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Up or Down? |
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Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296Purgatorial Incarceration ![]() |
The age old question of should the toilet seat be left up, or down. It is my proposition that we men should be allowed to leave the seat up. Now I know that you gals insist that you might fall prey to a wet behind, should you unknowingly attempt to take your position in the middle of the night and the seat is up. You insist that we men should place the seat once again in the down position, to prevent you from accidentaly falling in. But, equal rights being what they are, I hereby propose something different. I propose that base on logic, we men should be allowed to leave the seat up. My reasoning is as follows. 1: It requires less effort for a woman to put the seat down when she is ready to use the facilities, than it does a man to lift it up when he takes his place. 2: Men are also subject to a different form of nightime attack. If the seat is left in the down position, and a man does his business, it is likely to end up all over the place. A towel will quickly cure the woman of a wet bottom, whereas the man's mess requires more effort to tidy up after. 3: If you have a toilet drop-in, then it is a waste to have your prety colored water all covered up. It should be proudly displayed! (Please make sure the toilet remains flushed however.) So, I hereby move that we pass a vote to proclaim that men are allowed to leave the seat up. Do I hear a second? Tally so far: Down: Dragoness Nan??? JP Up: Uhhh, anyone??? As Is: Christopher PDV Saxoness Cowards: hoot_owl_rn Inmates: Justin Thyme [This message has been edited by Poet deVine (edited 09-03-2000).] |
© Copyright 1999 C.G. Ward - All Rights Reserved | |||
Dragoness Senior Member
since 1999-08-07
Posts 513 |
Chris...it has been my experience that whether the seat is up or down a man will "do his business" And ususally all over.As for the mess we women get to clean it up anyway.therefore a dry but and dirty floor is much better than a wet butt and dirty floor. As to drop in's: we ask for the seat to be left down not the lid. Vote for: seat DOWN!!!!!( little brothers are sooooo annoying at times!!! Love Ya Chris!) ------------------ Set you heart free and your mind will follow. |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
Christopher, dear Christopher Let's take these points one at a time... 1. How does one rationalize that it takes less effort for the female to put the seat down? It would seem to me to be a balanced expenditure of energy - Ergo - This point one is moot. 2. How is a man's nighttime "attack" different? It seems to me that if it were in fact "different" as you avow - then he would by necessity need to do his business in a sitting position - Ergo - Not only do you lose your point, but you acquiesce to the ladies - One point for us. 3. We would prefer to do without the pretty water in deference to having the cover as we like it - down - Ergo - no point for the men. However, now that you mention wet bottoms in the middle of the night - How does it feel for a man to plunge headlong into the potty at 3:00 am if you have more serious business to attend to? Just wondering... Need a towel? There are probably some in the closet - You can get one yourself, can't ya? I need my beauty sleep.... ![]() [This message has been edited by Nan (edited 10-11-1999).] |
hoot_owl_rn Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
Posts 10750Glen Hope, PA USA |
LOL.....I think I'll stay out of this fight, but Chris....you don't get my vote for once ![]() |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
You make some interesting points here. For the sake of arguments, I think you're right! Who said either of us has to leave the seat up or down? The lid up/down is a matter of courtesy..who say's men have to be the courteous ones all the time. I don't mind being courteous and putting the seat down when I have to go...and putting it up when I'm done..... Look before you er .. leap! Leave the lid up if you want..doesn't matter to me! I can just as easily put it down again! ![]() [This message has been edited by Poet deVine (edited 10-11-1999).] |
Justin Thyme Member
since 1999-09-13
Posts 216Oz |
I'll answer you, Christopher, with a little ditty I just wrote called Potty Party. I posted it in Open Poetry #3. [This message has been edited by Justin Thyme (edited 10-11-1999).] |
since 1999-07-18
Posts 1102Texas |
Here is my argument. Men....leave the seat up if you wish! However. If and when I ever get married.......and I am completely woken up by a cold splash of water at 3am, don't think that I won't make sure hubby is awake to hear all about my experience, that is until I am warm enough to fall back asleep. Share and share alike, right? ------------------ "Glory remains unaware of my neglected dwelling where alone I sing my tearful song which has charms only for me." -Charles Brugnot |
