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serenity blaze
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0 posted 2008-07-16 02:03 AM

I realize that I probably shouldn't do this, but since I have announced my monthly cycles in the past, I thought it only fair to announce my last one.

That would, now.   ?

Because, (and here's where the prayers come in) I am tentatively scheduled for a radical hysterectomy on August 15. I have to pass requirements to earn my unlikely reward, however. I've had some surgeries in the past few years (as some of you know) which have proven me to be high-risk anesthesia. I have some lung damage due to my infamous chain-smoking, and sleep apnea, and well, high anxiety (that's no joke it's a medical term) which results in sudden drops of blood pressure once they shoot me with the elephant gun it takes to knock my impish and ever-growing behind "out".

So pray for me to pass my tests, and put an end to my proclivity of "ellipses", and pray for yourselves as well if I get the surgery, because...

I also have little hormone problem...nod, just a leetle bit, and the doctor won't even venture a guess as to what is gonna happen after my surgery.

If it actually happens. could be, Armageddon, or it could be Heaven on Earth, or....just another "fire drill" if I don't pass my tests.

so? (I toss up my hands in surrender!)

Let's just all pray, huh? (I really love what it did for Marge!   )

thank you

And I just re-read this, and it sounds like Andy Rooney with ovaries.

[This message has been edited by Sunshine (08-15-2008 07:51 PM).]

© Copyright 2008 serenity blaze - All Rights Reserved
Member Seraphic
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1 posted 2008-07-16 02:47 AM

((((Karen)))) what you say has the right sound to touch my heart and to induce me to join my hands in prayer for a successful surgery, with perfect positive consequences. The Angels will assist your physicians by guiding them through the process and you by planting trusting calm into your heart.

Relax and trust, dear Karen.

Love and hugs.

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
2 posted 2008-07-16 02:49 AM

Well um sure Karenity, I never really prayed for the demise of a uterus before, but I will sure give it a shot.       I am wishing you 100% on your tests to get better once and for all.  You have a great doctor now that knows what is best for you - put your ____ in his hands with trust, and all will be well.  

Oh, if you ask them to save it you can always  use it for a nice vase?

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3 posted 2008-07-16 09:05 AM

I remember how I felt prior to going in for that kind of surgery, albeit I didn't have much other going wrong for me than that and high anxiety. I'm thinking that you're going to pass all of your tests [you know my gut feel... ] and you know that I believe in the power of prayer because it's always good to have a cheering section going on for positive outcomes...

so never mind MY ellipses...I'll keep them, thank you, as they are the only reminder that I have been much healthier ever since my kindly take away [although it does do a thing on you emotionally and mentally for a little while...until you realize you never have to worry again about whether or not to take stock out on Kotex and such... ]

I'm here for you, sissie!

Member Laureate
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Between the Lines
4 posted 2008-07-16 11:06 AM

joining the others in prayers for you Karen... that you will first pass all your tests and then  have the necessary and successful surgery.


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5 posted 2008-07-16 11:24 AM

Well, m'lady, you just 'let go' of all those bothersome unnecessary extras!
Hope you pass your tests, and hope that surgery will bring real 'serenity' your way.  

serenity blaze
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6 posted 2008-07-16 01:20 PM

Lawsy...I'm trying to not make jokes about this surgery (I learned my lesson from the one before last--*wince*) but Sharon, I'm looking at that picture, and it would make such a great costume! Now I'm writing horror movies in my head! (oh...when did I ever NOT write horror movies in my head.)

And Kari? I'm concerned about the hormonal swing too. The doctor actually used the words "crash and burn".

But ya'll will tell me if I'm acting funny, right?

I love ya ladies!

