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serenity blaze
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0 posted 2000-10-06 10:29 AM

Everyone should know by now that I am hedonistic and extremely self-indulgent...and it did occur to me, surely I am not the only one?  So...confession time!  Just whisper to me one or two or all of your guilty pleasures...I promise not to tell!

© Copyright 2000 serenity blaze - All Rights Reserved
doreen peri
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1 posted 2000-10-06 11:12 AM

you go first

[This message has been edited by doreen peri (edited 10-06-2000).]

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2 posted 2000-10-06 11:30 AM

you can't be SERIOUS....!!

this is gonna be one of the shortest threads in Passions serenity ... lol  

Member Rara Avis
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Purgatorial Incarceration
3 posted 2000-10-06 11:32 AM

That's so completely unfair...

Now I have to agree with PhiLLip


serenity blaze
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4 posted 2000-10-06 11:37 AM

Of course I'm serious...what is it doreen, "potted meat" sandwiches?..Fess up, you people!!!

Okay...I love tequila...and I chain smoke like mad...and men...and Herp Albert and Tijuana Brass, especially Tijuana Taxi...I like reading Star magazine, but only when I'm hungover...raw oysters....and...dancing in my drause to old Tina Turner songs...let's see...oh...and plastic pink  Wasn't that painless?

Local Rebel
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5 posted 2000-10-06 11:52 AM

kicking kitties...

ooops better not tell pandora...  

[This message has been edited by Local Rebel (edited 10-06-2000).]

serenity blaze
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6 posted 2000-10-06 12:00 PM

oh, and I forgot...kicking "kitty kickers"!
serenity blaze
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7 posted 2000-10-06 12:20 PM

sigh...I wasn't exactly asking where the bodies were buried (but Phillip, if you feel a need to unburden yourself of that info, I promise not to tell...LOL...)  now, I think I'll go take an afternoon nap, wanna be good and rested for The Jerry Springer Show...spoiled sports...grumble....
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8 posted 2000-10-06 12:39 PM

oh, and I forgot...kicking "kitty kickers"!

HA HA ...... ROTFLMAO..... brilliant serenity - and such a worthwhile occupation too ..... yeah yeah ~GRIN~


still not tellin' though !


also ... shut up chris  


bye for now


since 1999-07-26
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9 posted 2000-10-06 12:42 PM

i'd answer this quite honestly
if i had any guilt ...
but since i don't, i'll tell you
how what pleases me is built --
the thing i love to do the most
is slyly to chase birds,
meandering 'round trees and such
with rhymes and cryptic words.
not every bird, now mind you,
does pandora eye as prey,
there's some who are more appetizing,
that's all i can say.                                                                                                              

and so i sit beneath a tree
where hawks and such will perch,
and wait until i spy a wing --
ha! therein ends my search!!
this kitty cat can leap and pounce,
off logs and from the rocks
so i will say to birds today,
beware pandora's box!!

but if you'd like to have a nip,
serenity, my friend,
i'd gladly join you in a shot
and drink to now and then.
oh hell, let's drink to all the posts
right here at this website,
and when we're through, i'll toast to you
and then we'll say goodnight.
we'll wake up in the morning and
go out for the raw bar...

unless i've caught a bird or two,
then, i won't go too far...


< !signature-->

beware pandora's box...

[This message has been edited by pandora (edited 10-06-2000).]

serenity blaze
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10 posted 2000-10-06 01:19 PM

Thank you pandora, I knew that I could count on's a date!  and I was just kidding about Jerry Springer, haven't watched that one since they made them stop fighting!
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
11 posted 2000-10-06 02:29 PM

Great question! I'm so surprised no one is fessing up!!!!!

Come on! (I'll tell you later - I'm at work now and don't want to get caught typing my guilty pleasures!)