JP Senior Member
since 1999-05-25
Posts 1343Loomis, CA |
I cannot believe some of the stuff I am reading! "we women are the one's who clean it anyway..." ? Please! That is the most sexist remark I have ever heard! As for the rest of it, it is a non issue - any man who drinks his weight in beer regularly certainly knows the joys of being able to sit to "do his business" Leave the seat down. ------------------ Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn. JP |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296Purgatorial Incarceration |
Nan said: quote: Disagreed Nan. While lifting the seat, one must maintain the upward force until it reaches the apex of its swing. However, to lower the seat, one must only nudge it and allow it to fall the rest of the way. And if we are required to maintain the seat in a down position, then we have to first lift it up, then when done, place it back down. Even allowing the possibility of a balanced expenditure (which I do not,) then the effort is doubled by this requirement. Ergo- your point is moot and mine remains valid. Nan said: quote: Since you intentionally misinterpreted this statement Nan, let me clarify it for you. The manner in which a male's common form of nighttime attack differs from the females is in the manner of delivery. A man's most likely position is from a position of standing. Whereas with a female, it is likely done sitting. Nighttime attacks of the other variety are much less common. So much so, that they are invalidated when discussing this matter on the scope with which we are dealing with it. Point is indeed given, but not to your side, rather to ours. Nan said: quote: And in this statement, you show a decided lack of interest in the "feelings" of the male counterpart. Whree is it written that your preference takes precedence over that of a man's? By saying this, you are implying that they are moot merely because you "prefer" not to have it so. So agreed, no point for the males here, but neither one for you. |
Severn Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704 |
Oh please! Christopher, Christopher, Christopher. Let me repeat what I have already told you: IF A GUY NEEDS TO CONSIDER THE AMOUNT OF ENERGY IT TAKES TO LIFT A TOILET SEAT THEN HE IS A SAD SAD SPECIMEN INDEED! And on the contrary - I did indeed understand your point - that it is a fact in itself. Which is precisely WHY I dispute this as a valid reason - you can't separate this from its context! It becomes invalid if it is a stand alone point from the action of lifting the seat. The amount of energy is minimal in any case - perhaps for females a bit less, BUT, if you're going to be picky - and I pre-apologise to any die hard feminists here, BUT: traditionally females are considered the physically weaker sex dear, so surely it all balances out if you consider that - based on the law of averages of course. I'm sorry, but all I can say to point two is: Ever heard of the light switch...?? Men are trained from infancy how to aim, and if a guy can't get it right in his house then he is a: SAD SAD SPECIMEN INDEED! and anyone who actually gives a toss about the coloUr of toilet water needs to get a life - VERY QUICKLY! So. I'm sorry - but I need to hear more of these reasons you have, my dear, before I can give you any support!!!! Note though, that I am NOT in favoUUUUr of the toilet staying down either. I say equal rights. 3 options, as I have said to you already: 1 - rip off the damn seat and if anyone wants it, they can place it there themselves! 2 - The man leaves it up when he's finished and vice versa. 3 - My favoUrite - the woman puts it up and the man puts it down - making for a sharing, caring, harmonious household. (Nullified if you live in a bachelor pad or the female equivalent...) Oh, one more I didn't mention: We could just go back to squatting over holes in the ground...no worries! ![]() ![]() |
Kelly Member
since 1999-07-03
Posts 145 |
It really doesn't matter to me at all. I do think it looks better when it's down. As long as it's clean I don't care. |
Systematic Decay Senior Member
since 1999-09-15
Posts 1301That place with padded walls and funny people in white......... |
Ok, Christopher. It takes the man more energey to put the seat up, than for us female to put it down, I'll give you that. But we have to go to the trouble of sitting down, and then getting back up. That takes substantially more energy, don't you think? ![]() ------------------ "Despite all my rage, I am still just a rat in a cage." -Billy Corgan- |
Justin Thyme Member
since 1999-09-13
Posts 216Oz |
Whaddya mean, "INMATE"? What's that you stated? I may be locked up~! But I'm not incarcerated! There's no toilet seats at the jail down the street. So that's not an issue, and let me repeat.... I am NOT an inmate! No prisoner here! I'm an ARTIST, dear brotha-- With BOTH of my ears. If I were a criminal, of ill repute, I'd never be able to paint at the 'stute! My name's Leonardo! A painter, you see. Don't call me an "INMATE", 'cause that isn't me! Here at the 'stute, the seat it stays down because 'ol nurse Cratchet is always around. They call me a "PATIENT" not "INMATE", you see! If I left the seat up, I'm "LOBOTOMY". -Justin Thyme aka Leonardo DaVinci |