Joyce Johnson
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7 posted 2008-07-16 07:14 PM

You have my prayers that all goes well and suddenly all your health problems leave with your nice flower urn.  Joyce
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8 posted 2008-07-16 07:26 PM

Sis, my physician got me on some hormonal treatment right away, and it only took two tweaks and things went right as rain. Eight years later, I now and again experience a "cloud burst" but these things could be laid at so many other, ask, ask, ask, and don't hide anything as far as your emotional, mental, physical feelings go. This "trying to be brave" stuff isn't always what it's hacked up to be, but...thinking strong, and right, helps a lot. Yes, you'll find me in my desk chair, mulling over the day's activities as to "why am I like THIS right now?!" I pride myself, as you do, on not being a hypochondriac...but every once in a while, we also have to admit we don't have all the answers. And sometimes the smallest adjustment to diet or intake of diet, i.e., fiber over protein or vice versa, can make such a difference!

Ergo, herbs over pills, when we know they're safe...

We'll be here...

Member Rara Avis
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Michigan, USA
9 posted 2008-07-16 07:46 PM

All blessings and prayers Sweetie,
You'll do fine.

Member Patricius
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10 posted 2008-07-16 07:56 PM

You got it, sweet pea!  You know you are in my thoughts!  It's just got to get better.  *smooches* & *hugs* ......your jojo
Bob K
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11 posted 2008-07-17 01:33 AM

Dear Serenity,

          My dear, I will certainly do the thing that I call praying for you, a meditative sort of settling in, and I will focus on the sheer delightfulness of knowing you with your absolute and utter refusal to be anybody but your own particular and peculiar and altogether wonderful self.  It will be some very nice time for me, and no effort at all.  Even if the energy is men's energy rather than women's energy, I have faith that it will make the transition.

     I have had asthma my whole life, and it's always been a pain.  One thing that's been a bit of a help is taoist style abdominal breathing, which you can teach yourself from a book.  You can actually feel yourself improve over time as you add new skills to the breathing patterns.  I still wheeze on occasion out here in LA, but not very much and my general number of respirations per minute has fallen off substantially.  I get much more air overall.  B.K.Frantzis is the author of a number of books, and the one that's most helpful about this subject is, I believe, Relaxing Into Your Being.  Unless you want to know specifically about techniques of taoist meditation, you could probably skip the rest, though I find it interesting.  

     I'm told that accupuncture and herbal medicine may be helpful for regulating that sort of problem, but I have no experience or knowledge about this other than vague rumors.  It might be worth while at least researching a bit about this on the net and checking to see if there's any actual well-designed research on the matter.  On occasion there is, though oriental medicine is not really designed to be researched in our particular fashion; the treatments are too patient specific.

     I'm rooting for you, Serenity.  Good luck!  BobK.

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Member Seraphic
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12 posted 2008-07-17 09:37 AM

I love you lady, you know you have my prayers
Larry C
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13 posted 2008-07-17 10:12 AM

Well Ms. Karen, one of my favorite things about you is that what you see is what you get. I'm really confident that's God's favorite kind of people! So my prayers are for you health and full recovery as long as the hysterthingiemabob doesn't alter who you are!

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane,
I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

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Member Seraphic
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14 posted 2008-07-17 11:17 AM

Yanno, K... *S*

Whether God or Goddess, surely they know better than to mess with a good thing? *S* And you are that... up, down or somewhere in between. *S* So... may you be granted the peace and courage (and yes... serenity *S*) to deal with whatever comes and may all the pieces fall in place so that the docs can do what's best for you so that we may continue to enjoy what's best for US... you - healthy and strong. *S*

Count me in on the praying stuff... *S*

your friendly neighborhood lurker *S*

Paul Wilson
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15 posted 2008-07-17 11:22 AM

Karen...Lordy...and I was thinking about giving you a call and a visit...Well I don't know too much about that, cause a raging woman without hormones might be biting off a little more than I can put up with. Call me after you settle down and we will see. Oh yah if I see a raving crazy person in Walmart I will know it's you and will act like I don't even know you. Good Luck with everything. ...Paul

~~To share my poems with you is to share my heart with you~~

Bob K
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16 posted 2008-07-17 04:20 PM

Dear Serenity,

           Who is this Larry guy?  And why is he calling me these terrible names?