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
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12 posted 2000-10-06 02:38 PM

Oh but I have more...LOL...I like to eat Chinese food and watch Kung Fu reruns...I move people's bookmarks when they're not looking, I draw devil's horns and mustaches on the faces in the newspaper...and I love boiled crawfish, and yes--I SUCK DA HEADS!!!
Local Rebel
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13 posted 2000-10-06 02:46 PM

Come on over then... I'm makin Gumbo!
Local Rebel
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14 posted 2000-10-06 03:30 PM

Pandora says
beware the box
to not all birds
just mainly hawkes

she has no guilt
because she's free
to sit and wait
beneath a tree

but this old bird
says she can claim
to share her pleasure
without shame

but hawkes like cats
are pretty sly
and knows when caught
the fur will fly

so now he waits
pandora's feat
while sitting in
the cat-bird seat..

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
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15 posted 2000-10-06 03:33 PM

I guess the gumbo's "off" then, huh?
Local Rebel
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16 posted 2000-10-06 03:38 PM

nope -- got the file out as well as the crab boil.... weather is just right for it....  
Local Rebel
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Southern Abstentia
17 posted 2000-10-06 03:39 PM

you like da roux thin or thick?
doreen peri
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18 posted 2000-10-06 03:44 PM

"potted meat sandwiches"? ewwwwwww!

gumbo? stringy, gooey stuff!


Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
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Cape Cod Massachusetts USA
19 posted 2000-10-06 03:50 PM

I would NEVER suck the heads!! I don't eat raw fish either...
since 1999-07-26
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20 posted 2000-10-06 04:07 PM

i said "hawks", not "hawkes", dear wings!
(that rebel bird's quite clever!
i never mentioned him by name!
would i do that? no never!)
this kitty is a bit more slick
than what you might imagine -
she does not mention birds by name,
although that's out of fashion!

now, if you'd LIKE me to pursue
a HAWKE that is a rebel,
mewing can start right NOW, and you
will hear meows in treble....
so threaten me all that you'd like,
rebellious wing'ed poet,
and just dream on of flying fur -
dreams are just dreams, so know it!

because i said that i liked hawks,
i didn't point a finger...
but if you beckon me to come,
pandora's pounce might linger!
i never took too kindly to
big birds with words that threaten -
so please don't rub me wrong, dear wings,
pandora's box, you're bettin'!

rofl... meeeeeeeeeeeoooowwwta here

< !signature-->

beware pandora's box...

[This message has been edited by pandora (edited 10-06-2000).]

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
21 posted 2000-10-06 04:38 PM

OK - I'll admit it: I like to argue.

Sorry - didn't mean to shock you.



PhiLLip - Better yet, why don't we tell K to shut up before she gets here?!!


serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
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22 posted 2000-10-06 04:57 PM

AND I'll not argue that point, Christopher!
Love ya much anyway!

doreen peri
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23 posted 2000-10-06 04:57 PM

no you don't Christopher!!! i don't believe you said that about yourself! i can prove that this isn't true just by getting you links to your own words in these forums! i don't believe you said that about yourself. and don't argue with me about it because i don't like to argue.  
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
24 posted 2000-10-06 06:02 PM

geez Doreen - You're getting to be as bad as me and Pandora! Geez! Calm down!!!
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25 posted 2000-10-06 06:30 PM

Ok, I'll give in..*g*

Laughing when I should be worrying

Crying when I should be thinking I'm lucky

Yelling at the cat when he drops a dead mouse on the bed at 06:25am instead of saying "good boy Snoops, thanks for bring me a present"  Grrrr!

Being caught smiling at the nice guy's bum when his girlfriend catches my eye...ooops

Leaving today's bills unopened and having a cognac instead, the former will make me sad, the latter will make me hiccup...*g*

Ranting and raving and hitting the send button and then thinking, "oh well, it's gone now, can't get it back"  and wondering at the reaction...oooops

Feeling guilty all the time and thinking life is just too damned short...