Serain Junior Member
since 1999-10-16
Posts 17Gresham, OR |
whoever cleans it....decides plain and simple |
fjones Member
since 1999-06-07
Posts 98MS |
You young people have so little to worry about. Wait until old age hits. My mate is at the point of sitting on the pot, even worse I’m so far gone some nights I stumble to the toilet with eyes closed and try to sit on his lap! |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Fay! Isn't that called sex? LOL |
hoot_owl_rn Member Patricius
since 1999-07-05
Posts 10750Glen Hope, PA USA |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296Purgatorial Incarceration |
Perhaps a *bump* in an attempt to bring some humor back to the Alley. (Though I can see this quickly getting out of hand... ![]() |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
Yeah - Well - I'm opening the National Chapter for TSD.... That's Toilet Seats Down!!!.... ![]() |
Erin Member Elite
since 2000-06-15
Posts 2527~Chicago~ |
Christopher~~~I could careless how the toliet seat is. But see I live with 2 guys 1 little boy, and my sister. So its like I dont even expected the seat to be down when I need to use the bathroom. |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Most toilets come with a seat AND a lid---BOTH of which should be put down, if only for the practical purpose of keeping the dog from drinking out of the toilet. |
Jamie Member Elite
since 2000-06-26
Posts 3168Blue Heaven |
Tis a sad thing to debate the position of a toilet seat. A sadder thing still is the fact that I actually read all the replies. Perhaps saddest of all is having an opinion on the matter. I think the gender comprising the majority of the household should have control of the toilet seat issue. In the case of gender equality,(ever seen the term used that way?..hehe) I think we should arm wrestle for it. Jamie Tu ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito. - Virgil. "Yield thou not to adversity, but press on the more bravely". |
Alicat Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094Coastal Texas |
Well Chris...I will vote up, but it really is a moot point, especially if there is a bathtub within shootin distance. Afterall, it's big, roomy, and the walls are meant to get wet. This way, the crapper lid can stay down for the squatters and we men can exercise our freedom to draw on the walls like the children we all are deep down in side...and if there is a hanging loofah, all the better. Target practice, hand-eye-coordination, advance physics and calculus, for that trajectory curve. This way, everybody can be happy, except maybe for the next person to use that poor defenseless loofah.... ![]() |
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
Posts 63354Listening to every heart |
I stayed out of this last time...and will stay out of it this time..not because I don't have an opinion...but because WHATEVER I say, Christopher will disagree with it...just to cause me grief [of the best kind]! |
Salooma Senior Member
since 2000-01-28
Posts 781 |
LOL...now this is hillarious ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Salma |
Jeffrey Carter![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
since 2000-04-08
Posts 2367State of constant confusion! |
Well now, the way I see it is if a man has to put the seat down when he is done then the woman should put the seat up when she is done. I mean fair is fair right |
Paula Finn Member Ascendant
since 2000-06-17
Posts 5546missouri |
Living in a household comprised entirely of teenage boys, not to mention four big dogs, this is a given....the seat will be up and EVERYTHING will be wet anyway. Its a losing battle on my part...but my vote is cast for DOWN |
Member Elite
since 2000-01-08
Posts 4697 |
OK, women have the babies, so men can put the seat down. The queen has spoken. ![]() "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Oscar Wilde "The robbed that smiles steals something from the thief" -Shakespea |
Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA |
Okay, I think that I have to say something about this!! LOL In our modern age of technology, there are men who have taken this age old problem head on!! (lol) And who, after many, many years of design and testing, and re-testing. . . sleepless nights and wet bottoms. . . not to mention splinters (don't ask!) have come up with the one thing that might end this kind of an argument for years (possibly centuries!!) to come. . . A toliet seat (and a lid!) that AUTOMATICALLY goes down if it's not manually put down after a few minutes. . . Here it is!!! ![]() http://r1.us.rmi.yahoo.com/rmi/http://yahoo.catalogcity.com/index.cfm/rmivars%3ftarget=_top?main=catalog&pcd=465498 ------------------------------------------------------ < !signature--> That which gives light must endure burning --Victor Frankl [This message has been edited by Sven (edited 09-03-2000).] |