     Did I call him a hysterthingiemalarry?  I think not!  This is getting a bit personal.

     Sent some energy your way last evening and this is what I get.  Sheesh!

    Best from LA, Bob Kaven.


Bob K
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17 posted 2008-07-17 04:22 PM

Dear Serenity,

           Who is this Larry guy?  And why is he calling me these terrible names?

     Did I call him a hysterthingiemalarry?  I think not!  This is getting a bit personal.

     Sent some energy your way last evening and this is what I get.  Sheesh!

    Best from LA, Bob Kaven.


serenity blaze
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18 posted 2008-07-17 05:04 PM

Now I just backspaced a lot of bee ess, so I could, for once, say a gracious thank you, and I thought that for once, I'll just honestly admit that this time, I'm scared. So your loving emotional support is very much appreciated.

Please continue prayers for our Marge as well--her indomnitable spirit is an inspiration to me!

Love to all!

especially Paullie! *laughing*

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19 posted 2008-07-17 05:27 PM

Karen dear, it is the fear that hurts...the surgery will be a piece of cake.  I'm with you on this ride...with much love sent!!!
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
20 posted 2008-07-17 06:16 PM

Hey You~
You KNOW that I am SO here in the prayer line ... and as far as the petals of prayer working ... yeah ... like I said ... I am living proof~

Of course, I am now know statewide as the 'mystery girl' ... actually across the state lines too~

However ... my visit with Dr. Jantz was a good one ... and he (in conjunction with the first female doctor I've seen in this total number of 14 physicians SO FAR) is determined to track this critter down and see if we can name it !!

I was thinking of just running an online PiP-athon to NAME THAT MARGE THINGIE !!!

Hey ... the GOOD NEWS continues to be that cancer is "off the table" !!!

Sooooooo, I've instructed all angels to give you their utmost attention and keep fluttering around you ... CONSTANTLY !!!

They promised me that they would keep that hormonal thingie in check !!
Honest Injun !!

You will be fine girlie girl ... I just KNOW it ... and when, pray tell, have you ever known me to be wrong ???
That time doesn't count !

Now get all better so I can get up off my knees ... or next thing you know they'll be treating me for knee displacement !!

Love n' lots of prayers and *Huglets*

~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email -               [email protected]

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Sycamore, IL, USA
21 posted 2008-07-17 06:33 PM

Well, Karen, I've been there, done that, 38 years ago and survived.  They've come a long way medically since then, so I'm sure all will be well.

I'm asking God to watch over you and your doctor to make sure he doesn't take any of your talents, wit, humor, or tenderness with the 'vase'.

My prayers will be sincere, although perhaps a little selfish, as I can't imagine life without you.


serenity blaze
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22 posted 2008-07-17 09:06 PM


blushing and touching the screen

I want to see what you guys see...

thank you, thank you, thank you...

Larry C
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23 posted 2008-07-18 12:04 PM

Dear Ms. K,
I don't think a mirror will help you see what we see. So just keep lookin' to us! As for Bob K. well, I'd apologize but I didn't say hysterthingiemabobK. now did I?

It is a fact life gets scarey. So hopefully our "humor" and support bring value to your beleagured heart. But that's what love is supposed to do. You let us do the worryin' and you do the... what is it you do now? I forget.

If tears could build a stairway and memories a lane,
I'd walk right up to heaven and bring you home again.

Bob K
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24 posted 2008-07-18 01:36 AM

Dear Serenity,

           Of course, Frightened.  I get frightened by the dentist and by hangnails.   Of course, you're frightened.  But I notice you're also funny, and very well plugged in to a wide network of loving friends.  I notice that you have a pretty solid understanding of what's going on inside you emotionally and intellectually.  I notice that even while you're frightened you manage to give as well as get, taking this ability, at the same time, totally for granted.  I'll bet Marge Tindal doesn't take it for granted at all, nor do any of your other admirers.

     I am simply saying the few things that come off the top of my head here, and without very much thought.  Longer consideration would doubtless produce more.  None of these things mean that you aren't scared, but they do mean that there's much more to the substance of you than that fear.