Sleeping naked and loving the pleasure of smooth silky sheets...*g*

Answering the phone "I'm awfully sorry, I'm tied up right now, please leave a message and I'll return your call later when I'm untied" and laughing cause they don't realise I'm not an answering machine at all...*crazy humour*

Never feeling guilty when watching someone smile....

Boring life, huh?...ROFL, or maybe I just kept the bad bits to myself..*g*


serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
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26 posted 2000-10-06 06:55 PM

Reb, lots of okra, please!  and by the way, this was much better than Jerry Springer!
Member Empyrean
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
27 posted 2000-10-06 06:59 PM

I LOVE self-indulgence!

I just can't find anybody to do it with....

Deputy Moderator 1 TourDeputy Moderator 1 Tour
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28 posted 2000-10-06 07:05 PM

Jackie Chan movies
Star Trek
Peanut butter
Chicken Schwarama
And way too many other things for me to tell all of you!!!!


That which gives light must endure burning
--Victor Frankl

doreen peri
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29 posted 2000-10-06 10:12 PM

hehe.. this thread is getting quite comical... i'm waiting to read Sharon's response after she gets home from work... oh... wait! it's 10PM... are you there, sharon??? you said you had some things go add ... *g

oh, and i just realized that i haven't expressed my answer to this thread.... but... i'll wait for Sharon...

sharon, you go first  

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
30 posted 2000-10-06 10:45 PM

Guilty pleasures -

Staying home from work when I'm not sick and taking time out for a 'fantasy nap' in the afternoon.

Novels by Joan Smith (ok, I admit it. Regency novels that take me about 2 hours to read. When I'm 'hiding' from the world, they help me escape.

Rice Krispie treats.

serenity blaze
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31 posted 2000-10-06 10:51 PM

Cute.  Yer very cute. was just a little "cat-nap"!!!  (another guilty pleasure?  rof...L?)
Member Elite
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In the space between moments
32 posted 2000-10-06 11:07 PM

Guilty pleasures, eh?  I have a few...

Being able to just stare at Abrahm (my boyfriend) when he's driving...I love to just watch him.

Ritz crackers, salami, and cheese....yum...  

Coloring in coloring books....yes, I'm nearly 17, but I still love to do that...  

Driving by myself at night with all the windows open and the radio blaring....I love that.  

Well, that's all I can think of at the moment....good idea here, serenity!  

*Krista Knutson*

"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart." -Confucious

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33 posted 2000-10-06 11:38 PM

Guilty pleasures? Nope, not me...I'm innocent and pure...don't smoke, don't drink. Well, I guess it depends on what you consider guilty--I swear sometimes (not that that's a big pleasure, but you know what I'm saying), and I do enjoy magazines like Cosmo and Glamour. Then of course there's chocolate   and all the time I spend online when I should be doing real work.  


Something sweet, something sort of grandish, sweeps my soul when thou art near...
[email protected]

Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
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Hurricane Alley
34 posted 2000-10-07 12:12 PM


Member Rara Avis
since 1999-06-15
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Mobile, AL
35 posted 2000-10-07 01:50 AM

Hmm..I'm not sure what that really means, but I'll give it a try.

* Taking time to actually let a strange stare of appreciation know I noticed by smiling back.

*  Sharing fantasies with trusted friends.

I'm sure there are more, but I can't think of any right now.  

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
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36 posted 2000-10-07 02:24 AM

An "oooohhhhh" for word, and worth much thought...I like it...grin...

OH?  AND Dor--ee--een!!!  Methinks your number's up.

Give it a whirl, m'girl....I know there's stories there....wink

[This message has been edited by serenity (edited 10-07-2000).]

