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Awake Again, Naturally |
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Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Well, here I am. Two A.M. and I can't sleep. Thank God for the late night ICQ friends I have tonight. Why is it that some people can sleep the minute their head hits the pillow? I toss and turn. Think about today. Think about tomorrow. Think about what I did. Think about what I didn't do. Sigh! Please don't offer solutions (warm milk! yuck) (sleeping pills - don't do drugs of any kind except an occasional aspirin) (exercise - done that, doesn't help). I just want to wallow in my midnight misery...now there's an idea for a poem... Here in my midnight misery seeking darkling company time to think rattles my head wish I found sleep within my bed. Sigh..ok so it sucks.. |
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serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
"darkling company?" HEY!! I resemble that remark...dream sweet, sharon...lol |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
...and here I am.. I've been on the forums since 6:30... and YOU're no doubt snugly soundly sleeping in your comfy bed... ![]() |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Nope, not me! |
Sven![]() ![]()
since 1999-11-23
Posts 14937East Lansing, MI USA |
Time rattles your head??? Well, at least I was able to get SOME sleep. . . *sigh*. . . ![]() ------------------------------------------------------ That which gives light must endure burning --Victor Frankl |
Dopey Dope![]()
Member Patricius
since 2000-08-30
Posts 11132San Juan, Puerto Rico |
Hey I was online until 4am. Beat that! ![]() I was born myself, raised myself, and will continue to be myself. The world will just have to adjust. I hate your socks. I'd like to burn them! |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
Sorry, Sharon, I'm am one of those lucky ones who is alseep before my head hits the pillow. The only advice that I might be able to offer is to try to clear your mind of all thoughts of yesterday, today or tomorrow. That may be what is keeping you awake. Denise |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
How do I clear my mind? Never been able to do it..try as I might, the brain just won't stop working! Well, I didn't mean it that way I guess..just that I'm not the type to ever NOT be thinking... |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-08-22
Posts 22648 |
I don't know how you do it!! I'm just able to make my mind go to a blank screen, so to speak, like turning off the television or radio. Maybe you could try it for a second or two and build from there...sort of like 'blank mind moments'...hehehe....well, it's worth a try! ![]() Denise |
Poertree Senior Member
since 1999-11-05
Posts 1359UK |
I have a sure fire way to send you to sleep Sharon..... go type a long reply to the thread i just posted ........lol.... ![]() insomniacs do it for longer... ![]() see ya P |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
"Blank Mind Moments"? I've read some poetry written in those moments...not by any of YOU of course!!! LOL ![]() |
Member Elite
since 2000-01-08
Posts 4697 |
I'm used to being lulled to sleep by the trains passing by my house. Whenever I go away, I take my portable CD player. Yep, 98 degrees sings me to sleep. Music is a great relaxation tool. Just a little suggestion... "Where there is great love there are always miracles" -Cather "Love heals everything, and love is all there is"- Zukav |
Member Rara Avis
since 1999-05-19
Posts 8669Michigan, US |
quote: I'm with you, Sharon. Even after two years of Ratha Yoga (a long time ago) and a half-hearted attempt at Transcendental Meditation, I've always found it impossible to tell my brain to stop thinking. I can hold my breath longer than I can stop a thought from entering my mind. I did, however, find a technique that seems to work for me. The problem isn't really that you can't stop thinking, but rather that you can't stop caring - which inevitably leads to more thinking. So, instead, try directing your mind towards something wholly unimportant to you. Something so unrealistic, so impossible, you can't possibly "care" because you don't for a moment believe it. Fantasize! (And Christopher, get your mind outta the gutter, please). For me, that usually involves some non-human, very unscientific ability, like breathing under water (I've explored most of the ocean) or flying (I graduated to outer space years ago). It's hard to think about "real life" when you've just discovered that the rings of Saturn are composed of fairies and responsible for much of Earth's mythology. I find that a really good fantasy will last about a month, with each night representing about a thirty minute "chapter" in the story. Oh, I almost forgot - your fantasy has to be a total cliché, too. Otherwise, you're liable to find yourself back at the keyboard, writing a new story instead of falling asleep. ![]() |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Ron, by the time I got to your last paragraph, I'd already thought about the Reckless Fairies of Saturn's Rings and how to write about their escapades... Is it possible to care too much? To dream too much? To think too much? I've always had this problem. My doctor told me to take Benadryl to help me sleep and it works, but I don't like to do that! Ron if you got ICQ, we could 'chat' the night away...I love talking to serenity in the middle of the night, we get really goofy!! Well, I do...she's so erudite and full of grace and sweet at all hours! (am I forgiven for the darkling remark?) ![]() |
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-20
Posts 21191Cape Cod Massachusetts USA |
... and you could chat with me all day... then you wouldn't have to worry about sleeping...WHASKOTL |
Poet deVine
Member Seraphic
since 1999-05-26
Posts 22612Hurricane Alley |
Nan, I would love to chat with you all day but I have to work!! And they won't let me download ICQ on my computer...which is a GOOD thing! ![]() |
WhtDove Member Rara Avis
since 1999-07-22
Posts 9245Illinois |
Ah, I went to bed at 2, and I believe I just went out! LOL Now, I'm so aggrivated who knows if I'll sleep. And who knows if I'll have a puter tomorrow ![]() ![]() ![]() But I wasn't up as early as you either...hehe I slept until 10:30. Sometimes I find it really hard to shut the mind down too, it just wanders from one thing to the next. So what do I do? Stay up late, get exhausted, go to bed, and WHAM out like a night. LOL |
serenity blaze Member Empyrean
since 2000-02-02
Posts 27738 |
Goofy? Puh-lease!!! My very sensibilities have been offended! (Sharon gets 'Goofy'---I've got a Bugs Bunny obsession myself!) Uh-oh..sorry, it must be nearing Looney Tune time....T-th-th-at's All, Folks!!!! |
SorrowsMystress Member
since 2000-04-01
Posts 178I'm a wanderer, a nomad...I don't live in one particular area, Just wherever I end up. |
*Sigh* I know how you feel all too well! In the last 7 years, I have literally not been to sleep BEFORE 5 a.m. I'm thankful for the night owls on Firetalk that keep me company. If I even TRY to lie down at oh, say, 2 a.m., I will toss and turn, then think about all kinds of things, try to clear my mind (easier said than done!) and end up watching t.v. till about 5:30 or 6 a.m. *sigh* I have to be up by 7:30 tomorrow morning, and I keep telling myself "I'll go to bed early tonight"... I already know what will happen. I'll *finally* shut off the computer, take a nice warm bath, read, lie down, close my eyes, just to have them pop wide open. Can't take any pills (pregnant), can't drink warm milk (milk makes me sick), reading doesn't help. I guess we're just cursed! lol... Oh yeah....I'm also sooo jealous of those who can just fall right asleep as soon as they lie down. GRRRRRRR you lucky people! < !signature--> "It was my love that did us both to death. " -Sylvia Plath [This message has been edited by SorrowsMystress (edited 11-27-2000).] |
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