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Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores

0 posted 2004-08-01 05:09 PM

I wanted to share a note from Shelby's family to all of you dear people.
Hi Marge,

First of all, let me apologize for the delay in responding to your e-mail but as you can imagine, things here have been extremely hectic.

Shelby is getting along wonderfully.  I know how resilient children are but I would have never guessed that she would be able to get up and around as well as she has.

She is walking with a walker a little bit now but most of the time does the "bear crawl" around the house to get around (she has even figured out how to go up and down the stairs which scares me to death). We do have a wheelchair for her that we use when venturing outside of the house.

Shelby gets her cast removed in Tampa on August 24th and will be back in the hospital for 5-10 days for extensive physical therapy to retrain her on how to walk.  She will be fitted with a brace as well (which is very similar to the Petri cast she is in now) but is removable.  She will need to wear the brace for 12 hours a day for an indefinite period of time.

I want to thank you so much for all you've done through your networking on the Internet.

Everyone's prayers were certainly answered as Shelby had no problems in surgery and has recuperated very nicely.

We have received cards and packages for Shelby and are amazed at how thoughtful your friends are.
We will respond to each and every one of them over the course of the next several weeks as time permits.

Troy and I are both back at work full time (his mom is watching the girls for us) so between work and dealing with things around the house at night, our plates are pretty full right now.  

Thanks again Marge - please let your friends know how much we appreciate them and all they have done to make this whole experience much more pleasant for our little Shelby.  

Love ya sis-
***She is SO right ... my friends are such loving, thoughtful folks~
Thank you ALL from this lady's heart~

[This message has been edited by Sunshine (08-29-2004 04:52 PM).]

© Copyright 2004 Marge Tindal - All Rights Reserved
Member Patricius
since 2003-12-05
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1 posted 2004-08-01 07:39 PM

What a sweet letter from Sandy, and it sounds like Shelby is doing good.  Thanks for sharing this with us Marge.
passing shadows
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2 posted 2004-08-02 12:59 PM

glad to hear this...thanks for sharing Marge

keep us updated

Earth Angel
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Realms of Light
3 posted 2004-08-04 10:28 AM

Well that letter from Sandy certainly warmed my heart and started my day off on the right wing! ~  or is that my left one? Whichever, I'm flying high with the news that Shelby appears to coming along fine and is in good spirits! She is quite a trooper ~ and I'm rootin' and a tootin' for her!

Love to Shelby and to the rest of the family!

God Bless you all!

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Canada eh.
4 posted 2004-08-04 10:52 AM

What a lovely letter..
Thank you for sharing Marge...
And our love and prayers go out to Shelby and the entire family.

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5 posted 2004-08-29 02:16 PM

How is Shelby doing now?
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
6 posted 2004-08-29 04:40 PM

Kellie and others~
Thank you so much for asking about Shelby~

The news this week isn't as good as we'd like it to be, but here goes-

Shelby returned to Florida to have the cast removed and begin therapy to help her learn to walk again ... the sad news is that after they removed the cast and put her slight little weight on her hip and legs ... the ball joint of her knee came out of place, causing her lots of pain~
They immediately re-casted her and she is to have NO WEIGHT on those little legs for some time to come~

Keep our little darling in prayerful thought, please.

AND on top of it all, Grandpa, feeling the stress of it all, was hospitalized with an accelerated heartbeat that they couldn't seem to get under control.
Pops was finally released yesterday and is on a new medication.

Prayers for my Pops would be appreciated too~

Thank you all~
Sorry this has to be a downer ... but with prayer-lift ... I'm sure things will be fine once again in time~
~*Marge and family*~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

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Member Patricius
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Idaho, USA
7 posted 2004-08-29 06:49 PM

Dear Marge:

This is sad news and I'm so sorry to hear that things are not going better for Shelby. Also that her grandpa is in less than good health.

Will continue praying for all of them and hope in time, everything will be well again.
Thanks for the update!

Betty Lou

Betty Lou Hebert

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8 posted 2004-08-29 06:59 PM

Oh Marge I am so sorry to hear this. I will keep them all in my prayers. Bless her little heart.

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9 posted 2004-08-30 12:34 PM

oh, no, poor Shelby! and Gramps!

this calls for extra powerful healing thoughts and wishes

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Qld, Australia
10 posted 2004-08-30 06:08 AM

Dear Marge

Sorry to hear that Shelby had to endure another painful experience at her tender young age.  My thoughts and prayers are with her, Grandpa and the rest of the family.  It is stressful all round!

Love Isobel ox

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New York
11 posted 2004-08-30 08:08 PM

I'm so sorry that Shelby is now in pain. I will continue to keep her in my prayers. Grandfather too. Bless the family as they all go through this experience.

Feel free to look in Spiritual, Critical and Prose for writing by me!

God Bless,

Marge Tindal
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since 1999-11-06
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
12 posted 2004-10-01 01:40 PM

Update -
Shelby and her family have returned home to Ohio where Shelby is now able to attend school, thanks to a special wheelchair donated by the Florida Shriners Hospital.

It is difficult for her to get around, but we pray that the time spent rehabilitating will pay off for her in the long run~

Her family so appreciates your love and support for Shelby during these difficult times~

~*When the heart grieves over what it has lost,
the spirit rejoices over what it has left.
- Sufi epigram <))><

Email [email protected]

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Member Patricius
since 2001-03-09
Posts 12098
Idaho, USA
13 posted 2004-10-01 11:26 PM

Dear Marge:

Appreciate this news about Shelby.  I'm so sorry things are not going better, but hopefully she will eventually make a good recovery.  I am continuing my prayers and sending cards.

Betty Lou

Betty Lou Hebert

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