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Member Empyrean
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0 posted 2002-06-12 01:52 PM

I just received an email with a virus attachment...I downloaded it since it was from Passions..(duh) but Norton picked it up...addressed this way:

Subj: Congratulations  
Date: 6/12/2002 10:34:22 AM Pacific Daylight Time
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
File: highbuttonbar (96106 bytes) DL Time (TCP/IP): < 1 minute
Sent from the Internet (Details)

Just be on the alert..I'm running a scan on my system now..has anyone else received this or have any information on it?

© Copyright 2002 Martie Odell Ingebretsen - All Rights Reserved
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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1 posted 2002-06-12 01:55 PM

In the last month I've gotten lots of emails with no messages - one just now from a PiP member. It's a virus. As my computer has a prescan antivirus software, it doesn't get to me..I just get empty messages with no attachments.

I think Ron posted something earlier that ne got one on his home address from his netpoets address...

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
2 posted 2002-06-12 01:58 PM

Here's the link to another discussion Martie:

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
3 posted 2002-06-12 09:21 PM

My McAfee has ambushed infected files 'supposedly' sent from a growing number of our members.  Included are Poet deVine, Balladeer, Michael Anderson, Masked Intruder, and a couple of others... Some members have received them 'supposedly' from me.. or from Ron... None of us are infected, and none of us are sending these emails...

These are not real sources.  This virus plucks email addresses from websites and places those addresses into the 'from' line on the infected email - This is merely a trick to get you to open the file.

DON'T OPEN ANY ATTACHMENT YOU'RE UNSURE OF..   If you can scan an attachment before you open it, do so... even if you know and trust the name on the sender line.

Everyone should have a virus protection program that is updated regularly.  Online services may or may not charge a small annual fee for their service, but they're the most reliable protection.

You can also use email programs such as Hotmail - They scan incoming email automatically..

Get a reliable anti-virus program if you don't have one, folks... and... Delete those questionable files immediately...

Senior Member
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4 posted 2002-06-13 03:16 AM

Michael currently has over 363 messages coming trying to come into Outlook.  Many of them are "returned" due to virus infection.  Unfortunately the version of Norton that we have does not work with Windows ME ...

I believe we obtained this virus last night when Michael opened an email addressed from Christopher.  It contained an attachment which billed itself as a screensaver ... Michael deleted the attachment without opening it, but apparently it got him anyway.  BE CAREFUL people this virus eats up your bandwidth and makes any navigation run VERY slow, and that's only what we've been able to figure out so far ...

We're exceedingly sorry if anyone received an virus from us


Senior Member
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Sitting in Michael's Lap
5 posted 2002-06-13 04:54 AM

UPDATE:  We obtained a downloadable virus scanner and were able to remove the virus from most of the infected files, but had trouble removing it from the _restore file (access denied).  We found it necessary to disable Windows Restore temporarily, which purges the contents of the file.

Details on this process can be found here:

Windows ME

Windows XP

Couldn't find the exact procedure for other OS, but the two above are similar enough that it shouldn't be hard if these files come up infected in your system.


Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines
6 posted 2002-06-13 06:38 AM

I don't know what this is  but I have a mailbox full this morning in my hotmail  of a coded octet- stream message...about 5 of you say  if a virus dont open attachments..does that mean if I open the mail itself I have allowed the virus in if that is what it is?....and  one came from nanciness and other from Ron and a few others  from names I dont know. All encoded... with over 100K of message.
Now I had this once before from  severn although I  am sure it wasnt  her although it was  Kamla in the  name and  from  obviously it was coming from  or through her mail list  or something at passions as we don't correspond.
I dont have a saved mailing list so I dont know if anything gets sent out of mine but I would appreciate it if I ever send an email back asking if the message was a virus or sent by that person  I would like a response back so I  know for sure..I failed to get anything the last time so this time I am  posting in here ....knowing someone  will respond. The path of all of these goes through a damien and a madarkness..and the  one from Ron was titled re:questionaire and that is why I opened the read it and the one from Nan was titled: A IE 6.0 patch, so again  I opened it thinking it  of importance. Usually I would ignore these but thought they may be important.


Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
7 posted 2002-06-13 08:14 AM

I had seven more in my box this morning - including one with your name on it, Maureen.  It appears that these hijackers have taken a liking to Passions.

I'm so sorry that you guys actually inadvertantly opened a file, Linda..  Here's a classic reason why a virus protection program that continually updates itself is so important.  It updates your system in turn as new viruses are developed... They 'stay ahead of Jones' so to speak..

[This message has been edited by Nan (06-13-2002 08:17 AM).]

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines
8 posted 2002-06-13 09:08 AM

ok so that means as long as I didnt  do anything  but read the email I should be had no file attached...
thanks for responding Nan.