Elizabeth![]() ![]()
Member Ascendant
since 1999-06-07
Posts 6871Minnesota |
DOWN! DOWN! DOWN! Had to laugh at Serenity's reasoning, and LoveBug's as well! Good thinkking, you two! ![]() Elizabeth |
Isis Member Ascendant
since 1999-09-06
Posts 6296Sunny Queensland |
But Sven you haven't voted or even hinted what way you are inclined... up or down - what do YOU do>> LOL Also I'm on the borderlines myself, I live with two males (Hubby and Dylan) and I put the seat down for myself, and they put it up, we all just do what we have to do. But when visitors are coming, only then do I ask that both seat and lid are down, so everything LOOKS nice. LOL Generally speaking the whole subject is bizarre Chris LOL and why should it matter who does what, as long as we all get to go when we need to!!! Squatting IS a good alternative idea, but then the men would probably say the width of the hole from front to back isn't wide enough or something!! LOL Also when a woman gets a wet bum, a towel may not be enough she might want a bath or shower for germs sake??? LOL Ok well I better "GO" now and I'm gonna LEAVE THE SEAT DOWN TODAY CHRIS LOL!!! *Friendship is a horizon - which expands whenever we approach it...* ~Isis~Goddess~~Sovereign of the Spirit~ |
Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA |
Ok Isis. . . I would have to say down. . . just from a purely aesthetic viewpoint, if the seat was meant to be up. . . there wouldn't be seats on toilets!! LOL ![]() And just why are there toilet seats anyway?? Has anyone addressed THAT question?? -------------------------------------------------------- That which gives light must endure burning --Victor Frankl |
Severn Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704 |
This is being regurgitated...er...revived? ![]() |
Poertree Senior Member
since 1999-11-05
Posts 1359UK |
LK quote: what do you mean ... "go back"? do you live in NZ or not?! ![]() heh SP |
Salooma Senior Member
since 2000-01-28
Posts 781 |
LoveBug - LOL Can't agree with that more! ![]() |
Elizabeth![]() ![]()
Member Ascendant
since 1999-06-07
Posts 6871Minnesota |
The seat is there for sanitary reasons. For instance, how would we like it if we were in the bathroom to brush our teeth or something, and the toothbrush fell into the toilet because it was either left up or the toilet had no seat? Therefore, the seat should be left down! Elizabeth |
Severn Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704 |
Well SP... I do. I certainly do. I believe I and my fellow countrymen share a common ancestor, in regards to settlement of my fine land, yes...I do believe we hearken from English lands... hmmm... I also believe those who came here were in search of a less squalid existence...with a bit of style. I also would think much of the traditional English toilet humour was left behind, in pursuit of something more enlightened... Sadly...I can see you have not yet reached that enlightened point. My sympathies Sir P. I offer any help you might need to reach that point... ~K sadly shakes head~ ![]() "He looked across the silky surface of the Severn... it was a famously difficult river with fierce tides..." From Jack Maggs |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
Posts 8296Purgatorial Incarceration |
Erica - When was the last time you gave birth to a child? Elizabeth? Hmmmm? ![]() |
Erin Member Elite
since 2000-06-15
Posts 2527~Chicago~ |
Ok I know that I already have my opinion but how does this sound Christopher: Men can have one bathroon with no toilet seat and women can have a bathroom with a toilet seat. Sounds good to me. But then get this the men cannot I repeat cannot use the women's bathroom at any cause seeing that you are making a big deal out of this. Even if you need it really bad!! Like as if you just ate something that is gonna make you explode (if you know what I mean) you still cant use it. YOu will have to sit on that cold toilet since you think it isnt right to leave the seat down!!It sounds fair to me!!!How does it sound to you?? ![]() [This message has been edited by ERIN (edited 09-06-2000).] |
Member Elite
since 2000-01-08
Posts 4697 |
When will you EVER give birth to a child, Chris?!??! Never ever ever ever! So, when should the toilet seat be left up? Never ever ever ever!!!! DUH! "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." -Oscar Wilde "The robbed that smiles steals something from the thief" -Shakespea |
Poertree Senior Member
since 1999-11-05
Posts 1359UK |
Ancestors of dear lady K, Were as hasty as she is today, They left England's fair shore Thinking they could find more, Losing culture and sense on the way! |
Severn Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704 |
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Poor Sir P. I see you have a misguided sense of what constitutes culture... are you suggesting the English definition of culture is the only available one? There is a label for that dear...ethnocentricism... most frowned upon you know - yes, by the educated who know better... tchtch... ~K continues to sadly shake her head~ |
