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What all do you know about ur sign? |
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Alyssa![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-05-30
Posts 385IM ENGAGED!!!!! |
Ok what all do you know about ur astrology sign? Im a GEMINI and its an air sign. Im a twin(not really-just my sign is) A love affair with a Gemini requires great stamina, so start doing those push-ups now! The Twins are both fun and funny and love to laugh, play and romp. They are possessed of a very active mind, which can sometimes lead to a short attention span. The best way to keep the Twins around, and aroused, is through mental stimulation. A razor-sharp and imaginative lover is a godsend to the terrific Twins. This sign also values adventure and travel, so a certain footloose and fancy free-ness will help this romance bloom. The duality of the Twins allows them to see both sides of an issue, so in times of stress, they are much likelier to be a lover than a fighter. They will also feel especially connected to those who can help them feel, since they spend so much of their time thinking. The reward for those who can lasso a Gemini is a free-spirited lover who shines at parties but is also a devil in the bedroom. The game of love is a real adventure for the Twins, since the chase can appear to be so much more fun. The real question for Gemini is can they find that one person who is a keeper and will keep them happy forever. Any doubts and the Twins will just keep on lookin'. When in love, Gemini can be a very caring and thoughtful partner, someone who will do somersaults to keep their lover happy. Often, though, the Twins find themselves adrift in the sea of love, feeling vulnerable and needing something, or someone, to fill a lonely void. For all the party chatter and intense brain waves, the Twins have a bit of a melancholy spot, and tenderness and affection can be the perfect antidote. The Twins aren't asking for much, just someone who will stimulate their mind for a great time. Of course, those mental hijinks need to have a bit of follow-through, so a lover with variety on their mind will score a perfect 10. That said, a quickie in the back seat of a '56 T-bird is just what the doctor ordered some days. Face it, this sign is versatile! Most of all, though, sex is a mental sport for Gemini. The act begins in the head and works its way down and around. Gemini is always in search of the perfect lover and the perfect sexual experience. Once they (hopefully) find it, they will want, and give, stimulation to all the senses, for sight, sound and touch are all important. Bottom line: the Twins want something different and something complete. Not too much to ask, right? The Element associated with Gemini is Air. Air Signs are the thinking person's Signs, and the Twins don't disappoint. Those born under this Sign prize intellect and consider it the key to all things. At work, they are the clearest of thinkers, looking at a project from all (well, at least two) sides and putting forth some logical and well-thought-out ideas. This quality makes Geminis an asset to any team, and while these folks are not inclined to take the lead, they are a most valuable component. It's also the Gemini's literary bent which allows them to offer a useful perspective on most any situation. The Twins also enjoy bringing their objective reasoning and big-picture ability into their personal relationships. While some may perceive all this logical thought as cold and unemotional, it's simply how these folks tick. They want to connect, they just do it their own way. Luckily for Geminis (and their pals), their lightness of spirit and youthful exuberance help them to appear forever young. In keeping with that skip in their step, Geminis enjoy short road trips -- and their agile minds and nimble hands ensure that they could change a tire (if needed) in no time flat. Is all of this Twin-energy more than any one person can handle? Ah, maybe that's why they are two. if you want to find out more about your sign go to: http://horoscopes.excite.com/horoscopes/sun_profiles "I have no never-again, I have no always" |
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Dopey Dope![]()
Member Patricius
since 2000-08-30
Posts 11132San Juan, Puerto Rico |
I know I'm cool.....aries forever. |
Alicat Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094Coastal Texas |
About my sun sign in general, I know a lot. And, since I drew up my own natal chart, I know a lot my personal sign. Capricorn, a rarity in these forums and proud to be one. Nuff said. |
since 2000-06-03
Posts 9543The Shores of Alone |
Yes, I am a Leo, and know all the details, none of which really seem like me, except that I have long hair and have to have it. I have gone further into the charts, and my Moon sign and Venus sign are both in cancer, those have a big mitigating effect on the Leo I guess, as I am emotional, and somewhat shy, not a big bold Leo, like most. I love astrology, seriously studied it for a while. Not sure how much is really true, but I say there is something in there that is real, and if we delve deep enough, there are answers to be found. (Both my Mom and Grandma are Geminis..) |