Member Empyrean
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9 posted 2002-06-13 12:04 PM

The mail that I opened yesterday from Ron with the virus came from the same madarkness pathway as yours, Maureen.  I had three more this morning from names I didn't recognize.  Unfortunately the first one, yesterday, I downloaded.  When I ran my virus scan right after, the virus was located in the download.  Norton said they couldn't get rid of it, and suggested I quarantine it, which is what I did.  As far as I can tell it hasn't done any further damage to my computer, but, I'm not sure how to tell.

Norton called the virus, W32.Klez.H@mm.  Here is the link about it[email protected]

Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
10 posted 2002-06-13 05:13 PM

Fortunately my Internet Service Provider has recently added a 'pre-screening' of e-mail for viruses ... so I feel really good about having the double-protection ... should something get past them ... I feel my currently updated Norton will quarantine it~

I scan nightly ... and I NEVER bother with attachments that are from people I don't know ... and I even scan before opening, if they are from people I do know.
I'm getting to be an expert at DELETE !

My ISP has caught a multitude of them from Michael Anderson's madarkness account.
So far none from anyone else at PiP~

Everyone just needs to stay alert and aware~

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
         [email protected]                    

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines
11 posted 2002-06-13 09:27 PM

I don't understand how the sending of them works unless it takes someones list of people  they mail to in bulk..because I dont save my addresses that way I rarely get  junk mail nor these with virus..but I think and  wish people when they send something to everyone..and also send forwards would  remove all the names but my own..firstly I don't think it's proper to give away everyones email addresses..sometimes I may use one for example with a particular friend. And if they  send something to me  but also to 15 others and each gets that address of mine...then it no longer is a private address and who knows how many others get it and how many then  allow it to be used elsewhere as a means to send junk mail. I know I am not explaining this clearly. But if I ever want to forward a message I remove all names that received it before me..I don't know why others don't do that plus it  doesn't take up as much space in the mail storage.


Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
12 posted 2002-06-14 08:32 AM

The virus isn't taking 'lists' of addresses from anyone's personal address book.  It's pulling email addresses off of webpages and using them as a feigned 'source' on the sent from lines of their own outgoing infected emails...
Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines
13 posted 2002-06-15 09:52 AM

someday I will understand this..but I did dnload to scan for that virus and luckily I  was not infected by any..and have never been yet in the 5 years or so I have been on line... but those emails didn't have  attachments (which I wouldn't have opened anyway)  thank you

Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
14 posted 2002-06-15 10:56 AM

Nevertheless, Maureen - I've received emails 'seeming' to be from you (and all the rest I mentioned above) with infected attachments included... and others have received them from me...

See what I mean?  NONE of us are doing this - We're NOT sending these out at all - Our email addresses are being used by the bad guys..

Member Laureate
since 2000-10-29
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Between the Lines
15 posted 2002-06-15 01:01 PM

well thanks for telling me..if you ever get  or anyone ever gets an email from nakdthoughts, Alicethruglass or Lady Ollyne from hotmail... delete them..I don't email anyone using that...and usually only email from other names and mail systems in response to ones I would receive.
thanks again

Member Rara Avis
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On A Journey To The Unknown
16 posted 2002-06-16 07:10 PM

I recieved 3 emails this past week with a virus. The virus was the one Marti mentioned, "W32.Klez.H@mm". I have a new Nortons Antivirus 2002. It caught the viruses as the mail was being recieved. One of the emails was supposedly from Nan. But, the subject didn't look like a subject she would be interested in. So, I emailed Nan to let her know that someone was sending emails with virus in them, using her name as the sender. The emails with the virus was quaranteened. I deleted the rest out of my email box. Then deleted it out of the quaranteen box. That is what someone told me to do. After all of that happened, I started having trouble with my computer. I don't know if the infected emails had anything to do with that or not. I ended up having to get a new modem, cause I could no longer connect to the internet.
I have just one question. Am I suppose to delete it out of my quaranteen box, too?

Titia Geertman
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17 posted 2002-06-16 08:44 PM

Yes, you better delete it from your quaranteenbox too Smartchick, just to be on the safe site.

You have to delete it from the inbox, from the deletebox and from Norton quaranteenbox.
When attachments are there you will asked if you want to open them or save them. Always press Cancel and then delete the darn thing.

That 'Klez'virus comes in heaps. Sometimes days with 3 or 4 times a day, sometimes days go by without any. I'm using Norton 2002 too, it's doing a great job sofar.

Most emailaddresses I get are unknown to me.
Sometimes I get the message that Norton won't 'send' this mail, so at that time the virus probably is trying to send a virusmail to somebody with my name, but as Nortons scans outgoing mails too, it won't send it but puts it in quaranteen.

Well, that's my two dimes on the matter.


A rose is a rose is a rose...I guess...
Check out my new website: (I didn't 'link' this, so it won't take too much space).I

Member Rara Avis
since 2001-09-23
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On A Journey To The Unknown
18 posted 2002-06-16 09:14 PM

Thank you, Titia! I deleted it all that night and the next morning when I got it again in my email on the other computer.
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