Senior Member
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37 posted 2000-10-07 12:50 PM

sheesh ....this thread SHOULD have been short ...just goes to show there's wayyyyyy too much "indiscretion" hereabouts ...

er.....or should that be "trust"...

or maybe ... "stupidity"  

or there again .... "brazeness"  

or "exhibitionism"  

or just plain "desperation"  



sounds like a good plan ....though she's suspiciously quiet ..wonder why!  ...phiLip


still not playin' though  

serenity blaze
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38 posted 2000-10-07 02:02 PM

Then that is IT!!!  You are a TEASE...and that is your guilty pleasure!  I'll just bet, Phillip, that you wear tiger striped thongs--and boast little dimples in places where no smile belongs.....and, and, YAWN...gee, sharon, I'm feeling a bit sleepy...what hath I wrought?  
doreen peri
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39 posted 2000-10-07 02:39 PM

Ok, I'm back. Seems my name has been called and I guess the jig is up. So, let's cut to the chase.... "guilty pleasures"?, asks serenity....ok, I will answer in verse....

no guilt I feel from pleasures taken,
lest my heart has been mistaken.
simple things complete my pleasures -
ice cream cones with double measures,
cabernet, shrimp peel-and-eat,
pool halls and kind words, too sweet,
riding down a highway, smiling,
notes for poems in books, compiling,
talks of dreams all filled with rhyming,
music, danced out to heart's timing,
books and books-on-tape complete me,
friends I've never met to meet me,
roller skates on kids in kitchens,
sweaters fit with double-stitchin's,
chopin, stevie ray, and jagger,
moon's dark side can make me stagger,
coffee, cream, shared in the morning,
thunderstorms without a warning,
walking solitaire on beaches,
honesty, and all it teaches,
words from caring love's protection,
confidences resurrected,
trust and hope and parlayed wishes,
dining on blue willow dishes,
holidays while family gathers,
bubble baths, vanilla lathers,
tanned skin soaking sun's illusion,
forgive myself of life's confusion,
watching films on television,
discussing plato and religion,
reading shakespeare by the fire,
rock-n-roll and blues inspire,
short sonatas on pianos,
harmonizing with sopranos,
brunch out on an autumn sunday,
constellationed skies on monday,
on and on and on i ramble,
pleasures taken are no gamble,
no guilt i feel from joys and pleasure,
peaceful breezes while in leisure.
no guilt I feel from pleasures taken,
lest my heart has been mistaken.

~ all you can really ever expect out of life is a sincere apology and some decent poetry ~

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40 posted 2000-10-07 03:08 PM


well really!!  who CAN you trust??  

ok ..ok.. serenity fess up - which of them was it, eh? .....

Kamla, Maree or Chris??

my bet is Chris coz i'm sure i was in my cheetah spotted one with maree and i could've sworn i didn't bother at all with kamla       

tsssskkk ...just can't trust nobody nowadays!!


Doreen - she said "guilty pleasures" ... not everyday normal necessities  

[This message has been edited by Poertree (edited 10-07-2000).]

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
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41 posted 2000-10-07 03:15 PM

doreen---I thought that was beautiful---should be posted in open, I think.  It was almost as stunning as the sight of Phillip--
dimples dappling like a dream....

uh--scuze me, Mr. Christopher, but does that qualify as alliteration?

[This message has been edited by serenity (edited 10-07-2000).]

Senior Member
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42 posted 2000-10-07 03:43 PM

lol ms serenity .. you are quite funny  

k ..a deal ... you QUIT spellin' my name with two "L"'s and i will divulge?

yes? no?


MR christoper (now that IS an


sorry Doreen in all the excitement i forgot to say it was a good poem    

serenity blaze
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43 posted 2000-10-07 04:05 PM

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44 posted 2000-10-07 04:29 PM transposed the rogue "L" from "philip" to "divulge"  

i don't trust it not to sneak back again .. eradicate it totally please ..then i'll feel safe    

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
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45 posted 2000-10-07 04:43 PM

sigh...twas a joke, POERTREE...Now, peruse this, and...can you guess what's missing from this statement?  That's right!  Not a one in the bunch!  Good going, Sherlock!

(aw, damn...)