     Doctors are by law obligated to place the worst case scenario in front of you when they talk about the operation.  They have to do so because they need your "informed consent" to do the operation as a legal protection and also because ethically it's simply right that you know what might go wrong.  If you are very frightened of that outcome, why not ask the doctor what the chances are of the outcome that you fear actually occurring if your doctor does the surgery.  

     I'm sorry to be going over this if in fact you've already gone through these steps.  Sometimes when people are frightened, however, they don't think to do these things, even when they are very bright in deed.  Anxiety is like a blow on the head.  Often thinking become much more limited for a while.

     Is the feared outcome as likely as you thought it might be?  Or is the doctor somebody who needs to use dramatic language to make sure the importance of the procedure gets across to his or her patients?  It may be possible that the outcome you fear may not be as likely as you fear it to be.  Before you as the doctor, write down the likelihood that you fear.  Sometimes when we aren't specific with ourselves our brains magic us a bit, and we don't remember these things correctly later.  Keep clear written records of your questions and your doctor's answers so you won't need to repeat some of the same questions.

     Ask yourself if the operation is actually necessary for the gain that you believe and your doctor has explained  you will get from it.  Then get a second opinion from a doctor that you find independently of your own doctor.  Make sure you check out his qualifications as best you can.  He should be affiliated with a teaching hospital, and hopefully be somebody that other doctors send their patients to for evaluation and treatment.  When you're there, ask him about the treatment options, and ask him about the surgery proposed by your current physician.  Bring your record with you.

     A good part of the anxiety from this type of operation can sometimes be managed by finding some way of shifting yourself out of a passive role in relationship to the situation.  Information gathering and research are two ways of doing that, but they need not be the only ways.
Active meditation and use of pre-operative hypnosis can off ways of helping speed recovery and dramatically lessening the amount of pain involved.  For childbirth the hypnosis training is often started up to six weeks in advance, but can be done, I believe, somewhat more quickly if needed.  I would check with the web to see if there is a physician trained in Ericksonian style hypnosis, which has been used for pain management.  OB-GYN doctors have made good use of hypnosis.  There's a book of papers on the subject that you may be able to find someplace by Cheek and Rossi.  Cheek is the GYN guy, and Rossi is a clinical psychologist.

     I suggest Ericksonian style because this particular style makes use of a person's own particular internal resources to use experience in a positive way, and it sounds that this may be an area where you might enjoy a bit of assistance.  I thought I might try to offer some of these possibilities and ideas in addition to my prayers, which remain with you.

Yours, BobK.



serenity blaze
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25 posted 2008-07-18 03:04 AM


Even after all that bees wax, I still like you.

YOU read nothing I said, obviously. but you give generally good advice, if you were talking to a woman who didn't have to go through two failed insurance companies, Katrina, medicaid, and a helluva lotta pain, as well as three years of insults from doctors whose speciality was in one end, as they told me my problem was in the other.

I'd tell you to save your advice for the virgins, but ...y'don't think I'd trust a virgin with you, do you?

Not even UNbloody-likely.  

go to bed 'fore I spank ye, dammit. *glare*

Bob K
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26 posted 2008-07-18 06:44 AM

     Must be on other threads, Darlin'.  I knew you had troubles, but not the details; and from your writing I knew you had a pretty solid head on your shoulders.  It's easy to get labled as having psycho-physiological issues issues if you don't sign on to the standard way of looking at things.  And doctors are right there at the center of the most standard of the standard for the most part.  It's a pity.

     I don't know if your general comments also included my suggestions about Ericksonian hypnosis, but it's worth following up in terms of lower pain levels (who's the fool who decided to call pain "discomfort," anyway) and significantly faster healing time.  Just a thought.

     I'm no fool, by the way.  Do you think I'd make suggestions if I were within spanking range?  I don't think so.

Best from LA, BobK.

serenity blaze
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27 posted 2008-07-18 08:09 AM

Of course I have troubles.

