating and continuing Passions in Poetry in spite of some of the contentiousness that has been part of Pips history. Sharon? No photos necessary. It's all stored carefully in my memory banks. ![]() ![]() |
1slick_lady Member Ascendant
since 2000-12-22
Posts 6088standing on a shadow's lace |
ROFLMAO at Karen yes “our secret” anddddd here I am too but as it turns our the best secret is me and you darling smooooooooooooooch and Karen on a day without much to smile about you made me smile and THAT’S what this place really is all about…. never being alone |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
True you are Helen! Being snowed in the odd day, this was a great place to just sit and hang out. Kacy, I found you, and loaded you on the Webshots link. ![]() |
Elizabeth Santos Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
Posts 9269Pennsylvania |
It's hard to believe that it's been 10 years since I was surfing the net in the middle of the night and came across an amazing poem written by a man named Sy. Then, as I read other poems and the responses, I could feel the love, the respect and the admiration among this small intimate and passionate circle of poets. I mustered up the courage to post a poem and was so warmed by the poets who opened their hearts to me at a time when life was a little rocky, and those friendships have only grown over the years. Then when we started to get together, those passionate poets exceeded any expactations of who I imagined them to be, and through the years some of these friendships have grown quite strong, to the point that I consider my PIP friends among the best of my life. The HOOT 'N NANNY on Cape Cod was an unforgettable experience. What a privilege to hear Kit and Balladeer recite their poetry together - an amazing experience. Since then, Falmouth has become almost like a second home to me, in ways that only "Cellar Dwellers" can understand. A trip to Ft Lauderdale afforded me an opportunity to meet our beloved "Pepper". I got to know 2 of the PIP Musketeers, (Toerag was missing), and to again hear Balladeer recite some of his incredible ballads. The "Meter Man" still ranks high on my list of favorite poets, as do other poets from the pioneer days of PIP and ones who later came aboard. The fact that I do not participate much any more (due somewhat to health reasons) does not diminish the admiration, affection and warmth I feel when I am in the company of PIP poets. I am so fortunate to have had a chance to meet Ron and to get to know this gentleman poet, who has dedicated so much time to all of us, and whose efforts have had such a great impact on my life. A "thank you" is not adequate to express my appreciation, so it is fitting to state publicly that the PIP forum helped me to develop as a poet and has enhanced my life to the point that I feel a great sense of fulfillment in my writing, especially the song lyrics, and this in turn helps me to cope with a very ruthless and debilitating disease. I am so blessed to have had you, Ron, and my dear PIP poets in my life. Thank you Sharon for this marvelous thread and for all the kindnesses you bestow on a daily basis. You are the heartbeat of PIP and I love you. Liz (waving to Marge, Denise and Martie) ![]() Fort Lauderdale Fest - 2000 Here's Nan barging in again - but it's only fair.. These pictures are from Liz's trip to Fort Lauderdale in 2000. They're hers to share, and share she shall... ![]() [This message has been edited by Nan (01-07-2009 03:11 PM).] |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
I can remember Liz and me in jammies in her bed - yup - having a girl bonding moment we were, watching a movie called, "Witness," about the Amish, while I was right there in the heart of Amish country. What a fabulous place! Let's also not forget my encounter with her, as I discovered "Intercourse!" Intercourse, Pennsylvania that is. ![]() ![]() Then driving to town, I saw an Amish farmer in the field, driving a plough with what I thought were Clydesdales. We laughed so hard, as I had never seen a regular farm work horse before, and couldn't figure how they could afford them. ![]() I have SO many fond memories of sharing time with Liz and her wonderful family, and enjoying her absolutely beautiful home. I learned first hand from that family's matriarch what "family" actually meant. Don't let this lady fool you - she can go to the washroom, and return with a 8 stanza sonnet to post. She spits them out like sunflower seeds. Lord love you Lizzie, and keep you safe. You are one of the best people to ever cross my path, and had a huge influence on my life. Stay well. _____________OH WAIT! A couple more things _____________ p.s. Of all the things that have come out of the meetings of poets from this site, and all the poetry produced, this has to be my all-time favorite. Each time I read this every single second spent with all of you is revived. For our newer members - now this is poetry... I am pretty sure Ron has more copies of this poetry book somewhere in his closet for sale ![]() TO PURCHASE VISIONS ON THE WEB Some of the best poetry to date is in this book, but he may even have the first two books also for sale, not sure? Ask him if you are interested. ![]() |
Alison![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2008-01-27
Posts 9318Lumpy oatmeal makes me crazy! |
Thank you all for sharing your lives, friendship and love for PiP in this thread. I am avidly reading each post and feel like a voyeur as I peek at all the pictures. ![]() Alison |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296Purgatorial Incarceration |
A big thanks & hug to Sharon for letting me know this is here... and for making me feel a bit older than I did this morning!!! ![]() I've thought long and hard on what I would wrte in response to this thread. At first, I thought I would explain how I landed here among some of the best poets in the world. I realized, however, that isn't what makes PiP important to me. So the next thing I thought of writing was how Passions has changed me and changed my life (I mean both of those literally, by the way). That seemed the way to go... but when I thought about it some more, I realized that to do the story justice I would nearly have to write a book. And, since I'm already in the middle of a novel, perhaps it's a story that would be best told later... besides, it's all here for anyone who would care to see how Passions teaches us to be better people. Most of you already know that anyway. Some people make the mistake of thinking this website is about writing and reading. They're the ones who don't stick around. The rest of us who've been here for ten, eight, six, four, two years know that Passions is about life, people, respect, learning, growth... all those intangibles that lead to a much richer, happier life - writing just happens to be our medium. Thanks Ron, for creating a place where I could learn from you and all the others that have played such an important part in my life. Here's to another ten! ![]() |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