Alyssa![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2001-05-30
Posts 385IM ENGAGED!!!!! |
aries are arrogant people are they not? "I have no never-again, I have no always" |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
No, we're not arrogant, Alyssa, we're just very very cool, so to some it may seem that we are arrogant but that's just a misperception on the part of others for which we are very forgiving......we understand that not everyone is as privileged as we are...and of course, we are always right! ![]() |
Member Elite
since 1999-06-16
Posts 3850In the space between moments |
Yep, here I am, your very own wild Sag...I went and read about my sign and a lot of it pertains to me..although I'm a little more shy than most Sags...I still have my moments however. Thanks for sharing, it's cool to know that kind of stuff. ![]() *Krista Knutson* |
White Wolf Member
since 1999-09-18
Posts 371Somewhere in the vast wasteland |
Once again my point is proven about Aries. Arrogant and egotistical in fact they are the most self-centered sign of the Zodiac. As for me I must combine Western Astrology with Chinese Astrology. I am a Libra Dragon. In short lets just say I could probably get someone to wear a fur coat when going through hell. Dragons have inate leadership and power which attracts people while Libra seeks balance and harmony among others and companionship. So what you get is a companionable dragon who could lead you through hell and you wouldn't get burned who wants peace. Who wouldn't like such a person. ![]() The White Wolf If life is just a game, when does it end cause I want to get to what is real. |
Allan Riverwood![]() ![]()
since 2001-01-04
Posts 3502Winnipeg |
Scorpio, the most romantic sign of all. ![]() |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
More geniuses are born under the sign of Aquarius than any other sign. I'm an Aquarius but not a genius I'm afraid..though I suspect my fellow Aquarians Ron and Christopher are geniuses... |
Constance Member
since 2001-07-28
Posts 393Ohio |
I'm another Sag.I've read most all the usual things about Sag, but I think the most important personal observation I've made about my sign is that although I like and get along with most signs, I seem drawn to the the fire signs. I'd like to know if this is a common trait for Sags. When I look at which relationships in my life have been the deepest,or most passionate, or easiest, etc., they've all been Leo, Aries, or other Sags. Any other Sag out there have feedback on this? |
Tracey Member Elite
since 2001-08-29
Posts 2808where insanity meets breeding |
This is a fun thread. I'm a Pisces through a through. The dreamiest sign of the zodiac. Some say that since Pisces is the last sign, we're old souls doing our last round here on earth. I believe that to be possible. Also, we're two fish swimming in opposite directions. So we can't make our minds up and tend to have multiple personalities ![]() I hope some more people post here. I'ts very interesting Tracey If she who dies with the most toys wins, then can I have some toy boys please? |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
I could get into my take on the twelve tribes of Israel---and how they must be united to succeed in all endeavors. To consider one sign, or one set of personality traits superior is simply ludicrous...If we speak as I relate..then all aspects are representations of God and must be joined for wholeness. Therefore, I wish my toe remain a toe and NOT try to be a lung. I wish that all aspects--our only view of the world actually, be honored; for the duty of being what they were born to be. (As if they could be anything else!!!) Remember always, that these are aspects we are born into...astrology, is a chart, a map, a "lesson plan" for the soul. WE DECIDE THE ABSOLUTES. Always, there is will of choice. Even the fact that I am typing this right now, here--where I am--and there--where you are, is the result of multitudinous decision. The perfect sign is the amalgamation of all. Through balance of mercy and severity, love and indifference,etc. (and it does go on) we find balance. "The clock only stops in the center." "Between the pillars, lies the door.." Now I'll shaddup. ![]() [This message has been edited by serenity (edited 09-03-2001).] |
since 2000-06-03
Posts 9543The Shores of Alone |
Well Serenity, I have been drinking some wine, and you just lost me. But I figure it made sense if you said it ![]() I agree that Aquarians are very amazing. I have only known one very personally, and some of you cool poets, and I have to say..WOW. Scorpios, I don't know about the most romantic, but sexy I have to go with, I once knew a Scorpio...well thats another story.. Sandra |
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