Apparently? So do you.

So let's not pull that loose thread on the sweater of each other's minds, k?

<--I really need a sarcastic Doris Day smile.

(I don't really mind doing that, but um...tch...let's go some place more private>)

Oh c'mon...

let's "play".

serenity blaze
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28 posted 2008-07-18 08:33 AM

If I have silenced you BobK?

I'd really like to get back to my prayers.

Or meditations, as you say...

I have services to tend to, and my mother, so I should sleep, y'think?

I'm sorry though, or maybe not.

I genuinely love ye all...and sometimes that is challenging.

sleep well, Bob.

Paul Wilson
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29 posted 2008-07-18 10:08 AM

Karen...Will you be going to the old Meadowcrest for the additude adjustment or some other hospital? I could drop by and see you as long as they have you in restraints. Aug. 15 you will be in my prayers everyday till then. Maybe I could send you some red hot candy or plastic flowers...LOL. Don't worry my dear everything will come out fine. The Dr.really doesn't want to screw up this
time cause I will find him and see how he feels with out his family jewels...Paul

~~To share my poems with you is to share my heart with you~~

Member Rara Avis
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Durban, South Africa
30 posted 2008-07-18 02:32 PM

Dearest Karen

You have the full might of my constant prayers for as long as you need them.  

After all, I don't usually come into Discussions and something drew me in, and there was your prayer request, right at the top.  Now, if that isn't powerful, then I don't know what is!  And, an owl has very powerful wings and can carry lots and lots and lots of prayers.

And no matter who or what you may change into (or not), we will still all love you as much as ever, because nothing can change what is intrinsically our Karen.

I know I speak for everybody when I say that I am so relieved and grateful to you that you have told us what is happening, and also that you have admitted to yourself (mostly, but to us too) that you are scared.  Paradoxically, it takes great courage for such a courageous person as you are, to recognise, acknowledge and then to admit to others, one's own fear.  

You are an extremely wise person to realise that you can't do this alone and that you need our prayers.  We are all part of humanity and humanity is all part of us.  We would have felt very hurt if you had not asked for our prayers.  

Now, you just try to relax.  Smile at all this abundant expression of love for you from so many Pipsters - and while you are doing so, notice that it relaxes your shoulders - and if you let that smile sink deep into your heart, you will find that the relaxation will spread throughout your body all the way down to your toes - and leave the rest up to your current doctors, our love and prayers, and God's love for our wonderful Karen.    

It will be hard, but we will all be with you every step of the way and you will recover and be back with us all in good time.  

Once you have passed all the tests and had the op, take all the time you need to recover.  We will be here waiting and lighting candles as you did for Marge.

Smile again - slowly and deeply - see it's relaxing

- Owl

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31 posted 2008-07-18 04:29 PM

Prayers aren't really my cup of tea, will hopes and good wishes suffice?

Member Rara Avis
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Somewhere... out there...
32 posted 2008-07-18 06:11 PM

you're already there, Karen
(in my thoughts and prayers) every day...

for this?...
I'll throw in some extras...


ya know I love ya, my sis...

Earth Angel
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33 posted 2008-07-18 07:05 PM

Well, m'dear, if all the love and support that you are receiving doesn't get you through this thingamalarry with flying colours, I'll eat my broom! hehe

I'm here for you whenever you want to EMOTE!!!

Love, prayers, and healing hugs,
Linda xo

serenity blaze
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34 posted 2008-07-18 08:03 PM

And yep, Paullie, I'll be there. (and yes, I know it's called "Murdercrest")


But they are part of Oschner now--so that steadies my nerves a bit. Besides, my last surgery was there and they took very good care of me--and my mom had excellent care there as well. As you know, I have to take what I can get around here anyhow.  

And you are all so kind and loving to me.

I know it sounds corny, but whenever I'm worried, I can feel the love from you all and it's a comfort to me. So thank you all.

And especially you, Ron. It does occur to me that without a Ron Carnell, I would not have met so many wonderful friends.