Alicat Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094Coastal Texas |
Severn, Poertree: Behave. Poertree, would you care to expound upon the message contained within your limerick to Severn? I realize the limerick style denotes a 'game', but I fail to see the point...or do I see it too clearly? You see, I'm glad my forebears left England behind. After the Clearances, my family had little reason to remain, and little love for the Crown. So, in the 1880's, they left, and settled in America. So, if your purpose was merely jest, it was done in poor taste, or would you rather lump me, along with others, in this limerick's egocentric, ethnocentric worldview? Alicat, the unamused Persnikitty |
Sudhir Iyer Member Ascendant
since 2000-04-26
Posts 6943Mumbai, India : now in Belgium |
What is a TOILET? TRUSTED OFFICER IN LOOSE ENDED THREADS ? TOURISTS OF INTERNATIONAL LANDS EXIT TIREDLY ?? TREMORS OF INSANITY LEVELS EXTRA TERRESTRIALS ??? .. .. What's the big hassle anyway? ![]() Why only up or down... This is so restrictive... Think of the numerous angles that one can keep the toilet seat... why is it a seat anyway... or fuzzily little up than down or little down than up... WOW I am perplexed ![]() A seat with a hollow outlet... how disturbing... ![]() Anyway, keep the thoughts churning... maybe finally every one can sit... peacefully in meditation... ever wonder why people feel to be most peaceful in a toilet... or why many read novels and news papers in their toilets? ![]() More perplexed than ever... Chris, why the heck do you start such topics... why not some thing like when there were no toilet seats, did men and women fight about whether they should be seated or standing... in all probability, they did... I wonder what the martians think of this? by the way are there toilets UP there in the HEAVEN? and are they up or down ... in relation to us, they are always up, right??? ******crash *****boom **** my brain lay dead in stilled motion *** too much processing **see you * My regards, sudhir ![]() |
Poertree Senior Member
since 1999-11-05
Posts 1359UK |
~sigh~ yes Alicat i would care to expound. on the face of it my limerick is as you suggest outrageous nationalistic, jingoistic maybe even "egocentric and ethnocentric" - so much so in fact that, taken together with the brief earlier exchanges between Kamla and myself, I never dreamed that anyone would take it as anything other than part of a ridiculous bit of repartee between two friends ... once in a while my tactlessness gets me into trouble, and i should have know better than to post this in a forum where my idiotic inclination to say the opposite of what i mean and find it humourous isn't well known. as it is my poor attempt at humour directed at Kamla seems to have spilled over and caused you offense - for what it's worth my real views of England and the Crown are that they are both "ok", but emigration isn't something I'd rule out...lol meanwhile, if you wish to delete the post please do so with my blessing - the rhymes were horribly simplistic anyway ![]() and btw (even in these awkward circs) it's nice to meet you, and again my apologies philip |
jbouder Member Elite
since 1999-09-18
Posts 2534Whole Sort Of Genl Mish Mash |
Christopher: Put the stinking seat down, already, will ya? ![]() Alicat: Kinda strange seeing an American suggest anybody else could possibly be ethnocentric ... lol. ![]() Philip: Perhaps a correction is in order ... weren't Lady K's ancestor's criminals? If that happens to be the case, then is it proper to say that they "left" England's fair shore? ![]() ![]() ![]() Jim [This message has been edited by jbouder (edited 09-07-2000).] |
Severn Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704 |
Sigh...Jim...NO that's Australia...which was settled first as a convict state - it was in effect a great big prison: without walls... how convenient - lets get men and women (some poor beggars only stole bread to feed their families) and ship them off overseas so they can cut down all that nasty bush and make homes for the 'respectable' colonists... New South Wales - (where Maree lives lol) - was the first state there to be settled. NZ - In the late 1700's the first Europeans who settled here were whalers. Then settling fever hit...no criminals though. ![]() There you go Jim...a basic study of the colonialisation of Australasia....lol Ali - HUGS. ![]() |
Alicat Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
Posts 4094Coastal Texas |
No worries, Philip. Just hadn't had enough coffee in me at that moment. And Jim? Yeah, I'm an American...right after Texan, right after Scottish!!! ![]() Alicat the kilted Persnikitty |
Wesley the Blue Member
since 1999-09-02
Posts 426Forest Lake, MN, USA |
