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0 posted 2001-06-21 10:46 PM

What has everyone been reading lately that is particularly unique? I've been searching for new reading materials lately, and anyone with a suggestion would be appreciated.

As for my input- right now I'm reading something absolutely revolutionary, to me at least, called Document Zippo by L.A. Ruocco- it is absolutely the most honestly, brutally beautiful piece of writing I've ever read- it explains the nitty gritty dirty details of womanhood, the things I have always been just terrified to even think. (note to men: if you want to understand your girlfriend buy this book.)

Also, there's one called What the F---; the Avant-Porn Anthology. Basically, it's artistic porn... very liberating to read.

Prozac Nation by Elizabeth Wurtzel is also worth a look, a pretty good narrative on depression.

And there's always the classic insanity of Naked Lunch (W.S. Burroughs). Very schizophrenic style but the imagery is better than most poetry I've ever read. "black insect laughter" "junk-sick morning"- debauchery was never made more beautiful.

everything's fine.

[This message has been edited by hush (edited 06-22-2001).]

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Dusk Treader
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1 posted 2001-06-21 11:26 PM

Book, books, books, I can never get enough of them...

I just read Farenheit 451 for my Fantasy in Fiction class, and it's incredible, Ray Bradbury's prose is poetic and the futurescape he paints is so real it's frightening.

Also the five books series "The War of Light and Shadow" by Janny Wurts which starts off with Curse of the Mistwraith is excellent. She writes with incredible beauty and has created an expansive world filled with history and characters that pull you in. A work that could be compared to The Lord of the Rings

I'd like to encourage everyone who hasn't to read Harry Potter. The books are so much fun! I really think there is something there for people of all ages, excitement and humor and good writing to boot.

I also recommend C.S. Lewis's The Great Divorce and The Screwtape Letters for their insightful looks into human nature.

And my most poignant recommendation is Mercedes Lackey's books Magic's Pawn, Magic's Promise and Magic's Price. The books are about a gay man, so be warned. But the story is so sorrowful and touching that I found myself forgeting often. The first book had me crying, and that's no easy feat.

And... If you haven't read The Lord of the Rings I command you to do so  

I need more books to read so I'm looking forward to people's replies!

"They that start by burning books will end by burning men." -- Heinrich Heine

Dopey Dope
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2 posted 2001-06-22 04:02 AM

Philosophical: Sophie's World
Marge Tindal
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Florida's Foreverly Shores
3 posted 2001-06-22 08:11 AM

Voices On The Web ... soon ?

~*The pen of the poet never runs out of ink, as long as we breathe.*~
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brian madden
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4 posted 2001-06-22 01:49 PM

Depends on what you like, if you are into deep clever books I recommend

1984 by George Orwell.

Dice Man by Luke Rhinehart.

the story of a man who decides to let his life and identity be decided by the roll of a dice. Apparently a true story.

Franz Kafka short stories. A must read, especially "the metamorphise"

Lolita by Nabokov. Despite the subject matter the author weaves beautiful poetic prose.


Janet Marie
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5 posted 2001-06-22 01:58 PM



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Member Rara Avis
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The Shores of Alone
6 posted 2001-06-22 04:57 PM

I'm reading Bridget Jones-The Edge of Reason right now, so far it is hilarious.

An older favorite, if you can find it, "Replay"  by Ken Grimwood.  This is a very interesting story about a man who relives his life over and over, from age 18 to 40 something.

Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice, I read this 15 years ago, and it remains one of the best, as most of her books are.

[This message has been edited by catalinamoon (edited 06-22-2001).]

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Sitting in Michael's Lap
7 posted 2001-06-22 09:45 PM

Abe, I LOVE Mercedes Lackey ... and she has a number of other good novels as well, but the Last Herald Mage trilogy is an excellent place to start ...  

If you know/like anything about Nordic mythology, or even don't know flip about it, you might try Mickey Zucher Reichert's "Last of the Renshai" trilogy ... the story is well done with the exception of a few annoying name repetitions and the series is well worth the read just for the unique insight into Nordic mythology it provides. She brings the pantheon to life, if you will.


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8 posted 2001-06-22 10:19 PM

The Diary Of Anne Frank...

Dusk, i think Harry Porter is simply superb reading..(i am turning 21 this year)...looking forward to the movie release...

Brian, i have read 1984 twice already and don't mind reading it for a third time...

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
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9 posted 2001-06-22 10:57 PM

Oh no another Mercedes Lackey fan. Bah...

hey Linda - my best friends met her the other a book promotion. I personally can't stand her stuff...ick ick ick - that moany guy, what's his I can't remember - in one of her fantasy series anywho..Vanyel! That's it I think. You can't tell me you actually LIKE VANYEL????

good books - k..right..

Bridges of Madison county...beautifully written, better than the movie.

Diving Bell and the butterfly - which I have recommended hundreds of times in here lol. (Jean-Claude Baumby)

The Cat who went to paris. Peter Gethers.

The Plague - can't rem the author.


The colour of water - James McBride

The things they carried (bout the vietnam war - an astonishing book) Tim O'Brien

Pnin - vladimir Nabokov

that'll do...all great reads..


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10 posted 2001-06-23 05:33 PM

1984- definitely a great read and Archangel- Robert Harris
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