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46 posted 2000-10-07 05:05 PM

~sigh~ ~sigh~ .... umm i rather thought it was a joke .. but you never can be too sure where these "L's" are concerned (ask Chris)... anyway i hate "Poertree" more even than "Phillip" (ask Chris that as well), and moreover ..... hey am i'm beginning to sound prissy here? well we english can be like yanno ...

anyway i just went all shy again, and it's bedtime here .. maybe i'll see what i feel like in the morning  

night serenity  


Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
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47 posted 2000-10-07 07:00 PM

Suspiciously quiet eh?

Yeah..yeah..I have one or two...

certain PLAYsures...

heh heh heh

but I'm not TOO guilty about it...

PHIL thing you need to realiZe - you and C could never ever get me to shut up.
Nor would you really want me too either...

(cause then you'd have no one to be mean to...)

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-08-02
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Purgatorial Incarceration
48 posted 2000-10-07 10:05 PM

Sorry P - She must have read my diary or something... darn - knew I shouldn't have posted it on the Internet... and submitted it to all those search engines... and posted pictures along with it...

Oh well... one word:



K - Shut up.

[This message has been edited by Christopher (edited 10-07-2000).]

Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-17
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49 posted 2000-10-07 10:38 PM

Neigh I say!

You've tried before - futiley of course since the both of you are so USELESS.

What would the world be without the wonders of my voice? How would you cope then C..?

but if you really want me to...sure...ok...

I'll chew away quietly and not speak again...

it would only be a matter of time..


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50 posted 2000-10-08 05:22 AM

C and LK ... wondered when you two would show up .. ever thought about the stage?? lol


i thought about it over night and decided i lied   ... i'd rather put up with the two L's .....sorrrrreeeeeee  


serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
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51 posted 2000-10-08 09:09 AM

Philip, I've been thinking too...and it's okay.  You see, I got an e mail yesterday from someone who shall remain anonymous, so for the purpose of this post, I shall call them, Anon.  Anon stated that I was remiss throughout this entire thread, as I was asking of the forum what I could not seem to produce myself.  Anon was referring to my on-going battle with chemical dependance.  Now I'm not even sure if that is a proper term--some days it is more like a love affair than a battle.  But I did think about it, Anon, and while my starting post did not ask for ALL of one's guilty pleasures, I agree that in the spirit of honest self-inventory, I would indeed be remiss if I did not at least mention it.  So, Guilty?  ABSOLUTELY.  I confess.  I am thirty-nine years old.  I started getting high when I was nine. That's thirty years of self-delusion.  I was molested at age seven by a neighborhood boy. (teen-ager, actually)  I was his continued sexual experiment for two years, until he finally moved away.  Ironically enough, I started "using" at that time, and never stopped.  But I am confused at this point as to whether or not I can consider this "pleasure".  Perhaps it is the absence of pain that I mistook for pleasure.  There are days when I wake up, and I am shaking like a chihuahua.  (Like right now--smile with me, please.) Maybe this is more of a debate for the philosophy forum--I have described it to another friend as being as natural to me as reaching for a warm blanket when I'm cold.  But I'm unsure as to whether that can be construed as "pleasure".  I did not begin this odyssey to feel good, I began with the desire to feel NOTHING.  So for what it's worth, Anon, here is your reply.
Perhaps it is a guilty pleasure of yours to watch me running naked through the forum.  I'll leave that one for YOU to think about.  So on that note, I'll close this wordy business by stating it was never my intention to cause anyone any pain.  This was all done in a spirit of "fun", but I thank you for the "think"--and to the rest of the forum may I add my gratitude, and a bit of advice?  Don't be too hard on yourselves.  It is my humble opinion (of course) that if any of us were perfect we would not be here.  So hugs to all, and have a peaceful Sunday--and brrr---it's a bit cold in here...grin.  Just kidding people.


Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
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Hurricane Alley
52 posted 2000-10-08 01:06 PM

Tell 'Anon' that those without sin should cast the first stone.

Serenity - I KNEW you were that cute Taco Bell dog!!!  