Ok, for the topic of whether or not the toilet seat should be left up or down, I say majority rule, and in case of no majority, wherever it my lie. Everyone should have enough sence in their heads to look before they leap. I live in, or used to live in, a house with three guy's (Father, brother, me) and one girl (mother) and there was a rule for the toilet seat. DOWN!!!!!!!!!! and I didnt like it, why should I have to put the seat down after Im done, I at least have the curtacy to pick it up if it is down before I do my buisness, and I bet you girls would prefer getting a wet behind from falling into the toilet than from us not picking the seat up because WE didnt look beforehand. |
juliet_2u Senior Member
since 2000-07-23
Posts 1125North Carolina |
LOL....Oh Chris I gotta thank ya for this one. Has made my morning. I've sat and giggled myself silly. I must respectfully ask though that you men put the darn seat DOWN. Main reason....when I get up at 3am and fall in the freakin toilet a mere towel does not cut it. This gal is gettin in the shower ( just a slight obsessive disorder I have, don't ask, not pretty ). Now once I finally get out of the shower at 3am somebodys gonna catch hell. Now we wouldn't want that would we, lol. And as far as this lookin before you leap business, I used to turn the light on but it caused a MAN to do much *****ing....Again thanks Christopher for stirring up all this humor. Loved it. Juls |
Poertree Senior Member
since 1999-11-05
Posts 1359UK |
Jim you sure like to live dangerously eh? ....: vouching for my character and trying to lecture LK in the same thread ... geez!!! ![]() thanks mate ("buddy" - over there i guess...lol) Lady K ..whalers aren't criminals?????????? Alicat a scottish persian cat !!!... OMGGGG !!! .. my favourite country AND my favourite variety of my favourite fauna - purrrrrr purrrrrrrrrr ![]() ![]() P PS to all resident whalers - just kiddin' right ![]() ![]() |
jbouder Member Elite
since 1999-09-18
Posts 2534Whole Sort Of Genl Mish Mash |
Now I know you're lying, Alicat! I watch "King of the Hill" ... any true Texan is just plain Texan! ![]() ![]() |
Severn Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
Posts 7704 |
C - something has been nagging me for awhile here... you said age-old... the debate isn't age-old... twasn't so long ago that chamber-pots were the, well, main vehicle... We would like to think it's age old for we women have had to suffer (yes - discount my old argument) for so many decades at the hands of inconsiderate men. (Inflammatory enough? Tell me if isn't...) ![]() |
SorrowsMystress Member
since 2000-04-01
Posts 178I'm a wanderer, a nomad...I don't live in one particular area, Just wherever I end up. |
Hmmm... here's what I think... A)if the majority of the house is men... then the seat stays up- and vise versa if it's women. B)Whoever pays the bills gets the choice (or whoever pays more... so forth and so on) C)If there is a pregnant woman in the house...the seat stays down till after the baby (because come on.. having something using your bladder as a punching bag makes you have to go quite quickly and frequently, and trust me, I would have NO TIME whatsoever to put the seat down the state I'm in lately. sheesh!) Other than that.... I say comprimise, or get a bachelor pad. "It was my love that did us both to death. " -Sylvia Plath |
WhtDove Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245Illinois |
Problem solved! Men get a urinal! Women have the toilet seat. ![]() It really doesn't matter to me. We have 3 girls in the house and 2 guys. So we rule, and boys drool...and that goes for going to the bathroom too! Even if you guys sit down, you still make a mess, and you don't clean it up. As for leaving the seat down?? Geez, I've done that, and the seat is wet, so please lift the dang thing up, it's not like it's really gonna matter, y'all can't aim that dang thing anyhow. You were given the GREAT OUTDOORS! Now that's big enough to aim, and NO ONE has to clean up after you! (hehehe) ![]() ![]() ![]() So either way it matters not if up or down. JUST CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF! LMBO at Ali! |
SorrowsMystress Member
since 2000-04-01
Posts 178I'm a wanderer, a nomad...I don't live in one particular area, Just wherever I end up. |
I LOVE the urinal idea "It was my love that did us both to death. " -Sylvia Plath |
English Rose Member
since 2000-08-20
Posts 211Berkshire, England |
Should you leave the seat up and a woman then fall prey to the open chasm there will be but one question and one question only on her mind................ Does my bum look big in this?????? |
Skyfyre Senior Member
since 1999-08-15
Posts 1906Sitting in Michael's Lap |
I say we leave it down and just let the guys use a tree. --Me ![]() YOUR LIFE IS A TEST It is only a test ... If this were your Actual Life, you would have been given better instructions! |
Erin Member Elite
since 2000-06-15
Posts 2527~Chicago~ |
Skyfyre~~~That is the best choice yet!!!But if the guys dont like getting bitten by bugs then they should put the seat down!!! |
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