So? Now I think I'm into the crying portion of my hormonal cycle. Kari? You might remember me mentioning Mr. Gibbs. His wife passed away this morning, so yep, it is a sad day today. *shaking my head* and yes, she was elderly, but I never understood how that made things's not like we'll miss them any less, huh? I know you know, lovie.

I'm gonna go watch some mind numbing tv.

Love to you all!

Susan Caldwell
Member Rara Avis
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35 posted 2008-07-18 09:59 PM

I'm back...

and you always have my thoughts and prayers.

I love you.

"too bad ignorance isn't painful"

Roniece Dawson-Bruce
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36 posted 2008-07-19 06:21 AM

Hey Karen, gorgeous girl that you are... you will have my prayers too... I was trying to work out whether BobK was serious or funny?   either way, I think he is nice and you are nicer    love RDB  xxx

Be kind at heart....for everyone you meet has their own battle to fight.........

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in the shadows
37 posted 2008-07-24 01:31 AM

Don't worry about Armageddon Kiddo; August 15th is a Friday this year and the end of the world is already scheduled for a different year, on a Tuesday at 2:45PM.  

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
38 posted 2008-07-24 11:47 AM

Kari? You might remember me mentioning Mr. Gibbs. His wife passed away this morning, so yep, it is a sad day today.

Oh sweetie, I'm so sorry I missed a couple of days of this thread. So many of us have lost way too many of our loved ones...and it is amazing how this particular family forum of poets continues to increase those we come to know through others' eyes.

I'm with you, honey, heart & soul.

serenity blaze
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39 posted 2008-07-24 03:11 PM

Solemn nods from me to what I consider the end of a personal era...

With the passing of Velma, there is one less "safe" house in the world, and she took to her grave some of the finest recipes for original Cajun cooking on the planet. (Y'could hand that lady some rice, flour, an un-Yun, a few "shrimps", and maybe a couple of "okras" and she could feed a platoon...while babysitting five bad kids, too!)

So thank you Kari, and I'm gonna just give you a hug, because I can't get Hank Williams out of my mind, and I'll cry again in public.

She was "good people", and will be missed.

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
40 posted 2008-07-24 08:32 PM

Aw, dear friend ... I feel the all of your heart-in-pour for the loss of yet another friend~

*Hugging* you real tight~
And ... knee-alizing your needs before Him now~


~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email -               [email protected]

serenity blaze
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41 posted 2008-07-24 08:55 PM

aw...Thank you, too, lovie.

I think I'll take it easy tonight.

I threw some Boudain at my gallbladder and I think it's trying to throw it back!


Some yogurt and nod, some rest.

I keep the candle burning for you too.

Love you!

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
42 posted 2008-08-09 08:04 AM

The candle flickers in the glow of you~
The vigil is on ... for us both and we both know there is some powerful 'medicine' at work here~

Monday, August 11, is my new 'D' day ... hopefully a DIAGNOSIS as I return to Shands Hospital to see the cast of doctors and find out if all those tests I've submitted my little self to have produced any concrete evidence that will lead them to a conclusion of what IS ... of what to do about it if it IS anything at all~

I step the weary pathway of limbo until they tell me SOMETHING !!!

You stay tough ... and we both know that is what we have to do~
Love you ... and I found a bargain on 100 candles ... so I've got the watch for many days to come~


~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email -               [email protected]

serenity blaze
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43 posted 2008-08-09 12:12 PM

I had to switch to tealights. (A compromise with the hubby, since I caught the dining room table on fire.)

But I've got bags and bags of 'em. (and a few tapers hidden away in a candlebox for those special occasions)

You're doing great! I just might implode next week--I'm goin' in Friday! It's been pointed out here before that the former Meadowcrest Hospital System has been taken over as Oschner West.


O.W.? (Oh the gods love to giggle with me!)

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Sycamore, IL, USA
44 posted 2008-08-13 09:37 AM

The time is nearing for your surgery that'll hopefull enrich your life.  Every surgery and procedure carries a threat, but I'm sure you'll put all those positive thoughts together, while we pray for God's best for you, and it'll be over in a wink.

