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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
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The Shores of Alone

0 posted 2001-06-24 07:35 PM

I seem to be running out of things to say in reply to someone's poem. I never have been a "critical analysis" type, and I am running out of ways to say I really like something. So..sorry if some of my replies are boring. I'm actually quite creative-sometimes.  
Anyone else thinking this is a problem for you too?

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with you
1 posted 2001-06-24 07:45 PM

I used to worry about it, but I'm honest every time I answer. If I love it, I love it.   If I think it was wonderful, that's what I say. I try not to write a book when replying. So honest short and sweet  
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
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2 posted 2001-06-24 08:10 PM

Is it possible to be wholly honest in Open?

Just throwing out a thorn every poem beautiful? (The most common word in reply there I think, and yes I'm generalising).

I often say 'good' or 'nice' and feel more than boring. I feel somehow insulting...

believe me - if I say a poem's good I mean it haha...

So Sandra...just say what you really have it in you to say at the time. The author will appreciate it I hope  


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3 posted 2001-06-24 10:52 PM

To be honest...I feel kinda silly replying to poems. Poetry is new to me. I'm no pro. If I like it- I say so. I don't analyze it cause I don't know what I'm suppose to be analyzing. I just read it. Syllable counts and meter and whatever don't matter. Thats all too new to me. It's the message, the thoughts that I look at. And when someone replies to something I have written...Whether they give me this huge book on what they thought about it, or a simple "Nice read"... I appreciate it. It makes me feel good that someone took the time to read my "poetry."

You wouldn't worry about what people thought about you if you knew how seldom they did.

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4 posted 2001-06-24 11:11 PM

Personally, when I reply to poetry, I try to tell the author what I did (or didn't) like about the poem- then you know that the person honestly and truly enjoyed your work, or that it was at least interesting enough to provoke their thought process.

I know that a lot of people in forums like this get hung up on #'s of posts, or replying enough so that the number of poems they post is balanced or whatever so they feel justified in posting 5 things a day, so when I get simple one-liner that just says 'good job' w/o saying why it's good, I feel like my poem is being put thru the assembly line.

Personally, if I can't find something more to say than 'good job', if a poem (outside of the critique forum) doesn't impress me enough that I have something to say about it, either what I thought was well done, or what was neat about the content/message, I don't bother replying. It's a waste of my time, and it's a waste of time for the author reading the endless "good" "beautiful" "nice work" comments.

everything's fine.

brian madden
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5 posted 2001-06-25 05:16 PM

If I like a poem I will respond, usually with the cliched "great" "brillant"
it is hard almost impossible to keep with all the poetry and I don't have time to go in depth into every poem I read, sometimes I don't have the words to express my feelings about a poem. I am relieved to that I am not the only one who thinks they are guilty of boring responses

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Member Rara Avis
since 2000-06-03
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The Shores of Alone
6 posted 2001-06-25 05:48 PM

Personally, I am happy to have anyone take the time to write anything at all on one of my poems. So since I am not alone here, I guess I will quit worrying.
Thanks everyone for your opinions.

serenity blaze
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7 posted 2001-06-25 06:26 PM

The most boring response? Is NO response.  
Hugs, lady! No one should be critiquing replies anyway....sigh...

Dopey Dope
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Member Patricius
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8 posted 2001-06-25 08:35 PM

Serenity i was ready to come up with somebody to say in this thread, but geesh.....YOU said it perfectly!
I agree 100% with you.

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
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9 posted 2001-06-25 08:50 PM

No one should be no, but they do. Human nature?


Fading Away
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10 posted 2001-06-25 09:50 PM

Okay, Servern just got me confused...

As for the topic in this thread, There's no such thing as a boring reply.  The writer of the poem wants to hear your thoughts about his or her work nonetheless.


You can’t expect the roses to grow without the weeds.

Paula Finn
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11 posted 2001-06-26 01:36 AM

I have a real difficult time replying to poems...a poem is such a personal thing...that for me to critique it is near impossible...and to reply? Thats I do say lots of "beautifuls" and "lovely's"...may not be the most eloquent of replies....but I do read and feel...and isnt that what you want when I read what you write?
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12 posted 2001-06-26 01:58 AM

Good question!  Usually by the time I get on here at night, I'm physically exhausted and my brain is reeling from too much sensation at work.  I read a lot more than I respond.  This is how I wind down, how I refocus.  I read many poems that I'd like to respond to but sometimes just don't have the energy.  Sometimes, I'd just like to say, 'I read this'...bump.  Because the poem deserves to be read again and I'd like the writer to know that I did read.  Anyway, I can relate because I overuse words, also in responding...but they are always honest.  Repetitive but still true.
Janet Marie
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13 posted 2001-06-26 08:12 AM

Heres a thought ... if you really like a poem and you want to reply but dont know what to say or how to say it...try highlighting and cut and paste a few lines or the verse that effected you the most and tell the author that...I cant count the emails I have gotten from poets saying how much they liked knowing which lines were the ones that hit home.
I know it takes a bit more time and effort
but anyway...its a thought for those who want to say more but dont know how to convey what they liked about the poem.

and Kamala..or anyone else for that matter--you can come and crit and be totally honest on any poem I post..those are the kind of reads I love most...those are the reads we learn and grow from...and I like seeing my poetry thru someone elses eyes...thats how I can evolve...I know there is a fear of offending when we reply offering suggestions for changes...but as long as its done with a teaching approach we should, as poets, be able to handle it.
And isnt that the point of the "welcomes critique" feature Ron gave us?

oh yeah...Kam...beware of cliche' overload on my poems     LOL

Marge Tindal
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14 posted 2001-06-26 12:05 PM

Have NEVER had a problem letting someone know that I liked, loved, enjoyed, was WOWED, was moved, was touched, was moved to tears, was reminded - through their beautiful, stirring, lovely, poignant, refreshingly unique, touching, sad, happy, gleeful, uplifting and plain downright gorgeous poetry !

They've made me laugh, made me cry, made me giggle, tickled my fancy, inspired me, and comforted me ... all in the name of poetry.

Even left a   or two, now and then.
Don't worry, CatalinaMoon ...
SINCERE appreciation is the only way to go !

Just ENJOYING what I've read and letting someone know I ENJOYED it ... says volumes, in my honest opinion.
And Lord knows, I've got lots of those !

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
                               [email protected]             

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