![]() ![]() |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
I taught Ron how to play.. So why does he beat me so often? ![]() |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
OK - This is Mysteria's plan, and Ron knows nothing of it - (So if he gets mad at me for posting this, I can blame Sharon, right?) She's an organizer and a philanthropist, and has the biggest Passionate heart of us all... Sharon asked me to post the links to the books that PiPtalk (aka Ron) has published for us. She reminds us that Ron foots the bill for this site, and considering the many thousands of pages and 15 million visits a year, we can assume that the bills are quite substantial. Ron won't accept contributions from members, because he just wants to provide a venue for people to write.. and write we do.. Geesh - he won't even let me pay for dinner. I sent him a lobster once.. but he thought it was a new pet, named it, and couldn't bring himself to cook it.. That's another story. Anyway - The only way Sharon (notice how I keep blaming her?) figures that we can get him to accept anything in return is by ordering some books. I expect she's right, so here's the only link you'll need.. Passions in Poetry Trilogy ![]() ![]() ![]() Follow this link, and all three books are available for purchase. Last I knew, there were still some of each available. You'll see some fun pictures on this page too.. Crates of books stacked to the ceiling (They totally filled his formerly spare room).. and the PiP mascot packing the van. Truly, folks - it would be great if any of you want books, just submit your orders. It'd give Ron some exercise hiking back and forth to the post office too. He can do it. He's got four-wheel drive now.. Ron - if you'd rather keep those extra crates of books, you know where my eraser is.. ![]() ![]() |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
![]() Now our new members can have copies - and have all their favorite poets right at home next to their bedside tables. Awesome job! |
X Angel Senior Member
since 1999-11-07
Posts 1521Oregon |
Well my dear Ali - those things in Oregon are still in Oregon!! I'd love to ship 'em to ya sometime soon. We go out to the farm multiple times a week now that we have a real live farm running. LMK ![]() xoxo Heather |
Mysteria![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-03-07
Posts 18328British Columbia, Canada |
Nan - maybe he cheats like us? ![]() ![]() |
The Lady Member Rara Avis
since 2005-12-26
Posts 7634The Southwest |
Happy Anniversary Ron! |
Margherita Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236Eternity |
I've lost count of how long now I have been reading and watching pictures here on this thread, but it was worth it. Thank you, dear Sharon, for the opportunity here to THANK RON for the amazing accomplishment of PIP. Thank you, dear Ron. I wish you were posting more poems of your own. I loved the ones I read in "Reflections on the Web" very much. Happy Anniversary! It has been Eric (Eric P. McCarty) who invited me to join Pip back in 2003, almost six years ago. And I am really so very grateful for this place and the wonderful poets and friends I have found here. Pip was and continues to be a precious gift in my life. THANK YOU. Love and hugs. Margherita ![]() |
Paul Wilson![]() ![]()
since 2002-07-07
Posts 4711United States |
Happy Annivesary Ron and PIP. I haven't been here as long as some of you but just wanted to say that from day one I was welcomed into the passions family with open arms. This place is truely my home. Back about the time Ron gave birth to the idea for this site I was writing my first poem, or trying to, it wasen't nothing to brag about, just a Christmas present for my wife that came to me one night while working. I posted that poem in 2002 here at passions half scared to death that I would be laughed at and made to feel like I didn't know what I was doing, but just the opposite happenned, some wonderful people replied to my poem with such positive words that it gave me the courage to continue writing. I miss those that are no longer with us and are unable to celebrate this special time with us like Lyra, Seymour and a few others that really knew more about writing poetry than I will ever know. Thank you Ron and everyone else that made me feel welcome here...Paul ~~To share my poems with you is to share my heart with you~~ Paul |
latearrival Member Ascendant
since 2003-03-21
Posts 5499Florida |
I do not think many know that I was here before and lost the first password when I changed providers. I was in the same poetry site with Suthern, Passing Shadows, Long john and Toerag and a few others in the site that fell apart when they started bickering. Kristie Sue pointed me to PIP and I have been happy about it ever since. So in reality that 2003 listed as my date of joining should be 1999 0r 2000. I do more reading than writing as I am in awe of all the talent here. But I enjoy. Thank you Ron and all the great poets here.Sincerely,"late" |
steavenr Member Elite
since 2003-11-17
Posts 4058 |
I must confess that when I joined PiP in 2003 (at the urging of a neighbor, Patricia) I had no idea of its rich & colorful history. After reading all the previous posts, I must say that saying, "Thank you" seems to be not nearly enough. I am no longer Patricia's neighbor, but I know that this place is something I have been able to take with me along the way. I appreciate the opportunity and earnestly say, "Thanks." This place is (as others have stated) full of good people. It is a rewarding place that makes sharing exciting. Thank you, Ron. Thank you all. |
Artic Wind Member Rara Avis
since 2007-09-16
Posts 8080Realm of Supernatural |
A WONDERFUL way to celebrate Pip's birthday! ** I am so glad that I joined Pip in 2007, it was blast, and now, it's even better... Wishing PIP many more years to come ![]() P.s. Thanks Mysteria for this ARCTIC WIND |
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