Friday morning will begin with prayer for you.


serenity blaze
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45 posted 2008-08-13 09:43 AM

I'm a little jittery.

just a bit...but it has to be okay.

There's so many of ya'll I wanna meet...

Rae, you are one of my special heroes.

thank you, for everything

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Member Seraphic
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with you
46 posted 2008-08-13 09:52 AM

you just wait and see, come friday, you are going to feel all of us, where we are, there, with you. You are loved.
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
47 posted 2008-08-13 10:01 AM

Oh man have I kept the candles burning~
I even picked up a bag of 150 tealights just yesterday at Big Lots !!
Then I got every fragrance of votive candles they had on the shelves ... now not only am I living my nights by candlelight,
I also have the best smelling apartment in DeLand !!

New pain meds for me as of yesterday ... and thankfully the doctor LISTENED to me when I told him of ONE med I had taken in the past that WORKED on my back pain !!!
We are doing the pain-management program until they zero in on an actual DIAGNOSIS~

I've always been told I'm 'unique' ... but being pegged "The medical community's diagnostic challenged', is stretching it a bit~

Love you gal ... keep the faith that all WILL be okay !!

Reciting the mantra too!!

~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email -               [email protected]

serenity blaze
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48 posted 2008-08-13 10:15 AM


I got TWO big old bags from yep--Big LOTS!

I'm frowning at my cigs here, and trying to figure out how to get this gold polish offa my toes. (It apparently has metal flakes, and they did not approve of my smilie face pedicure...)

I thought it was gonna look cute in the stirrups too. *grumble*

thank you Marge. It is not easy being a medical mystery, either. I sure wish my doc looked like Hugh Laurie, too.

I'll get better, and yanno? I think I'm gonna have to hit Florida first--there's so many of ya'll there I just can't resist.

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Listening to every heart
49 posted 2008-08-13 09:54 PM

Ok, so I've sat over my tea and candles
and wishes...

and the BOTH of you will make Katrina look
like a poor book sale [plug!]

Mind you both, serenity and Marge, you two are going to make medical history - my Gosh, look at the history that the both of you have made HERE....

So take up each other's candle, because you ARE going to be a voice for others...I'm not quite sure how, but I just sense it!...

and lately? I've been pretty much on target!

Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
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Somewhere... out there...
50 posted 2008-08-13 11:24 PM

Karen and Marge?...

ya know you're both in my thoughts and prayers...
and yep... got the candles burning too...
but mine are from Wal-Mart...

Love ya both... a BIG LOTS!

"When the power of love overcomes the love
of power the world will know peace."
--Jimi Hendrix

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Member Laureate
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British Columbia, Canada
51 posted 2008-08-14 02:36 AM

It's too hot to light candles, will slurping on Passion Fruit Malibu smoothies bring good wishes? ((^*))  You are overdue for a "feel-good-feeling" so I will tip my mug to you on that okay?  Stay calm, breathe, and I would  definitely go in the with smilie toes were I you.     
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
52 posted 2008-08-14 10:33 AM

Okay Karilea~
With THIS you got me going -
lately? I've been pretty much on target!
Sent me on a trip to my local TARGET store~
Not only did I find another 'deal' on candles ... I found the most attractive Rose potpourri container that smells SO GOOD, I just had to add it to my prissy apartment~

Little k~
I know those nervous jitters ... when I get them I just have to 'pull out' and go to the meadow~
I take a long 'mind-walk' and find that it is calming and serene~

Much love and prayerful thoughts flow~
MY Spiritual contacts have told me so ... you are going to be A-Okay~

My prayers also include the loving support of your family ... and for the skill of your doctors~

And - Vicky~
Love ya both... a BIG LOTS!
-got BIG and LOTS of smiles from me~

*Huglets* hon~

~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email -               [email protected]

serenity blaze
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53 posted 2008-08-14 12:37 PM

On a more serious note...

a long time ago, when me and my husband went to couples counseling, my doc told me then, that my relationship with my husband was as good as it was ever going to get.

