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Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores

0 posted 2004-10-14 08:19 PM

This prayer vigil request is for my cousin, Johnny Allen -

This is part of a letter I received from his TWIN BROTHER, Jackie Allen~
Dear Ones,

This email is in regards to my twin brother John, who has throat cancer.  Some of you were informed of this a little over a week ago.

John and his wife Margaret live in Douglas, Ga.
On Fri., 10-1-04, John had a biopsy done in Douglas and was diagnosed with throat cancer.  He has cancer on his right vocal cord.  He had an appointment on the following Fri., 10-8-04, with a doctor at Emory Univ. Hosp. in Atlanta.  The doctor reviewed the biopsy results done in Douglas. It appears to him that the cancer is in Stage 1 but wants to do an extended biopsy in Atlanta.  John has another appointment in Atlanta on Tues., 10-26-04, for this.  The doctor is looking at radiation treatments for John.  

Your prayers and thoughts of him and his family are always welcome.

Their daughter and her family also live in Douglas, as well as their granddaughter and her husband who had a son in either Aug. or Sep.  John and Margaret are great grandparents!!  I spoke to John and Margaret last night.  They are grateful for your thoughts and prayers for them and the family.

PLEASE continue to remember John and his family in your thoughts and prayers.  John does not have email but I'm going to U.S. mail to him this email, as well as any email responses I receive from you.  Please feel free to send this email to others.  Thanks-
Wishing all of you a wonderful evening.


Jack Allen

***Thank you dear poetic friends, in advance, for your prayerful thoughts for Cousin Johnny and his family and doctors***

I will forward this link with your prayers on to his brother, Cousin Jackie, so that he will get them to Cousin Johnny.


**Or better known as Cousin Margie to these wonderful fellows**

© Copyright 2004 Marge Tindal - All Rights Reserved
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1 posted 2004-10-14 08:44 PM

I will keep Johnny & family in my prayers.

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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
2 posted 2004-10-14 09:22 PM

Dear Marge:

I will be keeping all of your family in prayer!  Please let us know how Johnny gets along and what the doctor tells him on October 26th.  Thanks.

Giod Bless!

Betty Lou

Betty Lou Hebert

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Canada eh.
3 posted 2004-10-14 09:40 PM


Member Elite
since 1999-09-21
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Sycamore, IL, USA
4 posted 2004-10-14 09:48 PM

It's been some time since I've been on here.  You can rest assured I'll pray for your cousin.  Having these poets' prayers has meant so much during our trauma.

God bless,

Member Elite
since 2000-05-06
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5 posted 2004-10-15 01:17 AM

Your cousin and family are in my prayers sweet PoetFriend...
passing shadows
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since 1999-08-26
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6 posted 2004-10-15 04:18 AM

lighting my candle
joining in circle

Seymour Tabin
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Tamarac Fla
7 posted 2004-10-15 08:52 AM

He hasmy prayers.

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Listening to every heart
8 posted 2004-10-15 08:58 AM

Sounds like it was discovered timely enough so that all of our prayers will end up seeing a miracle...

To the Survivor, Johnny!

Keeping you and your family in our thoughts and prayers, Marge...

Member Elite
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9 posted 2004-10-15 09:54 AM

Marge, you only have to ask and it will be done. He will be in my prayers and thank you for including us.
Earth Angel
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10 posted 2004-10-15 10:34 AM

................I have just done some distant healing on your cousin Johnny. I also sent up prayers for his well-being and for the peace of mind of both he and those who love him.

He and his family will be in my prayers.

God bless you all.

~ Sending a rainbow of healing Lights,
  Earth Angel

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Member Seraphic
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11 posted 2004-10-15 10:37 AM

Count me in, my friend. *S*
Member Rara Avis
since 2002-01-04
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A Mountain Paradise
12 posted 2004-10-15 11:51 AM

Marge, please know I am holding John and his family
in my thoughts and prayers.

A single sunbeam is enough to drive away many shadows.
–St. Francis of Assisi

Member Empyrean
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13 posted 2004-10-15 12:03 PM

Of course!  
since 2002-04-06
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The Netherlands
14 posted 2004-10-15 12:42 PM

Dear Marge
He will be in my prayers. My heart is near him and I wish him fortress.

Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236
15 posted 2004-10-15 03:52 PM

I will keep your dear cousin Johnny in my prayers.
May he receive God's love and healing touch and may the doctors be assisted from Above in all their decisions.

I give thanks for I know our prayers are heard.