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53 posted 2000-10-08 04:52 PM

This was all done in a spirit of "fun"

and it WAS fun   ..... thanks for starting the thread serenity you are one honest and brave person ...

i never hug in public (i'm all english reserve yanno!) but there ya go ...



(edit: the HUG didn't materialise first time round ...sheesh)  

[This message has been edited by Poertree (edited 10-08-2000).]

serenity blaze
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54 posted 2000-10-08 06:14 PM

Sharon--thank you.  (and ouch...stoned again?)  

Philip--thank you also, my new-found friend!
You are quite funny yourself, y'know!

and to Anon--I appreciate the gracious apology, and friends again, I hope.  

Local Rebel
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Southern Abstentia
55 posted 2000-10-09 11:23 AM


Is the bad kitty gonna scratch me?  growl...

Ok- guilty pleasure -- getting scratched by kitties...

Serentity -- OKRA???  yuck...

the proper ingredients for gumbo --

roux -- ( my secret recipe sorry can't reveal it)

sausage (I use the fat free turkey these days)
white fish or tuna (or white tuna)
crawfish tails

optional -- chicken

but no OKRA!!! lol

Local Rebel
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since 1999-12-21
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Southern Abstentia
56 posted 2000-10-09 11:27 AM

oops forgot the all important bay leaf....  
serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
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57 posted 2000-10-09 12:04 PM

But I LIKE it slimy...
Senior Member
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Loomis, CA
58 posted 2000-10-10 02:56 PM

Only one guilty pleasure here - exhibitionism... gotta show, gotta show...

Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn.

Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so.
B. Russell

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Loomis, CA
59 posted 2000-10-10 04:40 PM

Tuna in gumbo?  yeeeeuuuuuuucccckkkkkk!  crawdads, and anything with shells maybe, but never tuna or scaly fish...

what about the worsteshire and the tobasco, and don't forget the Essence so you can kick it up a notch! BAM!

Yesterday is ash, tomorrow is smoke; only today does the fire burn.

Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so.
B. Russell

serenity blaze
Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
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60 posted 2000-10-11 02:19 AM

A gumbo is not an exact recipe.
Local Rebel
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since 1999-12-21
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Southern Abstentia
61 posted 2000-10-11 10:46 AM

if it's seafood gumbo a base fish is required... lol...

if it's just chicken and sausage gumbo then nuh huh....

if it's okra and tomato paste gumbo then -- it aint on my table.... lol...  

serenity blaze
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62 posted 2000-10-11 11:41 AM

and in THIS house?  AIN'T NO SUCH THING AS LEFTOVER GUMBO.  And a recipe?  Shrug.  Depends on me mood, and whatever happens to be the freshest ingredients on hand...and I'm sure that yours is delicious too, Reb.

But nobody can tell ya HOW...making gumbo is one of the "sensual arts"...

Irish Rose
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63 posted 2000-10-12 07:56 AM

I love spam!!!!!!!


serenity blaze
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since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738

64 posted 2000-10-12 10:11 AM whole life is like this, people.  I am not making this up as I go along....
Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
Posts 5372
Ontario, CANADA
65 posted 2000-10-12 08:01 PM

oops sorry for posting twice!

[This message has been edited by Melissa Honeybee (edited 10-12-2000).]

Member Ascendant
since 1999-12-26
Posts 5372
Ontario, CANADA
66 posted 2000-10-12 08:02 PM

I have a feeling that I'm a bit too late to answer this guilty pleasures...hmmm

-SHOES! SHOES! SHOES!  World of shoes in Toronto is my disneyland!!

-Spicy red barbeque DORITOS baby!  

-Dr. Pepper  

-Dark haired exotic men with accents  

-Men in uniform: Officers (think "Officer and A Gentlemen), Truck drivers and Baseball players  

-The Treasure trail, it drives me wild     any exotic dark haired men with accents out there who wears a uniform?!!   he he he

The beauty of poetry gives my soul wings to fly free within dreams

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