He said recommended that if I was unhappy in the relationship (I was) that I should make plans to leave it. He said if I stayed, by the time I hit my forties (and possible menopause) that the only way I could maintain my mental health was if I had a very strong emotional network of caring friends and family.

As ya'll know, I lost a lot of family--but I found that "strong emotional network" in the most unexpected place, the first day I opened up that very secret part of myself (that poetry freak part) and posted a poem here at Pip.

You have all gotten me through some incredibly difficult times, and I want you all to know how very grateful I am for that.

I feel blessed.

AGAIN. Thanks again to Ron Carnell for his generosity and just doing the "good work" that he does by providing this community for people who...well, people like me, who might be sick, housebound, lonely, or just need the company of other poetry "freaks". *grin*

Without it, I think I would have given up hope a long time ago.

So...thanks to everybody.

with my love

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54 posted 2008-08-14 05:15 PM

So? does one acutally have to write poetry to be a "poetry freak" ?? yaya
How about a *winkie* from photography geek?

I wish I was there to hold your hand and boss the nurses around and ... well you get the idea. *S*

and as for the rest of what I want to say?
well... ...


"I believe
fate smiled and destiny
laughed as she came to my cradle
know this child will be able
laughed as my body she lifted
know this child will be gifted
with love, with patience
and with faith
she'll make her way


*smile* ... love you lovie ....

"I'm trying to spell what only the wind can explain"

~David Gray~

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Member Seraphic
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with you
55 posted 2008-08-14 07:24 PM

candles are burning and prayers are being said

you gots this

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56 posted 2008-08-14 11:20 PM

I'm with you on this ride...
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
57 posted 2008-08-15 09:38 AM

Bringing our k~ forward in close vigil of prayer~

May the surgery be easy on you and the recovery speedy and comfortable~
Be serene in knowing that we are all pulling for you gal~

Love and as many *Huglets* as the law will allow~         


~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email -               [email protected]

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Oklahoma, USA
58 posted 2008-08-15 09:57 AM

Karen, you're in my thoughts and prayers. Take care. Steve

Artic Wind
Member Rara Avis
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Realm of Supernatural
59 posted 2008-08-15 09:58 AM

Hoping Everything Goes Well Sweet Karen!-- You're in my prayers...

to you

XOx Uriah xOX
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60 posted 2008-08-15 02:14 PM



Member Rara Avis
since 2000-07-25
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Somewhere... out there...
61 posted 2008-08-15 06:26 PM


Hi all...
I just received a phone call from Karen's sister, Twist...
Karen had asked her to call and have me pass on the
good news that Karen made it through the surgery just fine...
Everything went well and Karen is resting.    

We weren't able to talk for long, so I
don't have any more details at this point...

but once again?...
thanks to the love and support of all of you who have
kept vigil, the power of the prayer circle is realized...

Thank you, Karen, and Twist, for getting word to us...
ya know I love ya both, my sistas...

"When the power of love overcomes the love
of power the world will know peace."
--Jimi Hendrix

Member Empyrean
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Listening to every heart
62 posted 2008-08-15 08:01 PM


You can't keep a good woman down!

Go Karen!!!!

Member Elite
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Sycamore, IL, USA
63 posted 2008-08-15 09:18 PM

Okay, this made my day!  Thank you, Lord.

Now I'm going to expect some more great poetry, K.

Love and flowers,

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
64 posted 2008-08-15 10:00 PM

And I expected just this exact GOOD NEWS~
Thanks, Vicky~

I'm lighting even more candles in joyous celebration~
Looks like Disney at night around here~

May you continue to just get better, and better and better~
Ya' know I'm pulling for you girlie~

~*The sound of a kiss is not as strong as that of a cannon, but it's echo endures much longer*~
Email -               [email protected]

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65 posted 2008-08-16 01:47 PM

To the top with this good news.
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