Love, Margherita

Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
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Glen Hope, PA USA
16 posted 2004-10-15 05:40 PM

Please add my prayers to those listed above. May God grant you a quick and total healing
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Member Seraphic
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with you
17 posted 2004-10-15 07:01 PM

You know you have mine as well...
Elizabeth Santos
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-11-08
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18 posted 2004-10-15 10:47 PM

For JOhnny Allen, I will ask a prayer chain at church, and I pray for his recovery. Oh, this had touched me deeply as it always does, but there is hope and I embrace this hope with all my heart.
Margie, rear, your heart is sosoo big and so loving, you take so many into it. I an so happy tp call you my frind

Senior Member
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Out Making Anticlines
19 posted 2004-10-16 09:42 AM

I'm there.


Member Ascendant
since 2002-10-02
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20 posted 2004-10-16 09:54 AM

My prayers go out for your cousin John.  

believe in what your heart feels...

since 2004-04-05
Posts 451
21 posted 2004-10-17 12:21 PM

Dear Marge,

I will keep your cousin John in my prayers, and ask Our Heavenly Father to work one of His miracles for him.

Blessings of love are sent to you and your family.

'When you find a dream within your heart, don't ever let it go.
For dreams are the tiny seeds from which tomorrow grows.'

Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
22 posted 2004-10-17 02:21 PM

Thank you dear kind friends~
Cousin Jackie has printed ALL of the messages and is sending them to Cousin Johnny~
I know he and his family will feel lifted by the sincereness of your kind prayerful comments~

I will update this post as Johnny makes his medical progress~


~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

Member Elite
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Lost in thought
23 posted 2004-10-19 02:43 AM

Could have sworn I replied...
but even with the late reply,
know that I have been praying.

God bless you and all of your family, Marge.

Always, Alyssa

He was a man of sorrows
...I am a girl of tears.

Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
24 posted 2004-10-26 10:01 AM

Dear Friends~
Please take a moment to keep Cousin Johnny in prayerful vigil~

Thank you all for your kindness~
Will update when I know more~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
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Idaho, USA
25 posted 2004-10-26 03:33 PM

Deaar Marge:

I have been wondering how your cousin Johnny is doing.  I am praying daily for him and all your family. Will look forward to a progress report!

Betty Lou

Betty Lou Hebert

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
26 posted 2004-11-07 04:27 PM

This update on Cousin Johnny came to me from Cousin Jackie ... and I was so overjoyed that I FORGOT to post the good news here~
Dear Ones,
John called me Mon. evening, 11-1-04, after he had heard from his doctor in Atlanta at Emory Univ. Hosp.

The doctor was perplexed about the biopsy done of John on Tues., 10-26-04 in Atlanta at Emory.
The doctor said he was sending the biopsy back to the pathology dept. for further analysis and would call John again in a day or so.

John advised the doctor that many individuals and churches were praying for him.  John called me this evening, after getting the call from the doctor.

The doctor advised John, after thorough review of the biopsy with other doctors, that they could not "make a call" - they can not explain it but they could find no cancer!!

This was the best news we've heard in a long time. The doctor advised John that the biopsy done in Douglas on 10-1-04 definitely showed cancer of the throat on his right vocal cord.

John will have another appointment in Atlanta in three months.

John thanks all of you so very, very much for your many prayers for him and his family, and the sacrifice you made for him by fasting a meal on 10-26-04, the day he had the biopsy made in Atlanta.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!  He also thanks you for the emails you sent to me for him, which I US mailed to him.  They were heart warming, very positive, and much comfort to him and his family.
I praise God for this wonderful news.  May He be close to you and your families.

Jack Allen, the Overwhelmed Brother of John
AND ... this Cousin Margie thanks you ALL for your prayerful vigil for Cousin Johnny~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

Titia Geertman
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27 posted 2004-11-07 08:11 PM

Isn't that a happy ending.

Sometimes miracles do happen you know.


Like scattered words will flow

Member Empyrean
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Canada eh.
28 posted 2004-11-07 08:46 PM

Thank God for answered prayers~
Senior Member
since 2002-08-13
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29 posted 2004-11-08 09:26 PM

How wonderful.

Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
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30 posted 2005-01-27 08:56 PM

     Thanks for the good report, Marge!
Member Seraphic
since 2003-02-08
Posts 22236
31 posted 2005-01-28 12:22 PM

This good news is what our hearts wanted to hear!

Bowing in deep gratitude to Our Lord of Heavens for healing your dear cousin John.

Love, Margherita

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