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since 2003-02-20
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Saluting with misty eyes

0 posted 2006-07-04 10:59 AM

I would like to take this moment to wish everyone here a very happy, healthy, and safe holiday. If you are going to be indulginig in adult beverages, please have somoeone else drive you home, and stay out of the sun while doing so to prevent dehydration. I would like to see everyone back here tomorrow.

I would also like to take this few seconds of your time to remind you, while you are eating your 3rd hamburger, or your 8th hot dog, or whatever, to remember those who left their blood across this land 231 years ago to bring about a new form of government where everyone in the country could think the way they felt, and could be free from a man who many called a tyrant. Also take a few seconds to remember the French who came here from another land and who died to give us those rights of freedom from oppression. Although it was not their rights and their freedoms they were fighting for, without these warriors stepping in and helping to expel our agressors, we would not have been able to have the freedoms people all over the world so desperately desire.

Also, if you happen to have the time as you are opening another beer, take a bit of time to toast those of our warriors who are not home today. Tip one to those of our brothers and sisters who are off fighting in a foreign land to give them the rights and freedoms from oppression. Although it is not their own rights, nor ours, that they are fighting for, without those warriors stepping in and helping to expel those who would contiue to oppress the people of that land, they will not be able to have the freedom that everyone around that land so desparately desire.

"... the rest is silence"
from the song The Flesh Failures

© Copyright 2006 Bradly Stott - All Rights Reserved
Member Empyrean
since 1999-06-25
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Listening to every heart
1 posted 2006-07-04 01:47 PM

God bless you, Ringo.

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since 2001-08-14
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Canada eh.
2 posted 2006-07-04 04:15 PM

..and God Bless America.
Member Elite
since 1999-05-23
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Coastal Texas
3 posted 2006-07-04 04:49 PM

Agreed!  I was watching Discovery with Jesse James in Iraq and I darn near cried.  I love those guys and gals and wish I was 'playing in the sand'.  But things happened during enlistment, then my problematic right wrist gave out.  All things for a reason, I reckon.  Had I enlisted, when my wrist gave from one-too-many-pushups I would've been a liability and would've been MED'ed out again to my shame.

One thing I saw on that show was Jesse visiting the damaged troops, then being invited into the insurgent area where American medics were trying to save the lives of those who had tried, and sometimes succeeded, in killing our troops.  Jesse's look was cold, and when asked, the medics responded 'We're Americans, it's what we do.'

So as I sip a glass of Scoth southpaw, I raise it in hallowed salute to our forebears, ancestors and soldiers.  I salute those who gave their all in the Revolution, 1812, Civil, Spanish, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Gulf, Afghan and Iraq.  I toast those who built roads and infrastructure throughout the Continental US and Alaska, the ACoE, and the National Guard, Air Guard and Coast Guard who defend the domestic rights of others, save those who cannot save themselves, and take protective measures to ensure the safety and security of our great land.

In spite of antagonistic aetheists, God Bless America!

The Shadow in Blue
since 2006-05-18
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EL, Michigan
4 posted 2006-07-04 05:54 PM

All I can say is a hearty Aye Aye Captain. God bless the troops that are doing their duty for liberty and free speech. Oh and have a great 4th of July everyone!

My heart goes out to the ones overseas
risking their lives for the freedoms of others
and instead of fleeing when the going gets tough
sticking around and defending their post

So to the camoflauged warriors I give you my strength
And with a far off hug I send my love
For without you this world would be a far worse place
So in honor of you I raise my glass to your health

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since 1999-06-05
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Ft. Lauderdale, Fl USA
5 posted 2006-07-04 11:26 PM

Amen, Ringo!

Mistletoe Angel
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Portland, Oregon
6 posted 2006-07-06 02:08 AM

I may be one day late here (I was out most of the day at a veteran service and the Waterfront Blues Festival most of the day, LOL!) but I just wanted to say out loud from the bottom of my heart:

Also, I want to say, regardless of my opinions of many wars our government sends our young men and women in uniform to fight, all politics aside they are fulfilling a most brave and noble cause to protect our way of life and our indivisible colors which we share together heart to heart, and that is to be commended.

So let us continue each day to give them the thunderous applause and support they deserve.

God Bless y'all, and God Bless this nation, from sea to shining sea, and all alabaster cities gleaming in-between!

Noah Eaton

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other"

Mother Teresa

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